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        검색결과 4,124

        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Canine parvovirus type-2 (CPV-2) is a major etiological agent causing gastrointestinal enteritis in domestic and wild carnivores. Since the emergence of CPV-2 in the late 1970s, subtypes CPV-2a, CPV-2b, and CPV-2c have spread worldwide. CPV-2 prevalence differed according to region and season. This study aims to investigate the prevalence of CPV-2 infection in Korea. Samples were collected from 536 dog feces in animal shelters and 225 necropsied intestinal tissues of dog carcasses submitted in the Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency (APQA) for diagnostic purposes from 2016 to 2020 in Korea. Among the 761 samples, 181 (23.8%) were positive for the following subtypes: CPV-2a (n=138), CPV-2c (n=16), CPV-2b (n=14), and CPV-2 (n=2). Feline parvovirus (n=2) and co-infection with CPV-2a and CPV-2c (n=1) were also detected. There was no significant difference in the regional distribution of CPV-2 in Korea, which is prevalent in winter. This result shows the prevalence of CPV-2 according to various environments in Korea and will be useful in establishing an effective prevention strategy against CPV-2 that reflects the situation in Korea with continuous monitoring.
        2022.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many studies have suggested that e-commerce value creation potential depends on four interdependent factors Lock-In, Complementarity, Efficiency, and Novelty. In order to survive in the recent fierce competition, companies have also secured e-Trust that strengthens long-term business relationships by reducing consumer uncertainty. This study, while analyzing the value creation factors (Lock-in, Complementarity, Efficiency, Novelty, e-Trust) of recent e-commerce (online shopping mall) companies from the point of view of purchase intention, customer value (Functional value, Emotional value, Social value) We present an academic proposition that can also examine the mediating effect of value). First, through previous studies on value-based strategy and value creation in e-commerce, various discussions on the theoretical background necessary for effective value-based strategy establishment and strategy execution of e-commerce (online shopping mall) companies were reviewed. Second, it provides academic discussion and practical implications by presenting academic propositions on the value creation factors of e-commerce (online shopping mall) companies, purchase intentions, and customer value, and confirming the basis through empirical analysis.
        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Electrochemical water splitting is an important process for next generation of eco-friendly energy systems. The oxygen evolution reaction (OER), which occurs at an anode during the process, requires efficient electrocatalysts to reduce activation energies. Although Ru- or Ir-containing materials show excellent electrocatalytic activities, their high cost is a critical drawback. Consequently, the development of efficient electrocatalysts composed of low-cost metal components is a great challenge. In this study, we develop a new route to produce a hybrid material (Fe–NC) containing Fe3C particles dispersed on the surface of N-doped carbon (NC) materials by heat treatment of a mixture of urea and Fe(II)Cl2(H2O)4. Microscopic analyses prove that the Fe3C particles are placed on the surfaces of thin NC materials. Additionally, various characterizations reveal that the particles contain Fe3C structure. Fe–NC shows good electrocatalytic properties with onset and overpotentials of 1.57 V and 545 mV, respectively, for OER in KOH electrolyte. This study suggests the possibility of the use of Fe3C- based composites as OER electrocatalysts.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Electroanalytical study for the rotating cylinder electrode in molten LiCl-KCl eutectic salt (58– 42mol%) containing MgCl2 (0.1wt%) at 600°C is conducted. The researches of rotating cylinder electrode have been widely conducted for the century. The advantage of the electrode is that it can mitigate the unintended natural convection by providing a controlled diffusion boundary layer thickness. However, the experimental data for the high temperature molten salts is barely existed. The study adopts the electrochemical techniques such as cyclic voltammetry for the static cell and linear sweep voltammetry for the dynamic cell to calculate the diffusion coefficient. The peak current density and limiting current density are measured according to the scan rate. In order to evaluate the mass transfer under hydrodynamic flow condition, the revolution speeds of cylindrical electrode are varied from 10 rpm to 500 rpm which are corresponded to the Reynolds number of 4 and 185 respectively. The flow regime covers from the laminar to semi-turbulent regime (transient) as the critical Reynolds number Recrit is 200. The limiting current density shows a linear trend with the revolution speed and agrees well with the existing mass transfer correlations. For the extended flow regime, a new mass transfer correlation is suggested as the relation of non-dimensional numbers (Sh = aRebScc) based on the dimensionless analysis.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        At high temperatures, molten salt has heat transfer properties like water. Molten salt has the characteristics of a strong natural circulation tendency, large heat capacity, and low thermal conductivity. Unlike sodium, molten salt does not react explosively exothermically with air. However, molten salt has a strong tendency to corrode materials, and its properties are easily changed by a sensitive reaction to oxygen and moisture. Therefore, it is necessary to study material corrosion properties and chemical control methods for nuclear fuel salts, which are eutectic mixtures. In this study, the optimal operation method of the thermal convection loop is established to perform the experiments on the molten salt. The process describes briefly as follows. The operation step consists of preparation, purification, transportation, and operation. In the preparation, the step checks the entire structure and equipment (TC, blower, vacuum pump, etc.). And melt the salt mixture at a high temperature (670°C) slowly in the purification step. Before injecting the molten salt, the surface temperature of the entire loop must retain temperature (about 500°C) constantly. Completely melted molten salt in the melting pot is flow along the pipe of the thermal convection loop in the transportation step. Lastly, the convection of molten salt goes to keep by the temperature difference. The thermal convection loop can be utilized for various experiments such as corrosion tests, component analyses, chemistry control, etc.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Molten salt used in the multipurpose molten salt experiment must be of high purity. Depending on the purpose of the experiment, only the base component of the molten salt be used, or a component simulating a nuclear fission product be added to the base component and used. In all cases, an increase in the concentration of impurities such as oxygen and moisture may lead to an erroneous interpretation when analyzing the experimental results. Therefore, molten salt should be purified before use. In this study, the purification of molten salt is described for multi-purpose molten salt experiments. The salt mixture is selected as MgCl2-NaCl and is quantified at a mixing ratio of 43mol%:57mol%. The salt mixture is treated in a glove box environment because of must minimize the reaction of adsorbing oxygen and moisture when the salt mixture is exposed to the atmosphere. MgCl2 is more likely to contain water than NaCl, the purification of the NaCl-MgCl2 mixture is established according to the purification process for removing water from MgCl2. A process for purifying the salt mixture briefly consists as follows: drying moisture, melting salts, purification, removing HCl, and stabilization. Through the process be able to obtain high-purity molten salt and more accurate experiment results.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Chelating agents, such as EDTA, NTA, and citric acid, can form radionuclide-chelate complexes that may enhance the migration of radionuclides from disposal sites. Therefore, the contents of these chelators in radioactive wastes are determined for the secured disposal. In this study, a rapid automated method using ion chromatography (IC) is described for analysis of chelating agents. The method enables direct use of a sample solution for the measurement unlike colorimetric or enzymatic methods. In these cases, lots of chemicals are consumed to convert the chelating agents to be UV-Vis-active compounds during the pretreatment process and finally, absorbance or transmittance are measured at specific wavelength using UV-Vis spectrophotometer. In particular, the enzymatic method for determination of citric acid, because of its strong dependence on experimental conditions including sample types and chemical reagents may produce inconsistent results. The automated system using IC allows a laboratory to directly measure the amount of citric acid while reducing total analysis time and increasing efficiency. In addition, this method is capable of detecting a trace amount of citric acid, thereby lowering LOD and LOQ values.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        After the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT) was signed, Korea is undergoing nuclear inspection by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as a non-nuclear-armed state. By the inspection, nuclear material measurement and management have been carried out according to safety measures. Uranium dioxide, a major component of nuclear fuel, is a material that naturally oxidizes at room temperature, yielding a volume change. In this case, it will have an impact on the management of nuclear material measurement, and a model for predicting this will be required. At room temperature, an oxide film is grown by oxygen diffusion on the surface of uranium dioxide, and if the thickness of the oxide film is predicted based on this, the volume change of uranium dioxide can also be predicted. In relation to this, Ghargozloo’s ionic diffusion oxidation model exists. Therefore, in this paper, an modified oxidation model based on Ghargozloo’s oxygen diffusion in uranium dioxide is presented and the volume change of uranium dioxide due to oxidation is predicted.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        To rationalize the protection of spent nuclear fuel transport storage cask, we intend to investigate the status of domestic and foreign safety regulations and related technologies to develop sabotage scenarios and analyze the protection performance and radiation impact of transport storage cask. It is essential to conduct an aircraft collision safety evaluation on spent nuclear fuel transportation and storage casks in Korea due to changes in laws and regulations related to nuclear power plant design and demand for enhanced safety. Domestic and foreign research on the protection performance of spent nuclear fuel transport storage cask was based on 9.11 events, and the results of all studies show that the speed of the aircraft and leakage of nuclear materials are insignificant. The Sandia National Laboratory (SNL) calculates Aerosol emissions from spent fuel damage in the event of sabotage and calculates Source Term based on the Durbin-Luna model. In this paper, radiation sensitivity analysis was performed due to damage to the carrier according to the size of the accident, assuming that there was a hole enough to basket from the external shell among the collision scenarios identified for domestic cask models.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Self-Powered Neutron Detector (SPND) is one of devices for in-core fluxes detecting without external electricity source. SPND consisted with emitter, insulator and collector. When neutrons reacted with emitter material, it generates electrons and these electrons cross insulator area to make electric signal in collector area. For calculating sensitivity of SPND with Monte-Carlo code such as MCNP, many physical components must be considered. Cobalt shows that prompt signal and relatively low signal comparing with other delayed signal SPNDs. Initial sensitivity was calculated as 4.28×10−22 A/nv-cm for one electron. Due to Cobalt’s complex decay chain and maintaining high efficiency of SPND, it is necessary to analysis the effect of activation of emitter. Therefore, the DPA (Displacements Per Atom) assessment and activation analysis of the detector components have been evaluated with MCNP 6.2 and ORIGEN-S. With these activation analysis results, that is expected to be used to determine the shielding thickness of the storage system.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the number of nuclear power plants whose design life has expired worldwide increases, the attempts are continuing to complete the project of nuclear back-end cycle, the last task of the nuclear industry. Decontamination is essential in the process of dismantling nuclear facilities and restoration sites to remove all or some of the regulatory controls from an authorized facility. Among radioactive wastes, particularly contaminated soil is characterized by difficult physical decontamination because radionuclides are adsorbed between soil particles, that is, pores. Therefore, chemical decontamination is mainly used, which has the disadvantage of generating a lot of secondary waste. In order to overcome these disadvantages, an eco-friendly soil decontamination process is being developed that can drastically reduce the amount of secondary waste generated by using supercritical carbon dioxide. Supercritical carbon dioxide can easily control its physical properties and has both liquid and gas properties. However, since supercritical carbon dioxide is non-polar, additives are needed to extract polar metal ions, which are the goal of decontamination. Therefore, ligand with both CO2-philic and metal binding regions was selected. In previous studies, the decontamination efficiency of soil was evaluated by reacting contaminated soil with solid ligand and co-ligand at once. When solid ligands were used, the decontamination efficiency was lower than expected, which was expected because chemical substances were somewhat difficult to exchange in the closed process. In this study, in order to increase the efficiency of the decontamination process, the need for a process of liquefying ligand and continuously flowing it has been raised. Therefore, a co-solvent that dissolves well at the same time in SCCO2, ligand, and co-ligand was selected. In the selection process, a total of eight substances were selected by dividing into six polar substances and two non-polar substances through various criteria such as economic feasibility, eco-friendliness, and harmlessness. Thereafter, ethanol was finally selected through solubility evaluation for SCCO2 and additives. It is expected that a more effective decontamination process can be constructed when the additive is liquefied using a solvent selected from the results of this study.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        As the decommissioning of nuclear power plants increases, there is an increasing interest in the amounts of radioactive waste. Especially, the radiation dose limit for packaging of radioactive wastes shall not exceed 2 mSv·h−1 and 0.1 mSv·h−1 on contact and at 2 m, respectively in South Korea. The DEMplus provides various environmental geometry and all properties such as materials, absorptions, and reflections and the estimation of the radiation dose rates is based on the radiation interactions of the designed 3D geometry model. With the consideration of the radiation dose rate by using DEMplus and its strategy of packaging plan, the radiation shielding was optimized and estimated in this paper. The modular shielded containers (MSC) with shielding inserted were used for radioactive wastes that require shielded packaging. In order to verify the accuracy of the estimated radiation dose rate by using DEMplus, the estimated results were compared with those obtained using MicroShield. The trends of the estimated radiation dose rates using DEMplus and the estimation of MicroShield were similar to each other. The results of this study demonstrated the feasibility of using DEMplus as a means of estimating the radiation dose limit in packaging plan of the radioactive waste.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Today, the domestic and international nuclear power industry is experiencing an acceleration in the scale of the nuclear facility decommissioning market. This phenomenon is also due to policy changes in some countries, but the main reason is the rapid increase in the proportion of old nuclear power plants in the world, mainly in countries that introduced nuclear power plants in the early stages. Decontamination is essential in the process of decommissioning nuclear facilities. Among various decontamination targets, radionuclides are adsorbed between pores in the soil, making physical decontamination quite difficult. Therefore, various chemical decontamination technologies are used for contaminated soil decontamination, and the current decontamination technologies have a problem of generating a large amount of secondary wastes. In this study, soil decontamination technology using supercritical carbon dioxide is proposed and aimed to make it into a process. This technology applies cleaning technology using supercritical fluids to decontamination of radioactive waste, it has important technical characteristics that do not fundamentally generate secondary wastes during radioactive waste treatment. Supercritical carbon dioxide is harmless and is a very useful fluid with advantages such as high dissolution, high diffusion coefficient, and low surface tension. However, since carbon dioxide, a non-polar material, shows limitations in removing polar and ionic metal wastes, a chelating ligand was introduced as an additive. In this study, a ligand material that can be dissolved in supercritical carbon dioxide and has high binding ability with polar metal ions was selected. In addition, in order to increase the decontamination efficiency, an experiment was conducted by adding an auxiliary ligand material and ultrasonic waves as additives. In this study, the possibility of liquefaction of chelating ligands and auxiliary ligands was tested for process continuity and efficiency, and the decontamination efficiency was compared by applying it to the actual soil classified according to the particle size. The decontamination efficiency was derived by measuring the concentration of target nuclides in the soil before and after decontamination through ICP-MS. As a result of the experiment, it was confirmed that the liquefaction of the additive had a positive effect on the decontamination efficiency, and a difference in the decontamination efficiency was confirmed according to the actual particle size of the soil. Through this study, it is expected that economic value can be created in addition to the social value of the technology by ensuring the continuity of the decontamination process using supercritical carbon dioxide.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In thermal cutting process, gas flow injected from the nozzle has a significant effect on the cutting materials. The gas flow is difficult to observe gases are transparent, therefore, in this study, Schlieren method was adopted to visualize the gas flow inside the kerf. The kerf shape was inserted between two slices of transparent glass in order to imitate the real cutting environment. In order to get the flow characteristics, a high speed camera was equipped and the image processing was applied to compare the before and after injection images. As a result, the method for visualizing gas flow was successfully developed and also expected to be applied to the analysis of purging gas in various welding environments.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In order to indirectly evaluate the inventory of difficult-to-measure (DTM) nuclides in radioactive waste, the scaling factor method by key nuclide has been used. It has been usually applied to low-and intermediate-level dry active waste (DAW), and the tolerance of 1,000% margin of error in the US, that is the factor of 10, is applied as an allowable confidence limits considering the inhomogeneity of the waste and the limitation of sample size. This is because the scaling factor method is based on economic efficiency. Confidence limits is the uncertainty (sampling error) according to predicting the mean value of the population by the mean value of the sample at 95% confidence level, reflecting the limitations of sample size (representation) with the standard deviation. If the standard deviation is large, the sample size can be increased to satisfy the allowable confidence limits. In the new nuclear power plants, the concentration of cesium nuclide (137Cs) in radioactive waste tends to be very low due to advances in nuclear fuel and reactor core management technology, which makes it very difficult to apply cesium as a key nuclide. In addition, it is inevitable to apply the mean activity concentration method, which reasonably and empirically derives the concentration of DTM nuclides regardless of key nuclide, when the correlation between key and DTM nuclides is not significant. The mean activity method is a methodology that applies the average concentration of a sample set to the entire population, and is similar to applying the average concentration ratio between key and DTM nuclides of a sample set to the population in the scaling factor method. Therefore, in this paper, the maximum acceptable uncertainty (confidence limits) at a reasonable level was studied when applying the mean activity concentration method by arithmetic mean unlike the scaling factor method which usually uses the geometric mean method. Several measures were proposed by applying mutatis mutandis the acceptable standard deviation in radiation measurement and the factor of 10 principle, etc., and the appropriateness was reviewed through case analysis.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In this study, an aerosol process was introduced to produce CaCO3. The possibility of producing CaCO3 by the aerosol process was evaluated. The characteristics of CaCO3 prepared by the aerosol process were also evaluated. In the CaCO3 prepared in this study, as the heat treatment proceeded, the calcite phase disappeared. The portlandite phase and the lime phase were formed by the heat treatment. Even if the CO2 component is removed from the calcite phase, there is a possibility that the converted CO2 component could be adsorbed into the Ca component to form a calcite phase again. Therefore, in order to remove the calcite phase, carbon components should be removed first. The lime phase was formed when CO2 was removed from the calcite phase, while the portlandite phase was formed by the introducing of H2O to the lime phase. Therefore, the order in which each phase formed could be in the order of calcite, lime, and portlandite. The reason for the simultaneous presence of the portlandite phase and the lime phase is that the hydroxyl group (OH−) introduced by H2O was not removed completely due to low temperature and/or insufficient heating time. When the sufficient temperature (900°C) and heating time (60 min) were applied, the hydroxyl group (OH−) was removed to transform into lime phase. Since the precursor contained the hydrogen component, it could be possible that the moisture (H2O) and/or the hydroxyl group (OH−) were introduced during the heat treatment process.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Uranium-235, used for nuclear power generation, has brought radioactive waste. It could be released into the environment during reprocessing or recycling of the spent nuclear fuel. Among the radioactive waste nuclides, I-129 occurs problems due to its long half-life (1.57×107 y) with high mobility in the environment. Therefore, it should be captured and immobilized into a geological disposal system through a stable waste form. One of the methods to capture iodine in the off-gas treatment process is to use silver loaded zeolite filter. It converts radioactive iodine into AgI, one of the most stable iodine forms in the solid state. However, it is difficult to directly dispose of AgI itself in an underground repository because of its aqueous dissolution under reducing condition with Fe2+. It must be immobilized in the matrix materials to prevent release of iodine as a result of chemical reaction. Among the matrix glasses, silver tellurite glass has been proposed. In this study, additives including Al, Bi, Pb, V, Mo, and W were added into the silver tellurite glass. The thermal properties of each matrix for radioactive iodine immobilization were evaluated. The glasses were prepared by the melt-quenching method at 800°C for 1 h. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) was performed to evaluate the thermal properties of the glass samples. From the study, the glass transition temperature (Tg) was increased by adding additives such as V2O5, MoO3, or WO3 in the silver tellurite glass. The relative electro-static field (REF) values of V2O5, MoO3, and WO3 are about three times higher than that of the glass network former, TeO2. It could provide sufficient electro-static field (EF) to the TeO2 interacting with the non-bridging oxygen forming Te-O-M (M = V, Mo, W) links. Therefore, the addition of V2O5, MoO3, or WO3 reinforced the glass network cohesion to increase the Tg of the glass. The addition of MoO3or WO3 in the silver tellurite glass increased Tg and crystallization temperature (Tc) with remaining the glass stability.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The background of the development is to contribute to the reduction of radioactive waste, recycling of resources and effectively purifying the air in the workplace. Ultimately, it affects the reduction of internal exposure of workers. According to the standard procedure of KHNP,「Use and Management of Respiratory Protection Equipment」, the expiration date of mask filter is indicated by the manufacturer before opening. It is 1 year from the date of first combination after opening. We have developed an air purifying equipment that can recycle and reuse expired mask filter waste in nuclear power plant. In order to confirm the performance, we observed air pollution level by operation time. The location was measured at 3 locations including the decontamination product warehouse in NPP, and the size of the measurement locations were 53 m3, 150 m3, 180 m3, and 900 m3. As a result of measurement, significant air purification effect was found in 53 m3 and 150 m3. Decontamination effect of 80% was shown after 1 hour of operation, and 20% of decontamination effect was shown gently for 3 hours thereafter. On the other hand, there was no significant decontamination effect in the 180 m3 and 900 m3 spaces. Significant results were derived by statistical methods. Statistical procedure involves the collection of data leading to test of the relationship between two statistical data sets, or a data set and synthetic data drawn from an idealized model. The basic composition and product characteristics was as follows: Blower, filter fixing unit, Air purifier outlet round shape, Differential pressure gauge, inverter (200 V, 3π, 200 W). The developed product weigh is 25 kg. This is lighter than the existing product weighing 100 kg. It is judged that it is suitable for convenient use. Because the area where the major air pollution level occurs is isolated by a room in NPP. This developed product has a greater significance in that it recycles radioactive waste within the radiation management area rather than air purification efficiency.
        2022.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In nuclear power plants and nuclear facilities, radioactive waste containing hazardous substances (Mixed waste) is continuously generated due to research such as radiochemical study and nuclide analysis. In addition, radioactive waste including heavy metals and asbestos is generated during the dismantling process of nuclear power plants. Mixed wastes have both radiation hazards and chemical hazards, and there’s a possibility of synergistic effects generation. However, in most countries except the United States, there are no regulatory standards for the chemical hazards of mixed waste. The regulations applicable to mixed waste in Korea include the Nuclear Safety Act and the Waste Management Act. The Nuclear Safety Act prohibits the acceptance of hazardous radioactive waste in disposal facilities, but there is no definition or characteristic identification procedure for “hazardous.” The Waste Management Act also does not state the regulation for radioactive waste. In the Gyeongju disposal facility in Korea, the leachate in the disposal facility is expected to be a groundwater saturated with concrete and is expected to irradiated by radioactive waste. On the other hands, most of the non-radioactive waste landfill facilities are built on the surface, and the leachate is expected to be rainwater that reacts with the soil. Due to the differences in leaching environments, there’s a potential to overestimate or underestimate the leaching properties of hazardous substances if the standard leaching test is applied. To show for this, a leaching test simulating disposal facility’s environment were applied to sample waste containing heavy metals. The leaching solution was groundwater collected from the area near the Gyeongju disposal facility, which is then saturated with concrete and adjusted to pH 12.5. In addition, gamma-ray irradiation was conducted during the leaching test to observe changes in the leaching behavior of heavy metals in the actual radioactive waste disposal environment. As a result, lead showed significantly increased leaching compared to the standard test method, and cadmium was not detected in all experimental conditions except heavy irradiation. This study suggested that regulations on the hazardous of mixed waste should be settled, which should be established in sufficient consideration of the types and characteristics of substances contained in the waste.