
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 4

        2020.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this study was to investigate the physicochemical characteristics of hand drip, Aeropress, espresso, Moka, Mukka, and Brikka coffee brews. Espresso showed higher antioxidant activity, total solids, caffeine, chlorogenic acid, total phenolic compounds, and trigonelline concentrations compared to the other coffee brews studied. In terms of extraction efficiency, Brikka and Mukka showed higher total solids, as well as caffeine and chlorogenic acid contents, whereas drip coffee brew showed higher trigonelline content than other coffee brews. Meanwhile, principle component analysis (PCA) was conducted based on the aroma profile by e-nose. Samples were gathered into distinct groups that represented their brewing methods. Despite the similarity in brewing principle between Moka and other high-temperature brewing methods (i.e., Mukka and Brikka), the location of Moka coffee brew was closer to that of espresso in PCA, which was consistent with the PCA result conducted by e-tongue.
        2017.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Bourbon is the major coffee variety grown in Rwanda. Fully washed bourbon produced in Rwanda is a nascent specialty coffee and no investigation of its quality characteristics has been reported. Thus, this study aimed at providing information about intrinsic flavor characteristics and identifying the most discriminating aroma compounds of this coffee from the major growing areas in four provinces (considered by this study as geographical sub-regions) in comparison with Arabica coffee from Ethiopia and Brazil using electronic nose and electronic tongue. Samples were discriminated and characterized by performing a principal component analysis (PCA). A discriminant factorial analysis (DFA) model was also used to predict the geographic origin of coffee samples based on their flavor characteristics. A similarity was observed between flavor characteristics of coffee samples from western and southern sub-regions as well as between northern and eastern sub-regions of Rwanda. Twenty one most discriminating aroma compounds were found but the identified and confirmed ones are: Butan-2-one, Acetic acid, n-Butanol, 2, 3- Pentanedione, Ethyl-2-methybutyrate, Dimethylsulfide, 2-Prpanol, 2-Methylfuran, Ethylacetate, Ethyl propionate and Heptanal. A DFA model using e-nose was successful in predicting the geographic origin of coffee samples but not with e-tongue. This means that aroma can reliably be used to predict the geographic origin of coffee samples than their taste characteristics. Further investigation is required to test the possibility of origin recognition based on taste characteristics.