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        검색결과 247

        2010.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of treadmill walking in underwater and overground which affects gait and physical function of people who have had a stroke. Twenty people after a stroke who have become hemiplegic over 6 months were participated. Participants were divided into two groups: underwater treadmill group(UTG) and overground treadmill group(OTG). The intervention was done 4 times per weeks for 6 weeks and 1 session lasted for 30 minutes. Gait and physical function elements were measured at baseline, at the middle(3 weeks) and at the end of the intervention(6 weeks). For the elements of gait, walking velocity, affected stance phase, affected weight bearing were assessed. For the elements of physical function, Short Form 8(SF-8) health survey was used. The result of this study showed that both groups improved similarly in walking velocity. However participants in UTG improved more than those in OTG in affected stance phase(p<.05), affected weight bearing( p<.05) and emotional aspect(p<.001). Based on the results of this study, it can be suggested that treadmill walking both in underwater and on the ground can be effective in improving hemiplegic gait and physical function of people who have had a stroke. The result also suggest that the underwater treadmill exercise can be more effective than overground treadmill in restoration of gait in people after stroke.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) is a member of the Pestivirus genus of the Flaviviridae. The polyprotein composed of eight nonstructural and four structural proteins (nucleocapsid protein C and three envelope glycoprotein E0, E1 and E2). E2, the most immunogenic of the CSFV glycoproteins, induces a protective immune response in swine. The objective of this study was to enhance production of E2 protein by fusion with partial polyhedrin of nucleopolyhedrovirus in insect cells. We generated various E2 form by fusion with different combinations of the partial polyhedrin and deletion of the C-terminal transmembrane region (TMR). Expression of the E2 protein was identified by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using anti-CSFV E2 monoclonal antibodies. The fusion expression of an E2 protein with the partial polyhedrin markedly increased expression levels. Also, expression of E2 proteinlacking TMR region was higher than that of intact E2 protein. As a result, the fusion expression of E2 protein lacking the C-terminal TMR with partial polyhedrin was significantly increased in insect cells. These suggest that the fusion of target foreign protein with partial polyhedrin could enhance significantly the production of target protein.
        2010.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 azoxymethane (AOM)과 dextran sodium sulfate (DSS)로 유도된 대장 발암과정에 대한 셀레늄의 방어 효과를 조사하였다. 셀레늄 결핍(0.02 ppm Se), 정상(0.1 ppm Se), 과다(0.5 ppm Se)사료를 12주간 식이로 급여하여 혈액검사와 대장암 발생의 초기단계인 aberrant crypt foci (ACF)수를 측정했으며, 암 발생율을 조사하였다. ICP-AES 를 사용하여 간의 셀레늄 농도를 측정하였으며, 또한 셀레늄포함 항산화효소인 glutathione peroxidase (GPx) 활성을 알아보았다. 또한 TUNEL assay와 PCNA, β-catenin에 대한 면역조직 염색을 수행하였다. ACF 수 및 종양 발생률에 있어서, 셀레늄과다사료를 급여한 군이 정상셀레늄사료를 급여한 군보다 낮았으며, 셀레늄결핍사료를 급여한 군은 오히려 ACF 수 및 종양 발생률이 높았다. GPx 활성은 셀레늄의 섭취가 과다한 군에서 높게 나타났으며, 이 때, TUNEL 에서 apoptotic positive cell이 증가하는 것을 확인했다. 또 한 셀레늄의 섭취가 과다한 군에서 PCNA와 β-catenin의 발현이 감소됨을 볼 수 있었다. 본 마우스 모델실험에서 셀레늄은 여러 기전에 의해 대장암 발생을 억제할 수 있을 것으로 사료된다.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) has three major structural proteins which designated as GP4, GP5, and M. They have been considered very important to arouse the humoral and cellular immune responses against PRRSV infection and proposed to be the excellent candidate proteins in the design of PRRS bioengineering vaccine. However, the PRRSV structural proteins are produced in low levels in the infected cells because it forms insoluble protein and possesses several transmembrane regions. To overcome this problem, we fused the GP4, GP5, and M with SUMO (Small ubiquitin-related modifier), and expressed the fused gene in Bm5 cells and silkworm larvae. Expression of the proteins were analyzed by 12% SDS-PAGE and western blotting using 6xHis tag and porcine anti-PRRSV antibodies. In results, SUMO fused proteins were expressed at a high level in Bm5 cells. The levels of protein using the silkworm larvae is higher than that using Bm5 cells. The fused protein was purified by Ni-NTA affinity chromatography. This study demonstrated that SUMO, when fused with PRRSV structural proteins, was able to promote its soluble expression. This may be a better method to produce PRRSV structural proteins for vaccine development.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The Classical Swine Fever Virus (CSFV) is a member of the Pestivirus genus of the Flaviviridae. The genome of CSFV is a positive single-stranded RNA molecule 12.3 kb and contains a single large open reading frame (ORF). The polyprotein composed of eight nonstructural and four structural proteins (nucleocapsid protein C and three envelope glycoprotein E0, E1 and E2). E2, the most immunogenic of the CSFV glycoproteins, induces a protective immune response in swine. To determine the characteristics of the CSFV, LOM strain, we investigated the nucleotide sequence of the glycoprotein E0, E1 and E2. Comparison of the LOM with the other strains revealed nucleotide sequence identity ranging from 97 to 98%. Expression of the glycoprotein E2 was identified by SDS-PAGE and Western blot analysis using anti-CSFV E2 monoclonal antibodies in Sf21 cells. The expression levels of glycoprotein E2 were observed from day 3 and 5 days maximum. In addition, its expression efficiency by media and cell line was investigated. The result showed that High-Five cells and Grace’s insect media for Sf21 were the best conditions for the expression of the glycoprotein E2.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The potato tuber moth (PTM, Phthorimaea operculella (Zeller)) is a serious pest of potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) plants in the field in regions with warm temperate to tropical climates, and of tubers stored under ambient temperatures post-harvest. Although PTM can be a minor to serious pest depending on the area and year, this pest is getting more and more serious to potato fields in Korea according to accidental surveys. Son (1979) represented 12.5℃ of average annual temperature as northern limit of distribution where corresponding to Youngdeog, Dalseong, Boseong and Jindo regions. Soon after, Choi and Park (1980) reported that the northern limit of PTM distribution coincided with -8℃ isotherm for average annual minimum temperature of January. In recent years, concerns on PTM occurrence and damage to potato are increasing due to climate change resulted in global warming. We carried out an extensive survey of PTM distribution using sex pheromone traps at 24 sites across the nation in 2009. As a result, we confirmed that the northern limit of PTM distribution climbed to southern Gyeonggi and middle Gangwon regions from Gyeongbuk and Chungbuk regions indicated by Choi and Park (1980). Hereafter, we are trying to investigate why drastic going northward of PTM happened in Korea. Here is one presumption that a sudden rise in average temperature has occurred during 30 years, from 6.34℃ in 1973 to 7.62℃ in 2007, especially around Daegwallyeong area where is a typical highland with 800 m high.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The complete nucleotide sequences of the mitochondrial genome (mitogenome) from the white-spotted flower chafer, Protaetia brevitarsis (Coleoptera: Cetoniidae) was determined. The 20,319-bp long circular genome is the longest among the completely sequenced arthropods. This extraordinary length of the genome stemmed from 5,654-bp long A+T-rich region composed of twenty-eight 117-bp tandem repeats, seven 82-bp tandem repeats, and each two 19-bp and 38-bp tandem repeats. The P. brevitarsis contains a typical gene complement, order, and arrangement identical to most common type found in insects. The P. brevitarsis COI gene does not have typical ATN codon. Thus, we also designated it as AAC (asparagine), which is found in the start context of all sequenced Polyphaga within Coleoptera. All tRNAs showed stable canonical clover-leaf structure of other mt tRNAs, except for tRNASer (AGN), DHU arm of which could not form stable stem-loop structure. The 5bp-long motif sequence (TAGTA) that has been suggested to be the possible binding site for the transcription termination peptide for the major-strand also was found betweent RNASer (UCN) and ND1, as have been detected in all sequenced coleopteran insects.
        2008.12 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate (IP₃) plays an important role in the release of Cα²+ from intracellular stores into the cytoplasm in a variety of cell types. IP₃ translocation dynamics have been studied in response to many types of cell signals. However, the dynamics of cytosolic IP₃ in salivary acinar cells are unclear. A green fluorescent protein (GFP)-tagged pleckstrin homology domain (PHD) was constructed and introduced into a phospholipase C δ1 (PLC δ1) transgenic mouse, and then the salivary acinar cells were isolated. GFP-PHD was heterogeneously localized at the plasma membrane and intracellular organelles in submandibular gland and parotid gland cells. Application of trypsin, a G protein-coupled receptor activator, to the two types of cells caused an increase in GFP fluorescence in the cell cytoplasm. The observed time course of trypsin-evoked IP₃movement in acinar cells was independent of cell polarity, and the fluorescent label showed an immediate increase throughout the cells. These results suggest that GFP-PHD in many tissues of transgenic mice, including non-cultured primary cells, can be used as a model for examination of IP₃intracellular dynamics.
        2008.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pine wilt is the most important disease of pine trees in Korea, Japan and China. The pathogen causing this disease, the pinewood nematode (Bursaphelenchus xylophylus), is transmitted vectored by adults of some cerambycid beetle species and the Japanese pine sawyer, Monochamus alternatus, is the major vector species in Korea. Although chemical insecticides have been used to kill vector insect and thus prevent transmission of the pathogen, the efficacy is not good. In Japan, to control this insect, an entomopathogenic fungus was studied and developed as an insecticide. This is thought to be the convenient and effective method to control M. alternatus. Recently, there are several reports about the pinewood nematode is vectored by also the pine sawyer, M. saltuarius, in Korea. The objective of this study, therefore, was to isolate and identify entomopathogenic fungi from M. saltuarius cadaver to control it. We collected the cadaver of M. saltuarius and then screened several fungi colonies. The pathogenicity of each fungus was tested using oak longicorn beetle, Moechotypa diphysis, as substitutive insect. M. diphysis is also serious pest to various trees in forest. As the result, only one of them showed high pathogenicity against M. diphysis. Selected fungus was identified by microscopic examination and DNA analysis. Pathogenicity was also evaluated to M. saltuarius.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As a continuation of a previous work by Park et al. (2006), we have developed a two-element radio interferometer that can measure both the phase and amplitude of a visibility function. Two small radio telescopes with diameters of 2.3 m are used as before, but this time an external reference oscillator is shared by the two telescopes so that the local oscillator frequencies are identical. We do not use a hardware correlator; instead we record signals from the two telescopes onto a PC and then perform software correlation. Complex visibilities are obtained toward the sun at λ=21cm for 24 baselines with the use of the earth rotation and positional changes of one element, where the maximum baseline length projected onto UV plane is ~90λ As expected, the visibility amplitude decreases with the baseline length, while the phase is almost constant. The image obtained by the Fourier transformation of the visibility function nicely delineates the sun, which is barely resolved due to the limited baseline length. The experiment demonstrates that this system can be used as a "toy" interferometer at least for the education of (under)graduate students.
        2008.02 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper describes the traditional Ondol medical care, the specific combination of ancient and contemporary examples to be articulated. As a traditional Korean culture, to be extracted from the historical perspective, it described the relationship and origins between them, From a health perspective, in accordance with the logic and pharmacologyit introduced Ondol as the important principle of health care equipment. The modern architecture of some common harmful to the body, from the perspective of Ondol, it should be improved and based on scientific proof to the theory.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        About 10 percent of quasars are known to exhibit deep broad absorption troughs blueward of prominent permitted emission lines, which are usually attributed to the existence of outflows slightly above he accretion disk around the supermassive black hole. Typical widths up to 0.2c of these absorption roughs indicate the velocity scales in which special relativistic effects may not be negligible. Under he assumption of the ubiquity of the broad absorption line region in quasars, the broad emission line flux will exhibit Thomson scattered components from these fast outflows. In this paper, we provide our Monte Carlo calculation of linear polarization of singly Thomson scattered line radiation with the careful considerations of special relativistic effects. The scattering region is approximated by a collection of rings that are moving outward with speeds υ =cβ < 0.2c near the equatorial plane, and the scattered line photons are collected according to its direction and wavelength in the observer's rest frame. We find that the significantly extended red tail appears in the scattered radiation. We also find that the linear degree of polarization of singly Thomson scattered line radiation is wavelength-dependent and hat there are significant differences in the linear degree of polarization from that computed from classical physics in the far red tail. We propose that the semi-forbidden broad emission line C III]1909 may be significantly contributed from Thomson scattering because this line has small resonance scattering optical depth in the broad absorption line region, which leads to distinct and significant polarized flux in this broad emission line.
        2005.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Bone remodeling is a process controlled by the action of two major bone cells; the bone forming osteoblast and the bone resorbing osteoclast. In the process of osteoclastogenesis, stromal cells and osteoblast produce RANKL, OPG, and M-CSF, which in turn regulate the osteoclastogenesis. During the bone resorption by activated osteoclasts, extracellular Ca²+/PO₄²- concentration and degraded organic materials goes up, providing the hypertonic microenvironment. In this study, we tested the effects of hypertonicity due to the degraded organic materials on osteoclastogenesis in co-culture system. It was examined the cellular response of osteoblastic cell in terms of osteoclastogenesis by applying the sucrose, and mannitol, as a substitute of degraded organic materials to co-culture system. Apart from the sucrose, mannitol, and NaCl was tested to be compared to the effect of organic osmotic particles. The addition of sucrose and mannitol (25, 50, 100, 150, or 200 mM) to co-culture medium inhibited the number of tartrate-resistant acid phosphatase (TRAP) positive multinucleated cells induced by 10 nM (). However, NaCl did exert harmful effect upon the cells in this co-culture system, which is attributed to DNA damage in high concentration of NaCl. To further investigate the mechanism by which hypertonicity inhibits -induced osteoclastogenesis, the mRNA expressions of receptor activator of nuclear factor (NF)-kB ligand (RANKL) and osteoprotegerin (OPG) were monitored by RT-PCR. In the presence of sucrose (50 mM), RANKL mRNA expression was decreased in a dose-dependent manner, while the change in OPG and M-CSF mRNA were not occurred in significantly. The RANKL mRNA expression was inhibited for 48 hours in the presence of sucrose (50 mM), but such a decrement recovered after 72 hours. However, there were no considerable changes in the expression of OPG and M-CSF mRNA. Conclusively, these findings strongly suggest that hypertonic stress down-regulates -induced osteoclastogenesis via RANKL signal pathway in osteoblastic cell, and may playa pivotal role as a regulator that modulates osteoclastogenesis.