할미꽃 신품종 ‘연홍’은 P. davurica와 P. koreana를 종간교잡하여 2003년에 전라남도농업기술원에서 육성되었고 유전적으로 자가불화합성의 특성을 가지고 있다. ‘연홍’의 화색은 진분홍이고 약은 진노랑, 주두는 진분홍, 꽃잎은 6매이며 엽은 녹색이다. 한편 개화특성은 년 2회 개화성이다. 주당 화경은 26.5개, 화경장과 절화장은 각각 58.6 cm와 46.8 cm, 포의 폭은 11.5 cm, 엽장은 34.4 cm이다. 꽃과 포의 절화수명은
Shinnamjag is a round, smooth, white-skinned, and fleshed potato cultivar with erect plant shape and early maturity. It has excellent table quality. Its yields are high, especially with prominent marketable yield compared to Superior, a leading potato cul
Most of recommended potato varieties in Korea are white skin colored. Purple skinned potatoes have been recognized as being effective in the prevention of gastric disease. A new variety “Jaseo” has dark purple skin and white flesh colors, and attractive r
‘Jowon’ is a new early-maturing potato variety for table use. It has spreading growth habit with narrow oval leaves. Its tubers are attractively round with white skin and light yellow flesh color. The yielding ability of Jowon is similar to Superior. Jowo