This study examines the correlation between livestock odor civil petitions and the establishment of malodor control areas in Jeju Special Self-Governing Province, focusing on swine farms where numerous civil petitions regarding malodors have been received. After the designation of the malodor control areas, high odor concentrations occurred in Aewoleup and Jocheon-eup, and the odor concentration decreased in other areas. The number of civil petitions shows a consistent annual trend, with increased petitions from March, peaking during summer (July and August), and decreasing from September into winter. In Jeju-si, there were many civil petitions in Hallim-eup and Aewol-eup where there were many malodor control areas. However, in Seogwipo-si, there were also many civil petitions in Pyoseonmyeon, where there is no malodor control area. Additionally, we compared the average multiple of compound malodors and the rate of exceeding the maximum allowable emission level for compound malodors with the number of livestock malodor civil petitions to assess the actual state of malodors. The results reveal a stronger correlation between the number of civil petitions and the rate of exceeding the compound malodors allowable emission level than the average multiple for compound malodors. These findings provide valuable insights into addressing livestock odor concerns and enhancing malodor control measures in Jeju Island.
본 연구에서는 제주도에서 규모가 가장 큰 항구인 제주항내 퇴적물을 대상으로 PCBs의 분포특성을 연구하였다. 연구 결과, 제주항 내 표층퇴적물에서 PCBs 화합물의 농도범위는 1.62∼4.45 ng/g dw로 낮은 농도로 분포하고 있었고, PCBs의 동족체 패턴 분석을 보면 제주항은 선박 활동으로 유래되는 고염소화된 CBs(Hexa-CBs 이상)이 주로 분포하였다. 퇴적물에서 PCBs 화합물의 분포에 미치는 유기물의 영향을 평가하기 위하여 퇴적물 내 유기탄소 함량과 PCBs 화합물의 농도와의 상관관계를 검토한 결과, R2이 0.8387로 높게 나타나 유기탄소 함량과 PCBs 농도는 매우 유의한 상관성을 보이는 것을 알 수 있었다. PCBs 화합물의 농도분포와 입자크기와의 관계에서 역질, 사질, 니질로 나누어 조사하였는데 니질의 함량이 증가할수록 PCBs의 농도도 높게 분포하였다. 그리고 연구지역의 표층퇴적물에서 분포하고 있는 PCBs의 농도를 국외에서 적용하고 있는 퇴적물오염기준(sediment quality guidenes, SQGs)의 ERL(effect range-low)과 TEL(Threshold Effects Level) 값과 비교한 결과, 훨씬 낮은 값을 보여 생태독성학적 관점에서 저서생물에 미치는 영향은 미미한 것으로 사료된다.
In order to photocatalytically treat organic matter (CODCr) and chromaticity effectively, chemical coagulation and sedimentation processes were employed as a pretreatment of the leachate produced from landfill in Jeju Island. This was performed using FeCl3・6H2O as a coagulant. For the treated leachate, UV/TiO2 and UV/TiO2/H2O2 systems were investigated, using 4 types of UV lamps, including an ozone lamp (24 W), TiO2 as a photocatalyst, and/or H2O2 as an initiator or inhibitor for photocatalytic degradation. In the chemical coagulation and sedimentation process using FeCl3・6H2O, optimum removal was achieved with an initial pH of 6, and a coagulant dosage of 2.0 g/L, culminating in the removal of 40% CODCr and 81% chromaticity. For the UV/TiO2 system utilizing an ozone lamp and 3 g/L of TiO2, the optimum condition was obtained at pH 5. However, the treated CODCr and chromaticity did not meet the emission standards (CODCr: 400 mg/L, chromaticity: 200 degrees) in a clean area. However, for a UV/TiO2/H2O2 system using 1.54 g/L of H2O2 in addition to the above optimum UV/TiO2 system, the results were 395 mg/L and 160 degrees, respectively, which were within the emission standard limits. The effect of the UV lamp on the removal of CODCr, and chromaticity of the leachate decreased in the order of ozone (24 W) lamp > 254 nm (24 W) lamp > ozone (14 W) lamp > 254 nm (14 W) lamp. Only CODCr and chromaticity treated with the ozone (24 W) lamp met the emission standards.
The purpose of this study was to minimize salt water intrusion into freshwater aquifers and limit the development of freshwater aquifers, by selecting an appropriate excavation depth of in the western coastal area of Jeju Island. The study site was mostly basaltic lava, which was mainly composed of trachy basalt. A vertical logging test was conducted to investigate the vertical distribution of the groundwater and saline groundwater interface in the study well. It was found that freshwater groundwater, saline groundwater, and freshwater groundwater are distributed from the surface to approximately 16 m, 16∼50 m, and 50∼60 m, below the ground, respectively. In order obtain saline groundwater and minimize the inflow of freshwater into this well, the drilling depth should be limited in the range of 16∼50 m from the surface. Thus, saline groundwater well development should be carried out with reference to the measurement results, which depend on the drilling depth and EC (electrical conductivity) obtained with drilling apparatus for geology and ground handling.
Measurements of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) were taken in surface sediments inside Seogwipo and Hallim Harbors of Jeju Island, Korea, to evaluate their distribution. These harbors typically have heavy ship traffic. The samples were collected three times (in June, October, and December, 2013). PCB concentrations in sediments from Seogwipo Harbor were higher than in those from Hallim Harbor, but both levels were very low, compared with those in other parts of the world. Sedimentary PCB levels had a strong correlation with organic carbon and fine granule mud content. PCB concentration values in the examined surface sediments were much lower than Sediment Quality Guidelines (SQGs) such as ER-L (Effect Rrange-Low), TEL (Threshold Effects Level) and ISQG (Interim Sediment Quality Guideline)-low value applied in countries, such as USA, Canada, and Australia. This suggests that the PCBs did not have significant biological effects on benthic organisms in the marine environment.
For the purpose of protecting the health of citizens and creating a delightful environment, the Government shall establish the environmental standards, and make such standards keep their propriety according to any changes in environmental conditions. The Special Metropolitan City, Metropolitan City or Do may, in case where deemed necessary in view of the speciality of regional environments, set forth the separate environmental standards which are more expanded and strengthened than the environmental standards by the Municipal Ordinance of the relevant City/Do.
The purpose of this study was for the management of stream waters of Jeju Island and proposed the appropriate Jeju local river environmental standards. Jeju-Do and Daejeon-si applies the Local River Environmental Standards in Korea. While each nationʹ circumstances and environment are different, for the most part, environmental standards and purposes of use are similar to those in Korea. Proposed Jeju River Local Environment Standards followed The River Environment Standards of Nation(Korea) for Living Environment Standards. Newly Strengthened Value is Cd, Carbon tetrachloride, 1,2-dichloroethene, Tetrachloroethylene(PCE) and add Items is Fluorine, Selenium, Phenol and Toluene for Human Health Protection.
Jeju Special Self-Governing Province has the natural assets resulting in UNESCO World Biosphere Reserve, World Heritage Listed and World Geopark Certification, so the principle of 'Conservation First Development Later' has been set up for the vision of environmental policy to preserve these assets. This case study has been carried out to investigate the realization of the principle of 'Conservation First Development Later' for the development projects performed environmental impact assessment from 1994 to 2012 in Jeju Province, using geographic information systems(GIS).
The Jeju Province has its own ordinance to consult and operate an environmental impact assessment(EIA) system. In particular, the conservation area, such as, Absolute/Relative Conservation Area and Underground Water, Ecosystem and View Conservation Zone, has been assigned and managed specially to conserve the natural environment.
The 179 projects has been performed EIA for last 18 years in Jeju Province, and then the Absolute Conservation Area has been included in 22 projects and the Relative Conservation Area has been included in 34 projects. However, the 2 projects only have included the Absolute Conservation Area for 7 years after 2005. This result suggests that the application of the principle for the Absolute Conservation Area is strengthened gradually.
On the other hand, the 17 projects and the 24 projects have included the Underground Water Conservation Zone assigned grade 1 and 2, respectively, and the number has been increasing after 2004. The results show that it needs to strengthen the application of the principle for this Zone. And the Ecosystem Conservation Zone assigned grade 1 and 2 have been included in 1 project and 9 projects, respectively. It is considered from this result that the principle is realized successfully for the Ecosystem Conservation Zone. In addition, it could be known that the principle is applied well for the View Conservation Zone, in this study.
Butyltin compounds in seawater, sediments and organisms inside Jeju Harbor of Jeju Island, Korea, were quantitatively determined to assess the extent of contamination and to evaluate the bioaccumulation in Thais clavigera (gastropod), Liolophura japonica and Cellana nigrolineata. In addition, imposex in T. clavigera was used to assess the sublethal effect of tributyltin compounds and its usage as a specific biomarker for these compounds was also studied. The main species in seawater was tributyltin (TBT) in March and June, monobutyltin (MBT) in August, but in sediments and organisms it was dibutyltin (DBT) and TBT, respectively, irrespective of survey time. TBT, the most toxic to aquatic organisms among BTs, was found at concentrations which were sufficient to have a serous effect on the sensitive organisms upon chronic exposure. The high correlations (r>0.7) between BTs indicated that DBT and MBT were mainly degraded from TBT based on antifouling paints and their sources were negligible. The sedimentary organic matters have little influence on the distribution of BTs in marine environment and the lipid content in T. clavigera showed a significant correlation with TBT concentrations. Measurement of imposex T. clavigera was expected to be a very helpful tool for preliminary survey of BTs prior to trace analysis of those.
In this study, the material cycle model was applied to suggest alternative management of water quality for Jeju Harbor. The distribution of COD, DIN (dissolved inorganic nitrogen) and DIP (dissolved inorganic phosphorus) concentrations was reasonably reproduced by simulations on the model area of the Jeju Harbor using a material cycle model.
The simulations of COD, DIN and DIP concentrations were performed under the conditions of 20~100% pollution loadings reductions from pollution sources. In case of the 100% reduction of the input loads from Sanzi river, concentrations of COD, DIN and DIP were reduced to 39%, 78% and 52%, respectively at Jeju harbor. In contrast, in case of the pollutant loadings reductions from sediment, the effect of DIN and DIP reduction relatively seemed to increase around the center of study area. The 95% reduction of the pollutant loadings from river and sediment is required to meet the COD and nutrients concentration of second grade of ocean water quality criteria.
The purpose of this study is to investigate the characteristics of water quality in Jeju harbor and to estimate pollutant loadings discharged into Jeju Harbor. To know characteristics of water quality in Jeju harbor and pollutant loadings of Sanzi river, we have investigated from August, 2000 to May, 2001.
The results showed that the concentrations of COD, DIN and DIP were in the range of 1.00~4.85㎎/L (mean 2.15㎎/L), 2.14~74.0㎍-at/L(mean 12.20㎍-at/L) and 0.52~4.00㎍-at/L(mean 1.18㎍-at/L), respectively. These values were under Ⅲ class of seawater quality criteria. The ratio of nitrogen to phosphorus was lower than 16 except for Station 1 in Jeju harbor. Therefore, nitrogen was playing an important role in phytoplankton growth as limiting factor in Jeju harbor. The mean values of eutrophication index were exceeding 1, which was the eutrophication criteria.
The results of estimating pollutant loadings at Sanzi river are 0.30 ton/day for COD, 300㎏/day for DIN and 18.0㎏/day for DIP, respectively.
To evaluate the change for water quality after the water gate operation in Shiwha lake, in situ survey were conducted on september in 2000 and January, march, jane in 2001. Chemical characteristics and eutrophication level was estimated from the survey data. The water quality of the Shihwa lake was greatly affected by pollutant load from rainfall, and formation of stratification in summer and winter was increased to effect on nutrient release from sediment. Especially, high concentration of chlorophyll-a was occurred in autumn, due to increased nutrient, high water temperature and low salinity after rainfall runoff. The mean concentration of DIN, DIP were 0.346mg/L, 0.0217mg/L in surface water and 0.826mg/L, 0.0415mg/L in bottom water, respectively, which were over Ⅲ grade of seawater standard. Also high percentage of ammonia nitrogen to DIN in bottom water for autumn and winter was affected by released nutrient from sediment. Correlation analysis of chlorophyll-a versus TSS was shown that organic matter was affected by autochthonous organic matter stem from the algae, these factor showed reverse correlation about salinity. Closely correlations among to the water quality constituent in continuity survey was appeared. The results of eutrophication index estimation showed the high potentiality of red tide occurrence in Shiwha lake, particularity in summer or fall. Overall water quality was greatly improve to compared with measuring data during 1997~1998 at the beginning water gate operation, which reported by KORDI. Therefore, to improve of water quality in Shiwha lake, we need to establish of management plan about nutrient release from sediment, rainfall runoff, maximum of seawater exchange.