We conducted a study on excessive doping of the Cr and In elements in Bi-Sb-Te materials satisfying the Hume- Rothery rule, and investigated the resulting electrical and thermal properties. From X-ray diffraction (XRD) results, we confirmed the formation of a single phase even with excessive doping. Through analysis of electrical properties, we observed the highest enhancement in electrical characteristics at y = 0.2, suggesting that the appropriate ratio of Bi-Sb significantly influences this enhancement. Using the Callaway-von Baeyer (CvB) model to assess scattering due to point defects, we calculated the experimental point defect scattering factor (ΓCvB.exp), which was notably high due to the substantial differences in volume and atomic weight between the substituted (Cr, In) and original (Bi, Sb) elements. Additionally, we conducted a single parabolic band (SPB) modeling analysis of materials with compositions y = 0.1 and 0.2, where, despite a decrease in densityof- states effective mass (md *) during the enhancement process from y = 0.1 to 0.2, a sharp increase in non-degenerate mobility (μ0) led to an 88 % increase in weighted mobility (μw). Furthermore, analyzing zT with respect to nH revealed a 51 % increase in zT at a composition of y = 0.2. This study confirmed a significant reduction in lattice thermal conductivity with the co-doping strategy, and with further compositional studies to improve electrical properties, we anticipate achieving high zT.
This study was performed to investigate the contamination characteristics of water in the scrubber with the aim of stably maintaining the scrubber, and to comprehend the removal characteristics of sulfur compounds, which are odorous substances, when microbubbles were supplied to the circulation water tank of a scrubber. The results of our analysis found that 63 kinds of gas compounds were detected from the scrubber, and thus it could be determined that Sulfur compounds, Ammonia (base compounds), Aldehyde compounds, and Pyrazine compounds were generated from the process for the production of sesame oil. About 93% of ammonia was removed in the scrubber; however, it was hard to remove Sulfur compounds, Aldehyde compounds and Pyrazine compounds using the scrubber. The efficiency of hydrogen sulfide, methylmercaptan and dimethydisulfide removal using only water in the scrubber was 79.8%, 79.7%, and 81.0%, respectively. However, when microbubbles were supplied to the scrubber, the removal efficiency for each was 83.7%, 91.1%, and 96.1%, respectively. Therefore, it was confirmed that the efficiency of sulfur compound removal was improved by supplying microbubbles to the circulation water tank of the scrubber. In addition, the amount of removal that could be achieved by using microbubbles was 1.05- 1.19 times higher than using only water. In terms of supplying microbubbles, it was confirmed that the saturation time required to absorb odorous gases was about 2.8 times longer than the time without microbubbles because the OH radicals generated when the microbubbles are shrinking partly oxidized organic matter. When there was no chemical in the circulation water tank, the conductivity and CODCr concentration were highly correlated. Therefore the system, which can replace circulation water by using real-time conductivity data, can be considered to be applicable.
In this study, we analyzed the structural safety and vibration characteristics of rotational drive in 3D CT scan equipment using finite element analysis. The analysis results showed a safety factor of 9.2 and a left and right vertical deflectional deviation of 0.24mm from the maximum equivalent stress. After applying weight compensation of 27.7kgf, the structural analysis reduced the safety factor to 7.6, but the deflectional deviation of the left and right structure was reduced to 0mm. Also, we presented the optimum design of rotational drive through the vibration analysis.
In this paper, we analyzed the safety on static and dynamic characteristics of a top-down evacuation instrument fixed on the exterior walls of a building using finite element analysis. For this purpose, the stress distribution characteristics of the H-beam structure were analyzed and the equivalent stress distribution, deflection displacement and natural frequency characteristics of the overall structure of the evacuation instrument were analyzed. The structures were applied with the materials of SS440 and SUS304. The static analysis results showed the elastic behavior with safety coefficients from 2.4 to 2.9, by confirming the structural safety. In addition, the analysis of the natural frequency characteristics confirmed that the vibration characteristics were higher than the external conditions of 20Hz.
This paper uses finite element analysis to analyze the equivalent stress and fatigue duration distributed in the timing belt pulley of the rotating part. The pulley structure used for analysis was categorized into one body type and separate axis type and their characteristics were analyzed when materials S45C and SCM440-870C were applied. A static structural analysis and durability analysis show that when external forces are applied to the pulley, the separate axis structure is structurally safer and more favorable in terms of fatigue, compared to the one body. In addition, the separate axis structure using SCM440-870C material was found to have the best safety factor at 10.4 and infinite fatigue life. These findings are expected to be useful when manufacturing timing belt pulleys.
In this study, we changed the existing S45C steel shafts applied to the drive shaft for power train of automotive to Al7003-T6 aluminum material. For this purpose, the optimal inner diameter of the aluminium shaft is established. And, analysis of the stresses and vibration characteristics of shafts were analyzed through finite element analysis. The final aluminum drive shaft was evaluated through the static torsional torque test and the frequency test. The Al7003-T6 aluminum drive shaft's weight is 67% comparing from 100% of shaft with existing steel, and with the performance of 3,276 N-m and 236 Hz, it satisfies requirements of the torsional torque of 3,000 N-m and vibration characteristic over 150 Hz required for drive shaft.
Hematometra is defined as the accumulation of blood and blood clots in the uterus. An 8-month-old, intact female Poongsan dog presented with continuous severe hemorrhagic vulvar discharge and anemia. The initial diagnostic evaluation included abdominal ultrasonography, radiography, and physical and laboratory examinations. The electrolyte levels were low: Na ion levels were 128 mmol/L (reference range, 141 - 152 mmol/L), and Cl ion levels were 99 mmol/ L (reference range, 105 - 115 mmol/L). At presentation, the white blood cell count was 60.19 × 103/μL (reference range, 5.05 – 16.76 × 103/μL), packed cell volume was 11.8% (reference range, 37.3% - 61.7%), hemoglobin levels were 4.6 g/ dl (reference range, 13.1 - 20.5 g/dl), and platelet count was 48 × 103/μL (reference range, 148 - 484 × 103/μL). Based on the results of the complete blood count, the dog was given lactated Ringer’s solution and a whole blood transfusion. On abdominal ultrasonography, the left uterine horn was enlarged and filled with echogenic fluid. On laparotomy, the uterus was enlarged and showed an accumulation of blood and blood clots. The incised uterine horn revealed that the endometrium was filled with blood and blood clots and had a cystic appearance. Additionally, thick and yellowish pus had accumulated in the uterine cavity. Gross findings revealed a definitive diagnosis of cystic endometrial hyperplasia- pyometra complex with severe hemorrhage, termed hematometra. This case was the first report of severe hematometra in a young Poongsan dog.
In this paper, interior noise that is brought into inside of coach when it passes by straight line track, railway turnout section, curved track, and rail lubricator section with test coach was measured in accordance of track characteristic of urban railway vehicle. It was evaluated with 60km/h of constant speed in the motorized trailer, no.3 car T1 motorized trailer of urban railway vehicle. Interior noise characteristic value is higher in order of curve, rail lubricator, railway turnout, and straight track as a result of the test. The highest characteristic value is 86.7dB in the curved track. And, the lowest characteristics value is 75.5dB(A) in the straight track. For accurate result comparison, it is transformed into sound pressure distribution by time domain, sound pressure level by time domain, sound pressure level for frequency domain and completed analysis.
본 연구는 해상풍력발전기에 추가적인 통신전용선로를 확보하지 않고도 자체 전력선을 이용하여 나셀의 상태를 감시할 수 있는 시스템을 구현하는 것을 목표로 한다. MW 급 해상풍력발전기의 내부 전력선을 훼손하지 않고도 통신선로를 확보하기 위하여 유도성 결합기 기반 비접촉식 무배선 통신시스템을 제안하고 성능시험 결과를 보고한다. 페라이트 복합물질을 이용하여 최대 500 A의 고 전류에도 동작할 수 있는 전력선 통신용 유도성 결합기를 개발하였으며 제주도 풍력단지에서 실증시험을 진행하였다. iperf를 이용한 통신성능시험에서 풍력발 전기 나셀부와 하단 기저부의 전력변환기간 100 m 길이의 전력선으로 최소 15 Mbps 이상의 통신 속도를 안정적으로 확보할 수 있음을 보였 다. 이를 바탕으로 1 주일간의 연속적인 통신상태 시험을 수행하였으며 평균 20 Mbps의 데이터 전송률을 확인하였다. 시험기간 동안 단한번 의 통신 불량도 발생하지 않았다. 다음으로 나셀 내부 온도 분포와 변화를 측정하기 위하여 적외선 카메라를 설치하였다. 카메라에서 획득한 실시간 열화상 이미지가 오류 없이 성공적으로 전송됨을 확인하였다.