Safety has once again emerged as a social issue due to the enforcement of the Serious Disasters Punishment Act and the occurrence of major disasters recently. As such, the safety culture related to unsafe human behavior is drawing attention as various discussions about the importance of safety and accident prevention are currently being undertaken. This study aims to determine whether changes in the level of safety culture in companies affect the accident rate. To this end, we targeted three workplaces in the same company in the domestic manufacturing industry, and 2,790 people were surveyed using DNV's Safety Will(ISRS-C version 4.0) for safety culture level diagnosis. The change in safety culture level and accident rate were compared and analyzed after carrying out safety culture level improvement activities for 5 years. As a result, the level of safety culture increased by 5.8 points, an overall improvement of 9.5%, while the total number of accidents decreased by 20%, from 5 to 4, indicating a general decreasing trend in accident occurrence. Results confirmed that the change in the level of safety culture affects the accident rate, and the improvement in the level of safety culture affects a reduction in accidents. Therefore, this study suggests that efforts to improve the level of safety culture within a company can be associated with accident reduction and accident prevention outcomes.
본 연구는 기능성 물질인 알로에를 종류별로 첨가함에 따라 유화소시지의 이화학적 특성과 저장성, 그리고 관능성에 미치는 영향을 조사하기 위해 수행되었다. 알로에 베라(AV구)와 알로에 사포나리아(AS구)는 각 3%씩 첨가하였으며, 모든 처리구들은 냉장온도 4±1℃에서 4주간 저장하면서 주 1회 간격으로 실험이 진행되었다. pH는 AV구와 AS구가 대조구보다 유의적(p<0.05)으로 낮았고, 저장기간의 경과함에 따라 대조구 및 모든 처리구는 증가하였다. 보수성에서 AS구는 대조구와 AV구보다 유의적(p<0.05)으로 높은 값을 나타냈으며, 저장기간의 경과함에 따라 대조구 및 모든 처리구는 유의적(p<0.05)으로 감소하였다. 적색도는 AS구가 대조구 및 AV구 보다 낮은 값을 나타내었고, 황색도는 AS구가 대조구, AV구보다 높은 값을 나타내었다. 전단가는 AS구가 대조구보다 낮은 값을 나타냈으며, AV구와는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 지방 산패도에서 AS구는 유의적 (p<0.05)으로 가장 낮은 값을 나타내었고, 관능 평가의 색은 AV구가 가장 높은 값을 나타냈으며, 선호도는 AV구가 대조구보다 높은 값을 나타냈고 AS구와는 유의적인 차이가 없었다. 이는 알로에 사포나리아의 첨가가 높은 보수성, 알로에 베라 첨가보다 낮은 지방산패도, 유사한 관능성을 나타내 기능성 소시지의 개발에 충분한 경쟁력을 가지고 있으며 향후 알로에 사포나리아를 첨가한 육제품의 일반화 및 대량생산 체계의 확립에 긍정적인 영향을 준다고 판단된다.
Todarodes pacificus is an important marine resource commercialized in South Korea, Japan, and China. The objective of this work is to investigate the effectiveness of different mathematical models (diffusive model, Newton's model, Henderson-pabis's model, Page's model, and Weibull's model) in precisely explaining the moisture gain/loss and salt gain of the squid slices immersed in saline solutions. Brine concentrations of immersion used were 2.5, 5, 10, and 15% (w/w) for various durations (0-360 min). The effective diffusion coefficients of salt ranged from 0.549×10−9 to 0.841×10−9 m2/s, while the moisture values ranged from -0.077×10−9 to 0.374×10−9 m2/s. The experimental results of moisture and salt transfer fitted well into the Henderson-Pabis and Page models, respectively. The results presented in this study support the potential to predict the mass transfer of squid using mathematical modeling.
본 연구는 게임의 아트가 구상을 향하는 것과는 달리 감성게임의 아트는 추상을 향하는 것에 주목하여 ‘형태’와 ‘색채’를 고찰한다. 우선 형태와 색채를 각각 연구자모델과 NCS 색 체계를 통해 정량적으로 분석하였고, 그 결과 형태는 ‘추상’으로 색채는 ‘파스텔·애쉬’로 도출되었다. 도 출된 결과를 토대로 ‘감성’게임이 추상적 형태와 평면적 색채를 지향하고 있음을 주장하며, 보링 거의 추상충동과 보드리야르의 파스텔의 질서를 통해 주장을 뒷받침하고 있다.
Two compounds from Gomisin N and Gomisin A were isolated from the fruits of Schizandra chinensis Baillon. The highest extraction yield as 21.36% was observed in the ethanol extract, compared to the yield obtained form the water extract. The extraction yields of the single compounds were measured to be 0.13 and 0.014 Gomisin A and Gomisin N, respectively. Approximately, 90% of the growth of human stomach adenocarcinoma cancer cells was inhibited after adding 1.0 g/l of the ethanol extract. The growth of the human normal lung cell was limited to 24% after adding the ethanol extract. The water extract lowered the specific secretion of TNF-á and IL-6 from T cells, 10.3×10-4 pg/cell and 12.1×10-4 pg/cell, respectively, compared to the ethanol extracts. On the other hand, a treatment with the ethanol extract increased the specific secretion of TNF-á and IL-6 from human T cells, to 11×10-4 pg/cell and 14.3×10-4 pg/cell, respectively. The crude ethanol extract had the highest effect on the differentiation of human promyelocytic leukemia cells compared to the other extracts and Gomisin A and N. In general, the biological activities of the extracts gradually decreased as the purification process proceeded, which suggests that higher immunostimulatory activities can be maintained by adding the crude extracts of the fruits rather than by adding a single compound.