This study aims to select eggplant cultivars adaptive to the hot temperature period greenhouse climate by water consumption, and growth performance of plants and fruits of different European eggplant cultivars, including ‘Bartok (BA)’, ‘Bowie (BO)’, ‘Black Pearl (BP)’, ‘Ishbilia (I)’, ‘Mabel (M)’, ‘Vestale (VE)’ and ‘Velia (VL)’, in substrate hydroponic cultivation under hot and humid greenhouse conditions. On the 118 DAT, the leaf number and stem dry weight were highest in ‘VL’, followed by ‘M’, and there was no significant difference in leaf dry weight among cultivars. The marketable fruit number per plant was 16.4 for ‘M’, which was higher than other cultivars, and ‘VE’ and ‘VL’ were 8.5 and 8.8, respectively. The weight per fruit was low for ‘M’ at 136 g, and the highest in ‘VE’ and ‘VL’ at 332 and 281 g, respectively. There was no significant difference in fruit production per plant. In this study, ‘M’, which has high water use efficiency and a large number of fruits, and ‘VL’, which required less quantity to water consumption for producing 200 g of fruit and had a high product weight, will have excellent adaptability in the UAE greenhouse condition.
This study aimed to examine cucumber (Cucumis sativus) varieties adaptive to the desert climate by comparing and analyzing the growth, yield, and water consumption. Two long-sized cucumber varieties, ‘Gulfstream’ and ‘Imea’ and two medium-sized cucumbers, ‘Nagene’ and ‘Sausan’ were cultivated in coir substrate hydroponics under hot and humid greenhouse conditions from March 2 to June 20, 2020. On the 113 DAT, ‘Nagene’ had the longest plant height and the highest internode number. The marketable fruit number per plant was higher in the medium-sized varieties, which had more internode number. The marketable fruit number was 31.3 for ‘Gulfstream’, 30.7 for ‘Imea’, 57.8 for ‘Nagene’, or 56.0 for ‘Sausan’ with no significant difference in total fruit weights per plant. The water consumption required to produce 200 g of fruit was lower in the ‘Nagene’ (2.39 L) with the highest water use efficiency (WUE). Therefore, ‘Nagene’ variety may have higher adaptability to desert high temperature compared to the long-sized varieties, and it is going to be necessary to verify more medium-sized cucumber varieties.
This experiment was aimed to identify concentrations of mineral nutrients in leaf lettuce (Lactuca sativa) grown on hydroball aquaponics and in the water for growing fish by conducting two experiments. The experiment I (Expt. I) was conducted with 12 fishes (F12) with and without filter, hydroball and plants (H12 (12 fishes, hydroball), FHP12 (12 fishes, filter, hydroball, 6 plants) and HP12 (12 fishes, hydroball, 6 plants)), and the experiment II (Expt. II) was with and without plants (FH15 (15 fishes, filter, hydroball), FHP15 (15 fishes, filter, hydroball, 6 plants)). The pH level in the water of all the treatments was decreased during the growing period, and the pH and EC of the water were lower in all the treatment with plants than those without plants in both Expt. I and Expt. II. When compared with adequate nutrient concentrations for hydroponics, nitrate nitrogen (NO3-N) and phosphorus (P) concentrations in the fish growing water were higher under the FHP15 treatment in Expt. II; however, potassium (K), calcium (Ca), and magnesium (Mg) were only 16, 49, and 82% of hydroponics, representatively, and iron (Fe) was not detected. The fresh weight of lettuce harvested from the FHP15 treatment was 38 g, only a 30% of marketable lettuce yield. The T-N and P contents of the leaf tissue grown under the FHP15 treatment were close to the optimal level; however, the K, Ca, and iron (Fe) contents were less than the optimal with no deficiency symptom.
본 연구는 봄에서 여름 재배기에 토마토를 암면배지 재배에서 누적일사량급액방식(ISR)과 물관수액흐름 속도에 따른 급액방식(SF)에서 급배액량, 수분흡수량, 과실 생육 및 과실 생산량, 과실비대속도를 관찰하였다. 정식 후 28일에서 82일 까지 총급액량은 SF 제어구에서 약 5.0L 적게 소비되었으나 지상부와 과실 생체중은 유의차가 없었고 수분이용효율(WUE)과 과실 200g을 생산하는데 소요된 물량도 두 처리 간 유의차가 없었다. 정식 후 58일에서 82일까지 급액방식에 따른 실시간 광량과 물관수액흐름속도 상관관계를 관찰하였을 때 상관관계(r2)는 SF제어구에서 더 높게 나타났다. 정식 56일부터 82일까지 실시간 측정된 과경비대속도와 배지함수율의 상관관계를 살펴본 결과 SF제어구에서 야간과 낮 시간대에 ISR제어구 보다 높았고 특히 야간 시간대에 상관관계가 더 높게 나타났다. SF제어구의 물관수액흐름속도와 수분부족분(Humidity Deficit: HD)과의 상관관계(r2=0.6286)도 광량과의 관계만큼 높게 나타났다. 더 많은 현장 연구를 통해 수확량, WUE 및 센서의 정확도과 같은 특성에 관한 결과들을 도출하였을 때 상업적 수경재배 농장 재배자의 관심을 얻을 수 있을 것으로 보인다.
본 실험은 토마토(Solanum lycopersicum L. ‘Hoyong’ ‘Super Doterang’) 암면재배에서 배지 전체의 정전용량을 측정할 수 있는 장치(Substrate capacitance measurement device, SCMD)를 기반으로 한 적정 급액 방법을 구명하기 위하여 누적일사량 제어구(Integrated solar radiation automated irrigation, ISR)와 물관수액흐름 제어구(sap flow automated irrigation, SF)를 대조구로 비교하면서 봄부터 여름철과 겨울철에 재배를 실시하였다. SCMD 제어구는 급액 개시 후 배지 한 개당 설정된 배액 목표량이 처음 발생하는 시점까지 10분간격으로 급액하였고 첫 배액이 배출되면 그 때의 배지의 정전용량(Capacitance)을 100%로 간주하고 그 기준치의 급액제어 점(Capacitance threshold, CT)에 도달하면 급액 되었고 그 뒤 목표 배액량이 발생하면 급액이 멈추는 방식으로 제어되었다. 봄부터 여름재배에서 실험 처리를 위해 SCMD제어구의 일회 급액량 (Irrigation volume per event)을 50, 75, 또는 100mL로 설정하였고 겨울철 재배에서는 CT가 0.65, 0.75, 또는 0.90가 되면 급액 되도록 설정하였다. 봄부터 여름철 재배에서 일회 급액량을 50, 75, 100mL로 설정하였을 때 급액 횟수는 각각 39, 29, 19회 였고 배액율은 각각 3.04, 9.25, 20.18%였다. 겨울철 재 배에서 CT를 0.65, 0.75, 0.90로 설정하였을 때 급액횟수는 각각 5.67, 6.50, 14.67회였고 배액율은 9.91, 10.78, 35.3%였다. 봄부터 여름철 재배에서 일회 급액량 처리에 따른 물관수액흐름속도(SF) 변화는 1회 급액량과 배액량을 각각 50과 75mL로 제한한 경우 100mL로 제 한한 경우와 비교하여SF 신호가 외부 광량 신호 (SI) 보다 늦어지는 경향(time lag)을 보였고 겨울철 재배에서 CT를 0.65로 설정한 경우는 물관수액흐름 속도나 함수율이 매우 낮아졌고 CT를 0.90로 설정한 경우는 함수율과 물관수액흐름 속도는 매우 높았으나 많은 배액이 배출되었다. 따라서 토마토 봄부터 여름철 재배에서 SCMD를 활용하여 CT를 0.9로, 배지 한 개당 배액 목 표량을 100mL로 설정하였을 때 일회 급액량은 75~100mL 범위가 적합하고 겨울철 재배에서는 1회 급 액량을 75mL로, 배액 목표량을 70mL로 설정하였을 때 CT는 0.75이상 0.9이하 범위가 적합할 것으로 판단되었다. 앞으로 정전용량 값과 배지 용적수분함량의 관계성을 구명하고 보정계수를 구하는 연구가 필요할 것으로 판단된다.
The study aimed to determine effects of light emitting diode (LED) and the ultraviolet radiation (UVA) light of plant factory on plant growth and ascorbic acid content of spinach (Spinacia oleracea cv. Shusiro). Plants were grown in a NFT (Nutrient Film Technique) system for 28 days after transplanting with fluorescent light (FL, control), LEDs and UVA (Blue+UVA (BUV), Red and Blue (R:B(2:1)) + UVA (RBUV), Red+UVA (RUV), White LED (W), Red and Blue (R:B(2:1)), Blue (B), Red (R)) under the same light intensity (130 μmol·m-2·s-1) and photoperiod (16/8h = day/night). All the light sources containing the R (R, RB, RUV, and RBUV) showed leaf epinasty symptom at 21 days after transplanting (DAT). Under the RUV treatment, the lengths of leaf and leaf petiole were significantly reduced and the leaf width was increased, lowering the leaf shape index, compared to the R treatment. Under the BUV, however, the lengths of leaf and leaf petiole were increased significantly, and the leaf number was increased compared to B. Under the RBUV treatment, the leaf length was significantly shorter than other treatments, while no significant difference between the RBUV and RB for the fresh and dry weights and leaf area. Dry weights at 28 days after transplanting were significantly higher in the R, RUV and BUV treatments than those in the W and FL. The leaf area was significantly higher under the BUV treatment. The ascorbic acid content of the 28 day-old spinach under the B was significantly higher, followed by the BUV, and significantly lower in FL and R. All the integrated data suggest that the BUV light seems to be the most suitable for growth and quality of hydroponically grown spinach in a plant factory.
We investigated population densities of mosquitoes in Gyeongbuk region from March to November, 2017 and pathogens were detected from the mosquitoes. Mosquito populations were investigated at 3 sites in downtown and 1 site in cowshed in Andong, 3 sites in Yeongdeok downtown and 3 sites near migratory birds habitat in Sangju by collecting trap. Total collected female mosquitoes were 7 genus, 13 species, 9,892 individuals and relatively dominant ratios are Aedes vexans (40%), Ae. albopictus (20%), Culex pipiens (16%). Flavivirus were monitored in 9,125 collected mosquitoes by real-time PCR and no target flavivirus causing infectious diseases were detected in Gyeongbuk area in 2017.
본 실험은 LED 광원이 시금치 품종 별 생육, 잎 형태 변화 및 세포 길이에 대한 영향을 구명하고자 수행하였다. 최아된 시금치(Spinacia oleracea.) 품종 ‘월드스타’와 ‘수시로’를 버미큘라이트에 육묘한 후 NFT 시스템에 정식 한 뒤 LED 적색광(R), 청색광(B), 혼합광(적색:청색=2:1)(RB) 및 백색광(W)에서 130μmol·m-2·s-1 PPFD 광도로 25일간 재배하였다. 정식 후 일주일 간격으로 25일 동안 엽장, 엽폭, 엽병, 엽수, 광합성률을 측정하였고, 상편생장지수(leaf epinasty index, LEI)는 잎이 최대로 전개된 후에 측정하였다. 상편생장이 발생된 잎 가운데와 가장자리를 자른 조직의 세포길이, 폭 및 세포면적은 400배율 광학현미경을 이용하여 측정하였다. 정식 후 25일째에는 엽면적, 뿌리길이, 지상부 및 지하부의 생체중, 건물중을 조사하였다. 지상부 생체중과 건물중, 엽수, 엽면적 모두 월드스타 품종이 수시로 품종에 비해 유의적으로 높았다. 건물중은 월드스타 품종의 경우 혼합광(RB)와 적색광(R) 두 처리구에서 청색광(B)와 흰색광(W) 두 처리보다 약 35% 유의적으로 높았다. 수시로 품종의 경우 혼합광(RB) 처리구에서 지상부 건물중이 가장 높아 건물중이 가장 낮았던 흰색광(W) 처리구에 비해 40% 높은 건물중 결과를 보였다. 두 품종 모두 혼합광(RB)와 적색광(R) 두 처리구에서만 정식 21일 이후 잎 상편생장(leaf epinasty)이 나타났고 적색광(R) 처리구에서 혼합광(RB) 처리구 보다 유의적으로 높아 잎 상편 생장은 적색광(R)과 관련이 있는 것을 알 수 있었다. 잎 가운데와 가장자리 부위 세포크기를 현미경으로 관찰한 결과 두 품종 모두 상편생장이 나타난 적색광(R) 처리구의 잎 가장자리 세포밀도가 잎 가운데 보다 낮은 것으로 나타나 앞서 보고된 연구결과들에서 제시한 상편생장과 잎 가운데와 가장자리 부위의 세포크기 차이 연관성을 뒷받침하고 있다. 또한 청색광(B)이 적색광(B)에서 발생되는 상편생장을 완화시켜주는 역할을 하는 것으로 보여 앞으로 두 광원의 적절한 혼합비율 규명이 필요한 것으로 판단된다. 또한, 엽형 변화가 심했던 수시로 품종보다는 월드스타 품종이 LED 광원을 이용한 식물공장 재배에 더 적합한 것으로 판단된다.
Purpose: The purpose of this study is to develop a faculty development program for nursing simulation educators.
Methods: This study developed one-day education program based on the ADDIE model. Data were collected using self-report questionnaires to investigate learners’ needs and participants’ evaluation of the pilot program. The data were analyzed using EXCEL with descriptive statistics.
Results: The participants’ satisfaction with the program showed an overall high level of satisfaction. Two types of faculty development were developed based on the needs assessment. In addition, a review of the existing programs, namely, basic and advanced courses, were conducted based on the learning needs hierarchy.
Conclusion: The development and pilot testing of a faculty development program for nursing simulation educators are feasible. Further research should focus on the short- or long-term evaluation of the program using the experimental research design.
This study investigates the current states and strategies to promote simulation based nursing education. The subjects of study were 118 domestic four-year college samples, the survey was used a self-report questionnaire from October 2015 to February, 2016. The result of this study was that Simulation training course was composed of 'credits' (82.5%), practice personnel for simulation training course was mean 11.6 persons per practice group, and simulation training course consisted of almost six placement, and there were mean 3.08 simulation models. And Charge instructors for simulation practice were a assistant professor(28.9%), professor(26.3%), and dedicated personnel was mean 1.7 persons. Instructors were received education an average of 4.40 times, they learned the most common from institutions and medical device company(30.4%), The result was revealed that "Critical thinking skills" (23.7%) of the goal of simulation nursing education was the most common, and the contents of evaluation contents was problem-solving skills (20.9%). Most majors to conjugate simulation nursing education were an average of 2.54 credits/3.14 hours as an adult nursing, 1.55 credits/1.60 hrs as an pediatric nursing, 1.50 credits/3.00 hrs as fundamentals of nursing, and 1.25 credits/2.63 hrs as an maternal nursing, respectively. Most scenarios that were dyspnea care (67.5%) %), cardiovascular care (50.0%), maternal child-related care (47.5%), and hypoglycemia nursing care(37.5%), and others(67.5%). In conclusion, it is necessary to establish the standard for simulation nursing education and it is expected to reflect in the policies of educational accreditation.
Plants have evolved elaborate innate immune systems against invading pathogens, such as bacteria, fungi, oomycetes, viruses and insects. Among them, intracellular immune receptors known as nucleotide-binding site and leucine-rich repeat (NB-LRR) play critical roles in effector-triggered immunity (ETI) regarding to plant defense. Here, we identified potential NB-LRR coding sequences from pepper genome using bioinformatics analysis and performed comparative analysis with Solanaceae plants. As a result, we identified 267, 443, and 755 NBS-encoding genes in the genome of tomato, potato, and pepper, respectively. These may indicate that the Solanaceae NB-LRRs were evolved through species-specific unequal-duplication event. Further phylogenetic and clustering analyses revealed that Solanaceae NB-LRRs were classified into the 14 subgroups with 1 TNL and 13 CNL types. We found that the genes in CNL-G1 and CNL-G2 subgroup were highly expanded compared to other subgroup showing a large portion of NB-LRR in pepper genome. Among 755 NB-LRRs in pepper genome, 623 were physically mapped on all 12 pepper chromosome pseudomolecules. Furthermore, a number of NB-LRRs in the same group were physically clustered by tandem array in the specific chromosome. Genome-wide identification of pepper NB-LRR family and their evolutionary analysis could provide an important resource for identification and characterization of genes for breeding of disease resistance crops.