‘하나님의 선교’는 ‘선교적 교회론’과 ‘선교적 해석학’을 거치면서 성서를 선교적으로 해석하는데 이론의 여지가 없음을 보여주었다. 구약성서는 포로기를 거치면서 구원신앙과 창조신앙 사이의 긴장이 사라지고 창조주 ‘하나님의 자기 확장’으로서 선교를 이해하게 한다. ‘하나님의 형상’으로서 인간은 특별한 자질이 아닌 선교적으로 이해되 는 사명에 주목해야 한다. 역사적 이스라엘은 ‘언약 공동체’로서 은혜의 독점이 아니라, 하나님의 복을 삶으로 증언하는 역할을 부여받았다. 포로기/포로기 이후 이스라엘의 정체성은 역사 가운데 베푸시는 해방 과 구원의 사건과 창조의 섭리를 고백함으로써 증인이 되는 ‘예배공동 체’로 인식된다. 하나님은 이스라엘에 창조 세계의 정의와 긍휼과 샬롬을 위한 종말론적인 헌신을 요구하셨다.
In this study, actual odor conditions were investigated in restaurants, livestock facilities, and major odor discharge facilities around daily life, and an odor modeling program was performed to find ways to improve odors in odor discharge facilities. The odor modeling results of restaurants around daily life showed that the complex odor concentration of large restaurants, which are close to residential areas, is higher than the acceptable complex odor standard at the receiving point. It was judged that a plan to increase the height of the restaurant odor outlets and a plan to reduce the amount of odor discharge was necessary. As a result of modeling the life odor of livestock housing facilities, when the distance from the housing facility is far away, the actual emission concentration is much lower than the acceptable emission concentration at the receiving point. It was judged that such facilities need to be reviewed for ways to reduce the emission of odorous substances, such as sealing the livestock housing facilities or improving the livestock environment. The main odor emission business sites that show complex odor concentration as 1,000 times or greater than the outlet odor emission standard were businesses associated with surfactant preparation, compounded feed manufacturing, textile dyeing processing, and waste disposal. Due to the separation distance and high exhaust gas flow rate, it was found that odor reduction measures are necessary. In this study, it was possible to present the allowable odor emission concentration at the discharge facilities such as restaurants, livestock houses, and industrial emission facilities by performing the process of verifying the discharge concentration of the actual discharge facility and the result of living odor modeling. It is believed that suitable odor management and prevention facilities can be operated.
In this study, real-time monitoring of air quality using a real-time mobile monitoring system was conducted to identify the emission characteristics and current status of air pollutants and odorous substances that are mainly generated in domestic dyeing industrial areas and to trace the pollutant sources. The concentration of toluene in the industrial area was detected up to 926.4 ppb, which was 3 to 4 times higher than that of other industrial areas. The concentration of methylethylketone was 124.7 ppb and the concentration of dichloromethane was 129.5 ppb. Acrolein concentration was highest at E point at 521.6 ppb, methanol concentration was highest at D point at 208.8 ppb, and acetone concentration was highest at M and N points at 549.3 ppb. The most frequently detected concentration of pollutants in the air quality monitoring results in the industrial area was, in descending order, toluene > methanol > acrolein > dichloromethane > acetone, which was similar to the chemical emissions used in the industrial area by the Pollutant Release and Transfer Register data. The concentration of odorous substances measured in real time was compared with the concentration of minimum detection, and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide was about 10 times higher than the concentration of minimum detection at A point, which was judged to be the main odorous cause of A point. In the future, if the real-time mobile measurement system is constructed to automatically connect wind direction/wind speed, PRTR (Pollutant Release and Transfer Register) data and SEMS (Stack Emission Management System) data, etc., it was judged that more accurate monitoring could be performed.
최근 몇 년 사이에 가장 화두가 되는 단어는 단연 4차 산업혁명일 것이다. 인공지능, 가상/증강현실 구현, 모바일, 빅데이터 등 최신 ICT 기술은 인류 삶의 패러다임을 완전하게 바꾸어 놓았다. 이런 ICT기술의 진보는 국방분야에도 많은 영향을 미쳤고 이에 가장 민감하게 반응하고 변화하고 있는 분야가 국방 M&S분야일 것이다. 기술의 진보에 따라 사회환경이 변하듯 전장환경도 빠르게 변하고 있는 상황에서 본 주제발표에서는 미래를 예측하고 준비하는 국방 M&S분야의 현 주소와 발전방향을 제시하고자 한다.
The purpose of this study was to investigate the current status of odor and to examine the application method of the odor emission standard in a restaurant environment. The complex odor dilution concentrations (“times”) and odor compounds were measured in 8 restaurants. The highest complex odor dilution times were 966 in outlets and 97 in site boundaries of C restaurants. The average complex odor dilution times were 632 in outlets and 29 in site boundaries, which exceeded the allowable odor discharge standard of residential areas. Eighteen of the 22 specified offensive odor substances were detected. Aldehyde-type substances showed high concentrations, and the highest concentration of ethanol was detected in addition to the designated odorous substances. Dichloromethane, benzene, and phenol, which are harmful air pollutants, were also detected. The odorant concentrations of restaurants were found to exceed the odor standard threshold in A, B, and F restaurants. Upon review of the Japanese-style odor index respective to restaurant odor, it is difficult to apply an equivalent emission allowance standard as the permissible emission standard of the workplace. It is necessary to regulate emission standards by different emission standards. In the future, it will be necessary to determine how to measure the odor index and how to apply the odor emission standard to everyday facilities, such as restaurants, grocery stores, etc.
전도성 고분자는 고분자가 갖는 높은 투과도와 화학적 구조에 의한 전도성 특성, 좋은 가공성, 낮은 가격과 같은 이점 때문에 전자산업, 특히 디스플레이 재료 개발 분야에서 그 응용에 대한 연구가 활발히 진행되고 있다. 전도성 고분자는 산화환원에 의해 다른 상태의 구조를 갖게 되는데, 이때 색변화, 전도도가 변하게 된다. 따라서 이러한 특징을 이용하여 전도성 고분자의 직접적인 색변화를 이용한 전기변색 디스플레이와 전도성 고분자가 갖는 전기전도도를 이용한 디스플레이 재료들의 연구가 이루어지고 있다. 전도성 고분자는 그 종류마다 다른 전도도를 갖게 되는데, 이는 그 고분자를 이루는 물질에 의해 결정되기 때문이며, 또한 doping level, dopant, 중합방법에 따라 전도도의 조절이 가능한 특징이 있다. 최근 전도성 고분자 응용 분야의 대표적인 선도 연구로는 전기변색 디스플레이, 대전방지, 높은 전도도를 이용한 투명전극 응용 등이 있다.
Background : Compositae is one of the largest plant families which has high probability of diversity and mutation. Though the various researches about the Compositae are ongoing, it is incomplete and need to be conducted the molecular genetic researches to back up the previous studies. This research was performed to identify the genetic divergence of Compositae plants based on the DNA barcoding for cpDNA-matK and rbcL regions. Methods and Results : For this studies, the genetic sequence analysis (SNP/InDel) and phylogenetic analysis were conducted by using Neighbor-Joining algorithm as targeting the nineteen specimens from 7 species which received a IT number along with NCBI Genbank database (http://ncbi.nlm.nih.gov) sequences. The result of matK sequence analysis, 68 SNP and 2 InDel regions (at nt 527-538bp and 695-706bp positions) were confirmed. Also 10 SNPs were found in rbcL region. The genetic divergence showed 0.000-0.059% in matK regions, and the mean was 0.024%. The highest distance were observed between Ligualria fischeri and the group composed with Aster tataricus and Solidago virgauria (2 and 3). The sequence divergence for rbcL regions showed 0.000-0.018%, and the mean was 0.005%. The highest sequence distance in rbcL region were observed between L. fischeri group and S. virgauria (HE574593). In result of phylogenetic analysis in matK region, the most species formed independent clade. A. tataricus in Aster genus and two samples of S. virguaria in Solidago genus were formed one same clade. S. virguaria(1) and A. spathulifolius(2) has been separated into independently for the plants belonging to same genus, respectively. A. spathulifolius showed differences with NCBI data. The rbcL formed one same clade except L. fischeri and Synurus deltoides. Conclusion : This study indicates that matK is more valuable than rbcL for the distinction among the species of Compositae. This results are expected to be used for the establishment of the classification system of Compositae as well as for the studies in the development of an authentication marker.
Background : Ixeris dentata is the perennial herbaceous plant in the Ixeris genera within the Compositae family. The whole plant has been used traditionally as herbal medicine. It is widely distributed in South Korea and the genetic difference among the plants harvested from different regions may differ due to the disparity in cultivation climate. Therefore, this research was performed to discriminate the I. dentata that are collected from four locations in South Korea based on sequence analysis of nrDNA-ITS region. Methods and Results : Genomic DNA was extracted from I. dentata obtained from Goesan, Dangjin, Yangpyeong, and Chuncheon. I. stonolifera was included for a comparison of genetic distance with I. dentata. PCR amplification was performed by using an universal barcode nrDNA-ITS primer for DNA barcoding. After sequencing, the data was aligned using ClustalW multiple alignment tool in BioEdit version 7.2.5 software. SNP and phylogenetic analysis were conducted with the MEGA7 program. Phylogenetic analysis was presented with Neighbor-joining method using the K2P model. Statistical significance are evaluated using bootstrap (1,000 replicates). PCR products were amplified with about 800bp length for the ITS1-4 sequences of all samples. Nineteen SNPs were detected within a 578bp fragment of the aligned sequences. The mean GC content was 51.88% for ITS1-4 sequences of them. The interspecific genetic distance between I. dentata and I. stonolifera was 0.029%. The highest region-specific distance was confirmed to 0.010% between the plants from Dangjin with Goesan and Chuncheon group. Meanwhile, the mean intraspecific distance among the plants from Yangpyeong was 0.002%. Conclusion : In the phylogenetic analysis, the plants from Goesan and Chuncheon were placed within the same clade, while the plants from Dangjin formed independent clade. On the other hand, the plants from Yangpyeong were not grouped into one clade followed by the intraspecies variation. In conclusion, the data from the research will be useful for the regional identification of Dangjin, even if it is required to perform some additional researches.