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        검색결과 10

        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study evaluated the performance of GFDL HiRAM, a fine resolution AGCM, in the simulation of GPI (Genesis Potential Index) of tropical cyclone and its temporal variation over the Western North Pacific (WNP). We analyzed the AMIP simulation by the AGCM for the 30-year (1979-2008) forced by observed sea surface temperatures as the lower boundary condition. Since GPI depends on the five large-scale environmental factors(850 hPa absolute vorticity, 700 hPa relative humidity, vertical wind shear, maximum potential intensity, and 500 hPa vertical velocity), the biases of the simulation are examined for these factors as well as GPI itself. The results are compared with the ECMWF Interim reanalysis (ERA-I), and the analyses show that both the mean spatial pattern and the seasonal cycle of GPI over the WNP are reasonably simulated by HiRAM. But the magnitude of GPI is significantly underestimated due to the combined contribution of negative biases in four factors excluding the low-level vorticity. It is demonstrated that the three leading modes of spatio-temporal variability of GPI in EOF analysis for ERA-I are associated with ENSO, climate change with long-term trends, and SST anomalies over the WNP. The response of GPI to ENSO is more or less captured by HiRAM, including the east-west shift of Typhoon genesis location. However, it is supposed that unrealistic response of GPI and its factors to La-Nina or eastern Pacific El-Nino is an important shortcoming of HiRAM. In addition, HiRAM fails to reproduce the characteristic spatiotemporal variation associated with the climate change mode of GPI. The key findings from this study provide helpful guidance for improvement of HiRAM.
        2018.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The interannual variability of summer temperature during June-August (JJA) in South Korea was associated with geopotential height averaged in the East Sea (Korea-Japan Index, KJI) and in the subtropical western North Pacific (Western North Pacific Subtropical High Index, WNPSHI). The KJI was coupled with a decaying El Niño one month in advance, while the WNPSHI was influenced by Sea Surface Temperature (SST) anomaly in the western North Pacific and a developing El Niño one to three months ahead. Additionally, the JJA temperature over South Korea was affected by SST anomaly in the western North Pacific in May. Based on these teleconnections, a multivariate regression model using the SST surrogates for the KJI and WNPSHI and an univariate model using an area-averaged May SST were developed to reconstruct the JJA temperature over South Korea. Both of the empirical models reproduced the JJA and monthly temperatures reasonably well. However, when the simulated SSTs from global climate models were used, the multivariate model outperformed the univariate model. Further, for JJA temperature prediction, the multivariate model with 6-month lead SST outstripped one-month lead prediction of global climate models. Therefore, the empirical-dynamical approach can pave a promising way for summer temperature prediction in South Korea.
        2015.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, we tried to assess the future projection of the climate as a tourism resource in Gangwon region based on Tourism Climatic Index (TCI) and two RCP scenarios(RCP4.5 and RCP8.5) datasets. TCI combines ve climatic aspects relevant for outdoor tourism activity: daytime comfort(CID), average (or daily) comfort(CIA), sunshine(S), precipitation(P) and wind(W). The mean annual variation of TCI at most of stations shows bi-modal peak pattern, but the variation at Daegwallyeong shows unique summer peak pattern. During the 21st century, TCI in summer has distinct declining trend, and this tends to be more rapid in higher emission scenario(RCP8.5) than in lower emission scenario(RCP4.5). We found Daegwallyeong is expected to experience the most distinguished change in the late 21st century as annual variation pattern of TCI is likely to shift from summer peak to bi-modal peaks. Spatial distribution of the future TCI shows that maximum changes are likey to occur along high mountains(Backdudaegan), and summertime( June to September) climate conditions for tourism activities are expected to be increasingly deteriorated, while wintertime conditions are expected to be preferable more or less. It notes that magnitude of the change in RCP8.5 scenario estimates 2-3 times larger than in RCP4.5 scenario. To identify causes of the long-term TCI trends, we analyzed the contribution level of each sub-index to the trends. Consequently, it reveals that the most primary contributor is CID. However, CIA, P, and S also can highly contribute in some cases.
        2014.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Agreement in the vertical profiles of the temperature trends from radiosonde observation (HadAT) and four kinds of reanalysis dataset (ERA40, ERA-I, NCEP-DOE, and 20CR) are examined for the period of 1979-2000. There are noticeable spread among reanalysis and observation datasets in the temperature trend depending on region and vertical level. East Asia shows large discrepancy among datasets, while Europe shows relatively good agreement. Generally, biases in temperature trends are larger in the upper troposphere (above 300 hPa) than in the lower and middle troposphere. Comprehensive comparison of the long-term temperature trends among reanalyses is made for horizontal distributions with height, latitude-pressure cross-sectional distributions, zonally-averaged meridional distributions with height, and area-averaged vertical profiles in both DJF and JJA. Consequently, we find that the degree of agreement among reanalyses significantly varies with vertical level, region, and season. The highest discrepancy is found over southern high-latitudes and in the upper troposphere over southern tropics. In the tropical upper troposphere above 200 hPa, observation (HadAT) shows cooling trend increases with height, but three reanalyses show warming trends except NCEP-DOE reanalysis in which cooling trend is overestimated. In conclusion, discrepancies in the vertical profiles of long-term temperature trends among four kinds of reanalysis datasets are quite large, and then a scrupulous approach should be needed when reanalysis dataset is used for climate change study.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        TCI(tourism climatic index) is a measure of the suitability of climate for outdoor sightseeing, which combines seven climate variables. Based on the TCI, we analyse the present climate resources for tourism in Gangwon-do and assess the recent changes. We use daily meteorological data from 11 stations in Gangwon-do. First, we compare mean annual cycles of the TCI for 5 stations(Gangneung, Sokcho, Wonju Chuncheon, and Daegwallyeong). This comparison reveals that range of the annual cycle is from minimum 35(for Daegwallyeong in January) to maximum 80(for Wonju in May and September). Daegwallyeong which is located in highland is characterized by summer season peak pattern while other regions have low TCI values in hot summer. In long-term trend of the TCI, Gangneung has increasing trends in February, April and December, whereas it has significant decreasing trends in summer and fall(June to October). In case of Daegwallyeong, increasing trends are found in February, November and December, and relatively steep declining trends in summer season. The overall decreasing trend in summer season is a common feature in Gangwon-do. Decreasing trends at Gangneung in August and September might be mostly explained by the increasing trend of rainfall amount in those months. Meanwhile, increasing trends of the TCI in winter season might be a positive impact of climate warming on the tourism sector.
        2012.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 논문에서는 35년(1973~2007년) 기간 동안 남한 60개 지점에서 관측된 기온 자료를 분석함으로써 7월에 온난화 경향이 크게 약화되는 모습을 확인하였다. 특히 이 기간 동안 일최고기온은 약한 하강 추세를 나타내어 상승 추세를 갖는 다른 달들과 차별된 변화의 특징을 보였다. 그 원인으로 운량의 증가에 따른 지표 일사량의 감소가 온실가스 증가에 따른 온난화의 대부분 또는 그 이상을 상쇄하기 때문이라 예상하였으며, 분석 결과 7월의 운량은 강수량과 더불어 증가 추세를 나타내었다. 특히 운량과 일최고기온의 변화 간의 상관계수가 -0.92로 나타나, 놀라울 정도로 높은 상관성을 보이며 운량의 증가가 7월 온난화 약화 현상에 관한 가장 중요한 원인임을 뒷받침하였다. 아울러 강수량과 일최고기온의 변화 간의 상관계수는 -0.58로 나타나 강수량 증가는 운량 증가에 비해 부차적인 원인으로 이해될 수 있다. 북반구 중위도 지역과의 비교 결과, 이 7월 온난화 경향의 약화는 광역적 현상이 아니라 남한 지역만의 독특한 변화인 것으로 밝혔졌다.
        2011.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        이 연구에서는 관측 자료에 근거하여 20세기에 일어난 전지구적인 Köppen 기후구 면적의 변화와 사막화의 특징을 조사하였다. 5개 대기후구 면적의 변화를 분석한 결과, 대체로 따뜻한 기후구(특히 A 기후구)의 면적은 증가한 반면에 찬 기후구(특히 E 기후구)의 면적은 지속적으로 감소하는 것으로 나타났다. C/D 기후구 면적의 경우 1960대 이후부터 비교적 뚜렷한 증/감을 나타내었다. 전지구적 기온 상승의 추세 패턴을 감안할 때, 이러한 기후구의 변화는 지구 온난화의 직접적인 결과로 사료된다. 건조 기후구(B 기후구)의 면적은 1970년대 이후부터 급속한 증가를 나타내었는데, 1960년대 대비 1990년대에 그 면적비가 약 2% 정도 늘었다. 이 중에서 사막(BW) 기후구의 경우, 20세기 말기(1991~2000년)의 면적이 1961~1990년 대비 1,320×103㎢정도 확장되었는데, 이것은 대부분 스텝(BS) 기후구가 더욱 메말라 일어난 것으로 밝혀져 사막화의 특징을 보였다. 또한 사막화의 지역적 특징을 살피기 위해 전 세계의 주요 사막 지역 다섯 곳을 선정하여 분석하였다. 그 결과, 북아프리카 지역과 중앙아시아 지역에서 1950년대 이후 가장 뚜렷하고 지속적인 사막화가 일어났음을 밝혔다. 사막화의 한 원인으로서 지구 온난화의 가능성을 타진하기 위해 해들리 순환의 강도 변화를 조사하였다. 북반구 겨울철 해들리 순환의 강도는 지구 온난화가 본격적으로 시작된 1960년대 이후 지속적으로 증가하였다. 해들리 순환 강도의 증가와 이 기간 동안 급속히 진행된 전지구 아열대 사막의 확장은 서로 일관성을 가지는 것으로 이해된다.
        2008.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Many recent studies have concentrated upon the radiative effects of atmospheric aerosols. Though their scattering and absorption of radiation, aerosols can also induce some other important environment effects. In this study, new radiation code and aerosol data within Atmosphere General Circulation Model (AGCM) is used to assess the aerosol radiative forcing and to analyze relative climate effects. The new Kangnung National University AGCM Stratospheric-15 (KNU AGCM ST15) was integrated by using two sets of radiative effect of aerosols : CTRL as not a radiative effect of aerosols and AERO as a radiative effect of aerosols. Two cases show the difference of net shortwave radiation budget at top-of-atmosphere (TOA) is found to be about -3.4 Wm-2, at the surface (SFC) is about -5.6 Wm-2. Consequently the mean atmospheric absorption due to aerosol layer in global is about 2.2 Wm-2. This result confirms the existence of a negative forcing due to the direct effect of aerosols at the surface and TOA in global annual mean. In addition, it is found that cooling over at the surface air temperature due to radiative effect of aerosols is about 0.17 ℃. It is estimated that radiative forcing of the net upward longwave radiation taken as the indirect effect of aerosol is much smaller than that of the direct effect as there is about 0.2 Wm-2 of positive forcing both at TOA and at SFC. From this study, It made an accurate estimation of considering effect of aerosols that is negative effect. This may slow the rate of projected global warming during the 21st century.
        2007.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this study, the Slab Ocean Model (SOM) is coupled with an Atmospheric General Circulation Model (AGCM) which developed in University of Kangnung based on the land surface model of Biosphere-Atmosphere Transfer Scheme (BATS). The purposes of this study are to understand radiative role of clouds considering of the atmospheric feedback, and to compare the Clouds Radiative Forcing (CRF) come from the analyses using the clear-cloud sky method and CGCM. The new CGCM was integrated by using two sets of the clouds with radiative role (EXP-A) and without radiative role (EXP-B). Clouds in this two cases show the negative effect -26.0 Wm-2 of difference of radiation budget at top of atmosphere (TOA). The annual global means radiation budget of this simulation at TOA is larger than the estimations (-17.0 Wm-2) came from Earth Radiation Budget Experiment (ERBE). The work showed the surface negative effect with -18.6 Wm-2 in the two different simulations of CRF. Otherwise, sensible heat flux in the simulation shows a great contribution with positive forcing of +24.4 Wm-2. It is found that cooling effect to the surface temperature due to radiative role of clouds is about 7.5℃. From this study it could make an accurate of the different CRF estimation considering either feedback of EXP-B or not EXP-A under clear-sky and cloud-sky conditions respectively at TOA. This result clearly shows its difference of CRF -11.1 Wm-2.
        2006.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The emotional interface is essential technology for the robot to provide the proper service to the user. In this research, we developed emotional components for the service robot such as a neural network based facial expression recognizer, emotion expression technologies based on 3D graphical face expression and joints movements, considering a user's reaction, behavior selection technology for emotion expression. We used our humanoid robots, AMI and AMIET as the test-beds of our emotional interface. We researched on the emotional interaction between a service robot and a user by integrating the developed technologies. Emotional interface technology for the service robot, enhance the performance of friendly interaction to the service robot, to increase the diversity of the service and the value-added of the robot for human. and it elevates the market growth and also contribute to the popularization of the robot. The emotional interface technology can enhance the performance of friendly interaction of the service robot. This technology can also increase the diversity of the service and the value-added of the robot for human. and it can elevate the market growth and also contribute to the popularization of the robot.