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        검색결과 1,425

        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Five heat shock protein 70 (hsp70) isoforms (hsc70-3, hsc70-4, hsc70-5, hsc70cb, hsp70Ab) of Apis mellifera were identified from Honeybee genome database. Specific primers for each isoform were designed for the quantitative realtime RT-PCR analysis, then analyzed transcript levels of the abdomen of adult workers (3-4 weeks old) in respond to heat shock and imidacloprid ingestion. Heat shock at 45°C for 1 h induced all 5 genes but highest in hsc70cb, hsp70Ab. Ingestion of imidacloprid pesticide did not change any hsp70 isoforms at 33°C but those bees also highly responsive to heat shock at 45°C. In addition, expression level of each hsp70 isoform was various and heat shock response of each isoform was tissue-specific. For example, hsc70-3 was highest in midgut, hsc70-4 was in hypopharyngeal gland, but hsp70Ab was in fat bodies. However, heat shock response of all 5 isoforms was the highest in the fat body than brain, hypopharyngeal gland, midgut, flight muscle and integument. Our results provide information for the understanding of complicated protective mechanism of honey bee against thermal stress.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Indianmeal moth Plodia interpunctella (Hübner) (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae) is an economical pest of stored grains and their products, causing severe loss by feeding and producing silken web containing frass and exuvia. An ectoparasitoid Bracon hebetor Say (Hymenoptera, Braconidae) attacks this pest as a natural enemy and induce paralysis and developmental arrest in it. At molecular level its venom induce many physiological changes in host P. interpunctella to make it suitable source of food and development for its young ones. To explore these physiological changes at molecular level in P. interpunctella, we observed expression level of different genes having different functions related to immunity, defense and development at different intervals followed by B. hebetor envenomation. Fifth instar day 5 old larvae of P. interpunctella were used in experiment. Our results showed that B. hebetor envenomation effect the gene expression differently in host P. interpunctella. This basic study will be the starting point to understand the role of envenomation in host regulation studies.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Due to its rapid development of resistance to nearly all arrays of acaricide, Tetranychus urticae is extremely hard to control using conventional acaricides. As an alternative control measure of acaricide-resistant mites, RNA interference (RNAi)-based methods have recently been suggested. A double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) delivery method using multi-unit chambers was established and employed to screen the RNAi toxicity of 42 T. urticae genes. Among them, the dsRNA treatment of coatomer I (COPI) genes, such as coatomer subunit epsilon (COPE) and beta 2 (COPB2), resulted in high mortality [median lethal time (LT50) = 89.7 and 120.3h, respectively]. The transcript level of the COPE gene was significantly (F3,9 = 16.2, P =0.001) reduced by up to 24% following dsRNA treatment, suggesting that the toxicity was likely mediated by the RNAi of the target gene. As a toxicity enhancement strategy, the recombinant dsRNA was generated by reciprocally recombining half-divided fragments of COPE and COPB2. The two recombinant dsRNAs exhibited higher toxicity than the respective single dsRNA treatments as determined using LT50 values (79.2 and 81.5h, respectively). This finding indicates that the recombination of different genes can enhance RNAi toxicity and be utilized to generate synthetic dsRNA with improved RNAi efficacy.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus of Cinara (Aphididae: Lachninae) live on the roots, trunk, branches, twigs, shoots or foliage of Coniferae and can be easily distinguished in having the very big body, apterae up to 5-6 ㎜ in length and short antennae which are shorter than half the body length. Most of species are monoecious without host alternation and attended by ants. Based on body appearance and COI gene sequence, we report Cinara cuneomaculata (Del Guercio) on Larix kaempferi, C. largirostris Zhang G. & W. Zhang on Pinus thunbergii and P. dnesiflora, C. smaragdina (Pashtshenko) on Abies holophylla and C. piceae on Juniperus rigida, for the first time in Korea.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The mirine plant bug genus Paramiridius, which has been known only by a single Taiwanese species, is reported from Indochinese Laos for the first time and redefined. Two additional species, P. indochinensis and P. laomontanus, are described as new to science. The female genitalic structures are from the first time figured for the genus. A key is provided for all three known Paramiridius species.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recent studies have shown that mating can alter starvation resistance in female D. melanogaster, but little is known about the behavioral and physiological mechanisms underlying such mating-mediated changes in starvation resistance. In the present study, we first investigated whether the effect of mating on starvation resistance is sex-specific in D. melanogaster. As indicated by a significant sex × mating status interaction, mating increased starvation resistance in females but not in males. In female D. melanogaster, post-mating increase in starvation resistance was mainly attributed to increases in food intake and in the level of lipid storage relative to lean body weight. We then performed quantitative genetic analysis to estimate the proportion of the total phenotypic variance attributable to genetic differences (i.e., heritability) for starvation resistance in mated male and female D. melanogaster. The narrow-sense heritability (h2) of starvation resistance was 0.235 and 0.155 for males and females, respectively. Mated females were generally more resistant to starvation than males, but the degree of such sexual dimorphism varied substantially among genotypes, as indicated by a significant sex × genotype interaction for starvation resistance. Cross-sex genetic correlation was greater than 0 but less than l for starvation resistance, implying that the genetic architecture of this trait was partially shared between the two sexes. For both sexes, starvation resistance was positively correlated with longevity and lipid storage at genetic level. The present study suggests that sex differences in starvation resistance depend on mating status and have a genetic basis in D. melanogaster.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Macronutrient balance has a strong influence on fitness in insects. Previous studies have revealed that altering the concentrations of yeast and sugar in the semi-synthetic diet has a profound impact on lifespan and fecundity in Drosophila melanogaster, indicating the role of dietary protein:carbohydrate (P:C) balance in determining these two key components of fitness. However, since yeast contains not only proteins but also other macro- and micronutrients, this lifespan-determining role of dietary P:C balance needs to be corroborated using a chemically defined diet. In this study, the effects of dietary P:C balance on lifespan and fecundity were investigated in female D. melanogaster flies on one of eight isocaloric synthetic diets differing in P:C ratio (0:1, 1:16, 1:8, 1:4, 1:2, 1:1, 2:1 or 4:1). Lifespan and dietary P:C ratio were related in a convex manner, with lifespan increasing to a peak at the two intermediate P:C ratios (1:2 and 1:4) and falling at the imbalanced ratios (0:1 and 4:1). Ingesting nutritionally imbalanced diets caused flies to start ageing earlier and senesce faster. Egg production increased progressively as the dietary P:C ratio rose from 0:1 to 4:1. Long-lived flies at the intermediate P:C ratios(1:2 and 1:4) stored a greater amount of lipids than those short-lived ones at the two imbalanced ratios (0:1 and 4:1). These findings provide a strong support to the notion that dietary P:C balance is a critical determinant of lifespan and fecundity in D. melanogaster.
        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Leptotrombidium pallidum is the major vector mites for Orientia tsutsugamushi, the causative agent of scrub typhus. To understand the molecular mechanism of L. pallidum, we sequenced the whole genome using Illumina sequencing technology. Totally four genomic libraries with different insert sizes ranging from 280 bp to 8 kb were used to generate 45.1 Gb of genome in the combination of paired-end and mate-pairs sequencing reads. Quality filtering and correction of paired-end reads for very small and/or bad-quality sequences yielded 26.9 Gb of high-quality sequences, which are used to estimate the genome size as 175 Mbusing kmer methods and assembled into a 193.7 Mb genomic sequence scaffolds with N50 length of 92,945 bp. Furthermore, 94% of CEGMA completeness score were obtained from genome scaffold assembly. To facilitate gene annotation, we used a combination of de novo and homology based tools to predict gene models in the chigger mite genome. A combination of evidence-based and de novo approaches predicted 15,842 high-confidence protein-coding genes with an average transcript length of 1,511 bp and 2.4 exons per gene which corresponds to about 12.4% total gene length. Bacterial endosymbiosis are very common in mite species and can range from mutualistic to pathogenic associations. Henceforth, the endosymbionts in L. pallidum were predicted using the NCBI microbial draft genomes and mitochondrial genome. Besides, this L. pallidum draft genome can be used as a significant reference for comparative genomic studies across mite species.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper we introduce the Plasma Physics of Active Galactic Nuclei project, which is an ongoing experiment with Korean VLBI Network (KVN) and KVN and VERA Array (KaVA) to study multi- frequency polarimetric properties on parsec scales of active galaxies. The goal of the project is to improve our understanding of fundamental jet physics, especially evolution of the relativistic out ow coupled with the large-scale magnetic field. We selected six radio-loud AGN as our targets. So far we (i) detected resolved emissions regions at 86 and 129 GHz on VLBI scales, (ii) constructed 2D spectral index maps of the out ows, and (iii) found polarizations at 22 and 43 GHz for a few targets. Here we present spectral index distributions of 3C 120 between 22 and 43 GHz and a linear polarization map of BL Lac at 43 GHz obtained with KVN.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        미이라병은 Diaporthe/Phomopsis complex에 의해 유발되는병으로 콩 재배기간 중 따뜻하고 습한 환경에서 종자가 성숙되면 감염률이 높아지며 감염된 콩 종자는 외관상 품질뿐만아니라 종자 활력이 저하된다. 미이라병에 대한 연구를 수행하기 위하여 대만에 위치한 아시아채소개발연구센터(AVRDC)의 콩 시험포장에서 미이라병 병징을 보이는 콩 줄기를 채집하고 이로부터 3개의 곰팡이 균주(isolate)를 분리하였다. 배지위에서의 곰팡이 균사의 생육특성, 현미경하에서 관찰된 알파,베타 분생자(conidia)의 모양 그리고 PCR-RFLP 분석으로, 3개의 균주는 Diaporthe phaseolorum var. sojae 으로 확인되었다. 한편, 미이라병 저항성 육종을 위해서는 유전자원과 계통의 검정이 선행되어야 하는데, 인공접종을 위해서 분생자의최적 배양조건을 탐색하였다. 그 결과 배지는 PDA, 온도는24oC에서 잘 배양되었으며, 일장은 암조건에서는 균사체만 유도되고 분생자는 유도되지 않았으며, 24시간과 15시간의 일장에서는 균사체 유도 및 분생자의 유도 정도에 차이가 없었다.또한 잎-줄기와 꼬투리, 두 개의 접종 부위에 따른 미이라병감염률을 조사하였는데, 두 접종 부위에 따른 미이라병 감염정도는 통계적인 유의차는 나타나지 않았으나 잎-줄기에 접종한 개체 보다 꼬투리에 접종한 개체의 종자 감염률이 높은 경향을 보였다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present research investigated copper and cadmium stress-induced differentially expressed genes (DEGs) using annealing control primers (ACP) with the differential display reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction technique in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L. cv. Vernal) leaves. Alfalfa leaves were subjected to 250 μM of copper and cadmium treatment for a period of 6 h. A total of 120 ACPs was used. During copper and cadmium treatment, 6 DEGs were found to be up or down regulated. During copper stress treatment, 1 DEG was up-regulated, and 3 novel genes were discovered. Similarly, during cadmium stress treatment, 1 DEG was up-regulated and 5 novel genes were identified. Among all 6 DEGs, DEG-4 was identified as the gene for trans-2,3-enoyl-CoA reductase, DEG-5 was identified as the gene for senescence-associated protein DIN1 and DEG-6 was identified for caffeic acid O-methyltransferase. All the up-regulated genes may play a role in copper and cadmium stress tolerance in alfalfa.
        2015.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        정삼투와 압력지연삼투 공정에서 용매의 투과율은 용매와 막이 접촉하는 방식에 의존한다. 각각의 공정에서 막의 활성층이 고농도 용매와 접촉하는 경우를 압력지연삼투 방식이라 하고, 고농도 용매가 막의 다공성 지지하층과 직면해 있는 경우를 정삼투 방식이라고 한다. 압력지연삼투 방식과 정삼투 방식은 각각 희석형 그리고 농축형의 내부농도 분극 현상을 유발하는데, 동일한 조작 조건에서 정삼투 방식보다 압력지연삼투 방식이 높은 투과율을 나타내는 현상이 실험적으로 관측되었다. 본고에서는 정삼투방식과 압력지연삼투 방식에서 발생하는 본질적인 투과율 불균형을 수학적 귀류법을 이용하여 증명하고, 물리적인 원인을 규명한다.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A sea urchin was collected from 140 m deep at Gapado which is nearby Moseulpo in Jejudo Island, Korea on 30 June 2010. This specimen was classified as Echinolampas koreana H.L. Clark 1925, belonging to family Echinolampadidae of order Echinolampadoida based on its morphological characteristics. This order and lower categories are newly recorded from Korea. Distinct morphological characters of this species are as follows: test is relatively high. Abactical system has four large genital pores. Periproct is slightly sunken and situated below equator line. Peristome is very small and rather deeply sunken. Tridentate and ophiocephalous pedicellariae are present. Color in alcohol is light purple. These morphological characters are re-described with illustrations.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dietary and lifestyle modifications are widely prescribed to prevent recurrence of urolithiasis, although little is known about the clinical and demographic factors associated with patient compliance and urinary metabolic changes. The present study assessed the clinical and demographic factors influencing compliance with a modified diet and lifestyle in first-time ureteric stone formers as well as determined the effects of compliance on urinary stone risk factors. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 53 patients presenting with ureteric calcium stones. Using a self-completed questionnaire, patients were classified according to compliance with seven recommendations for modifying diet and lifestyle into good compliance group (complied with ≥ three recommendations) and poor compliance group. Before (on a random diet) and after prescribing the modifications, 24 hour urine samples were collected from those in the good and poor compliance group. The stone size at presentation and initial treatment modality were closely associated with patient compliance (P=0.019, P=0.027, respectively). Citrate excretion significantly increased in the good compliance group after adopting modifications (P=0.012), whereas the poor compliance group did not show a statistically significant difference. Moreover, patients in the poor compliance group showed significantly increased urinary calcium excretion by the end of the study (P=0.040). After adjustments for age, sex, body mass index, and metabolic abnormality status, poor compliance was found to be an independent risk factor for persistence or development of hypocitraturia (OR: 3.885; 95% CI: 1.102~13.694; P=0.035). In conclusion, our results imply that patient education programs regarding diet and lifestyle should be tailored to the individual’s clinical and demographic characteristics.
        2015.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Currently there are two main categories of soft contact lens materials available in the market namely hydrogels and silicone hydrogels. This article provides a summary of the pros and cons of these materials and suggests a new type of material that could be a new direction for material development moving forward. Hydrogel lenses are biocompatible, hydrophilic, comfortable to wear, and have excellent optical properties. However, the oxygen transmissibility (Dk/t) of hydrogel lenses is limited by its water content and the lens thickness. A higher percentage of water will provide greater oxygen transmissibility but high water content materials are also more prone to dehydration. Silicone hydrogels (Si-hys) were first introduced in 1999. Silicone was added to hydrogel to increase the oxygen permeability and eye care professionals had hoped that this material can resolve most of the issues related to contact lens wear. Si-hys have offered multiple times increase in Dk/t over hydrogels, but they have not reduced the incidence of microbial keratitis nor contact lens drop-out rate. In addition, si-hys are not perfect for every patient, they are generally stiffer (with higher modulus) and are more likely to induce ocular complications due to its mechanical properties. Si-hy lenses are also associated with lens surface issues and an increased risk of infiltrative events. The addition of silicone does not seem to be without problems. Si-hy is an important step, but not a big leap and definitely not the only choice for our patients. A new material called Hypergel was developed using the concept of bio-inspiration. Scientists have learnt from the eye and applied three bio-inspired features to make the material works like the eye. Firstly, hypergel has 78% of water content and that matches the water content of the cornea. Secondly, it meets the oxygen level the open eye needs to maintain healthy white eyes. Thirdly, it mimics the lipid layer of the tear film to prevent dehydration. Without the addition of silicone, this material can meet the oxygen need of the open eye and can resist dehydration.
        2015.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigated the adsorption of Na on graphene and graphene oxide, which are used as anode materials in sodium ion batteries, using density functional theory. The adsorption energy for Na on graphene was -0.507 eV at the hollow sites, implying that adsorption was favorable. In the case of graphene oxide, Na atoms were separately adsorbed on the epoxide and hydroxyl functional groups. The adsorption of Na on graphene oxide-epoxide (adsorption energy of -1.024 eV) was found to be stronger than the adsorption of Na on pristine graphene. However, the adsorption of Na on graphene oxide-hydroxyl resulted in the generation of NaOH as a by-product. Using density of states (DOS) calculations, we found that the DOS of the Na-adsorbed graphene was shifted down more than that of the Na-adsorbed graphene oxide-epoxide. In addition, the intensity of the DOS around the Fermi level for the Na-adsorbed graphene was higher than that for the Na-adsorbed graphene oxide-epoxide.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        White-backed planthopper, Sogatella furcifera (Horváth) (Hemiptera: Delphacidae), is known as a long-range migratory pest in Asia. Although exact primary source of S. furcifera in Korea remains unknown. We used twelve microsatellite markers (SSR) to analyze the population genetic structure of the pest. We collected S. furcifera from Asia in 2012 (Korea, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam and four different sites of Bangladesh), 2013 (China, Nepal, Thailand, two different sites of Bangladesh, and fifteen different sites of Korea), and 2014 (four different sites of China and ten different sites of Korea). To verify the genetic variance, we used STRUCTURE program to obtain structure analysis of K and K showed in three components in genetic clustering. Result in sample 2012, similar genetic structure showed in Korea and Vietnam. In 2013 and 2014, various genetic structure revealed in different sites of Korea and Asian population genetic structure appeared as on large panmictic population. Furthermore, we tested migration pathway to see the probable source and reciplent populations of first generation migrants in S. furcifera. In 2012, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam and four different sites of Bangladesh showed the potential source of S. furcifera. In 2013, we observed S. furcifera in Korea was more likely originated from Nepal and Bangladesh. Various migration pathway showed in fifteen different sites of Korea as panmictic population. Lastly in 2014, the migration pathway indicated that S. furcifera migrates from China to Korea. Seemingly, S. furcifera in Asia display as large panmictic population and more study is acquire to verify the origin source.
        2015.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This studies was conducted to define community structure and diversity of epigeal spiders in apple orchards under different farming practices (organic and conventional). In 11 commercial apple orchards, epigeal spider community structure was investigated during 2012-2014 (3 orchards, 2012; 3 orchards, 2013, 5 orchards, 2014). Epigeal spiders were collected by pitfall traps from April to October, 2012 in Danyang-gun, Chungcheongbuk-do; 2013 in Muju-gun, Jeollabuk-do; 2014 in Cheongsong-gun and Uiseong-gun, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea. Sampled spiders were identified to the species level. Biodiversity was analyzed with species richness (total numbers of spider species), abundance (total numbers of individuals) and Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H΄) for each site and compared between organic and conventional orchards. In all regions, abundance of the spider communities were relatively higher in organic orchards than in conventional orchards. But, no significant difference in species richness and specie diversity (H΄) between organic and conventional orchards. Lycosidae was the most dominant family in all orchards regardless farming practices. However, Linyphiidae dominated in organic orchards only. The most dominant species were Pardosa laura (Lycosidae), Erigone koshiensis (Linyphiidae) in organic, Piratula procurvus (Lycosidae) in conventional orchards.