Using an experimental design, we investigated whether the relationship between apparel product novelty and consumers’ curiosity depends on perceived fashion influencers’ socioeconomic status. In addition, we investigated mediating role of curiosity in the product novelty effect on purchase intentions and intention to use a social shopping service.
This study identified types of online retail internationalization in the fast-fashion context and proposed driving factors of retailers’ choices in online-based market entry following the logic of the Uppsala model and the eclectic theory. In particular, this study proposes three types of online-based internationalization: 1) entering a host market with a physical store first, and then expanding with an online store, 2) entering a foreign market with an online store, then expanding to physical stores, and 3) entering only with an online business. In addition, this study investigated the causal factors, ownership-specific and location advantages, that influence the choice of the type of developmental process of online-based internationalization. To develop theoretical and managerial insights into the issue researched, this study employed a qualitative research design involving case studies of three European fast-fashion retailers, H&M, TOPSHOP, and ASOS. This study suggested that fast-fashion retailers that enter a host market with high ownership-specific advantages are likely to choose to enter the market with physical stores and then expand with online stores. On the other hand, when faced with uncertainties attributable to low ownershipspecific or location advantages, fast-fashion retailers are likely to choose to enter with an online store first and then expand with physical stores as conditions change. Consequently, this study provides a better understanding for fast-fashion retailers who are willing to expand their businesses to foreign markets via online stores.
The purpose of this paper was to investigate the comparison of balance and muscle strength between dominant and non-dominant legs in adults. Thirty adults in their 20s participated in this study. The dominant and non-dominant legs were selected based on the dominant hands of the target. The subject's muscle strength of legs was measured with Nicholas MMT, and the balance was measured with BIO-Rescue. We compared the dominant and non-dominant legs based on the results. The result, indicated no statistical difference on balance and muscle strength between dominant and non-dominant legs(p>.05). The results of this study will be helpful in setting the effective treatment direction and treatment level, and in controlling posture, balance and motor function.
Although several researchers have investigated atypical naming effects with respect to food and color names, no research has examined atypical names in the context of apparel products. In this research, we investigated the way in which atypical clothing names influence consumers’ mental imagery, followed by consumers’ evaluations, compared to typical clothing names. We also investigated the moderating effect of the clothing design’s visual complexity. An experimental design was used with 2 name (atypical vs. typical name) × 2 levels of visual complexity (complex vs. simple design) between-subjects design. A total of 292 responses were collected. The results showed that the atypical name was more effective than were the typical one in influencing consumer’s attitudes and purchase intentions. Also, we found significant interaction effects of visual complexity and names on consumers’ evaluations, which are mediated by mental imagery. For clothes with a simple design, the atypical clothing name increased mental imagery, followed by product attitudes and purchase intentions, more than the typical name did. In contrast, when participants were presented with a garment with a complex design, typical and atypical names did not have different effects on consumers’ evaluations of the garment through their mental imagery. The findings of this study help marketers understand better the way in which consumers process certain names associated with a garment’s design cognitively, and therefore, improve their ability to name garments strategically depending on their design details.
The members of the genus Flavivirus are noteworthy, as they cause infectious diseases in humans, such as Zika, denguefever, yellow fever, West Nile, and Japanese encephalitis. Due to the increased awareness of the public health risk posedby flavivirus-infected mosquitoes, mosquito collections were performed in six urban parks of South Korea, as the parksare designated for human recreation but also provide suitable habitats for mosquitoes. We examined the diversity andabundance of mosquito species and conducted molecular diagnostics for the detection of flavivirus infections. Monthlycollections were carried out in each park from March to August in 2017. A total of 4,851 mosquitoes (5 genera and13 species) were collected using BG-sentinel traps and then investigated for flavivirus infections. Pathogenic flavivirusinfections causing human diseases were not observed in the field-collected mosquitoes. However, insect-specific flavivirus(ISF) infections were detected in several mosquito pools. ISF has been previously known to enhance or suppress the replicationof medically important flaviviruses in co-infected mosquito cells. In this study, partial sequences of ISF were analyzed.However, further studies are needed in order to determine its genetic characterization and biological function in vivo.
식물 기생성 선충은 토양 병해의 중요한 요인 중 하나로 작물 생산에 심각한 피해를 일으키지만 토양 속에서 일어나므로 그 피해를 판단하기 어렵다. 식물 기생성 선충은 주로 오이나 당근, 상추 등 많은 작물의 뿌리를 통하여 침입하는데 이때 생긴 상처를 통하여 토양 전염 병원균의 감염이 발생되고 또한 바이러스도 전파하여 작물의 많은 수확 손실을 가져온다. 본 연구에서는 뿌리혹선충 방제를 위한 친환 경적인 방법을 찾고자 유기성 부산물의 퇴비 처리에 의한 상추의 뿌리혹선충 방제 효과와 상추 수확량, 토양 화학성분 및 미생물밀도를 분석하였다. 퇴비를 처리하지 않은 무처리구와 퇴비 처리량(3, 10kg/3.3m2) 별 효과를 비교한 결과, 퇴비 처리량의 증가에 따라 상추의 뿌리혹선충 발병이 유의성 있 게 감소하였으며(R2=0.230, p=0.022) 따라서 수확량은 증가하였다(R2=0.360, p=0.004). 상추 근권 토 양 중 방선균의 밀도도 퇴비 처리에 의하여 약 10배 정도 유의성 있게 증가하였으며(R2=0.276, p=0.013), 방선균 밀도와 수확량 간에 높은 정의 상관관계가 확인되었다(R2=0.232, p=0.021). 각 처리 구의 토양 성분을 분석 비교한 결과 퇴비를 처리한 토양에서 유기물 함량과 양이온 교환용량이 높게 나 타났다. 이러한 결과로 볼 때 충분히 완숙된 유기성 부산물 퇴비 처리는 상추의 뿌리혹선충의 발병율을 낮추고 좋은 미생물인 방선균 밀도를 증가시킴과 동시에 토양의 지력도 향상시켜 상추 생산량을 증가 시킬 수 있는 친환경적이고 효과적인 뿌리혹선충 방제법 임을 알 수 있었다.
Aedes albopictus is one species of mosquito transmitting flavivirus causing Dengue, Zika, and West Nile fever. Although it is an important disease vector, the genetic study of Ae. alpopictus populations has not been undertaken yet in South Korea. Here, we investigated the genetic variation of 99 Ae. albopictus individuals collected from 29 sites in nine provinces in 2016, through mitochondrial COI gene analysis. Haplotype analyses revealed seven haplogroups in South Korea. The main haplogroup, comprising 76 individuals (77.8%), was genetically identical to the one from Nagasaki. Two groups from Jeju Island (11) and the southern coast of South Korea (nine) were closely related to different Ae. albopictus strains from Kumamoto and Guangdong/Fujian, respectively. However, the others (four) were distinct from these two countries. No geographic divisions of populations were found in the study regions. The results suggest the possibility that the currently prevalent Ae. albopictus in South Korea, represents a part of the descendants that originated from nearby countries. However, more comprehensive investigations are needed to explain its movement routes.
The objective of this study was to investigate the immunomodulatory effects mixed with Weissella cibaria JW15 strain and black soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.). In this experiment, JW15 was cultured in De Man Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS) broth at 37% for 17 hr, and the cells were washed twice with sterile phosphate buffered saline (PBS) (pH 7.2). And black soybean was extracted by ethanol or hot boiling water. The immuno-modulatory effects of mixed JW15 and black soybean extract were investigated by measuring the production of nitric oxide (NO), nuclear factor κB (NF-κB) and cytokine (Interleukin-1β and Tumor necrosis factor-α) in RAW 264.7 macrophage cells or RAW blue cells. The 0.1 % ethanol and hot water extract of black soybean increased NO, NF-κB, and cytokine production in a concentration dependent manner. The NF-κB activation by JW15 mixed with 0.1 % hot water extract of black soybean (0.26 ± 0.02) was significantly higher than JW15 alone (0.20 ± 0.02). Also, combination of JW15 and 0.1% hot water extract of black soybean triggered IL-1β production of 110.19 ± 4.38 pg/mL, which was significantly greater than the JW15 alone (12.06 ± 7.58 pg/mL). The results of this study indicate that combination of Weissella cibaria JW15 and black soybean extract may have an ability to activate innate immune response synergistically. According to these results, the mixture of JW15 and black soybean extract could hold great promise for use in probiotics.
The emergence of the video blog (vlog) and the success of so-called “YouTube celebrities” have provided luxury brands with a new marketing tool to connect with consumers. In particular, the video-sharing site YouTube, allows anyone from an amateur to a professional the opportunity to create and upload a video, which can possibly be shared by hundreds of millions of viewers instantaneously and inexpensively (Freeman & Chapman, 2007).
The present study examines how video blog (vlog) influences luxury brand perceptions based on parasocial interaction (PSI) framework. PSI has been studied extensively in communication research and provides a foundational understanding for the one-way relationship experienced between a media personality and media users. PSI is often referred to as a “friendship” with a media personality (Perse & Rubin, 1989; Rubin et al., 2003; Eyal & Rubin, 2003) and media users often seek advice from media personalities as if they were friends (Rubin et al., 1985). In addition, social comparison theory (Festinger, 1954) is used to explain the effect of PSI on customers’ luxury brand perceptions. According to the social comparison theory, individuals evaluate themselves by comparing what they possess and consume to that of others. Since individuals are likely to compare themselves with significant others and peers who share a similar outlook and common values, they would compare their luxury possessions and consumption to that of vloggers as PSI increases. Therefore, this study proposes influences of physical attractiveness, social attractiveness and attitude homophily of video blogger (vlogger) on PSI; and PSI effects on luxury brand perceptions (i.e., brand luxury, luxury brand value, and brand-user-imagery fit) followed by luxury brand purchase intentions.
Study 1 tested the hypothesized model using structural equation modeling, and the results support the proposed model. Additionally, Study 2 investigated vlog effects on luxury brand perceptions and purchase intentions using ANOVA. The result showed luxury brand perceptions and purchase intentions for the experimental groups, who watched vlogs about review of luxury products, were higher than control group, who did not watch vlog. Overall, results of this study found general support for PSI as a brand management tool as well as the use of social media to lead to positive luxury brand perceptions.
RDA(Rural Development Administration of Agriculture) and YIRI(Yecheon-gun Industrial Insect Research Institute) was development of 3 strains crossbred honey bee(Apis mellifera) for increasing honey production(HP). The overall goal of this research is to improve the honey production of queen honey bees. This will enhance the economic value of the nation’s honey bees for honey production, and hazard resistance. Our main objective of this research is to test of honey bees(A. mellifera) that have increased as well as being good honey producers and resistance of disease in jeon-nam province. The new honey bee(A. mellifera) stock were identified ability of increasing honey production by comparing with rearing practice colony. The new honey bee(A. mellifera) stock can produce more than 30~50% honey(HP; 12.31 kg) comparing with rearing practice colonies(control 1; 8.17 kg, and control 2; 9.53 kg). Furthermore, we are calculated the number of worker bee per colony. Population of worker bee in new honey bee(A. mellifera) stock are 2,849 (colony 1), 8,860 (colony 2) and 10,451 (colony 3), it was more then 1.2~3.7 fold comparing with controls.