This research carried out to figure out the effect of the green manure crop cultivated at a preparation field and the shading net on the growth, development, and quality of ginseng. Followings are results obtained from the research. Leaf width of ginseng under the shading net of a two-layered blue and two-layered black polythylene net (TBTBPN) was good at rye and hairy vetch cultured group. Leaf length of ginseng under the shading net of a threelayered blue and one-layered black polyethylene net (TBOBPN) was good at barley and hairy vetch cultured group. Meanwhile, leaf width was good at hairy vetch cultured group. Leaf length of ginseng under a blue polyethylene sheet (BPS) was good at a barley and barley + hairy vetch cultured group, but stem length was shorter compare to other shading net cultivations. Root weight of ginseng was good under the shading net of a two-layered blue and two-layered black polyethylene net (TBTBPN) at a rye and hairy vetch cultured group, and was good under the shading net of a three-layered blue and onelayered black polyethylene net (TBOBPN) at a barley + hairy vetch cultured group, but there was no significant difference under blackout screen according to manure crop varieties. Ratio of rusty root was 10.2% at the barley cultured group under the shading net of a two-layered blue and two-layered black polyethylene net (TBTBPN), and was 23.1% at hairy vetch cultured group under shading net of a three-layered blue and one-layered black polyethylene net (TBOBPN). Ratio of rusty root was the lowest at a rye cultured group regardless the shading nets. Content of the ginsenoside was the highest at the rye cultured group under the shading net of two-layered blue and two-layered black polyethylene net (TBTBPN), was the highest at the barley cultured group under the shading net of a three-layered blue and one-layered black polyethylene net (TBOBPN), and was the highest at the rye cultured group under the blackout screen.
This research analyzed the characteristics of varieties of rice such as a harvest time and yield, and to select a proper variety to product green rice according to a conventional planting culture and a late planting culture. The most proper harvest time of rice, in general, was 15 to 25 days after heading to product the green rice. Sinsunchal among glutinous rice varieties and Chilbo among nonglutinous rice varieties showed the most amount harvest at 25 days after heading, which was a limit harvest time for the whole green rice production in overall rice varieties. The amount of green rice according to transplanting times, the May 30 th transplanting was more than the June 20 th . The yield of green rice harvested at 15~25 days after heading was varied according to varieties. Proper glutinous varieties for green rice production were Dongjinchal, Sangdongchal, Boseokchal, and Sinsunchal, in order of listed, which were transplanted at the May 30 th . Meanwhile, Boseokchal, Backokchal, and Sinsunchal, in order of listed, were proper varieties for green rice production, which were transplanted at the June 20 th . In nonglutinous rice, Samkwang, Nunbora, and Chilbo, which were transplanted at the May 30 th , were proper varieties for green rice production. Hwanggeomnodeul, Hopum, and Chilbo, which were transplanted at the June 20 th , were proper varieties for green rice production.
고품질 우량인삼 생산을 위한 해가림자재별 인삼의 생육 상황과 해가림 아래의 미기상 변화를 조사하였고, 각각의 해가림자재에서 생산된 수삼의 유효성분들을 조사 분석한 결과, 6~8월까지의 해가림자재별로 온도는 차광지>차광판> 차광지 순이었고, 투광량도 차광지가 8월에 381.7 μmol/s/m2 로 인삼포내 온도가 가장 높은 원인이었다. 2~3년 인삼의 지상부 생육은 차광망>차광판>차광지 순이었으며, 4년근은 차광판=차광지>차광망 순으로 좋았다. 4년근 인삼의 진세 노사이드 총함량은 차광판>차광지>차광망 순으로 많았으 며, 수삼의 색도는 차광망>차광판>차광지 순으로 높았다
This study investigated ginseng growth and ginsenoside contents after control a reserved ginseng cultivation land using various green manure crops for stable ginseng cultivation. Followings are results obtained from this research. After cultivate the green manure crops, microbial flora in soil was diversified, organic matter and total-N content increased, but salt content decreased. The highest output obtained from the wheat cultivated area among various green manure corps. Growth of shoot and root of two years old ginseng increased significantly at the green manure crop cultivated area. Specially, the wheat cultivated area was the most effective in growth. Also, the rate of the leaf discoloration at the aerial part and the rusty root at the root was the least at the wheat cultivation area. Meanwhile, the ginsenoside content was the most at the wheat cultivation area. Thus, the reserved ginseng cultivation land could be managed by cultivating wheat for effective ginseng growth.
인삼은 연작지 재배가 불가능하고 주산지의 우량 예정지 고갈로 인하여 제주도를 제외하고 국내 전국에서 재배하고 있다. 지역별 기후형태가 상이함에도 불구하고 동일한 해가림 구조로 재배하고 있어 일부지역에서 피해가 발생하고 있어 지역에 적합한 표준 해가림 재배기술이 필요하다고 생각된다. 따라서, 본 연구는 남부지역(밀양, 나주, 해남)에서의 적정 해가림구조를 밝히고자 실시하였다. 실험은 2008년 부산대학교 부속농장(밀양)에 묘삼을 이식하였고 해가림 시설은 차광망(검정 차광망), 차광판(비누수 광반사 차광판), 차광지+망(청색 비누수차광지에 검정색 차광망), 차광지(청색 비누수차광지)를 후주연결식으로 설치하여 삼집내 광량과 온도를 측정하였고(Li-cor사의 LI-2000) 광합성속도와 엽록소 형광반응은 생육하고 있는 2년생 인삼을 이용하여 Li-cor의 LI-6400으로 조사하였다.
해가림 자재별 광량은 차광판과 차광지에서 높은 경향을 보였으며, 차광판의 경우 전주에서의 반사광의 유입으로 삼집내 광량이 높은 경향이 있었고, 차광지의 경우 투광량이 높아 광량이 높게 나타냈다. 차광지+망과 차광망에서는 광량이 낮은 경향이었다. 온도는 차광판이 가장 낮은 경향이었는데 이는 직접광이 삼집내로 투과되지 못한 원인으로 사료되며, 다음으로 차광망, 차광지+망, 차광지 순으로 높은 경향을 보였다. 차광지의 경우 투광량이 높아 인삼에서 고온장해가 생기는 현상이 나타났다. 광합성의 경우, 광강도가 증가함에 따라 광합성속도가 증가하는 경향이 있었고, 해가림 자재에 따라 비교하면 차광판에서 높은 경향을 보였으며, 다음으로 차광망과 차광지+망이 높았고, 차광지에서 낮은 경향이었다. 엽록소 형광반응에서 Fo는 차광판에서 낮은 경향이었으며, 다음으로는 차광망, 차광지+망, 차광지 순으로 높은 경향을 보였다. Fv/Fm에서는 차광판에서 높았고, 차광망, 차광지+망, 차광지 순으로 낮은 경향이 있었다. ETR은 차광판에서 가장 높은 경향이 나타냈으며, 다음으로 차광망, 차광지+망, 차광지로 낮은 경향을 보였다.
This experiment was carried out on plastic pots (40cm~times25cm~times30cm ) filled with sand soil at greenhouse using two soybean cultivars with small seed; one was Pungsannamulkong (PSNK) recognized as a tolerant cultivar against excessive water stress and the other one was Sobaeknamulkong (SBNK) recognized as a susceptible cultivar. Seed was sown with 30 plants of 2 hills, and the amount of applied fertilizer was N; 3.0 g, P; 3.0 g, and K; 3.4 g per m2 with all basal fertilizations. Plants were grown under photoperiod of natural light with day temperature of 31~pm5~circC and night temperature of 22~pm1~circC . The flooding treatment was done for 3, 5, 7 and 10 days by filling pots with tap water up to 1 cm above the level of the soil surface when plants were 2 days after emerging. Nitrogen uptake by leaves of soybeans decreased significantly by the flooding after 6 days. This significant reduction of N uptake by flooding was evidently recognized from the chlorosis of leaves. The dry matter of flooded soybean seedlings significantly decreased compared to non-flooded soybean seedlings at 10 days. The dry matter of roots also showed similar result of the shoot. Shoots had more N reduction than roots under the flooding. This N reduction was more pronounce in SBNK than in PSNK. Chlorophyll content of flooded soybeans showed decreasing or non-increasing tendency, and the reduction of chlorophyll content was more in SBNK than in PSNK from the flooding stress. Nitrate content of soybean seedlings with flooding stress showed decreasing tendency in shoot and root parts. Ammonium content, however, was higher in flooding stress compared to the non-flooding. Flooding caused a remarkable change in the AA (amino acid) composition and TAA (total amino acid) concentration in the leaves of soybean seedlings.
This study was conducted to determine the optimum number of inter-rows according to distance of drainage furrow (DF) for running-off excessive-water stress (EWS) in paddy field. The most soil water potential was shown in high ridge (distance of DF by 70 cm) cultivation and the soil water potential showed increasing tendency in over four inter-rows cultivation by DF. The growth of soybean reduced by extended inter-row and its reducing level was high, especially, over four inter-rows (DF distance by 2.8 m) because of EWS. The photosynthetic rate decreased in the more extensive field by distance of DF at V5 and R2 stages, especially, in over four interrows cultivation. Also, root activity decreased at wider DF. The yield was reduced with wider distance of DF more extensively, the highest yield of 270 g per m2 at the every row, but yield showed decreasing tendency at over the 4th row (2.8 m) cultivation. Soybean cultivation in paddy field could be founded with DF of every other or 4th row.