
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 9

        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We report the development of new anthocyanin-rich grain corn hybrid variety ‘Saekso 2’. The seed parent, HA3 and the pollen parent, HA4 was developed from breeding materials collected from China in 2008 and from Canada in 2000, respectively. The hybrid was made in the winter of 2010/2011 and evaluated in Hongcheon for 3 years. After evaluation, the selected variety was named ‘Saekso 2’ and was approved for a variety registration in 2017. Anthocyanin content of Saekso 2 in grain was 685 mg/100g and was much higher than that of Saeko 1(0mg/100g). Since regional tests was conducted in only Gangwon province, it is recommended only in that region for commercial cultivation. For the highest content of anthocyanin, it is best to harvest grains at around 45 days after silking. Saekso 2 is the first hybrid bred specifically for processing for high anthocyanin production.
        2017.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study was carried out to create new popcorn variety. ‘G-Popcorn’ was made by single crossing with two inbred lines, the seed parent, GP3, and the pollen parent, GP4. The hybrid was made in 2009 and selected in 2014 after investigating characteristics for three years from 2012 to 2014. ‘G-Popcorn’ was evaluated on 2 or 3 places in Gangwon-do for three years. ‘G-Popcorn’ showed higher lodging tolerance and popping volume in contrast to the check variety ‘Oryunpopcorn’. The plant height is 213cm indicating 5cm lower than that of ‘Oryunpopcorn’. Also, ration ear height of plant height of ‘G-Popcorn’ is 59%. The weight of 100 seeds was 15.5g, similar to that of ‘Oryunpopcorn’. The popping volume of ‘G-Popcorn’ was about 28.3㎤/g, higher than 25.0㎤/g of ‘Oryunpopcorn’. The yield of ‘G-Popcorn’ was 467kg/10a in regional yield trials for three years, which was 7% higher than that of ‘Oryunpopcorn’.
        2015.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A wheat mutant of low-molecular-weight glutenin (LMW-GS) “Gunji-2” at Glu-B3 locus was derived among the double haploid lines. Gunji-2 was derived from F1 plants of Keumkang and Olgeuru crosses using the wheat × maize system according to the procedures of Inagaki and Mujeeb-Kazi at International Maize and Wheat Improvement Center (CIMMYT). Deletion of Glu-B3 LMW-GS proteins was found by allele specific DNA marker, one dimensional SDS-PAGE and two dimensional gel electrophoresis (2-DGE). Tandom mass spectrometry (MS/MS) was used to obtain direct evidence of LMW-GS deletion. In addition, we examined the basic agronomic traits, protein content, dough properties of mixing and bread loaf volumeof Gunji-2 and parental wheat cultivars grown for two years. This mutant will represent a valuable resource in quality test for specific allele or gene at Glu-B3 locus.
        2015.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        다평옥은 다수성 종실용 옥수수 품종 개발을 위하여 2010 년에 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 자식계통 KS158과 KS155를 교잡하여 육성한 다수성 단교잡종이다. 다평옥의 종피색은 황색이며 입질은 마치종이다. 2006~2007년까지 2 년 동안 생산력검정시험을 거쳐 2008~2010년까지 3년 동안 수원 등 3지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시하였다. 그 결과 우수 성이 인정되어 2010 농작물 직무육성 신품종으로 결정되었고 다평옥으로 명명하였다. 다평옥의 출사일수는 장다옥과 같다. 간장은 장다옥과 비슷하며 착수고율은 장다옥과 같다. 도복은 장다옥 정도로 강한 것으로 나타났다. 이삭길이는 장다옥보다 다소 작으며 100립중은 장다옥보다 가볍다. 깨씨무늬병과 그 을음무늬병에는 강한 편이다. 검은줄오갈병, 이삭썩음병 및 조명나방 저항성은 중 정도를 보인다. 다평옥의 종실수량은 8.6 톤/ha로 장다옥보다 8% 많았다. 4 : 1(모본 : 부본) 재식 비율로 동시 파종하여 채종 시험한 결과 모본 출사기와 부본 화분비산기간이 일치하였으며 채종수량은 2.8 톤/ha이었다. 다평옥은 전국적으로 재배가 가능하다(품종출원등록번호: 제 4969호).
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        With the economy development, people have an increasing demand for meat and eggs. Hence the market demand for cereal crop keeps increasing. maize is the major crop to meet the conditions of market demand. As a part of the Golden Seed Project, we are planning to develop maize varieties for adaptation in Southern Asia, especially in India. This project was started at 2013 and has been collaborated with Nongwoo Bio Co. Our project is based on overseas maize breeding in Bangalore, India. At first year, we tested 40 maize hybrids to investigate adaptability, yield capacity, and growing characteristics. Planting materials for this test were developed and selected in Cambodia by researchers of Maize Research Institute. Growing performance is usually quite different by the growing area and seasons, but some of our materials have shown good adaptability and yield at dry season in Southern India. 13IN07 was selected by yield and grain color, 13IN39 was selected by yield and plant type. These two selected hybrids were applied to regional test controled by Indian Council of Agricultural Research in India. We will see how our hybrids adapt in various regions in India, assess how other tested hybrids perform in those regions, and compare each other. We may also expect one of the selected hybrids can be a candidate variety for some regions in India and we will continuously select good hybrids and develop new varieties in India.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Maize breeding is mainly divided by two steps; line development and hybrid selection. Line development is very important procedure to make good hybrids and this line development in Korea is fully depend upon conventional methods like pedigree selection, back-cross, etc. For development of pure line, we have to do self-pollination for at least seven cycles. This line development system is tedious, labor-intensive, and time-consuming procedure. Doubled Haploid technology for maize is a new system to develop inbred lines within short period and many maize research institutes in foreign advanced countries have been actively using this technology. Using Doubled Haploid technology, we can greatly reduce the period of line development and strengthen maize research ability in Korea. Key requisite for Doubled Haploid breeding is possession of inducer lines which can produce haploid when source population is crossed with them. Maize Research Institute in Gangwon Province secures the right of using inducer lines and is trying to introduce Doubled Haploid breeding in Korea. Doubled Haploid breeding system is as follows; crossing between population and inducer, separation haploid seeds from F1 seeds, chromosome doubling, doubled plant management, self-pollination, seed multiplication, and assessment. We expect our breeding capacity will be progressed by introduction of Doubled Haploid technology. When this technology comes to combine with marker assisted selection, we can increase competitiveness against global institutes.
        2014.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        청다옥은 다수성 사료용 옥수수 품종 개발을 목표로 2010년에 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 자식계통 KS159과 KS155의 교잡으로 육성된 다수성인 단교잡종이다. 청다옥의 종피색은 황색이며 입질은 마치종이다. 2006~2007년까지 생산력검정시험을 거쳐, 2008~2010년까지 3년간 4지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시하였다. 청다옥의 출사일수는 광평옥보다 1일 빠르고 간장은 광평옥보다 다소 짧고 착수고율은 광평옥보다 낮다. 도복은 광평옥과 비슷한 정도로 강하다. 후기녹체성은 광평옥과 비슷하며 이삭비율은 광평옥과 같다. 깨씨무늬병 저항성은 중정도이고, 그을음무늬병에는 강한 편이다. 검은줄오갈병, 이삭썩음병 및 조명나방 저항성은 중정도를 보인다. 청다옥의 건물수량(20.24 톤/ha)은 광평옥과 비슷하였으며, TDN수량(13.80 톤/ha)도 광평옥과 비슷하였다. 청다옥의 종실수량(8.51 톤/ha)은 장다옥보다 많았다. 4∶1(모본:부본) 재식비율로 동시 파종하여 채종시험한 결과 모본의 출사기와 부본의 화분비산기간이 일치하였으며 채종수량은 1.8 톤/ha이었다. 청다옥은 전국적으로 재배가 가능하다.
        2013.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        We are importing corn grains more than eight million tons every year, and self-sufficiency rate of corn is less than one percent. It is not easy to increase field corn production in Korea because of limited arable land. For this reason, many companies have been interesting overseas agriculture for corn production. But they don’t have enough suitable variety for the target area. Our objective is to develop field corn varieties for adaptation in Primorsky Krai which is the southeasternmost region of Russia. This project has been collaborated with Dr. Huk-Ha Lee in Seoul National Univ. and planted three times in Primorsky Krai since 2011. Planting materials for this project were developed in Maize Research Institute. 74 hybrids in 2011, 76 in 2012, and 80 in 2013 were planted for regional performance test. Primorsky Krai is a colder area and has less frost-free days than Korea. Several hybrids have shown good performance, but lots of materials developed in Korea could not fully ripened in 2011 because of late planting and early frost. In 2012, we mainly selected early flowering materials as well as picked materials from first year. The silking date of our materials was later than local commercial varieties, but some our hybrids had good characteristics and high yield. Among them, we picked two hybrids and planted them in Ussuriysk in Primorsky Krai for field demonstration test. We expect some of the selected hybrids can be candidate varieties for improvement of corn production at overseas agricultural production base.