
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 13

        2020.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the effects of kaolin addition on the properties of reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composites are investigated. A reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composite is prepared using the replica template method. The microstructure and pore characteristics of the reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composites are analyzed by controlling the PPI value (45, 60, and 80 PPI) of the polyurethane foam (which are used as the polymer template), the ball-milling time (8 and 24 h), and the amount of kaolin (0–50 wt. %). The average pore size decreases as the amount of kaolin increases in the reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composite. As the amount of kaolin increases, it can be determined that the amount of inter-connected pore channels is reduced because the plate-shaped kaolin particles connect the gaps between irregular diatomite particles. Consequently, a higher kaolin percentage affects the overall mechanical properties by improving the pore channel connectivity. The effect of kaolin addition on the basic properties of the reticulated porous diatomite-kaolin composite is further discussed with characterization data such as pore size distribution, scanning electron microscopy images, and compressive strength.
        2017.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ceramic membranes can be applied under extreme operating conditions such as low pH, high pressure and high temperature. In particular SiC has excellent mechanical properties and also has excellent properties related to membrane performance. However, high processing temperature increases cost of SiC products and thus limit’s its use. In this study oxidation bonding technique was used to fabricate cost-effective SiC microfiltration membrane at low temperature. The oxidation behavior at different thermal treatments was related with pore morphology and ultimately the membrane permeability. We have found that the membrane made by coating of oxidation bonded SiC layer over clay-bonded SiC support, sintered at 1000-1100°C could make a defect-free microfiltration membrane with pure water permeability above 700 LMH per bar. The membrane has narrow pore size distribution with average pore size about 0.1 μm.
        2016.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Ceramic membrane technology has been remarkably progressed for water treatment. The advantages were founded on the intrinsic properties of ceramics. Membrane fouling is regarded as a serious obstacles which deteriorate the stable purification process. The surface modification of ceramic membranes would be necessary to relieve the severe membrane fouling and to improve filtration efficiency. We aimed to develop a unique ceramic membrane with resistance to fouling. The ceramic membranes are subjected to chemical modification, and the surface charge effects were extensively investigated.
        2012.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        나노 크기인 5nm 이하로 제조한 은나노제품(파이투패치)은 주요 식물병원균인 탄저병원균(Collectotrichum gloeosporioides), 잿빛곰팡이병원균(Botrytis cinerea), 균핵병원균(Sclerotinia sclerotiorum)에 대해 포자발아 및 균사생장을 억제하는 항균력이 있었다. 파이투패치 살포에 의한 고추탄저병 방제효과를 실험하기 위해 파이투패치 희석액에 포자를 침지하여 포습시킨 후 발아율을 조사한 결과 5ppm까지 희석한 처리구에서 병원균의 포자발아억제효과를 보였으며, 균사는 10ppm에서 생장억제효과가 15일간 지속되었다. 특히 파이투패치를 10ppm으로 희석하여 배지표면에 도말한 후 탄저병원균 포자를 접종하면 3일간 발아가 억제되어 식물체 감염을 효과적으로 예방하였으며, 40% 이상 발병한 시험구에 4ppm 파이투패치를 살포한 결과 21일 후 7% 이하의 발병과율로 무처리 대비 70% 방제효과가 있었다. 장마철 탄저병 발생율이 94.6%인 시험포장에서 10ppm 농도로 파이투패치를 7일간격으로 엽면살포한 결과 발병과 발생율이 5.8%로 방제효과를 확인하였으며, 수확한 홍고추를 자연건조한 후에도 발병과율이 24.2%로 건고추 수확량도 증가하였다. 장마철 고추역병(Phytophthora capsici)은 장마가 끝난 무피복시험구에서 8월 11일 15%이었으며 고온기를 지난 9월 7일에는 발병율이 74%로 수확을 포기하였으나, 파이투패치를 코팅처리한 피복재를 씌운 시험구에서는 발병주가 2.3%로 장마철 역병발생이 효과적으로 방제되었다.