In this study, the physical and sensorial properties of the meat analog were studied for the purpose of improving sensory preference and mimicking animal meat. The meat analog was made with different types of liquid materials such as oil, water, lecithin, polysorbate 80, or the emulsion of these components. At the aspect of density, the sample mixed with oil was higher than the sample mixed with water. Cooking loss value was higher at the sample with water than the sample with oil and this was the result opposite to the liquid holding capacity analysis. Also, texture profile analysis result showed that the samples with medium chain triglycerides (MCT) oil only showed the highest values in all attributes except for adhesiveness. Principal component analysis was carried out to analyze sensorial properties and it showed that the overall acceptance was high when the juiciness and softness increased. This result was highly related with the addition of emulsion. Therefore, emulsion technology can be a good candidate for improving the quality of meat analog and for mimicking the taste of animal meat.
In this study, we investigated the change of physical properties associated with the temperature of vegetable mixed oil and fat in order to produce vegetable oil and fat suitable for plant meat production. The canola oil and coconut oil were mixed at various weight ratios, and the phase change temperatures by the ratio of two oils were measured using the differential scanning calorimetry (DSC). Storage modulus (G'), loss modulus (G") and viscosity were measured using a rheometer at 20-40°C and 0.4 Hz-100 Hz. Storage modulus (G') at constant frequency (10 Hz) was measured in a continuous section of 10-50°C. As the coconut oil content increased, the peak of the melting point moved to the lower side. The viscosity was higher in order of canola oil, mixed oil, and coconut oil, and the viscosity showed a tendency to decrease as the temperature increased. In the liquid state, it showed a tendency to increase after the value of storage modulus (G') and loss modulus (G") decreased from 0.634 Hz-1 Hz. The conversion time point of storage modulus (G') of continuous temperature change is consistent with the melting point temperature of DSC, as the passed start at 10°C, storage modulus (G') increased with an exception of canola oil. Using these results, we will pursue to produce a mixed plant oil applicable to the production of vegetable meat.
Salt is generally used for food seasonings and preservations as a common ingredient. However, excess salt intake has generated health issues such as high blood pressure, osteoporosis, stroke, and heart diseases. Recently, desires and interests of low-salt cooking have been increased among people who want healthy diets. The aim of study was to compare the physicochemical characteristics of a fermented squid sauce added with vitamin C and commercial low-salt soy sauces. Thawed and crushed squids were fermented until the solid squid became liquid at 25°C with an addition of 5% (g/g) vitamin C. Then, fermented squid sauce was heated at 100°C for 30 min and filtered. All samples were measured in multiple aspects of amino acid nitrogen, salt, sugar and water content, pH, chromaticity and brown color, and sensory test. In the results, color values showed no significantly difference between all the samples (p>0.05). Water content value of the fermented squid sauce was the highest among samples. Brown color, salt contents and sugar contents of the fermented squid sauce were significantly different than other low salt soy sauces with an exception of the sauce made with functional salt. These results showed a similar tendency as those of sensory evaluation. As conclusion, the possibility of fermented squid sauce added with vitamin C showed a possibility as a candidate of low-salt soy sauce.