This study presents a rapid and quantitative sequential separation method for H-3 and C-14 isotopes with distillation apparatus in environmental samples released from nuclear facilities. After adding 200 mg of granulated potassium permanganate and 500 mg of sodium hydroxide in 100 mL of sample solution, the sample solution was heated until approximately 10 mL of distillate, and the distillate fraction was removed. The sample solution was heated again until a minimum 10 mL of additional distillate was collected. 10 mL of distillate was transferred to the LSC vail and the measurement sample for H-3 was made by adding 10 mL of Ultima Gold LLT to the LSC vial. After adding 2.5 g of potassium persulfate, 2 mL of 1M silver nitrate and 15 mL of concentrated nitric acid to the remained sample solution, the sample solution was heated for 90 minutes and C-14 isotopes were adsorbed into 10 mL of Carbo-Sorb solution in glass vial. The measurement sample for C-14 was made by adding 10 mL of Permafluor to the C-14 fraction in glass vial. The purified H-3 and C-14 samples were measured by the liquid scintillation counter after quenching correction. The average recoveries of H-3 and C-14 with CRM were measured to be 96% and 85%, respectively. The sequential separation method for H-3 and C-14 investigated in this study was applied to activated charcoal filter produced from nuclear power plants after validating the reliability by result of proficiency test (KOLAS-KRISS, PT-2021-51).
Two Grapholita congener, G. molesta and G. dimorpha have difference in several biological characters such as flight time, emerging number/year, damage site, pupation site, and mating time although their host plants were similar. As a problem, cross-trapping was identified in each trap for monitoring. Effects on species-specific lure using minor sex pheromone components were observed in host plant orchards (apple, pear, peach, and plum) for continuative two years. Treatments of various ratios (0 to 10%) of Z8-12OH to G. molesta lure (Z8-12Ac/E8-12Ac = 95:5) allowed to increase the attraction of G. molesta, but not of G. dimorpha male. Other two minor components (14Ac and 12Ac) to G. dimorpha lure (Z8-12Ac/E8-12Ac = 85:15) were not showed species-specific responses. However, 10% treatment of Z8-14Ac to G. dimorpha lure was showed that G. molesta was decreased significantly although G. dimoprha was not affected. E8-14Ac treatment to new G. dimorpha lure (Z8-12Ac/E8-12Ac/Z8-14Ac = 85:15:10) not affected to attraction of two species. From these results, we suggest that optimum ratios for species-specific monitoring of G. molesta and G. dimorpha are Z8-12Ac/E8-12Ac/Z8-12OH = 95:55:5 and Z8-12Ac/E8-12Ac/Z8-14Ac = 85:15:10, respectively.
The oriental fruit moth (Grapholita molesta) and the plum fruit moth (G. dimorpha) share the same major sex pheromone components, Z8-dodecenyl acetate (Z8-12Ac) and E8-dodecenyl acetate (E8-12Ac) with different ratio. However, these two congener male species were cross-attracted to the counter sex pheromone traps. For development of the specific monitoring lures, the minor sex pheromone components were added to the major components. G. molesta females emit two minor components of Z8-12OH and 12OH and G. dimorpha females emit four minor of 12Ac, 14Ac, Z8-14Ac, and E8-14Ac. For a specific monitoring lure of G. molesta, only Z8-12Ac major component attracted only G. molesta males, but did not any G. dimorpha. For a specific monitoring lure of G. dimorpha, the addition of Z8-14Ac to the major component (Z8-12Ac:E8-12Ac = 85:15) attracted G. dimorpha males with less than 5% G. molesta males. Other with components (12Ac, 14Ac, and E8-14Ac) was not effective in both trapping efficiency and selectivity.
본 시험은 우리나라에서 발생하는 푸른곰팡이병균의 종의 빈도와 발병환경 및 방제법을 구명코져 실시하였다. 시험결과 Trichoderma koningi, T. lignorum, T. glaucum과 미동정의 1종등 4종의 병원균이 분리되었고 이들의 빈도는 각각 와 이었다. 푸른곰팡이병균은 감자배양액, 왁스만배양액과 리차드배양액에서 생육이 잘 되었으며 중성-염기성배지에서는 생육이 불량한 반면 산성에서 생육이 왕성하였으며 최적산도는 pH4였다. 양송이 수확기간 중 재배사내의 온도는 내외 일 때 본명의 발생이 적었고 수량이 많으며 이상에서는 본병의 발생이 격심하였다. 푸른곰팡이병균은 복토흙 소독시 에서 60분, 혹은 에서 30분간 열처리하므로서 완전히 사멸하였고 퇴비 후발효 과정에서도 사멸되었다.
본 연구에서는 비슬산 이중편파 Radar 자료와, GPM 위성자료 및 21개 (Korea Meteorological Administration, KMA) 지상강우자료를 활용하여 분포형 강우-유출 모형(KIneMatic wave STOrm Runoff Model2, KIMSTORM2)을 이용해 남강댐 유역(2,293 km2)을 대상으로 유출해석을 수행 하였다. 모형의 유출 해석은 2016년 10월 5일 02:00∼09:00 총 8시간 동안 최대강우강도 33 mm/hr, 유역평균 총 강우량 82 mm이 발생한 태풍 차 바(CHABA)를 대상으로 하였으며, Radar 및 GPM 자료와 조건부합성(Conditional Merging, CM) 기법을 적용한 Radar (CM-corrected Radar) 및 GPM (CM-corrected GPM) 자료를 각각 활용하여 결과를 비교하였다. 이 때, 공간 강우자료에 유출 검보정은 남강댐 유역 내 3개의 수위관측 지점(산청, 창촌, 남강댐)을 대상으로 실시하였으며, 모형의 매개변수 초기토양수분함량, 지표와 하천의 Manning 조도계수를 이용하여 검보정하였다. 유출 결과는 결정계수(Determination coefficient, R2), Nash-Sutcliffe의 모형효율계수(NSE) 및 유출용적지수(Volume Conservation Index, VCI)를 산정하였다. 그 결과 CM-corrected Radar, GPM 자료가 평균 R2는 0.96, NSE의 경우 0.96, 유출용적지수(VCI)는 1.03으로 가장 우수한 결과를 나타내었다. 최종적으로 CM 기법을 이용한 보정된 공간분포자료는 기존의 자료에 비해 시공간적으로 정확한 홍수 예측에 사용 될 것으로 판단된다.