The objective of this study was to review Dasik’s recipe of Jong-Ga in the Gyeongbuk area. Main methods of this study were literature review and in-depth interview. To study the historical transition of traditional Dasik, analysis of 11 cooking books from the 1400’s to 1800’s was carried out. Jong-Ga was made using Dasik and main ingredients were Songhwa, Kka and Kong Dasik. Special Dasik was in nine of Jong-Ga (Ipjae’s head family of Pungyang Jo’s clan, Sojea head family Gwangju No’s clan, Sawoodang head family Uiseong Kim’s clan, Heobaekdang’s head family of Bukye Hong’s clan, Taechon’s head family of Gyeseong Go’s clan, Gwiam’s head family of Gwangju Lee’s clan, Songdang’s head family of Milyang Park’s clan, Haeweol's head family of Pyeonghae Hwang's clan, Galyam's head family of Jaeryoung Lee’s clan) and Dasik are Gamphi dasik, Heukimja dasik, Baksulgi dasik, Tibap dasik, Daechu dasik, Yukpo dasik, Misutgaru dasik, Dotori dasik and Omija Dasik. It was used as a ritual food and reception food for guests. These recipes are good examples of functional and modern of Korean food. In the future, Dasik as well as discovery of ingredients in other foods of Jong-Ga are needed.
This study intends to discover stories and sensibilities connected with characteristics and symbols of the history and culture of Sangju to develop contents about the native foods of Sangju. ‘General Jeong’s Table’, which supplied the energy and nutrition necessary for soldiers during war, is set with Jobap, Patipguk, Euneogui, Baechumoojeon, Kongnamulheojib, Patipnamul, and Munamulsileagideanjangmuchim. ‘Sangjuseong retaking wartime food’, as a kind of ready-to-eat meal, which stresses convenience above everything else, is composed of Konggarujumeokbap, Bbongipjuk, Gamjangajji, and Odigojgammodeumbagitteok for table setting. ‘General Jeong’s liquor table’, which allowed the general to regain his energy or was set to entertain generals of allied forces in the Myeong Dynasty, is formed by Baeksuk, Gojgamssam, Kongjukjijim and Sangsurisul. Efficacies of food materials were analyzed in the Part of Drug Formula of the best-known medical book in Asia. Foods on ‘General Jeong’s Table’ has health efficacies that protect the five viscera and maintain the spleen and stomach.
This study investigated the effects of a healthy image on the preference and intake frequency of meat and animal products. The study looked into beef, pork, chicken, sausage, mackerel, cutlass fish, croaker, tuna, squid, shrimp, clams, fish cakes, eggs, milk, yogurt, ice cream, and cheese. A total of 359 usable surveys given to elementary school students, college students, and adults were collected using a convenient sampling method. While milk had the healthiest image, sausage had the least healthy image. The respondents preferred yogurt the most and sausage the least. The intake frequency of eggs was the highest and clams the lowest. The healthy image, preference, and intake frequency for all studied foods showed significant differences across both gender and age. The relationship between healthy image and preference was significant for all foods, and a healthy image always had a positive influence on preference. The relationship of healthy image and intake frequency was significant in 14 foods except for mackerel, cutlass fish, and tuna. Also a healthy image created a positive effect on the intake frequency of 14 foods.
This study was performed to investigate health-related behaviors and dietary attitudes among workers, using questionnaires with 338 workers in October 2005 who were employed by 5 industrial companies at the Gumi industrial complex. The result is summarized as follows. The subjects' interest in health was shown to be slightly higher than usual. An increase in their interest was observed with advancing age (p<0.05) and the level of interest was higher in females than males(p<0.05). Regarding a understanding of their health status, 57.4% of the total subjects considered their health status to be poor although there was no any known disease, while only 29.6% considered to be good. The subjects' dietary attitudes showed that the average of the each items was 2.88±0.82, and the average of the total items was 58.7±0.00. The average of their diet satisfaction was shown to be 2.88±0.82, and There was a significant difference in their diet satisfaction between residential building types(p<0.01) and work types(p<0.01). 66.8% of the total subjects answered that the main purpose of their meals was to fill an empty stomach. Their health-related behaviors, dietary attitudes and diet satisfaction showed that daily exercise, suitable diet and intake of health supplements were closely correlated with their dietary attitudes. It was also shown that there were the close correlations between the suitable diet and their dietary attitudes and diet satisfaction, between their refraining from drinking coffee and sufficient rest, between their refraining from drinking alcohol and sufficient rest, and between their feeling comfortable and drinking water as much as possible, respectively.
Ca-alginate bead로 소금의 흡착에 미치는 영향조건을 검토한 결과는 다음과 같다. Ca-alginate beads 에 의한 소금 흡착은 시간이 경과함에 따라 증가하였으며, 10분 후 4.0g으로 최고의 흡착량을 나타내었다. 0.2M CaCl_2, 0.2M BaCl_2, 0.2M FeCl_3 및 0.2M MgCl_2 등의 경화용액으로 조제한 bead에 의한 소금 흡착량은 Fe-alginate beads가 5.6g으로 제일 높았으나 bead가 쉽게 부서지는 단점이 있었고, MgCl_2 용액으로는 bead가 만들어지지 않았다. 그리고 0.2M CaCl_2 경화 용액이 0.1M, 0.2M 및 1M일 때 소금 흡착량은 각각 4.8g, 4.2g 및 4.1g으로 나타났다. Alginate의 농도를 0.6%, 1% 그리고 2%로 하여 제조한 비드로 소금 흡착량은 2.8g, 4.0g, 4.4g으로 각각 나타났으며, 그리고 bead의 크기를 각각 2.5mm, 3.5mm 그리고 4.5mm로 제조하여 소금의 흡착량을 살펴본 결과 각 크기별 모두 4.0 ~ 4.2g로 차이가 없었다. 초기 소금의 농도 4%, 8%, 12% 그리고 16%에서, 각각 소금의 흡착율은 30%, 28%, 27% 그리고 25%이었으며, pH에 따른 염분의 흡착률은 산성 (pH 4.0) 및 중성 (pH 6.8) 영역에서보다는 염기성 (pH 10.0)에서 더 높았다. 된장으로부터 내염성 세균을 분리한 후 alginate로 고정화된 beads와 비고정화한 bead와의 염분 흡착량은 고정화한 bead에 의한 염분 초기흡착속도가 보다 낮았으며, Ca-alginate bead 제조시 경화용액에 머무는 시간이 길수록 염분 흡착률은 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. 또한 1회 사용한 bead를 증류수에 하루 동안 방치 후 이 bead를 재이용함에 따라 염분 흡착량은 점점 감소하였다. 시료를 된장으로 하여 0시간, 3시간, 6시간, 12시간 및 24시간 후 소금 흡착율은 시간의 경과에 따라 더불어 증가하였다. 또한 소금이 감소된 된장의 pH를 측정한 결과, 4.90, 5.00, 5.01, 5.02 그리고 5.03이었으며, 적정산도는 0.1N-NaOH 소모량이 4ml, 3.4ml, 3.2ml, 3.0ml 그리고 3.0ml이었다. 저염 된장의 아미노태 질소를 적정한 결과, 원료 된장이 840mg/된장 100g, 740mg/된장 100g, 630mg/된장 100g, 그리고 530mg/된장 100g으로 줄어들었다. 각 시료별 염분 흡착율은 된장이 다른 시료 (Doengjang 100%, Kochujang 86%, Soysauce 78% and Jeotkal 71%)보다 가장 높게 나타났다.
The purpose of this study was to know the conscious of eating habit of housewife. The data were collected from 250 housewives who were the age group of 20-60's in Sang-Ju. The survey was taken place from May to June in 2000. The result showed that there were significant differences in eating habit's consciousness according to housewife's age group: 1. As the age goes up, the housewife had less consideration herself when they purchased food and decided cooking method. 2. As the age goes down, the order in having meal was depended on conditions. But as the age goes up, they considered the order as important thing like followings; eating together, eating separately according to the sex, male first, senior first, housewives lastly. 3. The survey showed that there was distinction depending on sex in meal as age goes up. And The subject was conscious that the delicious and valuable meal served to male, senior and child before. 4. Regardless of senior, the consciousness for the skipping meal was high as the age goes down. 5. As the age goes up, female and seniors showed that leftover was not so good. 6. The consciousness that housewives were responsible for preparing the meal was high as the age goes up, but they had further difficulty in preparing meal as the age goes down. 7. In considering that male and senior should be participated in the kitchen work, they had high consciousness as the age goes down. 8. About role of cooking, the consciousness was hish in case of male as the age goes down, in case of female and housewife were high as the age goes up. 9. As the age goes up, The consciousness was high that Female must buy the food. 10. As the age goes up, they had high consciousness in considering that the meaning of meal was related to survival, that noodle and bread were not meal. And the consciousness about that eating out was not good for health was high as the age goes up.
This study was to investigate the consumption patterns of fast food in small city. The survey was conducted by questionnaires from March to April in 1997. The object was 500 men and women who were in their teens through fifties and living in Kimchen and Sangju city. A total of 444 subjects(88.8%) excluding incomplete answer were analyzed, all statistical data analysis were conducted using the SAS/PC+. 1. The reason why people go to fast food restaurants are quickness, a convenient place, good taste, low prices, good service, and good atmosphere. There was significant correlation with each element with one exception between taste and prices. 2. On the question about the fast food which was eaten most frequently, responded hamburger to 39.86%, noodles to 29.50%, chicken to 16.67%, pizza to 10.36% and the others to 3.60%. And female, teens and twenties ate hamburger more often and another groups ate noodles more often. 3. The standard of choosing fast food restaurants was taste, prices, sanitation, atmosphere and service. There was significant correlation with exception between taste and prices, sanitation and service, atmosphere and service. 4. About propriety of fast food serving size as one meal, it was not enough portion for female and 40s. 5. The awareness that eating foreign-made food was not right, was significant difference among age groups, but not sex. 6. Customers was discontented with sanitation, price and service. There was also significant correlation with each element. 7. The frequency of eating fast food was 1-2 times/a month(35.36%), 3-5 times/a month(31.31%), 5-10 times/a month(18.24%), hardly using(11.04%), 10-20 times/a month(2.70%), over 20 times/a month(1.35%). There was significant difference among sex and age groups.
This research was attempted to investigate the correlation between food habits as well as preferences and health conditions of middle-aged people. 380 people living in Dae-gu, kimchon and kumrung gun in the 40's or 50's were selected for this research as subjects from July 1 to August 15, 1990. The data analysis was made by way of frequency, percentage, χ2-test and Pearson correlation using SAS package. The summarized results are as follows. 1. Among the total subjects of this research, 200 people (52.6%) were male and 180 people (47.4%) were female. The regional distribution was like this; 115 people (30.3%) lived in large city, 154 people (40.5%) in small and medium city and 111 people (29.2%) in rural region. 2. The survey on food life attitude on the subjects showed that they had a relatively good attitude, and there were little significant differences (p〈.05) between men and women. But there were significant differences (p〈.001) between rural region and city. 3. On the preferences for taste, food and cooked food the subjects showed the lowest preferences for processed milk-fat food and the highest for soybean and processed soybean food. 4. The research on health condition 1) 30.8% of the subjects were obesity. And this research showed that the percentage of obesity was higher among men (33.5%) than women (27.8%), and higher in cities (40.4, 34.4%) than rural region (16.2%), (p〈.05, p〈.01). 2) 90.8% of the subjects showed negative according to Diabetes inspection. 3) 2.0% of the subjects were hypertensive, and the percentage was higher among women than men, and higher in rural region than cities. 4) 12.6% of the subjects were anemia, and the percentage was higher among women (17.8%) than men (8.0%), and higher in rural region (23.4%) than cities (7.0, 9.1%). 5) DMFT index and DMF rate of dental caries was higher among women (DMFT index; 10.6 DMF rate; 88.9) than men (DMFT index; 7.3 DMF rate; 81.5), and higher in rural region (DMFT index; 11.8 DMF rate; 90.1) than cities (DMFT index; 7.4, 7.9 DMF rate; 79.1, 85.7). 6) According to the survey on self-diagnosed health status of subjects, the percentages of articular·neuralgia (48.9%) was the highest. And that of stomach digestion troubles (31.1%), headache (22.4%), anxiety excitement (12.9%), spastic constipation (12.4%), insomnia (9.7%), melancholia (7.9%) and etc (1.6%) followed. 7) People had allergied food which contained animal protein such as pork, chicken, mackerel, siakworm pupa, clam and so on. 8) In female cases, 46.7% of women became already menopausal and 13.3% of them was under menopause. 5. This research showed that there were significant correlation between food life attitude and health condition in obesity, anemia and dental caries but not in blood pressure. 6. And this research also showed that there were significant correlations between food preference and health condition in obesity, anemia and dental caries but not in blood pressure.
A food life style itself is substrative relations with culture, and is concerned with our daily life. Especially a food taboo comes from the intelligence which resulted from an ancestor's life experience. Accordingly, we can say a food taboo began with human appearance, settled in convention of folklore society, and forms it's own boundary todays. Since a practice of a food taboo is combinded firmly with various sociological factors such as religion, custom, and so on, it is very hard to change, even though the belife of a food taboo is not true. According to the result, first, significant factors effecting on a practice of a food taboo was a level of age, a level of education, religion, family pattern, behavior of subject and her mother for food life management, education of subject and her mother, and religion of subject and her mother. Second, in analysis of factors according to classification of food taboo a practice of a food taboo which classified to food of animal, food of plant and the other food showed significant differences, comparing religion of subject with her mother. Third, a result examined practice frequency and review of science, non science indicated that foods such as Egg of Globefish, Lettuce, Coffee, Persimmon, dried Persimmon, Soybean and Sugar are tabooed on the basis of science, and foods such as Vinegary food, Thieved food, Soup of Tangle and Dogmeat tabooed on the basis of non science. But in the case of Puja, it's basis of science is not identified. These food taboos are tabooed by more then 50% of subjects including who answerd 'there is some case to practice it' Therefore, we should continue analysis of science for the reason of a food taboo, at the same time, provide the origin and try to have a rational food life.