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        검색결과 126

        2017.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        China’s sole nationality principle was formulated at the beginning of the People’s Republic of China. However, it was not officially adopted as a legal standard until 1980 when New China promulgated its first nationality act. Sole nationality, initiated as an expedient for foreign policy, was originally designed to help with neighbourliness. However, not only did it fail to achieve this goal, but it even resulted in more domestic institutional discrimination among Chinese people. Nowadays, in such a globalization and ‘humanrightization’ era, international law and domestic nationality laws in most countries throughout the world recognize an individual’s right to a nationality, and accept dual nationality so as to facilitate migrants’ returning to their homelands and help them reintegrate into local communities. Contemporary theory and practice of international law support the legitimacy of dual nationality. Also, China has experience in dealing with dual nationality. It would therefore be legitimate, beneficial and practical for China to restore dual nationality.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The interactions of vector-virus-plant have important ecological and evolutionary implications. In this presentation, I will use the case studies on the whitefly vectors, begomoviruses, and plants to illustrate the complexity, consequences and mechanisms of this type of tripartite interactions. The interactions between begomoviruses and their whitefly vectors via their shared host plants can be mutualistic, neutral or negative depending on the species/strains of each type of the organisms involved. With regard to the mechanisms of plant-mediated positive effects of the viruses on whiteflies, three case studies indicate that suppression of jasmonic acid/salicylic acid related plant defence plays an important role. Our recent studies show that the order of arrival of the interacting vector insects and viruses on the plants may also alter the physiological feature and consequences of the interactions. Future efforts in this area should try to expand the number and diversity of case studies in order to reveal the patterns of interactions, to unravel the molecular and biochemical mechanisms of the interactions using a multidisciplinary approach, and to examine the virus-plant-vector interactions in the field and in natural plant communities.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Customer experience has become an important concept in explaining consumer behaviour with hedonic products in the online game industry. However, few studies have examined the differences in game experience internationally between players from different nationalities. Game producers who market their wares to a global audience need to take into account that individuals from different national backgrounds have different experiences according to nationally specific cultural and societal norms and restrictions. These experiences determine how players perceive, interact and enjoy products. The current study attempts to examine differences in game experiences between India and the US. Around 600 respondents were collected from Amazon Mechanical Turk (Mturk), an online data panel. Analysis of results using a series of multivariate analysis of covariate, showed that players from India and the US are different in most aspects of game experience except for their analytical experience. Theoretical and practical implications of the study are discussed and recommendations are made with consideration to the ramifications of the investigation.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study (i) examines the main effect of how a customer’s trust in the service personnel could affect his/her service co-designing and co-delivering behavior; and (ii) investigates how the main effect could vary by the customer’s trust in the service brand, and the types of customer contact service contexts. Keywords: customer participation, co-
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Women aged between 36 and 55 are the main players in the cosmetics market in Taiwan in recent years. Particularly, the sector of anti-ageing cosmetics has grown continually with the support of women at the ages, who have stronger purchasing power than others. Furthermore, the changes of the channel structure in Taiwan have an impact on cosmetics consumption. Department stores have been the leaders of the high-end cosmetics market for a long time. Nevertheless, Taiwanese middle-aged women no longer only purchase cosmetics products in the department stores, but also shop around the pharmacy chain stores, like Cosmed, Poya and Watsons, which expand rapidly in Taiwan recently, buying OTC (Over-the-counter) cosmetics brands and products. It is convenient for women to attach with cosmetics products since the widespread shops available for consumers to pop in and consume a wide range of cosmetics products with more affordable prices (Kantar Worldpanel, 2013). The current research examines the cosmetics shopping and consumption of middle-aged women in the Taiwanese cultural context. The phenomenological interviews were conducted with a purposive sampling with 6 Taiwanese middle-aged women ranging in age from 40 to 60, who used cosmetics on a daily basis, varied in duration, between 1 to 2 hours. The sample size is kept deliberately small as phenomenological interviews are designed to elaborate the richness (Baker et al., 1992) of individuals’ lived experiences, feelings and perceptions of cosmetics consumption. Each interview was conducted online using the social media, Skype, through a webcam. The purpose of the interview was described to the informants as an exploration of women’s cosmetics consumption and how it affected their experiences in their daily lives. They were encouraged to share their own experiences freely. The unstructured interviews started with a question, “What comes to your mind when speaking of cosmetics?” enabling participants to start the dialogue with their most familiar topics and be free to define the meanings of cosmetics in their own words (Liu et al., 2012). In the process of data analysis, 6 principal themes emerged to give more explanations in detail of how middle-aged women in Taiwan strategically manipulate cosmetic shopping to construct, maintain, change, and give meanings to the sense of self in transformational levels during their lifetime course. In addition, due to the widespread of pharmacy stores in recent days, it is found that the middle-aged women’s had changed their shopping behaviours in accordance with the change of retail stores. For example, Karen likes to shop around the pharmacy stores looking for open counter brands which are made in Japan and buying products with the signs showing that are ranked number 1, instead of shopping at the department stores, where she used to go. Moreover, Amy also likes to go to the pharmacy stores which are close to where she lives. There are many new-opened stores, such as Cosmed, Watsons, and Poya rapidly expanded in the rural area that make it more convenient for residents to shop in. She also prefers to buy facial cleansing products which are made in Japan and ranked number 1. As the structure of channel and lifestyle have changed with time, consumers’ cosmetics consumption is changing as well. The research finds that wearing cosmetics has become habits for the Taiwanese women aged between 40 and 60 since they have been using cosmetics for more than 20 years. The meaning behind their “used-to habits” with cosmetics is that consumer’s possessions - cosmetics, have become their extended self and being strategically manipulated to accompany them experiencing through every path of their lives, including pursuing their ideal, hoped-for possible selves, escaping from their negative, feared possible selves, managing their relationship with the social self, and developing their past-present-future self within the historical context.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This research explored how experiencing a country’s cultural heritage influences consumers’ authenticity evaluation of its luxury brands. It showed authenticity was culturally constructed and perception was influenced by marketing means selectively exposing the consumers to different brand attributes. It contributes to transcultural research by linking cultural attributes to brand authenticity attributes.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Recent decades have seen a number of policies have been launched to promote information disclosure on food products marketed in developed countries. There has also been increasing efforts to promote healthy eating in developing economies (Cowburn & Stockley 2005). A good example appears in China, where, in an effort to improve health education, nutrition labels became mandatory under the Nutrition Labeling Act (NLA) since 2013. Additionally, food labeling regulations were issued by India, Mercosur members and South Africa. While nutritional labeling has received a lot of attention both in academia and from the press, there are some key gaps in the nutrition labeling literature. One issue of how standardized information requirements affect firm marketing responses (e.g., advertising levels. R&D investment, and corporate social responsibility programs) and performance has been understudied. Another clear gap in the literature is how nutritional labeling requirements affect developing economies.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study examines the influence of culture on consumers’ behavioral responses after an exposure to negative information, including their intention to search information and to spread the negative word-of-mouth. The study finds that the degree of collectivism and uncertainty avoidance had a significant and positive relationship towards the intention to search and intention to spread negative word-of-moth. Results show a significant and negative relationship between power distance and information search under the high severity scenario but a positive relationship between power distance and negative word-of-mouth under the low severity scenario.
        2016.07 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the middle of the 20th century, globalization developed rapidly, especially industrial modernization has leaded to the heavy crisis of earth’s natural ecology and spiritual ecology. People began to wake up and rethink human civilization development model, and were deeply conscious of the fact that humanity is in urgent need of reconstruction of ecological civilization. In this context, ecological literature emerges as the times required. This paper first introduced ecological criticism flourish under the background of the cultural changes, then collected and sort out the theory historical transition of the Chinese ecological criticism and ecological aesthetics, exploring the problem domain about the development of the theory of ecological literature in the new century. And finally, summarized the new century’s tasks of ecological literary theory in the construction of Chinese literary theory.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The wind field and precipitable water vapor over the Tibetan Plateau are analyzed using the numerical model WRF. The spatial and vertical distributions of the relevant meteorological factors are summarized, providing evidence for selecting and further evaluating an astronomical site. This study serves as a further demonstration towards astro-climate regionalization, and provides us with an essential database for an astronomical site survey over the Tibetan Plateau.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Most of the stars in the Galaxy are in binary systems. Binaries should be possible as the hosting stars of planets. Searching for planetary companions to binaries, especially evolved close binary stars, can provide insight into the formation and the ultimate fate of circumbinary planets and shed light on the late evolution of binary stars. In order to do this, we have chosen some post common envelope binaries including sdB-type eclipsing binaries and detached WD+dM eclipsing binaries as our targets and monitored them for several years. In this paper, we will present some of our new observations and results for three targets, NSVS 07826147, NSVS14256825 and RR Cae.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Close binary stars are so close that one component has an effect on the evolution of the other. But how do they form and evolve? This is an unsolved problem. One speculation is that the binary is a part of a hierarchical triple and its orbit shrinks due to interaction with the third component. Therefore, searching for and investigating tertiary components, especially close-in ones, in close binary stars are important for understanding their origin, as well as to test theories of star formation and stellar dynamical interaction.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Several contact binary systems in four stellar clusters or their fields are reported here; NGC7789-V12, EP Cep and ES Cep in NGC188, NGC104-V95 and V710 Mon. Their multiple light curves were analyzed by the 2010 version of the W-D code, and their physical parameters were obtained.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Customer equity can estimate customer lifetime value for the company (Rust et al, 2004). The firm can make proper marketing strategy with customer equity. Customer equity can both satisfy consumers and make a profit for the company (Lemon et al., 2001).So we built a model to connect service quality and customer equity to study how to prove the competitive power of traditional market. In this paper we used customer satisfaction and brand attitude as mediating variables since Store brands have become an important contributor to retail differentiation and basis for building store loyalty (Dodd and Lindley, 2003) and in retail market customer equity varies with customer satisfaction( Pappu and Quester 2006). Considering that Chinese economic growth rate was slowing down, traditional market is being a priority for Chinese Government to relieve severe export pressure and employment pressure. In this research we would like to study the relationships among service quality, customer satisfaction and brand attitude and how they influence customer equity in traditional markets. Through this study we also find out how to competitive power of traditional market through managing CLV and proving service quality
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Sex appeal advertising has been widely adopted in luxury fashion marketing and yet little attention has been paid to the impact of sex appeal on perceived luxury values. Using a 2(low/high degree of sex appeal) x 2(male/female ad endorser) x 2(male/female ad viewer) factorial design, this study finds that the use of a high degree of sex appeal in an advertisement significantly improves young consumers’ perceptions of the appearance, quality, uniqueness, and conspicuousness value of a luxury fashion brand. The impact of sex appeal on the self-identity, hedonic, materialistic or prestige value perceptions appear to be insignificant. Gender interacts with the degree of sex appeal on the appearance and quality value only. Implications for luxury brand marketers and advertisers are discussed.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        So far much of the academic literature on luxury goods has been written from a Western perspective, with the result that our understanding of luxury consumption in the Chinese context remains rather limited. This paper aims to close this gap by examining how reference groups influence contemporary luxury brand consumption amongst young aspirational middle class consumers belonging to the Post-80s generation. It explores from a socio-cultural perspective the role which luxury brands play in their everyday lives and how this impacts on how they construct their identity at both a social and an individual level. In East Asian societies there has traditionally been a Confucian emphasis on the ‘collective self’ being more important than the individual self, and the need to take into account face saving (mianzi) and its corollary shame when understanding consumer behavior. Indeed, according to Wong and Ahuvia (1998), it is this notion of the interdependent self and the importance of maintaining ‘face’ which explains the significance given to possessions that are public and visible such as luxury goods and designer fashion brands. The present study examines luxury consumption through the lens of Social Identity Theory (SIT), which posits that individuals define their self-concept in relation to their connections with particular social groups or organizations. As people make comparisons between themselves and groups, they judge themselves as being similar to members of those groups which they feel they belong to (i.e. in-groups) and different from those which they feel they do not belong to (i.e. out-groups) (Hogg & Abrams, 2001). Fifteen in-depth interviews lasting around one hour each were conducted with a convenience sample of luxury consumers aged between 20 and 25 years, who were studying at a private university in mainland China. They were asked about the role which luxury brands play in their life. Major findings revealed different reasons for their strong desire to engage in luxury consumption. Some want to stand out as a luxury consumer within the wider community, while others use their luxury purchases to stand out from members of their in-group. Equally, there was evidence of participants using luxury goods to fit in with others in their in-group, as well as using them to of distance themselves from various out-groups.
        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Digital research in ancient Chinese characters reflects the adjustment and development of the traditional research model under the new condition of information transmission. Through this new research model, more innovative research areas can be opened up. Moreover, the operating criterion of empirical study will be elevated. Currently there are several problems in this research model: overburdened work in the technical area; weak support of existing research and the absence of necessary Chinese information technology. The further realms we can expect are: digital means and platforms will bring a new vision of paleographic research; the development of the digital platform on the basis of resource sharing and cooperation; the development of the function of supervision on digital platform over criterion of the paleographic research.
        2014.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The “infant” plays an important role in the Eastern monastic tradition. There has been a lot of discussions in the works of Buddhism and early Christianity. As a comprehensive theoretic system, however, the theory of “infant” is mainly in the ideological system of Taoists. The “infant” is treated as the highest goal in the monastic practice of Lao Tzu.
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