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        검색결과 33

        2021.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018년 7월 13일부터 2019년 10월 29일까지 1년 3개월 동안, 총 306개 국외 발 국내 입항 선박을 대상으로 한국 미분포 편승자 해충 (not-distributed hitchhiker insect pests in Korea)에 대한 모니터링을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 총 805개체의 편승자 해충을 확보하였으며, 이를 통합 분류학적 종동정 방법(integrative identification method)을 이용하여 총 12목 78과 379종으로 동정하였다. 이 중 7목 21과 42종 67개체 의 한국 미분포종이 확인되었는데, 10종이 다중검출된 것으로 나타났으며, 그 중 7종은 2018년도에 이어 2019년도에도 검출된 것으로 확인되었다. 또한, 농림축산검역본부에 관리해충으로 등재되어 있는 Erthesina fullo (Pentatomidae, Hemiptera)와 Tessaratoma papilosa (Tessaratomidae, Hemiptera)가 검출되었다. 이에 따라, 검출된 미분포종의 사전 조사 및 모니터링 방안 마련뿐만 아니라 침입종(invasive species) 내지 침입 가능종(invasive likelihood species)에 대한 위험성 평가를 위한 data sheet를 제공하였다.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2018년 6월 1일부터 9월 17일까지 109일 동안, 총 112개 국외 발 국내 입항 선박을 대상으로 편승자 해충(hitchhiker insect pests)에 대한 모니터링을 실시하였다. 그 결과, 총 336개체의 편승자 해충을 확보하였으며, 이를 통합 분류학적 종동정 방법(integrative identification method)을 이용하여 9목 47과 159종으로 동정하였다. 이 중 총 3목 9과 14종의 한국 미분포종(not-distributed species)이 확인되어 보고하며, 검출된 미분포종에 대해서 침입종(invasive species) 내지 침입 가능종(invasive likelihood species)에 대한 위험성 평가를 위한 data sheet를 제공하였다. 또한, 미기록(unrecorded species), 미보고종(unreported species) 내지 신기록종(new recorded species)과 용어의 혼동을 피하기 위하여 본 연구에서는 미분포종(not-distributed species)을 제안하여 사용하였다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Mobile shopping motivations affects the interaction between mobile shoppers and mobile retailers. This study examines how mobile shopping motivations affect value co-creation, customer equity drivers, and customer lifetime value through a structural equation model. Mobile shopping motivations as mobile shoppers’ needs are time saving, right purchase and money saving. To meet mobile shoppers’ needs, mobile shoppers, mobile retailers, and other customers are willing to collaborate. Value co-creation that Yi and Gong (2013) scaled includes customer participation behaviour such as information seeking, information sharing, responsible behaviour, and personal interaction, and customer citizenship behaviour such as feedback, helping, advocacy, and tolerance. The results indicate that mobile shopping motivations are significant determinants of value co-creation behaviours, implying that mobile shopping motivations are driving factors of value co-creation. Customer participation behaviour has significant effects on value equity and brand equity while customer citizenship behaviour shows positive effects on brand equity and relationship. As for customer lifetime value, relationship equity has significant positive effect, while value and brand equity had no significant influence. This study also shows that mobile shopping motivations affect both value equity and relationship equity of mobile shopping apps by improving information sharing, responsible behaviour, and personal interaction, feedback, helping, and advocacy. Value equity and relationship equity also have significant effects on customer lifetime value. The authors discuss the theoretical and managerial implications for their findings.
        2017.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to examine how the mobile social network service experience affects value co-creation and customer lifetime value. The mobile social network service experience includes mobile convenience, social compatibility, social risk, and cognitive effort. The research hypotheses with structural equation modeling are tested. In mobile SNS context, value co-creation behaviors essentially determine customer lifetime value of mobile shopping apps. Value co-creation behaviors have received little attention in mobile shopping. The mobile SNS experience strongly influences value co-creation behaviors. This study is based on a sample of mobile SNS users nationwide in Korea. Therefore, the generalizability of the findings has to be tested. Furthermore, the study examines customer lifetime value, which is good sales predictor of mobile shopping apps. Moreover, the research model included the positive and negative determinants on mobile SNS experience. Future researches examine other use intentions of mobile SNS. Value co-creation behaviors substantially affect customer lifetime value. Mobile shopping apps should increase customer lifetime value from mobile SNS experience and value co-creation. This study shows how individual mobile SNS user provides mobile shopping apps with profit through value co-creation. This study is the first to examine how mobile SNS users enhance value co-creation and how value cocreation behaviors affect customer lifetime value of mobile SNS users.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The advent of smart shopping environments including innovative information technology, advanced delivery systems, and extended smart phone use has rapidly changed the shopping methods and activities of the consumers. They have chosen smart shopping with greater frequency, which minimizes the use of time, money, effort and energy to buy the right products and to gain shopping experiences such as hedonic and utilitarian feelings (Atkins and Kim, 2012). The concept of smart shopping is based on value co-creation which can be explained as the value from the outcome of interaction between firms and consumers (Grönroos, 2011, Vargo and Lusch, 2004). In the value co-creation process, smart shoppers are willing to perform customer participation behaviors such as information seeking, information sharing, responsible behavior, and personal interaction, and to show customer citizenship behaviors such as feedback, advocacy, helping, and tolerance (Yi and Gong 2013). In smart shopping, a consumer involves in shopping experiences through product purchases and while engaged via the shopping environments such as an elaborate store design, educational events, recreation, and entertainment (Fiore and Kim, 2007). These shopping experiences, which contain both hedonic and utilitarian value (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982), are better explained by consumer processes, responses on the shopping environment, situation, and consumer characteristics (Fiore and Kim, 2007). The attributes of shopping experience are symbolic, hedonic, and aesthetic (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982) and utilitarian and hedonic (Kim, Lee and Park, 2014). Smart shoppers who are involved with value co-creation obtain hedonic benefits with emotional, funny, and enjoyable feelings and along with utilitarian benefits such as rational, functional, task-related experiences (Holbrook and Hirschman, 1982). The value co-creation and the shopping experience lead to greater customer equity such as value equity, brand equity, and relationship equity (Lemon, Rust, and Zeithamal 2001). Based on previous literature review, the authors constructed the following hypotheses. First, smart shopping will have positive effects on value co-creation, the shopping experience, and customer equity. Second, the smart shopping will have positive effects on both value co-creation and the shopping experience. Third, value cocreation will have positive effects on the shopping experience. Fourth, value cocreation and the shopping experience will have positive effects on customer equity. The authors collected the data based on questionnaires from mobile smart shoppers. The SPSS 20 and AMOS 20 statistical programs will be used for the data analysis. The analysis found the positive influence that smart shopping has on value co-creation and the shopping experience, and customer equity. This is the first study that shows these relationships from an empirical point-of-view. The findings of the study have useful managerial implications on the effects of value co-creation on both smart shoppers and firms. Value co-creation will provide smart shoppers with better product or service quality and enhance firms with more valuable customer equity. The greater shopping experience is the greater customer equity that will be developed. Value co-creation also will give firms a strong competitive advantage in terms of an organization’s learning, brand perception, reduced risk, improvement of customer relationships, and lowering cost for marketing, and research and development. The study has limitations. First, other potential variables of the value co-creation influencing new service development, customer loyalty, and customer satisfaction etc, could be considered. Second, the length of the relationship between smart shoppers and the service provider in value co-creation process should be considered. Third, the study needs to be generalized to cross sectional research beyond smart shopping area. Finally, to examine the effects of value co-creation and the shopping experience on customer equity, future research could investigate how value co-creation and the shopping experience affect the objective financial performance of a firm.
        2010.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Osteogenic sarcoma is primary malignant bone tumor. It can arise de novo or from the benign precursors lesions, like Paget’s disease, giant cell tumor, chronic osteomyelitis, osteoblastoma, and fibrous dysplasia. Here, we present a case of osteogenic sarcoma arising from florid osseous dysplasia appearing as a rapidly growing bony bulging mass in 44‐year‐old Korean female who had at first been non‐symptomatic, but later suffered from the numbness of chin and lower lip. The radiologic images revealed the mixed radiopaque‐ radiolucent intraosseous lesions throughout the mandible, which were diagnosed as florid osseous dysplasia pathologically. But only after 6 months, the lesions were substituted by the radiological ill‐defined diffuse bony sclerotic lesion with bone destruction, accompanying the interrupted periosteal bone formation, which were pathologically diagnosed as osteogenic sarcomas. These serial clinicopathologic changes imply the malignant progression of florid osseous dysplasia rather than the collision of benign condition, florid osseous dysplasia and malignant tumor, osteogenic sarcoma. The possibility for fibro‐osseous lesion of the jaw as premalignant lesion should not be overlooked; therefore, periodic check‐ups for the lesions are necessary. Proper evaluation and interpretation for clinical neural symptom and radiologic change of bone density may lead to the correct differential diagnosis and therapeutic intervention.
        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Facial numbness restricted to the distribution of the mental nerve(mental neuropathy) is called "numb chin syndrome". The clinical importance of this syndrome is associated with first recognition of involvement of malignant diseases. The malignant neoplasm with numb chin syndrome show rapid progression and high mortality. We present a 43-year-old female who had been treated by radiotherapy for precursor T-cell leukemia/lymphoma involving the central nervous system( CNS) previously and later developed mental nerve invasion without central nervous system recurrence. MRI images revealed the CNS tumor mass remitted, and there was no identified peripheral nervous system(PNS) involvement including the mental nerve invasion, nevertheless the patient complained of consistent numbness and pain on right mandibular area. This is the first case of precursor T-cell leukemia/lymphoma accompanying mental nerve invasion without recurrence for central nervous system. Proper interpretation for mental neuropathy may lead to the prompt diagnosis and therapeutic intervention.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Epithelial-mesenchymal transition (EMT) can play an important role in carcinogenesis of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC). EMT is characterized by morphological and phenotypical change of epithelial cells into mesenchymal cells, and transcriptional repressor of E-cadherin, Snail is critical for EMT. In order to investigate the role of Snail and E-cadherin in OSCC, we analyzed the immunohistochemical pattern of Snail and E-cadherin in 18 OSCCs. The expression of Snail in the OSCC was increased whereas the expression of E-cadherin in the OSCC was decreased in comparison with those of normal oral mucosa, showing reverse correlation. Especially, the fibroblasts near the islands of OSCC showed the positivity of Snail, suggesting the reactive fibroblasts to the EMT of epithelial tumor cells. In metastatic squamous cell carcinoma in cervical lymph node, the positivity of Snail of tumor cells was higher than that of primary OSCC. We concluded that the increased Snail expression and the decreased E-cadherin expression were involved in the progression, invasion and metastasis of OSCC.
        2007.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Wntsignaling is involved in the normal development and tumorigenesis via epithelial- mesenchymal transition (EMT). init iated by down-regul ation of E-cadherin by the transc ription factor Snail. Wnt signaling inhi bits Sna il phosph o rylation t hrough Axin2-dependent pathway that sustains nuclear accumul ation 0 1' Snail by driving CSK3ß nucleocytoplasmic export then consequently increases Snail protein levels and induces an EMT However. the roles of Wnt and Axin expression and their functional implication on Snail dependent EMT program a re not clear du ring the multistep carcinogenic process. We examined that canonical Wnt signaling engagingmul t istep carcinogenic process of uterine cervical cancer through Wnt-Axin2-Snail axis. In nonnal cervi cal mucosa, Wntl. Wnt3a. and Axin2 mRNA expression were locali zed in basal cell layer suggesting that canonical Wnt is required for maintenance of self-renewal program of cervica l epi theli al cells. With progression to cervical int r aepithelial neoplasia (CIN) and carcinoma. Wntl, Wnt3a‘ Axin2, and Snail expression were gradually increased in patient samples suggesting that canonical Wnt pathway is involved in earl y step of carcinogenesis in uterine cervix. LRP6 and Axin2 transfected cells showed the highly increased nuclear Snai l resul ted from dec reased level 0 1' nu clear GSK3ß , indicating that LRP6- Axin2 serves to stabili ze Sna il protein levels and susLains iLs nllclear acc llrnulation by driv ing GSK3ß . RNA interference of Axin2 and Snail on SiHa cells relieved E-cadherin proximal promotel‘ activity and block the in 띠 vo chorioalantoic membra ne ln VaSlOn These results suggest the canon ical Wnt signa ling regul ating Axin2-GSK3ß compartmentalization may important for stabi li zation of E- cad herin repressor Snail during the multistep carcinogen ic process of uteri ne cervix. It may lead to not only tracing the proper biomarker 0 [' ca ncer progression‘ but a lso the development oJ new targets for therapeutic intervention in cancer
        2012.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study aims to investigate the relationship between metacognitive awareness and the use of reading strategies in L1 and L2 reading depending on the participants' L2 reading proficiency. A total of 167 Korean EFL university students participated in this study. They responded to questionnaires asking about their metacognitive reading strategies in their L1 and L2 reading for academic purposes. The findings showed that (a) there were positive relationship between L1 reading and L2 reading in terms of their use of metacognitive reading strategies, and (b) significant differences were found in the use of strategies in L1 vs. L2 reading in terms of L2 reading proficiency: L1 and L2 global strategy use in the high proficiency group, L1 and L2 support strategy use in the high, intermediate, and low proficiency groups, and overall L1 and L2 metacognitive reading strategy use in the intermediate proficiency group. There were no significant differences in L1 and L2 problem-solving strategy use in all three proficiency groups. The most influential factor in predicting overall use of L2 metacognitive reading strategies was found to be L1 global strategy use. Pedagogical implications for strategy-based reading instruction were suggested.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium marsoneri x mihanovichii x G. mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Hwangjo' was developed from a interspecific cross between an orange colored G. marsoneri x mihanovichii breeding line '9834036', a line with characteristics of vigorous growth and stable color under the strong sun light, and an orange colored graft cactus (G. mihanovichii) breeding line 'IG177' and through line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim to breed a bright and vivid orange colored cultivar. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted three times during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was yellow. The shape of globe was flattened round and it had 8 to 10 deep ribs. The spine was semi erect, medium sized and grayish brown color. Growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Hugwang'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 15 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Simhong' was developed from a cross between graft cactus breeding line 'Keumhong', a cultivar revealing a red colored globe with yellow colored tubercles, and a dark red line '9502052' and consecutive line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim to breed a dark red cultivar. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted three times during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was dark red. The shape of the globe was flattened round and it had 8 to 10 deep ribs. The spine was medium sized, straight and dark brown. Its growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Jinhong'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 12 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
        2007.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A new graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii x G. marsoneri x mihanovichii) cultivar, 'Yeonsim' was developed from a interspecific cross between two black with pink graft cactus (Gymnocalycium mihanovichii) breeding line '9603026' and G. marsoneri x mihanovichii breeding line 'BP', a line with the characteristics of wide spacing between ribs, and vigorous growth and through line selection at the National Horticultural Research Institute, Rural Development Administration in 2005. It was developed with the aim of breeding cultivars with new colors and globe shapes. Its characteristic evaluation was conducted during 2003 to 2005. The color of both body and tubercle was pink. The shape of the globe was flattened round and it had 7 to 9 deep ribs. The spine was short, straight and brown color. Growth was faster than the comparison cultivar, 'Yeonhwa'. Propagation capability was excellent, setting 12 tubercles per globe. Characteristics of the cultivar could be maintained by vegetative propagation. Strong sun light and virus infection should be avoided.
        2007.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In Korea, chilli pepper (Capsicum annum L.) is a major vegetable crop. The pepper seed market is about $35 million and the whole sale market including processed products is equivalent to $2 billion, representing the second highest market value among crops, next to rice in Korea. Since the development of elite pepper variety is so competitive, vegetable seed companies usually run two important programs to keep the credibility of seed quality. One program is to deliver F1 hybrid seeds with a high purity test to farmers. The purity control of parents and F1 hybrid to avoid any contamination is conducted by DNA markers because pepper seeds are obtained using MS line. The other program is to identify the F1 variety from other varieties by analyzing the polymorphism so that the company and/or breeder protects the intellectual property from copying by others or from non-intentional contamination. We have developed about 900 EST-SSR sets from pepper and used to both programs. A total of 66 markers were selected to identify 32 F1 varieties and their own parents. Using these markers, the purity control of F1 hybrid rose up to the highest degree. We also found several SSR markers to distinguish F1 variety from other varieties and these markers could be useful to find the uniqueness of F1 cultivar.
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