FePt binary-alloy nanopowder has been successfully synthesized by chemical vapor condensation process with two metal organic precursors, i.e., iron pentacarbonyl and platinum acetylacetonate. Average particle size of the powder was less than 50 nm with very narrow size distribution, revealing high dispersion capability. Characteristics of the powder could be controlled by changing process parameters such as reaction temperature, chamber pressure, as well as gas flow rate. Magnetic properties of the synthesized FePt nanopowder were investigated and analyzed in terms of the powder characteristics.
Bulk amorphous materials have been intensively studied to apply for various advanced industry fields due to their high mechanical, chemical and electrical properties. These materials have been produced by several techniques such as mechanical alloying, melt spinning and gas atomization, etc. Among them, the atomization is the most potential technique for commercialization due to high cooling rate during solidification of the melt and mass productivity. However, the amorphous powders still have some limitations because of their low ductility and toughness. Therefore, intensive efforts have to be carried out to increase the ductility and toughness. In this study, the Ni-based amorphous powder was produced by the gas atomization process. And in order to increase the ductile toughness, ductile Cu phase was coated on the Ni amorphous powder by spray drying process. The characteristics of the as-synthesis powders have been examined and briefly mentioned. The master alloy with Ni57Zr20Ti16Si2Sn3 was prepared by vacum induction melting furnace with graphite crucible and mold. The atomization was conducted at 1450oC under the vacuum of 10-2 torr. The gas pressure during atomization was varied from 35 to 50 bars. After making the Ni amorphous powders, the spray drying was processed to produce the Cu -coated Ni amorphous composite powder. The amorphous powder and Cu nitrate solution were mixed together with a small amount of binder and then it was sprayed at temperature of 130oC and rotating speed of 15,000 R.P.M..
In the present, the focus is on the synthesis of nanostructured TiC/Co composite powder by the spray thermal conversion process using titanium dioxide powder has an average particle size of 50 nm and cobalt nitrate as raw materials. The titanium-cobalt-oxygen based oxide powder prepared by the combination of the spray drying and desalting methods. The titanium-cobalt-oxygen based oxide powder carbothermally reduced by the solid carbon. The synthesized TiC-15wt.%Co composite powder at 1473K for 2 hours had an average particle size of 150 nm.
New manufacturing processes, such as thermochemical, mechanochemical and chemical vapor condensation processes have been developed to obtain nanostructured WC/Co materials. Nanoscale size WC/Co composite powders of near 100-150nm can be synthesizes by thermochemical and mechanochemical processes using water soluble precursors. Non-agglomerated and nano sized WC powder can be synthesized by the chemical vapor condensation process using metallorganic precursors as starting materials. In this paper, the scientific and technical issues on synthesis and consolidation of nanostructured WC/Co alloys produced by new chemical processes are introduced.
A chemical vapor condensation (CVC) process using the pyrolysis of metal-organic precursors was applied to produce the nanosized powders. Morphology and phase changes of the synthesized powder as a function of CVC parameters were investigated by XRD, BET and TEM. The agglomerated nanosized monoclinic powders with nearly spherical shape and 10-38 nm in mean diameter could be obtained. Conditions to produce the nanopowders are presented in this paper