
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 7

        2016.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper investigates seismic performance of a small-sized single story building in Korea. Nonlinear pushover anlaysis is performed to verify shear failure of RC short columns eventually led to performance degradation. Also, nonlinear time history analysis is performed using the same earthquakes from Gyeongju. Similar failure mode was obtained as in the report where a sudden rupture of the RC columns happened.
        2016.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Piloti-type building is one of typical vertical atypical buildings. These buildings can fail by weak-story or flexible-story mechanism on the first story. They should be designed by taking into account the special seismic load, but those less than six stories are not required to confirm the seismic performance from structural engineers in Korea. For this reason, small-size pilloti-type RC buildings need to be checked for seismic performance. Based on this background, this study performed nonlinear dynamic analysis using the PERFORM-3D for small-size pilloti-type RC buildings and assessed their seismic performance. Examples are two through four story buildings with and without walls in the first story. The walls and columns in the first story satisfied the target performance in the basic of flexural behavior due to quite a large size and reinforcement. However, wall shear demands exceed shear strength in some buildings. When designed for KBC2009, wall shear strength exceed shear demand in some buildings, but still does not in others. Consequently, wall shear must be carefully checked in both existing and new small-size pilloti-type RC buildings.
        2016.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The objective of this study is to apply performance-based seismic design to high-rise apartment buildings in Korean considering collapse prevention level. The possible issues during its application were studied and the suggestions were made based on the findings from the performance-based seismic design of a building with typical residential multi-unit layout. The lateral-force-resisting system of the building is ordinary shear walls system with a code exception of height limit. In order to allow the exception, the serviceability and the stability of the ordinary shear wall structure need to be evaluated to confirm that it has the equivalent performance as the one designed under the Korean Building Code 2009. The structure was evaluated whether it satisfied its performance objectives to withstand Service Level and Maximum Considered Earthquake.
        2015.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1. 본 연구는 중국 산동성의 평도시(平度市) 및 신강성 집단 재배농장을 대상으로 주요 채소 농산물인 고추, 마늘, 양파에 대하여 한국과 중국의 생산 관리체계 및 기술 수준을 비교·분 석하였다. 2. 고추의 경우 한국은 묘를 구입하여 정식하는 비율이 높 지만 중국은 대부분 자가 채종 후 자가 육묘를 하는 체계이다. 가장 특징적인 것은 한국은 수확을 10일 간격으로 5 ~ 6회 하 지만, 중국은 일시 수확하여 수확노동력을 줄이고 있다. 고추 의 경영비와 생산비 비교에서는 각각 한국이 3,975원/kg, 11,686원/kg이며, 중국은 519원/kg, 1,895원/kg으로 한국의 경 영비가 7.3배, 생산비는 6.2배 차이가 나는 것으로 조사되었다. 3. 중국의 마늘 파종량은 한국에 비해 3배 이상으로 밀식파 종을 한다. 재배 이랑은 한국은 넓은 이랑이며, 중국은 2줄 좁 은 이랑에서 재배 하고 있다. 멀칭은 한국이 기계멀칭을 64% 하고 있으나 중국은 인력을 이용한 멀칭을 하고 있다 마늘의 경영비와 생산비 비교에서는 각각 한국이 1,128원/kg, 2,049원 /kg이며, 중국은 310원/kg, 686원/kg으로 경영비는 3.6배, 생산 비는 3.0배 차이가 나는 것으로 분석되었다. 4. 양파는 중국이 한국보다 경지기반은 좋으나 호당 경지면 적은 0.14 ha로 매우 영세하다. 한국은 복비와 유기질 비료를 사용하고 방제를 3 ~ 5회하는 반면, 중국은 계분을 사용하고, 살균, 살충, 제초 방제는 1회만 실시하고 있다. 육묘는 중국과 한국이 모두 구입종자를 이용한 자가 육묘를 하는 동일한 생 산체계이다. 양파의 경영비와 생산비 비교에서는 각각 한국이 199원/kg, 334원/kg이며, 중국은 46원/kg, 98원/kg으로 한국보다 경영비 는 4.3배, 생산비는 3.4배 차이가 있은 것으로 나타났다.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For small-size reinforce-concrete buildings, Midas Gen, OpenSees, and Perform-3D, which are structural analysis programs that are most popularly used at present, were applied for nonlinear static pushover analysis, and then difference between those programs was analyzed. Example buildings were limited to 2-story frames with irregular shaped walls. Analysis result showed that there were more differences than for frames only and frames with rectangular walls, but it was not so significant. Nevertheless, the capacity curve were different in some buildings, which is attributed to shape and location of walls, and feature of the analysis program. Especially, selection of automatic or manual input in Midas Gen, or nonlinear wall elements in Perform3D can affect the capacity curve and performance of the buildings. Therefore, the program users should understand the feature of the program well, and then conduct performance assessment. The result of this study is limited to low-story buildings so that it should be noted that it is possible to get different results for mid- to high-rise buildings.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        For small-size reinforce-concrete buildings, Midas Gen, OpenSees, and Perform-3D, which are structural analysis programs that are most popularly used at present, were applied for nonlinear static pushover analysis, and then difference between those programs was analyzed. Example buildings were limited to 2-story frames only and frames with one or more rectangular walls. Analysis results showed that there was not much difference for frames only based on capacity curves. There were some differences for frames with rectangular walls, but it was not so significant. The global behaviors represented by the capacity curve were not so different, but the feature of each analysis program appeared when the results were analyzed in more detail. Therefore, the program users should understand the feature of the program well, and then conduct performance assessment. The result of this study is limited to low-story frames only and frames with rectangular walls so that it should be noted that it is possible to get different results for frames with non-rectangular walls or mid- to high-rise buildings.