
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 25

        2005.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구에서는 지질학 연구에 관한 과학철학적 논의를 기반으로 지구과학 탐구의 특징을 반영한 지구과학 탐구방법의 개념적 틀을 개발하고, 이 틀을 분석 도구로 하여 중학교 2학년 과학 교과서에 수록된 탐구 활동을 분석하였다. 분석틀에서는 지구과학의 탐구 방법을 논리적 추론 방법, 해석적 방법, 역사적 방법으로 구분하고, 각각에 부속하는 방법이나 방법론상의 특징들을 세분화하여 제시하였다. 분석을 위해서는 중학교 2학년 과학 교과서의 '지구의 역사와 지각 변동' 단원의 탐구 활동을 대상으로 하였다. 분석된 탐구 활동들에 논리적 추론 방법이 반영된 비율은 귀납적 방법이 23%, 연역적 방법이 22%, 귀추적 방법이 70로, 귀추적 방법이 가장 높은 반영 빈도를 보였다. 해석적 방법의 특징이 반영된 비율은 '이미 형성된 이해 구조의 역할'이 92%로 가장 높았으며, '순환적 추론'이 9%, '이해의 역사적 본성'이 17%였다. 역사적 방법은 그 반영된 비율이 높은 것으로부터 적절한 분류체계의 구성'(53%), '현대적 동일과정설의 원리 적용'(47%), '잔존물 해석'(41%), '단계이론화 과정에서 장소로써 시간을 대체'(3%), '독립된 연구 결과들의 수렴 정도 평가(3%) 순으로 나타났다.
        1997.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 2차원 순압모델을 사용하여 황해와 동중국해에서 조석잔차류와 춘 하 추 동 4계절의 해상풍에 의한 해수 순환과 이러한 순환에 의한 부유물의 이동 궤적을 추적하는데 목적을 두었다. 황해 해수 순환의 주요 외력은 조석과 바람이라고 생각되어, 조석은 M2 조석으로부터 조석잔차류를 계산하였고, 계절별 바람으로서 1월(겨울), 4월(봄), 7월(여름), 10월(가을)을 사용하였다. 조석잔차류는 한국 남 서해안과 제주도 부근과 중국 양자강 하구역 부근에서 크게 나타난다. 제주도 부근에서는 10 cm/s 이상의 최대 잔차류가 나타나며 시계방향의 순환을 보이지만 전반적으로 남해안을 따라 동향류의 경향이 있다. 또한, 중국의 연운항에서 상하이 사이의 영역에서는 한국의 남해로 향하는 순환 구조가 나타나고 있다. 바람에 의해 형성된 순환은 북풍의 성격을 띤 1월, 4월, 10월에는 해역에 시계 방향의 순환이, 남풍과 열대성 저기압의 영향을 받는 7월에는 반시계 방향의 순환이 우세했다. 이로 인하여, 한국연안에서는 7월을 제외하고는 남향류가 나타났다. 부유물은 조석 잔차류와 취송류에 의해 이동한다. 10일 동안의 이동에서는 수 십 cm/s에 달하는 취송류가 조석 잔차류보다 크게 작용했다. 그러나, 수 개월 이상의 이동에 있어서는 수 cm/s의 조석잔차류의 영향이 더 크게 나타났다.
        1991.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        We investigate the forms, the inquiry levels and the objective types in the inquiry activities of the Earth Science text book (Science I HA) that was reorganized at March, 1988 from the eight publishers, according to the reference of Schwab's(1966) inquiry level of experiment and the Klopfer's (1971) classification of objectives of science education. Ninty seven percents of the experiments belong to the 1st level of the Schwab' s(1966) inquiry level and there are no activities of the 3rd level. On the basis of Klopfer's classification, ninty eight percents of the inquiry objectives are included in the only four kinds (A.O, B.O, D.O, G.O) of the nine objectives, and the rest (C.O, E.O, F.O, H.O, I. O) of the important objectives that are indispensable to the inquiry process seems to be exclusive. Conclusively speaking, the inquiry ability of the students may not be cultivated by the experiments in present text-book.
        1987.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Fluid in a rotating coordinate generally flows along equi-potential vorticity line. Without disturbances such as dissipation, rapid vertical mixing, and external forcing such as energy exchanges, potential vorticity is conserved in the thermally and dynamically closed system. This study is the first trial to investigate the potential vorticity in the East Sea. The purpose of this study is to show the distribution of the potential vorticity due to the variation of sea water density and topography in baroclinic and barotropic conditions. The conclusions are given as follows. First, vertical mixing is well striking in February than in August, and flow patterns in February are different from those in August. Secondly, contour lines of isotrophe is similar to bottom topography, while potential vorticity is similar to the distribution of dynamic topography. Thirdly, the circulation of the East Sea Water flows approximately along contours of potential vorticity in the region of high baroclinicity and along those of isotrophe in other region.
        1986.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dynamical conditions for the fronts around the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass, were investigated by means of the oceanographical data and simple numerical experiment. The coastal front developed along the coast inside the Yellow Sea and distinguished the Yellow Sea Cold Water Mass from the coastal water is attributed to the predominant tidal mixing near the coast. On the other hand the southern part of the front of the cold water mass would be explained a a part of the extention of a western boundary current which flows into the Cheju Channel.
        1985.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The circulation of the Yellow Sea and the East China Sea is simulated by means of the two layer numerical model with bottom topography: The circulation inside the Yellow Sea is mostly affected by the Kuroshio Current in the case without the wind stress exerting on the surface. The main current is trapped along the continental slope by the characteristics of geostrophy. The second strong current region is appeared from the southern coast of the Ghina to the Korea Straits, which is characterized the western boundary current. The circulation inside the Yellow Sea is rotated in clockwise direction even though its magnitude is negligibly small compare with the other current, for example, the tidal residual current.
        1985.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The 44 events of high tides recorded in the Joseonwangjo-silog (1392-1903) were investigated and analyzed. These 44 records were described with explanation in time sequence after conversion to Gregorean date. Among the 44 events listed in the Joseonwangjo-silog, one event which took place in Youngjo 17th (1741), was caused by the underwater seismic earthquake, and the others were all associated with the storm surges. And the 36 events took place in the western coast, the 7 events in the eastern coast, and the only 3 events in the southern coast.
        1984.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        By use of C. S. K. summer (1977) and winter (1974) data, the distribution of water types in the East China Sea is studied. In summer, it is classified into the Yellow Sea Cold Water, the Coastal Water, the East China Sea Water, the Mixed Water, the Tsushima Warm Water, and the Kuroshio Water. Seasonal thermocline and halocline appear strongly in the surface layer of the Yellow Sea Cold Water and the Coastal Water, and the maximum value of dissolved oxygen exists at the depth at which seasonal thermocline shows up. The Coastal Water which is formed by mixing with the outflow fresh water of the Yangtze River distributes itself at the surface Iayer because of the lower density. On the other hand, in winter, the Coastal Water does not appear and the characteristics of the Yellow Sea Cold Water and the East China Sea Water are homogeneous vertically. This is because the surface water is mixed vertically with the influence cooling. In both seasons, the Mixed Water appears in the marginal region of the continental shelf and in the continental slope. We can see that the Tsushima Warm Water and the Mixed Water are almost plotted on the same region in the temperature-salinity diagram. The Tsushima Warm Water does not originate from the main flow of the Kuroshio, but from the Mixed Water on the marginal region of the continental shelf and the continental slope.
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