
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 42

        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 전차 확대대어 가는 유휴 논토양에 Reed canarygrass를 재배하였을 때 , 예취빈도와 무기태 질소시비가 건물수량에 미치는 영향을 조사하여, Reed canarygrass의 잠재생산성의 증대를 위한 경제적 이고도 합리적인 예취빈도와 지로시비수준을 추정하고자 하였다. 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 예취빈도에 EKfms 예취번초의 상대수량은 3회와 4회 예취구에서 2번초, 5회 예취구에서는 3번초에서 연간 건물수량의 43.1, 3
        1994.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The experiment was canied out to investigate the effects of cutting frequencies (3, 4 and 5 cuts per year) in relation to fertilization of mineral nitrogen on crude protein yield and the contents of crude protein and acid detergent fibre in orchardgms(Dac
        1994.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This experiment was canied out to study the effect of cutting frequencies (3, 4 and 5 cuts per year) and mineral nitrogen fertilization on dry matter yields, in order to estimate optimum level of fertilizing mineral nitrogen in orchardgrass(Dacry1is glome
        1994.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 시험은 농산물의 수입자유화 추세로 들어가고 있는 유휴 경작지에 조사료 자원확보와 날로 심각하게 증가되는 가축분뇨를 유기질 비료로서 재활용하여 환경보전을 목적으로 유휴 논 토양에 조성된 리드카나리그라스의 초지에 액상구비를 시용하여 연 평균 건물수량과 계절적 분포 및 적정 액상구비의 시용수준을 추정코자 실시되었다. 2. 3개의 예취빈도(연간3, 4및 5회 예취)조건에서 연 평균 건물수량은 ha당 8.9~10.9톤을 기록하였는데 3회 예취 이용시에 가장
        2019.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of hazard analysis and critical control point (HACCP) system application on microbial hazard management levels of pork and manufacturing environments. In this study, we compared and analyzed microbial levels in raw meat, finished products, and manufacturing environments (knifes, gloves, and cutting boards) of HACCP and non-HACCP meat markets. In addition, we surveyed the hygiene statuses of HACCP and non-HACCP meat markets. The general bacterial counts in raw meat, finished products, and manufacturing environments were lower in HACCP meat markets than in non-HACCP meat markets. Particularly, non-HACCP meat markets exceeded the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety microbiological recommendation criteria for raw meats (8.7%) and finished products (8.7%). Escherichia coli and coliform counts in raw meat, finished products, and manufacturing environments were also lower in HACCP meat markets than in non-HACCP meat markets. The biological hazard levels of finished products from non-HACCP meat markets were affected by raw meat and manufacturing environment. Moreover, according to questionnaire survey results, personal hygiene, manufacturing environment, and facility standards were lower in non-HACCP meat markets than in HACCP meat markets. Implementation of HACCP at meat markets is expected to minimize food poisoning by reducing the biological hazard levels to provide safe livestock products to consumers.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was undertaken to investigate the effects of dicarboxylic acid supplementation, as replacement antibiotics, of on in vitro ruminal parameters and milk yield and milk composition in lactating cows. in vitro treatments were 1) Con (4 g of basal diet), 2) CM (4 g of basal diet + 0.05 ml of monensin), 3) CR (4 g of basal diet + 0.1 ml of dicarboxylic acid) and in vivo treatments were 1) Con (25 kg of basal diet/head/day), and 2) CR (25 kg of basal diet + 5 g of dicarboxylic acid/head/day), respectively. A total 10 lactating dairy cows (649±19 kg average body weight, 99±65 average milking days) were divided in to two groups according to mean milk yield and number of days of postpartum. The cows fed a basal diet during adaptation (2 wk) and experimental diets during the treatment periods (4 wk). In the first in vitro experiment, there were no statistical differences between treatments in pH, gas production, and ammonia-N and lactic acid concentration during incubation. However, dry matter digestibility was significantly higher in CR treatment compared to control or CM treatment (P<0.05). Total VFA was tended to higher in CR treatment than those of control and CM treatment (P> 0.05). In the second experiment, milk yield was significantly higher in treatment (40.39 kg) compared to control (35.19 kg), (P<0.05). Milk composition and MUN were not changed by dietary supplementing dicarboxylic acid. Therefore the present results reporting that supplementation of dicarboxylic acid might enhance the stabilization of ruminal fermentation and increase the milk yield of lactating cows.
        2015.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Twenty four Holstein steers (average body weight 714 ± 13.60 kg) were used in this experiment to determine the effect of supplementing of microbial culture and coated vitamin-C on growth performances and carcass characteristics in finishing Holstein steers. Holstein steers were randomly assigned to feeding groups of control group (Con, 12 kg of basal diet/head/day), microbial culture group (MC, 12 kg of basal diet + 30 g of microbial culture/head/day) and coated vitamin-C group (CVC, 12 kg of basal diet + 10 g of coated vitamin-C/head/day). MC and CVC groups were higher in ADG compared to control (P<0.05). FCR was also lower in MC and CVC groups than control group (P<0.05). Back fat thickness, rib-eye area, marbling score, meat color and yield index were not changed by supplementing microbial culture and coated vitamin-C. MC group was higher for maturity compared to control and CVC group (P<0.05). CVC group was higher for fat color compared to control and MC group (P<0.05). Based on the results obtained from the current study, supplementation of microbial culture and coated vitamin-C as an alternative to antibiotic might increase growth performances and enhance carcass characteristics in finishing Holstein steers. However, more studies are needed to find out the optimum supplementing period of microbial culture or coated vitamin-C for high quality meat production from Holstein steers.
        2013.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The experiment was conducted to investigate the effects of feeding herbaceous peat on growth performance and meat quality of Holstein beef cattle. Total of 20 Holstein beef cattle (18~20 month of age, 657±31kg body weight) were conventionally and separately fed a concentrate diet and rice straw for 134 days. The dietary treatments were randomly assigned by complete block design into four treatments, each of which were five heads in early fattening stage. The treatments in this study were the control group fed basal diet, feeding herbaceous peat group (5%/diet, T1), feeding coated vitamin C group (20g/head, T2) and feeding mixture of herbaceous peat and coated vitamin C group (5%/diet+20g/head, T3). The initial body weights between the groups of control, T1, T2 and T3 were similar showing with 689±31, 661±24, 659±32 and 622±19kg. The daily body weight gain was higher in T3 by 8.3% than that in the control (p
        2012.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was conducted to determine the effects of supplementing herbaceous peat preparation and vitamin C in order to find out its effects on immunity and growth performance in Holstein calves. Twenty Holstein calves (39.3±4.21kg average initial body weight) were allocated into four treatments by completely randomized design. Dietary treatments included: 1) control (Basal diet), 2) treatment 1 (control +5% herbaceous peat), 3) treatment 2 (control+10g vitamin C) and 4) treatment 3 (control+10g herbaceous peat+10g vitamin C). The duration of the experiment was 38 days in this experiment, and blood metabolism, dry matter intake, body weight and diarrhea frequency were investigated. For blood metabolism, white blood cells (WBC), neutrophils (NE), lymphocytes (LY), and red blood cells (RBC) did not show any significant differences among treatments. Average daily gain and feed conversion were highest in T1 group feeding with the herbaceous peat preparation compared to the control groups and diarrhea frequency showed lowest in T3 group. Overall results of the present experiment indicated that dietary supplementation with herbaceous peat influenced positively on growth performances in Holstein calves.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        낙동강 미래 기후변화 시나리오 추출을 위해 CGHR(T63) 모형과 A1B 온실가스 배출시나리오를 통계적 규모내림방법으로 대상유역의 규모로 축소·변환한 후, 수문·수질의 거동변화 등의 영향을 모의하기 위해 SS와 T-P를 대상으로 SWAT 모델을 적용하였다. 과거 30년 자료와 비교한 결과, 지표유출은 지역에 따라 최대 60%까지, 오염배출 부하는 TSS와 T-P의 경우 각각 35∼45%, 5∼20% 정도 변화되어, 미래 기후변화로 인한 지표유출과 오염부하 배출은 향후 뚜렷한 증가가 예상된다. 또한, 그 증가경향은 낙동강 하류지역보다 상류지역에 크게 나타나며 계절별로는 겨울과 봄철의 증가가 크고 먼 미래로 갈수록 증가하는 반면, 여름과 가을철에는 먼 미래로 갈수록 증가율이 감소하는 경향을 나타내어 갈수기 지표수 수질에 부정적인 영향을 미칠 것으로 예측된다.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        가뭄, 홍수와 같은 이상기후에 따른 낙동강 유역의 수문과 수질에 미치는 영향을 평가하기 위해 강우 시나리오기반의 장기유출 유역모의를 통해 지표유출과 오염부하량 발생 특성을 살펴보았다. 전반적으로 가뭄년도에서는 지표유출량 감소에 따라 오염부하량 감소현상을, 홍수년도에는 강우유출 증가에 따른 부하량 증가를 나타냈으나, 상류유역의 댐 직·하류와 같은 특정유역에서는 가뭄 시 댐 운영으로 인한 방류효과와 토양수분량의 변화 등의 물리적 요인들로 인해 SS부하량의 증가현상이 나타났다. 가뭄에 따른 SS의 농도변화는 유량변화에 따라 민감하게 반응하여 가뭄년도의 평수량 및 갈수량 시기에 높은 농도분포를 나타내었고 T-P는 상대적으로 본류구간보다는 유량이 비교적 적은 지류구간에서 높은 농도범위를 나타내었다. 반면, 홍수년도의 경우 SS와 T-P 모두 기준년도와 유사한 농도범위에서 완만한 형태의 변화를 보였다. 또한, 유출량이 적은 건기 시에는 SS 부하량 유출도 감소하지만 유출량이 증가할수록 부하량이 급격히 증가하는 반면, T-P의 경우 건기 시에 부하량 유출이 크고 강우 시에는 오히려 감소하여 건기일수와 강우패턴에 지배적으로 각기 다른 영향을 받는 것으로 판단된다.
        2011.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        본 연구에서는 낙동강 유역을 대상으로 유역-하천 흐름 연계 모형을 구축하였다. 본 연구는 기후변화에 따른 하천 흐름 및 수질 영향 분석을 위한 전단계의 연구이다. 낙동강 유역을 대상으로 유역 수문 모형인 SWAT 모형을 구축하고 낙동강 본류 EFDC 모형에 유량 경계자료를 제공하여 본류 흐름을 예측하였다. 유역 모의를 통해 계산된 유출량을 본류 13개, 지류 30개 지점에서 2004년부터 2009년까지의 환경부8일 자료를 이용하여 검보정하였다. 모형의
        2008.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to investigate any differences of the characteristics of goat milk according to seasons and individual farms, we analysed and compared the components of fat, protein lactose, total solid, solid-not fat (SNF) and cells of goat milk collected from 8 individual farms between December 2006 and June 2007. Milk fat content has shown higher values in December to March than in other seasons, and SNF appeared especially higher in February. However, lactose content was not different according to seasons. Regional differences of milk components were not big at all either. Milk components from goats were in general similar to cow milk except a little lower fat content, but appeared higher than mare milk. Production of goat milk is in difficulty in aspects of balancing demand and supply due to its seasonal reproductive system. For the future of goat milk industry, it is necessary to develop various products of longer storage life.
        2007.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The effects of supplementation of organic citrus on the quality of rice straw silage was investigated in this study. The aim of the study was to improve the quality of rice straw silage using agricultural by-products and therefore to secure the good quality forage sources. Firstly, looking at chemical composition of citrus added rice straw silage, crude protein content appeared improved with the addition of citrus to rice straw silage compared to control while NDF and ADF contents decreased. pH of the silages were different between control(4.39) and treatments(3.47~3.53). Lactic acid content was higher in citrus added silage(4.87mM) than in control (3.65mM). External quality of the silages was also better in citrus added silage when citrus added at the equal ratio with rice straw(1:1). This trend was the same as with pH and lactic acid content. Propionate was significantly higher in citrus addd silage but butyrate was significantly lower. DM and NDF disappearance rates in the rumen were highest when citrus added at the equal ratio with rice straw(1:1). In conclusion, supplementation of citrus to rice straw silage with equal ratio contributed the best to the improvement of the quality of silage and it may have been due mainly to abundant content of non-structural carbohydrate in citrus.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In recent years, many researches are actively undertaken for environmental-friendly animal production according to the increased understanding about food safety because of the outbreak of various diseases such as mad cow disease, Foot and mouth disease and Poultry Influenza virus. However, high quality(higher safety)-animal production may not be successful without increasing of disease resistance of animal and the improvement of feeding environment. To increase the disease resistance is able to be accomplished by stimulating the immune function. The present study was undertaken to investigate the effects of enzyme mixture reinforced with β-glucanase activity which degrade polysaccharide to release β-glucan known as stimulator of immune function on the change of milk production and somatic cell count. After 12weeks of experimental feeding, milk production tended to be increased and somatic cell count was decreased from average 227×10⁴ to 37.1×10⁴. Milk protein and solid-fat content were tended to increase but milk fat showed decreasing tendency by the feeding of enzyme mixture. All together, it has been suggested that the improvement of high quality milk production may be possible through the dietary addition of immune modulating enzyme mixture in lactating dairy cows.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The aim of this experiment was to investigate the effects of applying times and dilution rates of cattle slurry on dry matter yields of orc㏊rd grass. Cattle slurry was applied at the rates of average mineral nitrogen fertilizer equivalent to 150 ㎏/㏊/year in 3 cutting frequency. Significantly higher dry matter yields t㏊n t㏊t of no fertilization (3.04 ton DM/㏊) were recorded in the application of diluted cattle slurry(5.38~6.25 ton DM/㏊) (p
        2003.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Organic livestock farming in northern European regions has been expanded with the major animals of large ruminants using pastures and grass silages. Organic livestock farming in some European countries has been in rather short of productivity compared to the conventional livestock farming, however since the gap of productivity between organic and conventional livestock farming has been reported to be reduced when the efficiency of management would improve, organic livestock farming has a potential to develop as a clean livestock farming in the future. We expect that organic livestock farming be propelled to a future model of livestock farming in Korea too. As the schemes for realization of organic livestock farming in Korea, firstly a system for the consistent supply of organic feed should be established. Mountainous areas that represents 63% of total area of Korea could be utilized for the production of organic forages. Uncultivated rice paddy and upland agricultural field could also be used for this purpose. The active application of organic agricultural by󰠏products such as organic rice straw, organic rice bran and so forth can be considered for organic livestock farming. Secondly, the replacement of anti󰠏biotics for the management of animal diseases should be developed using natural products. Plants and microbes would be good sources of natural products. Thirdly, the realization of organic livestock farming may require a system for certification of the organic farms and consequently the experts to work on.
        2001.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The quality including in situ degradability in the rumen of Holstein of the black locust silage added with apple pomace was investigated in this study. The amount of apple pomace added in different treatments were 0, 20, 40 and 60% respectively. With higher amount of addition of apple pomace in black locust, crude protein content in the silage decreased. Crude protein contents in the apple pomace added silage were in the range between 11.7 and 13.7% and those were significantly lower than 16.3% of 100% black locust silage. The contents of ADF, NDF and crude ash were in the same trend as with crude protein, which were shown more clearly in the 40~60% addition of apple pomace. Moisture content of 100% black locust silage was 56.7% however it significantly increased according to higher levels of addition of apple pomace(67.1~73.8%). pH, lactic acid and total organic acid contents in 20~60% addition of apple pomace were 3.7~4.3, 1.3~2.2%, and 2.1~6.0% respectively, however in 100% black locust silage those were significantly lower except pH as 5.4, 0.6% and 1.0% respectively. In situ disappearance rates of dry matter and NDF in the rumen were significantly higher at the stages of incubation after 12h and 24h respectively in 20~40% addition of apple pomace than in 100% black locust silage. No statistical differences were observed with quickly degradable fraction (a) in the disappearance rates of dry matter and NDF. In dry matter, however slowly degradable fractions (b) of 100% black locust and 60% addition of apple pomace were significantly higher as 99.7 and 99.8% respectively than 37.7~50.5% of 20~40% addition of apple pomace. On the contrary, fractional rate of disappearance (c) and effective degradability(ED) were significantly higher in 20~40% addition of apple pomace as 0.0115~0.0149 and 30.4~31.9% respectively than the respective values of 0.0027 and 24.9% of 100% black locust. In NDF, b was significantly higher in apple pomace added silage(38.5~99.8%) than in 100% black locust silage(14.9%). However, C was significantly lower in apple pomace added silage than in 100% black locust silage.
        2001.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        모형실험장치를 이용하여 심층여과지에 대한 여층구성별 여과효율 평가를 통해 여과지 설계시의 여층구성에 대한 기초자료를 제공하는 것이 본 연구의 목적이다. 여과지속시간에 따른 손실수두 발달특성을 보면 여과초기의 수두손실은 이중여재 여과지가 높지만 탁질 억류에 의한 수두손실의 증가는 완만하여 여과속도 180 m/day의 동일한 여과속도를 적용하였을 경우, 조림심층 모래여과지에 비해 단위정수생산량이 30-40% 정도 증대되는 것으로 나타났다. 여과수질은 각각
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