
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2022.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the experiences of families caring for patients with home mechanical ventilation. The question was, “What is the caregiving experience of a family who has a member with home mechanical ventilation?”. Methods: This study was a qualitative study to explore and describe the implications of experiences of families caring through a phenomenological approach. One-on-one in-depth interviews were conducted with family caregivers who worked as full-time for caring for patients with home mechanical ventilation, and the results were analyzed using Colaizzi’s (1978) phenomenological method. Participants’ relationships to patients were 1 spouse, 1 father, and 6 mother. The ages of the participants were between 33 and 59, with an average of 45.1. Results: In this study, family members’ caregiving experience was emerged. Analysis revealed the following themes: Felt burdened but had to accept it; Seized by fear; The weight I must bear alone; Everything is difficult and unfamiliar; Still, my home; and Sorry for the other family members. It was found that caregivers had decided to discharge their loved ones from the hospital out of a sense of duty. Conclusion: The families took care of the patients with responsibility and love. The study results should help with the understanding of a family with a member with home mechanical ventilation and should be used to develop nursing, mediating, and consulting programs for these caregivers
        2021.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study embraces the viewpoint that intercultural sensitivity can be efficiently increased by accepting the communication behaviors(CB) of different groups which are closely related to the components of world views. This study is to examine the CB of North Korean refugees with South Korean people in terms of intercultural sensitivity. It surveyed six North Korean refugees who could share their broad experience of CB. The results show that the participants experienced harsh communication behaviors caused by the dichotomous views, and the stereotypes due to the political impact in denial and defense stages of ethnocentrism. Although the CB based on human empathy in minimization stage was experienced, this situation was made when they tried concealing their origin or putting down their self-esteem. Also, in this stage their revealing the North Korean way of CB inadvertently caused misunderstandings and conflicts. Finally, based on the research findings, this study suggests some ways to accept the CB of North Korean refugees in terms of increasing intercultural sensitivity.
        2020.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study adopts the viewpoint that understanding linguistic aspects of different groups is efficient to promote a person's world view, which leads to increasing intercultural sensitivity(IS). The first goal is to examine the IS of the entire participants who experienced different languages. The second goal is to examine the difference in IS according to students' linguistic and cultural backgrounds. This study collected and analyzed quantitative and qualitative data through surveys at a school accepting diverse languages. As a result, first, the overall IS of the participants turned out to be in the Adaptation phase(AP) indicating ethnorelative world views. Second, multicultural family students(MS) were found to have higher IS compared to general students and to face solving communication issues with students of different backgrounds in the AP. General students are first found to have some issues left in the Minimization phase they need to solve, but an indepth analysis has shown that they are also in the AP since they face solving the similar issues to MS. This study, finally, puts forward some suggestions on dealing with multicultural languages.
        2016.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        난자생검(Ovum pick up, 이하 OPU) 기법은 유효축군 조기확보 및 우수한우 유전자 원의 조기증식, 희소유전자원 다량확보를 위해 매우 중요한 기법으로 주목받고 있다. 이 러한 OPU기술에는 체외배양기술 외에도 현장의 환경과 시기에 따라 회수되는 난자의 수 역시 중요하다. 현재, 가축센터에서는 한우의 유전자 다양성 확보를 위한 일반 한우 외에 도 희소한우 증식을 위한 연구를 진행 중에 있다. 본 연구는 OPU기법을 활용하여 가축 유전자원센터에서 보유중인 한우 또는 칡소를 대상으로 계절별 및 모색별로 난포란의 개 수와 난자회수율의 차이를 비교 · 검토하고자 실험을 진행하였다. 실험시기는 3월에서 5 월(봄), 6월에서 8월(여름), 9월부터 11월(가을)까지 구분하여 실시하였으며, 계절별 및 모 색별로 채취되는 난자의 개수와 회수율을 분석을 하였다. 봄에는 8.20±6.57, 여름에는 5.47±4.01, 가을에는 5.88±3.65개가 회수되었으며, 또한 계통별로는 가을에 실시한 결과 한 우는 6.40±6.15개, 칡소는 2.75±0.55개가 회수되었다. 그리고, 계통별로 수정란발달률은 한 우는 난할률이 25.0±44.4%, 배반포발달률이 6.3±50.0%, 칡소의 경우 난할률이 27.3±21.0%, 배반포발달률이 9.1±16.7%로 나타났다. 계절별로 OPU를 실시한 결과 여름, 가을경에 실 시하는 것에 비해서 봄에 실시를 하였을 경우 회수되는 난자의 수가 많은 것으로 확인을 하였다. 그리고, 현재 일반한우가 칡소에 비해서 회수되는 난자가 더 많은 것으로 확인되 었다. 이에 반하여 난할률 및 배반포발달률은 차이가 없는 것으로 확인되었으나, 향후 실 험진행에 따라 정확한 결과를 도출할 것으로 사료된다.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study attempted to develop a representative mild Korean food, including kimchi, bulgogi, galbi, and bibimbap, while maintaining existing images in order to spread Korean food worldwide. Tangpyeongchae is a mild healthy food with a nutritional balance of carbohydrates from cheongpomuk, protein from beef and eggs, and vitamins and minerals from water parsley, bean sprout, and laver. The food has a history of being favored by the political elite of the Joseon Dynasty and has features in Korean storytelling. Tangpyeongchae is an obangsaek food (five representative colors of Oriental philosophy). This study examined modern recipes of Tangpyeongchae in order to establish a standardized cooking method. Furthermore, the study examined customer interest and marketability of natural pigments to develop obangsaek cheongpomuk (mungbean gel) by adding black sesame, a traditional ingredient in Korea, to the cheongpomuk as well as traditional Korean pigments, chija and omija.
        2012.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis is a study of artistic measures and climate refugees, based on Hack’ s World Climate Refugee Camp project. According to Hack, climate refugees appeared with the process of globalization. Hack claimed that the people who put climate refugees in danger are the industrialized nations, and therefore, their rejection of refugees is nonsense. He also stated that the fundamental solution would be the active participation of such nations. Thus, he travels around the world, encouraging participants and globalizing his project. Interestingly, the practical participation method of his climate calamity project is divided into four methods, which are all related to realizing the danger and presenting various solutions. First, the aesthetic of survival: the reason Hack focused on the warming trend and claimed that we have to accept the climate refugees as refugees comes from the thought that we are all potential refugees, and the anxiety that climate refugees may cause war in the end. The solution Hack found for surviving in such a world is to create “refugee camps”to notify people about the seriousness of climate change, and to put the “aesthetic for survival”in action. Second, a relation-oriented relationship: communication between Hack and the participants was done in various ways. They are experiencing a bond and emotions of an interrelationship through their actions in the experimental field, experiencing a new form of art, which they were not able to experience in a museum. Third, a utopian measure: Hack’s utopian measure started from the fear of dystopia but Hack still believes that it is not only a dream, but that it can be realized. He claims that even though the start may be feeble, it is possible to rescue children from starvation and to treat climate refugees as proper human in the end, when communication and cooperation is done the right way and properly. Fourth, the aesthetic of global relation, the internet: the new solution Hack is trying on the internet is to make more people participate in his project. It is fate that “human are the wrongdoer and the victim at the same time”, but according to Hack’s opinion, social disaster can be avoided through effort and it is optimistic that we can give form to the culture revolution we are experiencing now. Hack’s project illustrated the importance of daily life, compared to art inside a museum, through active participation of the people and opened up a new method of art through realistic responses to disasters. This is distinctive from the past exhibitions, where artists gave shape and form to ideals and an imaginary world, in that it shows that the artist and audience aim for creating a community-like structure, just like Bourriaud’s art method. Hack’s project of climate calamity illustrates that installation and action art is not only an art genre which shows installation and activities, but that it can include social and political issues and that it can be completed with the help of participants, consequently becoming a genre of modern art. Hack raises a question about art’s identity through various descriptions. Artists as planners, who base their artworks on their subjectivity or the characteristics of a specific period, the people as participants, the duet of art work and play, human and human, and further, human and nature. The practical participation method, as a measure for “disaster”, reveals the new art of the 21st century within Hack’s artworks. Even though there are several problems with Hack’s usage of art as a measure for disaster, it will actively open up a new page for the 21st century’s art with the theme of disaster.
        2011.09 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This research was conducted to examine the usability of Cirsium setidens(CS), Aster glehni;(AG), Kalopanax pictus(KP), Anthriscus sylvestris(AS) as functional food in aspects of their functional components and nitrite scavenging ability. Analysis of proximate composition showed that CS contains more crude protein, crude lipid and crude fiber than the other samples. AG showed higher contents in phosphorus, and AS showed higher contents in magnesium, calcium, sodium, potassium, copper, and CS showed higher contents. Total phenol contents was highest in AS as 0.245% and lowest in CS as 0.194%. Regarding nitrite scavenging activity of aqueous fraction, AS appeared strongest as 64.93% at pH 1.2. Regarding nitrite scavenging activity of methanol extracts, KP was appeared strongest as 66.73% at pH 1.2.
        2011.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper is to examine Gerhard Richter’s“ Atlas” as an artistic symbol of the memory archive with the theme of aporia which is one of the characteristics of the modern art.“ The Atlas” which is composed of 800 huge tafels reflects Richter’s perspective where we can recognize his psychological and work’s source. It is obtained through examining 10,000 pictures, and is also a unique document that shows the life of the artist. The contents of“ the Atlas” have been added and expanded continuously, which make it said to be finished, but it still remains as a non-complete work. According to Derrida, the desire for an archive is an illness that reaches for the death and is a part of the desire of finding and possessing the beginning or origin of everything. Derrida realized through the archive fever in“ Moses and Monotheism”, Freud’s desire of possessing the beginning of everything. This fever is to be seen in situations where death is urged. Therefore, the archive fever is a journey towards the death. The desire to make an archive comes from the inquiry of repeating something, and according to Freud, this desire for repetition can be seen as going towards death. When Derrida was studying Freud’s“ Moses and Monotheism”, he did not overlook Freud’ s archive fever. This has a connection to Richter’s archive fever in“ the Atlas”, reflected in the war and ideology due to the repetitive compulsion of trauma. Derrida said that the reason for Richter examining the same theme repetitively was the archive fever and is at the same time a movement towards the death. Consequently, trauma exists through the archive, and the archive continues through the trial of finding the beginning. Nothing can stop this except the death and that is why death is to be found at the end of the journey. This paper examines Richter’s memory archive in the three directions. First, I illustrate the repetitive compulsion shown in“ the Atlas” and resulted from trauma in an aporaic way to concentrate only on the archive, and examine the aporaic narrative of the author. Second, I examine the various methods of different modern artists to express their “after death memory” when they overcame their trauma. Finally, I examine the aporaic method that is illustrated through the process of fusing and transforming photographs, which shows the objective truth with art. In other words, I examine the method that is exposed between the photographic truth and artistic creation.
        2009.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study was conducted to investigate whether there is a difference in calcium intake between elementary school students who are participating in the school milk program and those who are not. The study samples consisted of 240 milk program participants and 120 non-participants in the fifth and the sixth grades at a school located in Cheong-ju. The survey questionnaire included questions related to general status, drinking milk at school, and intake of milk and dairy products at home. An FFQ (food frequency questionnaire) was composed of 30 calcium-supplying foods, which surveyed the normal intake amount at one time and the frequency per month. The average daily intake of calcium by the participants (1052.3 mg) was higher than that of the non-participants (772.5 mg) by 279.8 mg, and the major consumed food item contributing to the difference was milk. The major sources of dietary calcium were 'milk' for the participants and 'ice cream' for the non-participants. In a question asking the reasons for participation in the program, 48.8% of the participants answered 'benefits to health', and the primary reason why the nonparticipants did not drink milk at school was 'stomach pain' (55.0%). Among the participants, 80.4% said they 'are drinking milk at home', which was in contrast to only 50.8% of the non-participants. And 48.7% the participants said they drank 'more than 1 cup' of milk at home, and 47.5% of the non-participants said they drank 'less than 1 cup'.
        2001.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        브랜스필드 동부 분지에서 얻은 길이 약 5m의 시추코어(A9-EB2)에서 채취된 44개의 시료로부터 총 41속 58종의 방산충이 감정되었으며, Antarctissa denticulata, A. longa, A. strelkovi, Lithomelissa setosa, Lithomitra lineata, Peridium longispinum와 Phormacantha hystrix 등이 우세종으로 이들이 총 산출량의 75%를 차지한다 시추코어에서 산출된 방산충 군집의 대부분은 긴 지질 시대를 나타내는 종들이며, Phaeodarian목의 Challengeriidae과에 속하는 Challengeron 속과 P개tocystis 속은 일반적으로 제4기에서 산출되므로 시추 퇴적물의 대략적인 지질 시대는 제4기(Pleistocene-Holocene)에 해당된다. 방산충 군집의 종조성은 Antarctissa strelkovi, A. denticulata, Cycladophora davisiana와 Larcopyle buetschlii등 전형적인 남극종(Circumpolar group)들이 다른 종들에 비해 상대적으로 다량 산출된다. 또한 연안 환경을 지시하는 Plectacantha oikiskos, Phomacantha hystrix와 원양 환경을 지시하는 Lithomelissa setosa가 함께 산출된다. 남극종의 산출과 Phomacantha-Plectacantha group이 Lithomelissa group의 산출량보다 많은 것으로 보아, 연구 지역은 남극순환수(Antarctic Circumpolar Current)나 벨링스하우젠해로부터 해류의 영향을 받은 연안 환경 지역이나 서쪽의 원양 환경인 웨델해로부터 브랜스필드 분지로 차가운 물이 유입되었음을 알 수 있다.
        2017.06 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        2015년 통계청 자료를 보면 전국에 다문화 가족은 278,036 가구에 이르고, 이중 자녀가 있는 가구는 185,654가구로 66.77%에 이른다. 또 한 2015년 전체 혼인 건수 302,828건 중 다문화 혼인이 22,462건으로 7.4%를 차지하였고, 2015년 출생아 438,420명 중 다문화 출생아 수 는 19,729명으로 4.5%를 차지하였다. 이러한 통계로 미루어 볼 때 다문화 자녀는 더 증가할 것으로 예상된다. 그러나 다문화 가정의 자녀들 은 한국어 능력의 부족과 양육하는 부모의 문화적 배경이 다름으로 지식과 정서 태도 등에서도 일반 아동들에 비해 떨어진다. 다문화 가정 의 아동들은 일반가정 아동보다 심리적 불편감이 높고 적응적 융통성, 언어의 어려움 그리고 정체성 형성 등의 어려움을 갖게 되며, 환경변 화에 대한 대처능력이 낮고 우울과 관련된 증상적 특징과 신체적 불편감도 높게 나타난다(김경자, 2008). 이에 본 연구는 원예치료가 농촌 지역 아동센터를 이용하는 다문화 가정 아동의 자존감 향상에 미치는 영향에 대해 알아보고자 수행하였다. 지역아동센터인 H공부방(전북 고창군 성내면 소재)의 다문화 가정 초등학생 5명의 아동을 대상으로 하였으며, 프로그램은 2016년 3월 9 일부터 2016년 7월 13일까지 주 1회씩 총 16회 실시한 결과 참여한 다문화 학생의 자아존중감 사전점수는 102.22(sd=1.44), 사후점수는 118.8(sd-2.25)로 16.58±0.81점이 증가하였으며, 유의수준 5% 하에서 통계적으로 유의한 것으로 나타났다. 관찰일지를 통한 결과에 의하 면 특히, 대상자 A는 매우 소심하여 친구와 싸움 후에도, 기분 나쁘거나 속상한 일이 있어도 말을 절대하지 않았으나 점차 친구들과 말하는 횟수가 많아졌다. 원예치료 프로그램을 참여한 후로 새로운 일에 흥미와 호기심을 갖게 되었고, 다른 프로그램의 참여도와 수업태도도 좋 아졌으며, 서로 배려하는 마음을 가지면서 친구들과의 관계가 좋아지는 모습을 볼 수 있었다. 따라서 원예치료 프로그램이 다문화가정 아동의 자아존중감 향상에 효과가 있는 것을 토대로 농촌지역의 학생들의 자아존중감 향상하는 데 적극적인 활용이 필요하다고 생각된다.
        2010.02 KCI 등재후보 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구의 목적은 발도르프 유아교육의 라이겐을 우리나라 문화와 정서에 맞추어 적용해 봄으로써, 이를 통하여 유아들의 정서지능에는 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 알아보고자 하였다. 본 연구의 대상은 강원도에 소재한 2개의 병설유치원에 재원중인 만5세 종일반 유아 42명으로 연구 도구는 유아의 정서 지능을 측정하기 위하여 이병래(1997)가 제작한 교사용 평정 유아정서지능 검사도구와 본 연구자가 구성한 라이겐 활동을 사용하였다. 연구 결과, 발도르프 유아교육의 라이겐 활동은 유아의 정서지능과 그 하위요소인 자기인식 및 표현능력, 자기조절능력, 타인인식능력, 타인조절 및 대인관계능력에 통계적으로 유의한 차이가 있는 것으로 나타나 유아의 정서지능에 긍정적인 영향을 미친 것으로 나타났다. 이는 발도르프 유아교육의 라이겐 활동으로 유아가 교사의 사랑이 담긴 긍정적인 정서적 배려를 경험함으로써 타인과의 감정 공유에 대한 자연스러운 정서적 경험이 자연스럽게 도출 되었을 것으로 보여지며, 교사와 또래들 간의 상호작용을 통해 서로 돕고 배려해주며 이해하는 친 사회적 행동도 함께 증진 될 수 있도록 하는 기회제공이 필요하다는 것을 시사한다.