In this study, we aimed to apply 3D digital printing to basic clothing production and to propose futuristic fashion design and production methods that correspond to contemporary trends. Literature on future trends, dynamism, mechanical aesthetics, and experimentalism were used to define the characteristics of “futurism.” Based on theoretical considerations about futurism, we created fashion designs using 3D digital printing methods. These designs were produced using the aesthetic characteristics of futurism; the 3D digital clothing program; and application of digital printing technologies to futuristic silhouettes, colors, and materials. The results were as follows: First, with the application of futurism as a fashion motif, we pursued collaboration between artistic work and fashion, and we then explored the possibility of creative expression. Second, harmony between achromatic and chromatic colors revealed even better dynamism and activeness, and the potential to express dynamism was observed. Third, with the development of fashion design processes based on 3D digital printing methodologies, it was found to be possible to eliminate the limitations of time and space, solve problems related to limited budget or communication, and positively influence the fashion industry by enhancing convenience and diversity. Fourth, with the development of fashion design that utilizes digital printing, it was found that problems related to time, space, or limited budget were able to be solved, as compared to the use of traditional printing and image reproduction.
Thanks to the support and encouragement of the Chinese government over the past decade, China’s platform economy has made rapid progress. However, as some large-scale big-tech companies grew into super-platforms, they formed a structure that dominated the market and their behaviors of “choose between two” became widespread. On February 7, 2021, the competition authorities promulgated the <Anti-Monopoly Guidelines on the Platform Economy of the Anti-Monopoly Committee>, which ended the era of unlimited policy support for Chinese platform companies and entered an era of strong management supervision. The platform’s forced act of “choosing between two” is currently receiving the most attention among the platform's anti-competitive acts, and three routines are currently being used simultaneously in China to regulate this. The first is legislation, and the second routine is the strong administrative punishment of competition authorities. In addition, China is actively applying the means of corporate interviews to suit the characteristics of its social system. These measures have sufficiently shown the attitude of competition authorities and serve as a preventive and warning to other platform companies. There are still problems to be solved, for example, whether to view each side as a separate market or a unified market in defining related markets in a two-sided market (multi-market) formed by platform is the first problem. In addition, legislation is inconsistent in the analysis method, creating confusion in the enforcement law in practice. Then, there are still many difficulties in determining the platform’s dominant market position, and due to the confidentiality and technology of some “Choose between two” actions adopted by the platform, there will be many difficulties in proving them and obtaining damages.
The purpose of this study is to develop a knitwear design with the potential for practical use through a combination of science and design by examining the concept and formative characteristics of fractal geometry and applying them to the development of 3D virtual clothing knitwear design. This study produced five main conclusions. First, the sub-concepts of “Repeatability,” “Scale variability,” and “complexity,” which are based on self-similarity, appear together with simple regularity in the fractal formative characteristics shown in fashion design. Second, fashion fields apply fractal geometry in three-dimensional surface textures and optical textile patterns as a method of expression. Third, it was confirmed that various expressions can be created with fractal patterns by using the SDS-ONE APEX 3-4 design system; moreover, fractal patterns are a suitable design source for the development of Jacquard knitwear patterns. Fourth, in the development of knitted jacquard fractal patterns, by arranging the patterns in perspective, the effect of emphasizing or reducing the human body by optical illusion was shown. Fifth, a knit Jacquard structure with a pattern that exhibits fractal modeling characteristics and applying it to a 3D virtual clothing sample design reduces the time required for sample production while expanding the knit design’s expression area and reducing costs. Thus, the clothing sample confirmed the effectiveness of practical knitwear design development.
국제적으로 최근의 세계적인 축산 ICT 개발 추세는 음성, 맥박, 저작수, 호흡수, CCTV 영상인식 등 보다 다양하고 다중적ㆍ통합적인 센서기술을 접목하여 분만, 상해, 질병 감염, 발정, 반추 및 저작 등 가축의 중요한 생명ㆍ생산 활동을 판단하고 조기에 발견하는 연구들이 시도되고 있다. 이에 본 연구는 ICT 기술을 활용하여 농가 생산성 향상 방안의 일환으로 체류형 바이오캡슐 내 pH, 반추위 체온 및 활동성 센서를 활용한 생체정보를 수집하였고 도축등급과의 상관관계 여부를 파악하고자 수행하였다. 시험방법으로는 26개월령의 한우 거세우 10두를 공시하여 5개월간 바이오캡슐 자료들을 수집하였고 이후 도축하여 등급판정성적과의 연관성 여부를 분석하였다. 연구 결과 육량 등급과 관련이 있는 등심단면적, 등지방두께, 도체중과 생체형질인 반추위 pH, 체온 그리고 활동성과는 모두 정(+)의 상관을 보였다. 육질등급과 관련 있는 근내지방도 및 성숙도는 생체형질인 체온에서는 정(+)의 상관을, pH 및 활동성과는 부(-)의 상관을 나타낸 반면에, 조직감에 대하여 체온은 부(-)의 상관을, pH 및 활동성과 는 정(+)의 상관을 보였다. 특히, 활동성과 근내지방도간의 상관계수가 –0.65로 통계적 유의성을 보였는데 (p<0.05), 이러한 결과는 소의 활동성이 낮으면 근내지방도는 높아진다는 것을 제시하여 준다. 반면에 pH와 도체중 간의 상관계수는 0.50으로 나타나 정(+)의 상관을 보였다. 이는 반추위의 pH가 낮아지면 체중도 작아진다는 것으로 분석된다. 본 연구 결과를 확대하여 계절 및 시간대별 생체정보가 도축성적에 미치는 요인에 대하여 추가적인 분석이 필요하며, 이를 근거로 한우 생산성 향상을 위한 생체정보를 활용할 수 있는 정보를 제공해 줄 것으로 판단된다.
This study aims to derive the criteria of folding techniques and their characteristics through analysis of literature and previous studies. This will be realized by performing a case study on male fashion design and folding. It will propose diverse directions and data for male fashion design, by making men’s jackets using a folding technique. The concept and terms of folding were clarified through examination of existing literature and previous studies. Specifically, four pieces were created with motifs of the four seasons. Among the types of pleats expressed in the works, composition pleats include double ruffles, gathers, and draperies, while processed ones include box pleats, knife pleats, and accordion pleats. This study expresses continuity, fluidity, scalability, and ambiguity through the use of such pleats. The results of the production are as follows. First, in terms of the continuous use of regular and repetitive pleats, a possibility of rich pleats was confirmed because they varied depending on the gap between the pleat and target material. Second, in liquid but irregular pleats, diverse moods were created by the pleat movement. The overlapping of repeated pleats expresses diverse spaces and shapes in a 3D extended silhouette. Third, in pleat classification, ambiguity was confirmed with the use of continuous accordion pleats in the printed gradation fabric. It is anticipated that more diverse and creative designs could be created using more extended techniques in future studies.
본 연구에서는 총각무에 검출빈도가 높은 3성분의 농약 을 선택하여 농약 침지 후 잔류농약이 총각김치제조 과정에서 제거되는 정도를 측정하였다. 총각무의 절임과 세척 과정 후에는 초기 처리농도에 대비 잎은 diazinon, diniconazole 및 dimethomorph 각각 43.8%, 41.9% 및 89.8%가 제거되었으며, 뿌리는 59.5%, 54.7% 및 85.1%가 제거되었다. 4oC에서 김치를 숙성하는 과정 중 농약의 잔류량은 4주간의 숙성기간 동안 초기 처리농도 대비 잎은 diazinon 82.4%, diniconazole 77.1% 그리고 dimethomorph 98.9%가 제거되었고, 뿌리의 경우 diazinon 94.0%, diniconazole 91.8% 그리고 dimethomorph 90.0%가 제거되었다. 총각김치 잔류농약 제거율을 제조과정별 상대적인 백분율로 나타낸 결과 절임과정에서 가장 많은 잔류농약 제거율을 보였으며, 그 결과 농약 3종은 44.6%-66.5%가 제거되었다. 반면 뿌리에서 diazinon, diniconazole은 숙성과정에서 51.8%-55.8%로 가장 많은 잔류농약 제거율을 보였다. 3종의 농약이 잔류하는 김치를 0oC, 4oC에서 4주간 숙성시키면서 온도에 따른 농약제거율의 차이를 살펴본 결과, diazinon은 뿌리에서 4oC가 0oC에 비해 농약제거율이 2.7%-10.8%가 높은 것으로 확인되었다. 그 이외의 농약에서는 숙성온도 별 잔류농약 제거율의 차이는 미미한 것으로 확인되었다.
Intermedia is a term that refers to the convergence of different media. It has not only enabled the delivery of brand message but also developed interactive communication in a contemporary fashion show context. This study investigates the presentation methods of contemporary fashion shows affected by intermedia. We examined the research and theory related to intermedia and fashion shows by accessing articles since the 2000s concerning 252 shows by 30 designers that tended to demonstrate the use of intermedia. Our analysis highlighted four particular characteristics: “medium scalability” (the unity of art and fashion and the unity of life and fashion); “synesthetic flow” (the audience’s emotional immersion, represented by the actual performance and performances of the models); “participatory accessibility” (performance participation through action and instrumental support); and “immaterial symbolization” (an intuitive symbol that emphasizes both the direct outward appearance and the metaphorical symbolism so that the object is expressed in a figurative sense). From these results, we identified considerable synergy between the characteristics of intermedia and contemporary fashion shows. Therefore, it might be useful to conduct an experimental study on this area of research.
본 연구에서는 건조농산물의 잔류농약 안전성 조사를 위해 경기도에서 유통되는 건조농산물 110건을 수거하여 다종농약다성분 분석법으로 잔류농약 263종을 검사하였다. 조사 결과 총 10건의 시료에서 10종의 잔류농약이 검출되었으며, 건피마자에서 chlorpyrifos, 건취나물에서 chlorpyrifos, hexaconazole, pyridalyl, 무시래기에서 diniconazole, isoprothiolane, lufenuron, 건곤드레에서 hexaconazole, 건고춧 잎에서 bifenthrin, chlorothalonil, boscalid, pyraclostrobin이 각각 검출되었다. 검출률은 9.1%였으며, 이 중 건피마자 1 건에서 chlorpyrifos가 잔류허용기준을 초과하였고 부적합률은 0.9%로 나타났다. 유효성 검증 실험 결과 검출한계(LOD)는 0.002~0.027 mg/kg, 정량한계(LOQ)는 0.006~0.083 mg/kg 으로 나타났으며, 결정계수(R2)는 0.9964~1.0000으로 나타났다. 회수율은 전반적으로 74.8~118.9%로 나타났다. 2019 년부터 PLS가 시행됨에 따라 농산물에 대한 안전성 관리가 강화되었지만 건조농산물의 경우 잔류허용기준이 미비 하기 때문에 본 연구는 향후 기준 설정을 위한 기초자료로 제공하고자 한다.
The purpose of this study is to classify and analyze the deconstruction phenomena expressed in contemporary knit fashion design, and to analyze the inner meaning of deconstruction based on certain characteristics. As a method of study, literature data for theoretical backgrounds, prior studies, and internet data were analyzed. The scope of this study was restricted to knitwear published in the world’s four major collections (Milan, Paris, New York and London) from 2014 F/W to 2018 S/S. Based on prior studies, four concepts of deconstruction were derived: “Différeance”, “Intertextuality”, “Intermeaning of Meaning”, “Dis․De Phenomenon”. The results of the study were as follows: first, “Différeance” refers to a transcendence of time and space. These expressions are discursive, unrealistic, and convey freedom through intent that deviates from rules and norms. Second, “Intertextuality” indicates a mixture of different texts, such as styles, materials, and items. These expressions deliver novelty with amusement, and can be entertaining depending on audience expectations. Third, “Intermeaning of Meaning” is accidental category - depending on how the wearer wears the clothing. -; accordingly, free and spontaneous creativity is an emerging trend in fashion. Fourth, the clothing was expressed in deformed and distorted form by the construction and destruction of the structure, a technique we describe as the “Dis․De Phenomenon”. In this concept, the sense of free design of young emotion appears along with the sense of purity and shock due to intentional inconsistency.
The purpose of this study is to delineate and analyze the expression of the kidult and its characteristics and thereby provide data to be used for fashion design in various manners as well as to suggest creative and varied possibilities of fashion design. As a way to study, the author of this paper organized the general terms, concepts and definitions concerning the kidult in the previous papers and journals. The data was collected from the collections represent the characteristics of kidult especially from 2006 to 2015. The results are as follows: Firstly, The characters stimulating the innocence of children were used the most for infantile expression. Parody used characters in the movie or famous logos. Déformation was used to create designs by way of distortion and deformation. Exaggeration thereby showing visually strong impression and inducing surprise and unexpectedness. Dépaysement was useful to let us describe concepts and enhance our infinite creativity and interests about objects using surrealistic. Secondly, Infantile characteristics used the images of toys with infantile imagination and sense of humor. Fantasy introduced objects or expressed a dream-like feeling. Unexpectedness used two-faced ideas or conflicting ideas to express conflicts, collision and an interchange with heterogeneous things, avoiding the limit of size and the simplicity of materials. Parody used jocular expressions, satire and ironic expressions to express the original image in a fun manner. Exaggeration transformed changed the structure to restructure objects in a subjective and creative manner, thereby expressing creative patterns using various subject matters by way of special modeling or distortion and transformation.
본 연구의 목적은 지진발생 시 발생할 수 있는 초장대교량의 관리기준을 기반으로 하여 비상대응절차를 정의하고, 지진의 레벨(Level)별 비상대응 알고리즘을 개발하여 구조물의 센서와 연동하는 교량재난관리시스템인 BDMS(Bridge Disaster Management System) 개발이다. 지금까지의 초장대교량의 지진에 대한 방재시스템은 메뉴얼(Manual) 중심의 방식이며 패쇄적인 시스템을 활용하였으나 본 연구에서는 IT 기술을 접목하고 인터넷 기반의 개방적 시스템을 활용하여 보다 실용적인 시스템으로 개발하였다. 또한 교량관리자별로 업무를 할당하고 그 절차마다 수행해야할 임무를 AAD(Activity Action Diagram)을 통하여 명확하게 규정하였다. 3D 상황판 기능을 제공하여 지진재난 뿐 아니라 다른 자연재난의 중복 발생 시에도 적절한 초기 대응이 가능하도록 설계하였다. 시나리오를 기반으로 비상대응 주체별로 행동요령을 정의 하고 비상대응절차를 구축하여 이를 시스템화한 BDMS을 개발 활용한다면 기존의 경험적, 매뉴얼 중심의 대처방식에서 신속성, 효율성을 가진 지진 재난 방제시스템을 갖게 될 것이다.
The purpose of this study is to explore the applicability of QFD to product development of clothes by empirically applying it to development of a specific clothes, middle and elderly women’s formal knitwear. The voices of customers(VOCs) for formal knitwear was collected through in-depth interviews with 25 customers, shop masters, and designers. Also, questionnaires of which respondents were 230 customers were used to rank the importance of the items of VOC. A QFD team of 10 knitwear experts implemented the task of translating VOCs into design attributes and measuring the values of the relationships between VOCs and design attributes. Importance ranking of the items of design attributes was obtained based on Lyman’s method. The results of this study were as follows. First, the customer requirements for formal knitwear were classified into five dimensions, that is, symbolism, aesthetic, fitness, usefulness, and maintenance. Second, the descending order of the necessity of improving the quality was maintenance, aesthetic, fitness, usefulness, and symbolism. Third, three-staged design attributes were obtained as a result of translating of VOCs into design attributes. Lastly, the descending order of the importance of design attributes was “sorts of yarn”, “sorts of color jacquard”, “color”, “tone”, “ease”, etc.
본 연구에서는 성별에 따라 소집단 구성 방법을 달리한 두 가지 협동학습의 교수방법이 학생의 학업 성취도와 과학 학습 태도에 미치는 효과를 조사하였다. 중학교 2학년의 3개 학급 144명을 대상으로 지구과학 분야의 수업을 처치하여 전체 및 남녀 학생별로 이들 효과를 공변량 분석하였다. 통제 집단에 대하여는 전통적인 수업을 실시하였다. 처치 수업 전에 과학 학습 태도에 관한 질문지가 학생에게 배포되었고, 이 점수를 공변인으로 사용하였다. 처치 후에는 본 연구에서 개발된 과학 학업성취도와 관련된 문항과 함께 같은 질문지가 사용되었다. 학업성취도, 그리고 학습태도의 하위영역인 과학교과에 대한 인식의 성차에서 수업처치의 주효과 그리고 수업처치와 성별 사이의 상호작용 효과는 나타나지 않았다. 그러나 과학 수업에 대한 태도에서는 전체 학생에서 동성끼리 소집단을 구성한 협동학습 집단의 점수가 이성의 경우보다 유의미하게 높았다. 수업환경의 인식에 대한 전체 학생의 점수는 전통적 수업집단보다 두 협동학습 집단에서 유의미하게 높았으며, 이러한 경향은 여학생에서 동성끼리 소집단을 구성한 협동학습 집단에서 더욱 현저하였다.