
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 2

        2019.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, the grid field olfactory odor method was supplemented to the domestic situation in the surrounding areas of a domestic science industrial complex. The actual condition of the occurrence of odor frequency in the field was then investigated over the first period of late spring to summer and the second period of autumn in 2017. The frequency of odor occurrence in the area around the science industrial complex was increased as odor discharge facilities in the nearby area were concentrated. The odor occurrence frequency of the total period was 0.09~0.28, that of the first period was 0.08~0.32, and that of the second period was 0.05~0.25. The odor occurrence frequency in summer was higher than in autumn. The frequency by which the measurement of odor occurrence by smell type was most dominant was mainly smell of chemicals, plastics, and livestock houses during the first period, and the smell of chemicals, burning gases, and plastics during the second period. And the frequency of each smell type was judged to be different according to season. The odor occurrence frequency was measured as higher than 0.15, which is the standard of Germany's odor frequency in an industrial area, and it was judged that measures for odor management in the region were necessary. Since most of the odor discharge facilities are non-continuous systems and the odor generation frequency is more important than the concentration of the minimum detection concentration, it was judged that the German grid method can reflect the odor occurrence characteristics of the odor complaints or receptors for a certain period of time compared to the domestic measurement method. In the future, it was judged that the field olfactory odor method would be able to replace the evaluation method of odor assessment in Korea with the survey method of odor assessment under actual conditions in areas where it is difficult to access the odor discharge source or the receptor where odor complaints occur.
        2018.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, we conducted a survey on odor characteristics of single odor and collective odor facilities using the German olfactory odor method and carried out the odor frequency modeling. The influence of the odor from a sewage treatment plant, which is a single discharge facility, was strong in the eastern and northern parts of the plant and appeared to be in good agreement with the areas where the odor complaints were frequent. The German olfactory method reflects the odor complaints and odor occurrence characteristics of the receptors as compared with the domestic odor measurement method. The influence of the odor from the odor control area, which is a collecting and discharging facility, showed a tendency in which the sum of the odor occurrence frequency increased with the proximity of the odor discharge facility to the dense industrial complex. Furthermore, it was judged that it is not easy to extract the odor frequency results for individual facilities because the survey subject is the group discharge facility area. Therefore, it will be necessary to introduce a method to manage odor in the future. In this study, the measurement of odor frequency using the German olfactory odor method is partially applied to some odor sources. Appropriately, it is not applicable to various emission sources. However, the odor measurement method based on odor occurrence frequency and odor sensory can be used for investigation of the actual condition, permits of odor discharge facilities and the environmental review.