The carbon anode material for lithium-ion battery was prepared by pyrolysis fuel oil and waste polyethylene terephthalate (PET) additive. The pitch was synthesized as a medium material for carbon anode by heat treatment. The waste PET additive improved the softening point and thermal stability of the pitch. La and Lc of the anode material (heat-treated pitch) increased at higher treatment temperature but decreased by waste PET additive. The electric capacity was evaluated based on effects of defective cavity and developed graphite interlayer, respectively. When the La and Lc of the anode material decreased, the electric capacity by cavity increased based on defective graphite structure. Therefore, the addition of waste PET causes the improved capacity by the cavity. The anode material which has a high efficiency (over 95%) and C-rate (95%, 2 C/0.1 C) was obtained by controlling the process of heat treatment and PET addition. The mechanism of lithium-ion insertion was discussed based on effects of defective cavity and developed graphite interlayer.
Royal jelly (RJ) is a gelatinous substance that bees produce to feed bees and queen bees. It’s frequently sold as a dietary supplement to treat a variety of physical ailments and chronic diseases. While it has long been used in traditional medicine, its applications in Western medicine remain controversial. The inhibitory effect of royal jelly on osteoarthritis was investigated in primary cultured rat cartilage cells and monosodium-iodoacetate (MIA)-induced arthritis rat model 10-hydroxy-2-decenoic acid (10-HAD) is the main fatty acid present in RJ. Among the criteria for RJ quality analysis, 10-HAD content has been proposed as a freshness parameter. We investigated the effect of RJ on the improvement of osteoarthritis on SD rats and they were divided into five groups. In this study, we examined the effect of enzymatic royal jelly (ERJ) administration on osteoarthritis. To determine the antiinflammatory effects of RJ, tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNF-α) and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) expression were measured after lipopolysaccharide (LPS) activation in RAW 264.7 cells. In in vivo animal study, osteoarthritis was induced by intra-articular injection of MIA into knee joints of rats. As a results, ERJ showed that TNF-α and IL-6 levels were decreased by ERJ treatment in a dosedependent manner. In conclusion, ERJ extract was able to inhibit articular cartilage degeneration by preventing extracellular matrix degradation and cartilage cell damage. It was considered that ERJ extract may be a potential therapeutic treatment for degenerative osteoarthritis.
The cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera, is an economically important pest, which harms various kinds of important agricultural crops, such as tomato. The purpose of the present study was to investigate the effect of ionizing radiations (electron beam, X-ray, gamma-ray) on the development and reproduction of H. armigera and to determine the optimal dose of three ionizing radiations for the construction of quarantine technology applicable to tomato export.
Whitefly (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae) pests, including the tobacco whitefly, Bemisia tabaci, and the greenhouse whitefly, Trialeurodes vaporariorum, are economically important in agriculture. With the annual growth of the domestic fresh fruit export market, various quarantine treatment methods are being used to export strawberries of better quality. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the effects of gamma rays on the development and reproductive sterility of B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum. In both species, the eggs were completely inhibited from hatching at 50 Gy, and the emergence of 3rd instar nymphs was completely suppressed at 150 Gy. Some adult B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum spawning occurred at 100 Gy and 70 Gy, respectively; however, at these irradiation levels, F1 hatchability was completely inhibited. Dosimetry results showed that the penetrating power of gamma ray in the strawberry-filled box was the lowest at the mid-box position. Therefore, B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum were placed in the middle of the strawberry-filled box and irradiated. A gamma-ray irradiation of 100 Gy suppressed the development and reproduction of eggs and adults in both B. tabaci and T. vaporariorum. However, the development of 3rd instar nymphs was inhibited at 300 Gy for B. tabaci and 200 Gy for T. vaporariorum. Our data suggest that at least 300 Gy should be used for the control of these two types of whitefly for strawberry export.
Bladder cancer is a common cancer in smoking men and may correlate with mechanosensitive potassium channels because the urinary bladder is a stretch sensing organ. Two-pore K+ channels (K2P), such as TASK3 and TREK1, have recently been shown to play a critical role in both cell apoptosis and tumorigenesis. Of the channels, TREK1 can be activated by many physiological stimuli, including polyunsaturated fatty acids, and intracellular pH, hypoxia, and neurotransmitters. Here we attempted to determine whether TREK1 is functionally expressed in bladder cancer 253J cells. K2P channels, including TREK1, TREK2, TASK1, TASK3, and TWIK1, were quantified in cultured human bladder cancer 253J cells using real time quantitative RT-PCR (qRT-PCR) analysis. Among them, TREK1-like channel was recorded at a single channel level using the patch-clamp technique. The TREKl-like channel, with single-channel conductance of ~90 pS at −80 mV, was recorded in symmetrical 150 mM KCl using an excised inside-out patch configuration. The current- voltage relationships were linear and were insensitive to tetraethylammonium. The channel was activated by membrane stretch, free fatty acids, and intracellular acidosis. These results with electrophysiological properties resemble to those of K2P channel, for instance, TREK1. Therefore, we conclude that TREK1 channel is functionally present in bladder cancer 253J cells.
Selenium was initially considered toxic to humans, but it was then discovered that selenium is essential for normal life processes. Selenium plays important roles in antioxidants. It is expected that chitosan microcapsules containing nano-selenium will be able to be used as a key material in bio-medical and cosmetic applications. The high concentration of chitosan derivatives guaranteesincreased antioxidative activity. Both inorganic and organic forms of selenium can be nutritional sources. The antioxidant properties of selenoproteins help prevent cellular damage from free radicals. The objective of this experiment was to study the antioxidative activity of chitosan nano-selenium. Our experiments were divided into five groups, in the presence of various concentrations(0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7%, and 0.9%) of chitosan. We performed an assessment of the antioxidant properties and cytotoxicity of respective concentrations of chitosan nano-selenium. The antioxidant activity was examined by the free radical scavenging activity on 1, 1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl(DPPH) assay. The cytotoxicity effect was measured by means of 3-(4, 5-dimethylthiazole-2-yl)-2, 5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide(MTT) assay. As a result, the electron donating abilities of 0.1%, 0.3%, 0.5%, 0.7%, and 0.9% of chitosan nano-selenium exhibited effective andioxidant scavenging activity at 12.5 ㎍/㎖ against DPPH radicals. 0.3% chitosan nano-selenium did not show cytotoxicity on human keratinocytes. In general, the cytotoxicity of 0.1% and 0.9% chitosan nano-selenium showed the lowest effects. Though low cytotoxicity of 0.5% and 0.7% chitosan nano-selenium exhibited 29.67% and 38.4% against human keratinocytes on adding 100 ㎍/㎖ and 50 ㎍/㎖, respectively, cell vitality was recovered with 200 ㎍/㎖. These findings support the notion that chitosan nano-selenium may be useful as a new active ingredient source for bioactive compounds.
Al t hough substance P(SP) , a potent pro- inflammatory peptide, is involved in inflammation and immune responses‘ t he eff'ect of SP on t he expression of macrophage inflammatory protein 3a (MIP- 3α CCL20) in periodontal liga ment(PDL) cell s a re unknown, Equally as enigmatic is the link between SP, t he stress protein heme oxygenase- l(HO-l) ‘ and CCL20 procluction, We investigated whether SP induces the release of chemokine CCL20 from immortal ized PDL(IPDL) ceJJ s‘ and fur ther c l a꺼 SP mediated pathways, We also examined the relationship between HO-l a ncl CCL20 by t reating PDL cells with SP, Incubating IPDL cells with SP increased expression of CCL20 mRNA a nd CCL20 protein in a dose-time dependent manner Highly selective p38 and ERKl/2 inhibitors abrogated SP-induced expression of CCL20 in IPDL cell s, SP is a lso responsible for ini t iating phosphorylation of I/C B, degradation of Iκ B‘ ancl activat ion of NF'-/C B, SP induced expression of HO-l in both a concentration- and time-dependent man nel ‘ and CCL20 refl ected s imilar patterns, The inductive effects o[ SP on HO- l and CCL20 wer e enhanced by HO- j inducer hemin and the membrane-permeable cGMP analog 8-bromo-cGMP, Conversely, this pathway was inJübited by t he 1-10난 inhi bitor zinc protoporphyrin IX(ZnPP IX) and the selective inl뼈itor of guanylate cyc1ase‘ lH-[l , 2, 4Joxad iazole[4‘ 3-aJquinoxal in-l-one (ODQ) , We report herein the pathway that connects SP along with other modulators 。f neuroimmunoregulationto the induction of HO-l and t he inflammatory mediator MIP-3a /CCL20 in IPDL cell s‘ which play an important role in the development 01' periodontitis or inflamrnation during orthodontic tooth movem
1'0 determine Lhe ll1echanism of cell c1eath incluced by iron chelators. we explored the pathways of the three structurally relatecl ll1 itogen-activatecl protein(MAP) kinase subfami li esduring iron cbelator- inclucecl apoptosis ancl differentiation of oral precancerous ancl cancel‘ cells. The iron chelator c1 eferoxamine(DFO) exertecl potent timeancl c1ose-c1epenclent inhi bitory effects on the growth of IHOK and HN4 cells The major mechanism of growth inhibition following DFO treatment was fOllncl to be apoptosis incluction. as assessecl by annexin V-FITC staining. cell cycle analysis‘ DNA lacldering, a ncl Hoechst staining. We report that DF'O s trongly activates the p38 MAP kinase and extracell ular signal- regu lated kinase(ERK). but c10es not activate the c-Jun N-terminal kin ase/ stl않s-activaLecl protein kinase(JNK/8APK) . Of the three MAP kinase blockers usecl‘ the selective p38 MAP kinase inhibitor 8ß203580 ancl ERK inhibitor PD98059 protected oral premaIignant ancl malignant cells againsL iron chelator- nclllced cell death. which incl icates that the p38 MAP kinase serves as a major mecliator 01' apoptos is induced by this iron chelator DFO also evoked the release of cytochrome c from mitochondria, and incluced the activation of caspase-3 ancl caspase-8 in oral cancer cells, which suggests that apoptosis occurs via the mi tochoncl ri on - mecl iaLed pathway. DFO enhanced the expression of Bax in IHOK ancl HN4 cells. consistent witll thei r p53 status Moreover. DFO downregulatecl the expression 01' Bcl-2 in oral cancer cells. which suggests that DFO- incluced apoptos is 01' oraJ cancer and precancerous cells may be mediatecl by an increase in the ratio of pro-apoptotic to anti-apoptotic proteins. ln terestingJy, trcatmcnt 01' IHOK ancl HN4 cel ls with 8B203580 abolishecl cytochrome c release‘ as wel l as the activation of caspase-3 and caspase-8. DFO suppressecl the expression of epithelial di ffe rentiation markers, such as involucrin, t ransglutaminase II. CK6. and CK19. ancl this suppression was blockecl by p38 ancl ERK MAP kinase ll1hlbltors The oral premalignant(IHOK) ancl malignant cell s(I-lN4) showed differential responses to DFO with respect to the expression of cel l cycle regulatory proteins. cell growth. ancl apoptosis. Coll ectively. the current study reveals that p38 MAP kinase plays an ill1 portant role in iron chela tor-mecliatecl cel l cleath and in the suppression of differentiation of oral premalignantandmalignanLcell activating a c10wnstream apoptotic cascade that executes the ceIl c1eath pathway
뻐ny studìes have shown the anti-proli ferative effects of irondeprivation on cancer cell s‘ but the effects 01' iron-chelators on oral cancer have not been clearly elucidated , To investigate the effects of an iron chelato r, desferrioxamine( 01"O).on the growth of ilIllTIortali zed human o1'al ke ratinocytes(IHOK), primary oraJ cancer cel ls(HN4)‘ metastatic oral cancer cell s(HN12) , and human skin keratìnocytes(HaCaT) in the MTr assay, three-dimensional(3D) raft cul tmes, Western blott ing, cell cycJ e analysis‘ nuclear staining‘ and cytochrome c expression for apoptosis s ig naling pathway were used OFO inhibited the growth of immortalized IHOK and HaCaT and mal ignant HN4 and HN12 keratinocytes in a time- and dose-dependent manner according to the MTT assay, The 3D organotypic cu l tu re also revealed that OF'O-treated cells showed less epithelial maturation, less surface keratinizati on‘ and de creased epithelia l thickness, The major mechanìsm of growth inhìbition with the micromolar 0 1"0 treatment was by the induction of apoptosis‘ which was supported by nuclear OAPI staining, ONA fragmentation analysis, and J10w cytometric analysis for sub-Gl phase ar rest and Annexin V-1"ITC stainìng, Furthermore‘ Bax expression in creased together with p53 and p21WAF1!CIPl, whìle the Bcl-2 expression decreased in the immortalized and malig nant keratinocytes treated with 01"0 , Time-dependent cytochrome c from mitochondria was observed in D1"O-treated [l-IOK and 0 1'머 cancel‘ ceJJ s, and was accompanied by the activation of caspase-3 in IHOK cells. These resu lts demonstrate that 0 1"0 has growth inhibitory effects on immortalized and malignant oral keratinocyLes Lhrough the induction of apoptosis and suggest that further evaluation of OFO as a potcntial thcrapcutic agent for human oral precancerous and cancerous lesions is warranted
We performed high-resolution three-dimensional global magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) simulations to study the interaction between the Earth’s magnetosphere and a prolonged steady southward interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) (Bz = –2nT) and slow solar wind. The simulation results show that dayside magnetic reconnection continuously occurs at the subsolar region where the magnetosheath magnetic field is antiparallel to the geomagnetic field. The plasmoid developed on closed plasma sheet field lines. We found that the vortex was generated at the magnetic equator such as (X, Y) = (7.6, 8.9) RE due to the viscous-like interaction, which was strengthened by dayside reconnection. The magnetic field and plasma properties clearly showed quasiperiodic variations with a period of 8–10 min across the vortex. Additionally, double twin parallel vorticity in the polar region was clearly seen. The peak value of the cross-polar cap potential fluctuated between 17 and 20 kV during the tail reconnection.
A new bright white gladiolus “White Lace” was released by the National Horticultural Research Institute (NHRI) in 2004. A cross was made between late flowering white cultivar “White Goddess” and vigorous white cultivar “Amsterdam”. It was crossed in 1999 and finally selected in 2004 after investigation of the characteristics for 5 years from 2000 to 2004. “White Lace” has a bright white color and multi-flowering florets more than 20 florets with good simultaneous flowering more than 8 florets. This cultivar is middle flowering without stem bending. It has good production of cormlets, vigorous growth and resistant to virus, Fusarium and Thrips. The width of “White Lace” flower is 11.5 cm. The plant height is 137cm. Days to flowering of “White Lace” is average 93days in summer season.