
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 247

        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Autophagy is an important self-eating process to eliminate damaged or unused organelles. We identified nine autophagy-related genes (Atg) including AaAtg-1, -3, -4b, -4d, -5, -6, -8, -12 and -13 from the Asian tiger mosquito, Aedes albopictus. Developmental expression patterns indicate that mRNA levels of AaAtg-1, -3, -4b, -4d, -5, -6, -12 and -13 were highly expressed in egg, whereas expression of AaAtg8 was high in 1stand3rdinstarlarvalstages. TissuespecificexpressionofthesegenesindicatesthatAaAtg1 was highly expressed in thorax and midgut in blood-fed adult female mosquitoes (BF), and head and thorax in sugar fed adult female mosquitoes (SF). Transcript level of AaAtg3 was high in thorax in BF, but head, thorax and Malpighian tubules in SF. AaAtg4b, -4d mRNA levels were significantly high in Malpighian tubules in BF, and head in SF, respectively. AaAtg-5 and -6 transcripts were highly expressed in head in BF, and expression of AaAtg-8 was high in Malpighian tubules in BF. Levels of AaAtg-12 and -13 mRNAs were significantly high in head and midgut in BF. Induction patterns of AaAtg genes against pathogens showed that AaAtg-1, -3, -4b, -8, -12 and -13 were strongly induced at 6 h-post injection of S. aureus, and mRNA levels of AaAtg-1, -3 and -13 were significantly induced by E. coli challenge after 3 h-post injection in SF abdominal carcass. In SF midgut, AaAtg-1, -3, -4b, -4d, -5, -6, -12 and -13 transcripts were drastically induced at 9 h-injection of E. coli and S. aureus, while expression of AaAtg-8 was highly induced by S. aureus and C. albicans at 9 h-post injection. Each AaAtg gene was slightly induced by E. coli, S. aureus or C. albicans at different time points in abdominal carcass in BF. Interestingly, AaAtg-8 was not induced by microbial challenge. While eight other Atg genes except AaAtg-8 were highly influenced by S. aureus at 6 and 9 h-post injection, E. coli at 3 h-post-treatment, and 3, 6, and 9 h-post inoculation. In the future, we will characterize the functional roles of autophagy during mosquito-microbes interaction.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Host defense against pathogen invasion highly relies on immune defense machinery that is controlled by the nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) of transcription factors. The Toll pathway are well known as an insect innate immune mechanism to protect host itself from invaded pathogens. Basically, in the edible insect, Tenebrio molitor, the Toll pathway is primarily activated by polymeric Lys-type peptidoglycans (PGNs), and components of fungal cell walls, β-1,3-glucan. Based on the current studies, the tremendous study has been focused on recognition and subsequent activation of spätzle in haemolymph, hence, there is a grave gap for intracellular event. Herein, in order to understand intracellular event of Toll signaling pathway, the Dorsal gene were identified. Moreover, domain analyses of TmDorsal2 gene indicate that there are two major domains such as Rel homology domain (RHD), ig-like, plexins, and transcription factors (IPT) domains. Based on the achieved results, TmDorsal2 mRNA was highly expressed in 1-day old pupa. Furthermore, TmDorsal2 was highly expressed in Malpighian tubules and fat body in last instar larvae (LL), and likewise mainly expressed in Malpighian tubules during adult 5-day old period, also the lowest expression of TmDorsal2 was observed in gonads. Moreover, TmDorsal2 mRNA levels after infection with E. coli appreciably went up at 6 and 9h time points. To investigate the effects of TmDorsal2 RNAi on larval susceptibility against various pathogens namely E. coli, S. aureus or C.albicans, dsRNA of TmDorsal2 has been synthesized the larvae dissected after 24h. As a result, TmAttacin1a, 1b and 2, TmDefencine1 and 2, TmTenecin1, 2, 3 and 4, TmCecropin2, TmColeoptericin1 and 2, Thaumatin-like protein 1 and 2 markedly reduced in the gut after injecting all mentioned microbes. In contrast, TmTenecin 2, Thaumatin-like protein 1 and 2 strikingly increased after microbe injection in the fat body. Interestingly, the most AMPs gene expression in whole body experimental case were upregulated. On the horizon, we will investigate effects of TmDorsal1 RNAi on larval susceptibility against various pathogens. Taken together, our studies may aid to understand insect innate immunity.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The red imported fire ant (Solenopsis invicta) is a species of ant native to South America. The fire ant was inadvertently introduced into USA, Australia, New Zealand, and other Asian countries including China and Taiwan. Since the first report of the fire ant in port city of Busan, Korea in 2017, it was found in many other cities of Korea in following year. To obtain the molecular information of this invasive species, total RNA was extracted from the abdominal segment of the ants collected in Incheon, and subjected to transcriptome sequencing. By using Illumina sequencer platform, 101 base pared-end sequencing generated 2 × 50,064,081 of raw reads to obtain 2 × 45.95 Gbase of quality filtered nucleotide sequences. The in silico cDNA library was constructed by Trinity de novo assembler followed by TransDecoder ORF finder and CD-HIT clustering program to streamline the library. The final version of cDNA library contains 20,442 contigs with protein coding capability. To survey the virome of this ant, these contigs were searched against the viral reference sequences from NCBI RefSeq database with BLASTN program. As a result, contigs which showed high sequence identities with several RNA viruses including previously reported SINV-2 were found from the fire ant. This virome information might give an idea of a shift of virological environment of this newly found ant isolate or population in Korea.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Nipponopsyche Yazaki is reported from Korea with an unrecorded species, N. fuscescens Yazaki for the first time. Adult, larva, pupa and genitalia of the species are redescribed with SEM illustrations, and DNA barcode for precise identification of the species is also provided.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        흑백알락나비 (Hestina persimilis (Westwood, 1850))는 한반도의 평안남도 이남의 내륙지역에 넓게 분포하고, 국외의 경우 일본, 중국, 히말라야 일대에 서식하는 것으로 알려져 있다. 본 종에 대한 생활사 연구는 김과 서(2011)에 의해 월동유충, 종령, 번데기 등에 대한 일부 보고가 있을 뿐 자세한 생활사에 대한 기록은 전무하다. 본 연구를 통해 한국산 흑백알락나비의 생태적 습성 및 미성숙단계 (알, 유충, 번데기)의 형태적 특징 등 자세한 생활사 정보를 보고하고자 한다.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        IKK-γ is an essential protein to form IKK complex which regulate NF-κB. We identified TmIKK-γ (or TmKenny) gene which has 1,521 bp of nucleotides encoding 506 amino acid residues. Domain analysis of TmIKK-γ shows that there are one NF-κB essential modulator (NEMO) domain and a leucine zipper domain. Expression of TmIKK-γ gene was gradually increased from egg to 2-day-old pupal stage, dramatically decreased until 7 day-old pupal stage, and then it was gradually increased. TmIKK-γ transcripts were highly expressed in fat body and hemocytes in late instar larvae and integuments, fat body and Malpighian tubules in 5 day-old adult. TmIKK-γ was drastically induced by E. coli after 3 h challenges and by S. aureus at 3 and 12 h-post injection in hemocytes. TmIKK-γ was not induced by C. albicans although it was significantly induced by E. coli (at 3, 6 and 24 h) and S. aureus (at 9 h) in gut. In fat body, expression of TmIKK-γ was drastically induced by E. coli at 3 and 24 h-post injection while it was not significantly induced by S. aureus and C. albicans. To understand the immunological role of TmIKK-γ, gene specific RNAi and mortality assay was performed. larval mortality against microbial challenge was dramatically increased by TmIKK-γ RNAi. Furthermore, we investigate the tissue specific induction patterns of fourteen AMP genes in response TmIKK-γ dsRNA-treatment. In fat body, ten AMP genes out of fourteen was not significantly induced by microbial challenge in TmIKK-γ dsRNA-treated group. Based on these results, TmIKK-γ might play an important role in antimicrobial innate immune responses in Tenebrio molitor.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        상주는 귀농 도시이자 농업 중심 도시로써 농업기술원을 유치할 만큼 생태학적 연구가치가 있는 친환경 도시이다. 특히 경천섬은 낙동강 본류에 있는 상주보 인근에 위치하고 있어 낙동강 생태 환경 연구의 중요 지역 중 하나이다. 하지만, 아직 경천섬에 대한 생물다양성 연구가 부족한 상태이다. 섬과 산지의 생태환경이 다르기 때문에 생물의 다양성도 다를 것이라 간주하고, 경천섬 주변의 생태학적 가치를 재조명할 기초자료를 조사하고자 한다. 이에 경천섬과 인근에 위치한 청룡사 길목 산지에 서식하는 곤충 채집을 통해 생물다양성을 조사하여 비교분석하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 채집방법은 직접잡기, 쓸어잡기, 함정트랩, 흡충관을 이용하였으며, 함정트랩에 사용된 유인제는 소주1.8ℓ와 빙초산350㎖를 혼합하여 사용하였다. 2018년 4월~8월 중 3회 채집과정을 수행하여 목표개체수를 확보하였고, 채집된 곤충은 에탄올을 채운 conical tube에 넣어 냉동실에 보관하여 보존성을 높였다. 채집과정에서 잡은 곤충들을 건조시키고 유사종끼리 분류하고 동정하는 과정을 거쳐 다양도지수, 우점도지수, 종풍부도지수, 종균등도지수, 유사도지수를 계산할 것이다. 기존에 알려지지 않았던 경천섬 일대의 생물다양성을 세세하게 분석하는 과정을 통해 경천섬의 생태학적 가치를 드러내고, 경천섬 일대의 자연환경관리와 보존에 필요한 정보나 체계적인 관리체계를 구축할 기초자료를 제공하고자 한다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Pesticide application in agriculture provides significant benefits such as protection from disease, prevention of harmful insects, and increased crop yields. However, accurate toxicological tests and risk assessments are necessary because of many related adverse effects associated with pesticide use. In this review, we discuss and analyze residual pesticides contained in livestock feed in Korea. A pesticide residue tolerance standard for livestock feed has not been precisely established; so, risk assessments are required to ensure safety. Standards and approaches for animal criteria and appropriate methods for evaluating residual pesticides are discussed and analyzed based on technology related to animal product safety in Korea. The safety of livestock feed containing pesticides is assessed to establish maximum residue limits relative to pesticides. Analysis of residual pesticides in milk, muscle, brain, and fat was performed with a livestock residue test and safety evaluation of the detected pesticide was performed. Efficacy of organic solvent extraction and clean-up of feed was verified, and suitability of the instrument was examined to establish if they are effective, rapid, and safe. This review discussed extensively how pesticide residue tolerance in livestock feed and hazard evaluation may be applied in future studies.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 기존에 재배된 바 없었던 암대극을 새로운 관상식물로 개발하고자, 절화 특성 평가를 실시하였다. 2017년 3월과 4월, 제주도에 자생하고 있는 암대극을 채취한 후, 수분흡수, 절화수명, 노화 과정 등 절화수명 특성을 평가하였다. 또한 sucrose 농도, 절화길이, pH 농도, 저장온도에 따른 절화 특성을 조사하였다. 본 실험은 국립수목원 유용식물증식센터의 Phyto-garden system(12h photoperiod, 25℃, 70% RH)과 실온(23℃, 44% RH)에서 수행하였고 2~3일 간격으로 수분흡수량, 생체중, 절화수명을 측정하였다. 실험 환경에 따른 연구에서 실온(14.4일) 보다 phyto-garden system(42.4일)의 절화 수명이 약 3배 더 길었고, 절화길이에 따른 연구에서는 절화수명이 20cm, 15.2일, 40cm, 17.4일로 나타났다. Sucrose 농도에 따른 연구에서는 처리에 따른 절화수명 증진 효과는 없었고, pH에 따른 연구의 절화수명은 pH 5, 15.6일, pH 6, 13.4일, pH 7, 13.1일, 증류수, 14.8일이었다. 저장온도에 따른 실험에서, 절화수명은 4℃, 83일, 10℃, 41.2일, 15℃, 35.5 일, 20℃, 17.4일, 실온, 14.4일이었는데, 온도가 감소할수록 절화수명이 길어짐을 알 수 있었다. 결론적으로, 암대극은 비교적 광도와 습도가 높은 환경과 절화길이가 길고 저장온도가 낮을수록 수명이 오래 유지되는 것을 알 수 있었다.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        암대극(Euphorbia jolkinii Boiss.)은 우리나라 제주도 및 남부 해안가 암석지에서 자생하는 대극과(Euphorbiaceae)의 다년생 초본식물이다. 등잔모양꽃차례가 황록색으로 3월부터 5월까지 긴 기간 동안 개화하기 때문에 새로운 관상식물로 개발할 가치가 높다. 본 연구에서는 암대극을 재배화하고자 우선적으로 제주도의 자생지 환경과 개체군 분포 특성을 조사하였다. 제주도 전역의 해안을 따라서 암대극 개체의 전수조사를 실시한 결과 40여 지점에 걸쳐 약 14,817개체가 자생하는 것으로 확인되었다. 그 중 제주도 본섬의 동쪽에 위치한 우도에 1,075개체(전체의 7.3%), 북서쪽에 위치한 비양도에 952개체(6.4%), 남쪽에 위치한 가파도에 589개체(4.0%)가 조사되었다. 암대극은 주로 제주도 본섬 남동부 해안가 암석지대에 집중적으로 자생하는 것으로 확인되었고 가파도, 우도, 비양도의 경우에도 섬 동쪽지역에만 분포되어 있었다. 암대극의 생육은 자생지에 따라 차이가 있었다. 초장, 줄기 길이, 줄기 직경은 꽃 크기와 정의 상관관계를 보였다. 모든 지역에서 꽃이 피는 시기는 3월 말로 비슷하게 개화가 시작되었고, 6월 초에는 대부분의 꽃에서 종자가 성숙하여 탈리되었다. 암대극의 주변 식생은 갯개미자리, 돌가시나무, 순비기나무, 갯강활 등 30여 종이 분포되어 있었고, 초본이 80%를 차지하는 데에 반해, 목본은 20%로서 초본식물이 주를 이루었다. 토양의 pH는 8.3~9.4의 범위에 있었으며, 염분 농도는 0.003~0.017%로 나타났다. 유기물 함량은 중문에서 1.9%, 가파도에서 1.4%, 표선면에서 1.0%로 나타났고, CEC는 가파도에서 10.7cmol+/kg, 표선면에서 5.6cmol+/kg, 중문 지역에서 1.3cmol+/kg로 나타났다. 전기전도도는 중문, 가파도, 표선면에서 각각 0.47dS/m, 0.19dS/m, 0.16dS/m으로 나타났고, Cl-은 57.45mg/kg, 63.01mg/kg, 8.12mg/kg으로 나타났다. 중문에서 유효인산은 검출되지 않았다.
        2018.07 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        There are two purposes of this paper. One is to present a brief introduction to item response theory in conjunction with marketing research. The other is to present a review of current use of item response theory in representative marketing research journals. Several item response theory relevant papers were recently published in various marketing research journals. Because models under item response theory from simple to complex were used without any systematic introduction in marketing research, this paper briefly presents main concepts in item response theory. An encyclopaedia entry (Kim, 2015) and two graduate-level textbooks (Baker & Kim, 2004, 2017) are mainly referred and used for the first purpose. A content analysis was done for the second purpose with 28 item response theory relevant articles on marketing research journals. Articles are sorted based on the classification framework by Thissen and Steinberg (1986). Many articles reviewed relied on some type of unidimensional dichotomous item response theory models. Articles published recently within 10 years that used item response theory models were more complicated both mathematically and statistically than other previously published articles in marketing research journals. The taxonomic tabulations in this study should aid marketing researchers who are planning their continuous training in item response theory, and faculty who design or teach courses on marketing research methods for advanced undergraduate and graduate students.
        2018.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        금번 연구를 통해 작은검정주머니나방속이 국내에서 처음 발견되어 보고한다. 작은검정주머니나방속 내 작은날개검정주머니나방에 대한 암컷 형태 특징, 채집지 정보 등을 포함한 이용가능한 모든 정보를 제공하였다. 또한 신속한 종 동정을 위한 DNA 바코드 정보를 작성하였다.
        2018.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In recent years, pavement distresses have been caused by diverse factors such as spalling, deterioration of repaired sections, blow-up, and alkali aggregate reaction due to changing climate environment of a concrete pavement and its construction and maintenance conditions (supply of materials, increase in use of de-icers, etc,). As a leading repair method for deteriorated concrete pavements, partial-depth repair is implemented in accordance with guidelines of material properties for joints of a concrete pavement and field application evaluation systems, but still some of the repaired sections become deteriorated again at an early stage due to poor construction quality and failure of response to environmental impacts. Distresses that can be corrected with partial-depth repairs are largely divided into those of repair materials and of the existing pavement bonded to repair materials, and combined distress of repair materials and the existing pavement. Although re-repair methods should be different by distress type and scale than conventional pavement repair methods, appropriate repair methods and guidance for re-repairs have not been in place so far, and therefore currently, re-repair practices follow the existing manual of partial depth repairs. Therefore, this study evaluated concrete bond characteristics by removing method and repair scope for an experimental section of frequently distressed pavements to determine a re-repair scope and method for deteriorated partial depth repair sections of concrete pavement, the number of which has increased over time.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Docirava Walker, [1863] belongs to the tribe Chesiadini of the family Geometridae with only 12 described species in the world. The genus could be distinguished from other genera of Chesiadini with the characters, which had been described by walker in original description as follow : “Proboscis slender, rather long….Legs long, very slender; hind tibiae with four rather short and slender spurs”. In this study, the genus Docirava was first recorded with a new species Docirava sp. nov. with DNA barcode. Also, all the available information including images for both of genitalia and adult, wing venation and descriptional study was provided.
        2018.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        연구를 통해 나비목(Lepidoptera) 곡식좀나방상과(Tineoidea)내에 속하는 곡식좀나방붙이과*(Meessiidae)의 국내 분포가 새롭게 확인되어 보고한다. 또한 곡식좀나방붙이과 점박이좀나방붙이속*(genus Eudarcia)의 신종후보 3종 및 한국미기록 1종에 대한 성충, 생식기 특징과 국내 분포 등 이용 가능한 다양한 정보를 작성 및 제공하는 바이다.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘Crown Bell’ 품종은 생육이 왕성하고 엽소 및 잎마름병에 강하며 꽃이 큰 백합 신품종을 육성하기 위하여 2008년 충남농업 기술원 태안백합시험장에서 교배한 OT(Oriental hybrid × Trumpet hybrid)계통의 종간교잡종이다. 모본으로는 노란색의 OT계통 ‘Yelloween’ 품종을, 부본으로는 분홍색의 Oriental계통 ‘Carmina’품종을 화주절단수분법에 의해 교배한 후 2009년부터 2011년까지 기내 종자배양 및 증식 육묘하여 2012년 우수계통(OT12-8)을 1차 선발하였다. 2012년부터 2014년도에 걸쳐 ‘Nymph’ 품종을 대조구로 하여 보통재배를 통한 특성검정을 실시하였으며, 2013년 화훼연구소에서 개최한 신품종 평가회에서 기호성이 우수한 개체를 2차 선발하여 ‘Chungnam OT-2’로 명명한 후 농촌진흥청 농작물직무육성 신품종선정위원회 심의를 거쳐 국립종자원에 ‘Crown Bell’로 품종보호 출원하였다. ‘Crown Bell’ 품종의 중부지역 자연 개화는 6월 26일로 ‘Nymph’ 품종보다 약간 빨랐으며, 초장은 136.1cm이고, 반점없는 복색(크림색+적색)의 화색을 가진 상향개화성을 나타내었다. 재배에 있어서는 잎마름병과 진딧물 등의 병충해 방제를 주기적으로 실시하고, 양수분 관리 등 일반적인 재배관리를 통해 고품질 절화 백합 및 구근 생산이 가능하다.
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