고연소도 경수로사용후핵연료를 이용하여 voloxidation 및 소결 열처리 공정으로부터 세슘의 시간에 따른 방출 거동을 실험적으로 평가하였다. 사용후핵연료 voloxidation 공정에서는 fragment 형태의 시편을 사용하여 최대 의 산화 및 환원 분위기에 따른 세슘 방출 거동을 상호 비교하였으며, 소결 공정에서는 압분체를 이용하여 4% H2/Ar 환원분위기 에서 열처리 온도 변화에 따른 세슘방출 특성 변화를 분석하였다. 산화 분위기에서 fragment 형태의 사용후핵연료로부터 세슘 방출 온도 구간은 였으며, 환원 분위기에서 압분체로부터 방출 온도 구간은 로서, 산화에 의한 사용후핵 연료의 분말화가 세슘 방출 거동에 영향을 미치는 것으로 나타났다. 아울러 사용후핵 연료로부터 세슘 방출 거동에 영향을 미치는 주요 인자는 사용후핵 연료내 세슘 화합물의 화학적 형태뿐만 아니라 결정립 및 핵연료 표면으로의 확산 속도에 지배를 받음을 알 수 있었다.
사용후핵연료의 건식 재가공을 위한 핵연료 원격 제조공정중 분말제조를 위한 산화 및 OREOX(산화 환원공정)열처리 공정으로부터 및 핵분열기체의 방출거동을 정량적으로 평가하였다. 특히 사용후핵연료의 평균 연소도가 범위내에서 연소도 변화에 따른 핵분열기체의 방출 분율은 측정한 실험결과와 ORIGEN 코드로부터 계산된 초기 inventory를 상호 비교하여 구하였다. 1차 산화공정(voloxidation)에서 및 의 시간에 따른 방출거동은 핵연료의 으로의 분말화 정도와 밀접한 관련이 있는 것으로 보이며, 입계(grain-boundary)에 분포된 핵분열기체가 대부분 방출되는 것으로 여겨진다. 산화분말을 이용한 OREOX 공정으로부터 핵분열기체의 높은 방출율은 의 환원공정에서 온도 증가에 의한 기체 확산 및 으로의 환원에 의한 U 원자 이동성 증가에 의존하며 주로 inter-grain 및 intra-grain에 분포된 핵분열기체가 방출된 것으로 판단된다. 일차 산화공정시 및 핵분열기체의 방출 분율은 핵 연료 연소도가 증가함에 따라 높게 나타났고 방출 분율 범위는 총 inventory의 정도며, 산화분말의 OREOX 공정처리시 잔류 핵분열기체 대부분이 방출되는 것으로 보인다. 아울러 사용후핵 연료로부터 핵분열기체의 제거를 위해서는 고온 환원분위기보다는 산화에 의한 분말화가 더 효과적인 것으로 여겨진다.
Background : This study aimed to determine the use of proper organic fertilizer through side dressing application in the environmental cultivation of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. to improve farming income. Methods and Results : In the cultivation of eco-friendly and environmental medicinal plant like Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara., it is necessary to use organic instead of chemical fertilizer. Organic fertilizers such as HL, CK, OK were applied three (3) times during the last ten days of July, August, and September. There was no significant difference between CF and NT, in terms of the number of rooting per 1㎡ which was 12.1 -12.9. There were also no significant differences in plant length, leaf length, leaf width and dry weight. The root length was 19.9 ㎝, which was the longest in CK, and 16.8 ㎝, the shortest in ST, but described as no significant difference. The root width was 14.8 – 5.5 ㎜, and the number of rootlet was 5.7 - 7.1, but was considered not a significant difference. The dry weight was 16.6 g in HL, 16.3 g in CK and ST, and 15.6 g in OK, but still there were no significant differences observed. However, it was 14.6 g in NT, which was considered the lowest, thus there was a significant difference. The number of dry root per 10 a was 149 ㎏ which is considered the most in HL, 141 ㎏ in CK, 140 ㎏ in ST, and 138kg in OK yet there were no significant differences observed. While NT only had 123 ㎏ hence, there was a significant difference on the number of dry root per 10a as compared with the group applied with the three organic fertilizers. Conclusion : In conclusion, it is proper to use Organic Fertilizer HL and CK through side dressing application in growing Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara.
Background : This project was conducted to determine proper seed harvest time and seed storage methods of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. Methods and Results : When Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. transplanted this year, seeding can only be done the following year. Therefore, the seeds harvested in the interval of ten (10) days were investigated for seed harvest amount, germination rate, seed storage temperature and storing on container, between the period late August and mid-October. It is when the seed fructification started and ended. The seeds harvested from the first ten (10) days of October to mid October were 87.9% in whole seeds. The proper seed harvesting time was mid October which has a germination rate of 75% in whole seed harvest time. The lowest germination rate of 27.3% was at the germination temperature of 15℃. As the temperature rises, the germination rate increases. In 29℃, the germination rate was at 79% which is the highest; and from 30℃, the germination rate decreased to 71%. When the storage temperature was at 0℃ after storage of 5 months, the germination rate was at 83%. However, after storage of 12 months, it decreased by 7% that was 76%. When in 4℃, after storage of 5 months the germination rate was at 85%. However, after storage of 12 months it decreased by 8% which was 77%. In room temperature after storage of 5 months, germination rate was at 77%, but after storage of 12 months it decreased by 22% which was 55%. When seeds were stored in vinyl container, it was observed that the germination rate was at 86% after 5 months of storage, which was 9% higher than seed stored in paper which was 77%. After 12 months storage, seed in vinyl container had a germination rate of 71%, which was 3% higher than seed in paper at 68%. Conclusion : It is concluded that the proper time of seed gathering of Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. is during the first ten (10) days of October to mid-October. When the long time storage is needed, below zero temperature with vinyl container is more appropriate.
Background : Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. is one of the important oriental medicinal herbs being used to cure lung/respiratory diseases. It belongs to the five Sam (ginseng) including Panax ginseng, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Sophora flavescens, and Scrophularia buergeriana. In 2015, Korea produced 72 tons of medicinal herbs in a 14-hectare area and imported 24 tons valued at US$95,000. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of several biopesticides to control leaf spot of A. triphylla var. japonica Hara. Methods and Results : One year plants at the Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA were used. The treatments used biopesticides such as plant extracts (BP), microbial agent (DM), microbial agent (PJ), sulfur powder (HS), and controlled chemicals (ST), while non treatment (NT) was used as control. After the early part of disease outbreak, the plants were treated four times with 7 days interval. The incidence of leaf spot, efficacy, phytotoxicity and control value were investigated. Based on the efficacy test, incidence of leaf spot is lowest at 15.6% in plant extracts (BP). Other biopesticides showed higher incidence - 16.7% for microbial agent (DM), 17.8% for microbial agent (PJ), 18.9% for sulfur powder (HS) and 71.1% for non treatment (NT), compared with 11.1% in controlled chemicals (ST). The microbial agent (PJ), sulfur powder (HS), plant extracts (BP) and microbial agent (DM) were not damaged in the phytotoxicity test. In the test of application dose, time and methods, the control value was highest in plant extracts (BP) at 78.1%, followed by microbial agent (DM) at 76.6%, microbial agent (PJ) at 75.0%, and sulfur powder (HS) at 73.4% , compared with controlled chemicals (ST) at 84.4%. Conclusion : It is possible to use biopesticides at the proper time to prevent leaf spot in Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara.
Background : Adenophora triphylla var. japonica Hara. is used to cure respiratory/ lung diseases, which makes it an important oriental medicinal herb. It is one of the five Sam (ginseng), which includes Panax ginseng, Salvia miltiorrhiza, Sophora flavescens, and Scrophularia buergeriana. In 2015, Korea imported 24 tons of medicinal herbs worth US$95,000. This study was carried out to investigate the effect of several mulching materials on the growth and root yield of A. triphylla var. japonica using organic fertilizer. Methods and Result : Seeds of A. triphylla var. japonica were collected at the nursery of the Department of Herbal Crop Research, NIHHS, RDA in 2015. Mulching materials used are black plastic, black woven fabric, and biodegradable plastic. Hand weeding was done to serve as control. The soil was fertilized two months before planting. Seeds of A. triphylla var. japonica were sowed in tray in early March and were allowed to grow for two months. It was planted in early May with planting density of 30 ㎝ x 15 ㎝ and was covered with various mulching materials. Parameters investigated are survival rate, aerial part and root growth characteristics, and yield at harvest time. Results showed that biodegradable plastic is most favorable for plant growth with height of 17.2cm, leaf length of 13.4cm and leaf width of 5.6 ㎝. Dry plant weight was heaviest in biodegradable plastic treatment at 2.8 g, and lightest at 2.5 g when planted without mulch. Biodegradable plastic has the highest dry root weight of 19.3 g, followed by black vinyl (18.4 g), woven fabric (18.3 g) and without mulch (17.9 g). The yield obtained per 10 a was highest in biodegradable plastic treatment at 174 ㎏, while black vinyl and woven fabric treatments produced 169 ㎏ and 160 ㎏, respectively. Plants without mulch had the lowest yield of 157 ㎏. Conclusion : In the above results, biodegradable plastic and woven fabric are considered suitable mulching materials for the cultivation of A. triphylla var. japonica.
Background : Curcuma longa L., in the family Zingiberaceae, is distributed in tropical and/or sub-tropical regions mainly in India and China. This species is commonly called turmeric, powder is used as medicinal herbs and/or flavor enhancer. It has been cultivated in southern region mainly Jindo. However, it might be possible to extend cultivation regions due to rise in average temperature. In order to select superior lines based on agronomic characteristics, we analyzed multivariate and estimated selection effects from C. longa germplasm. Methods and Results : The C. longa germplasm were cultivated in an experimental field located in Eumseong, NIHHS, RDA. The harvested roots were investigated in agronomic characteristics included in yield and then considered its relationship among the 9 germplasm by multivariate analysis method. Results from principal component analysis (PCoA) showed that it represented 70.00% and 80.44% accumulated explanation from four and five principal compounds (PC). PCoA was conducted from 9 agronomic characteristics and then correlation coefficient has been showed by analysis between each main component value and agronomic characteristics. Value of the first PC was 2.25, 24.96% explanation of total dispersion, plant height, number of rootlet and weight of rootlet were correlated with a somewhat higher level as 0.41, 0.43 and 0.52. Value of the fifth PC was 0.94, 10.43% explanation of total dispersion, the number of shoots was correlated with a higher level as 0.87. Selection effects with outstanding candidate lines including higher lines were estimated at 126.13% in yield. Conclusion : These data on multivariate based on agronomic characteristics will be give us invaluable breeding information by selection of superior lines.
The purpose of this study is to explore the concept of a logistics hub, identify key factors and milestones for its development, and give some recommendations and implications to developing countries. For this the countries competing to be Logistics hub in Northeast Asia (NEA), such as South Korea, japan and China, are taken into consideration These countries have under its priority policies the development of a logistics hub vision to become the central area of the region achieving microeconomic and macroeconomic prosperity. Based on the review of the relevant literature, five factors came up as key determinants for the development of a hub project: 1. Logistics services support and infrastructure. 2. Business environment. 3. Economic determinants. 4. Political support and 5. Access to international markets. These are going to be analyzed together with its different variables, using statistical methods.