In South Korea, the “Waste Control Act” regulates the use and purpose of recycling waste and specifies recycling methods and specific standards. However, these processes requires a long time and large budget, because they need to be reviewed based on data specific to the type of waste involved. The use and purpose of recycling can be considered by its functional and environmental aspects. The functional aspect of recycling may vary widely, depending on product characteristics In contrast, environmental standards will have more points in common. Recycling standards that consider the environmental impact and characteristics of waste are not prepared specifically. Therefore, when a large amount of waste is recycled, or recycling standards are applied to a new type of waste, the methodology for review of its environmental characteristics can be controversial. This study is meant to recognize the necessity of recycling standards and to prepare environmental standards and new recycling purposes for waste related to recycling three types of gypsum waste (phospho, titan, desulfurization). Several companies were selected for this study. In the gypsum waste-generating company, gypsum waste samples were collected and analyzed for pH, heavy metal content, water content, hazardous substance content, etc. In addition, we attempted to obtain the company's opinions on waste recycling. We determined the hazardous materials found in these three types of gypsum waste, raised awareness of waste, and confirmed that industry waste can be efficiently recycled for new uses under the improved.
In this study, leaching and content tests of hazardous substances were analyzed to evaluate their recyclability to paper sludge and paperboard products. These findings were compared with standard controlled waste. In addition, the stability of these products was examined with respect to the recommended standards for heavy metal content in packaging materials. In the leaching test results, no regulated items were detected. Upon examining the stability of paperboard products, it was detected within the standard of most samples. Paper sludge usage accounts for only about 10% of paperboard raw materials. Therefore, harmful substances in paper sludge is not a problem, Leaching and content tests of harmful substances in the antifoaming agent used were investigated within the limits of all items. The pH of the paper sludge corrugated cardboard, and antifoaming agent was 7.49, 7.21, and 7.87, respectively. Therefore, these wastes did not account for the corrosiveness. In addition, there were no hazardous characteristics found for leaching, because all specified waste standards were satisfied.
세계적으로 환경문제를 해결하기 위한 하나의 방법으로 화학제품, 천연원료의 사용을 새롭게 대체하는 연구가 활발하게 진행되어지고 있으며, 이중에서 특히 석유에서 파생된 제품의 사용량을 친환경적인 제품으로의 대체 및 사용량 저감을 위해 바이오 계 그린 제품의 개발이 활발하게 진행되어지고 있다. 석유계 합성 물질인 고분자 재료는 생활과 산업에서 주로 사용되어 이로 인해 발생되는 환경문제 발생되고 있다. 이에 석유계 고분자재료의 사용량을 줄이고 일부분을 대체하여 석유계 고분자 폐기물 발생으로 인한 환경오염을 개선하기 위한 하나의 방법으로 바이오매스인 천연섬유를 적용한 바이오 복합체 연구에 주목하였다. 바이오계 천연섬유강화(FRP) 복합체는 경량, 저비용, 적당한 강도와 경도를 얻는 장점이 있으나, 천연섬유의 표면이 친수성을 가지고 있어 소수성을 가진 폴리머 재료와의 낮은 호환성으로 인하여 제작된 복합체의 물리적, 화학적 특성을 저하되는 큰 문제를 가지고 있다. 또한, 비용/편익과 원료가 되는 바이오매스의 공급이 매년 일정해야 한다는 큰 문제점을 가지고 있다. 현재 전반적인 산업에 적용되고 있는 천연재료는 대부분 목질계 자원이 복합체의 재료로서 사용되어지고 있지만 안정적인 공급이 어렵고 그에 따른 생산성의 결실이 낮거나 비용이 증가되는 문제점을 가지고 있다. 안정적인 공급 및 낮은 가격을 가진 천연섬유를 이용한 섬유강화 재료를 적용한 바이오복합체 연구가 활발하게 진행되고 있지만, 단일 폴리머보다 낮은 물리적, 화학적 특성으로 인해 충진제 재료로 사용되는 천연섬유의 표면 개선을 개선하는 전처리 공정에 대한 여러 가지 연구가 필요하다. 본 연구는 낮은 가격 및 안정적으로 공급이 가능한 바이오매스 중에서 전 세계적으로 가장 많이 확보 가능한 천연농업 폐기물인 밀짚을 적용하였고, 폴리머와의 결합력을 높이기 위한 표면개선 방법으로 Vapor-phaseassisted Surface Polymerization(VASP: 기상중합법)을 적용하였으며, VASP 처리된 천연섬유의 개선된 특성을 조사하였다. MMA(Methyl Methacrylate) 모노머를 천연섬유의 표면 개선용 재료로 적용하여 VASP 처리한 결과 섬유 각각에 PMMA(Poly Methyl Methacrylate)로 코팅되어 섬유의 표면이 친수성에서 소수성으로 변경되었으며, 열안정성 또한 증가되어 바이오복합체에 충진제로 적용시 물리적, 화학적 특성이 증가될 것으로 예상된다.
최근 원자재 가격 상승 및 자원부족 문제가 높아지면서 자원의 희소성과 특정 국가의 생산 집중도가 높아 자원보유국의 무기화 경향으로 인해 자원에 대한 공급 불안정은 점차 증가되고 있다. 이에 전 국가적으로 자원의 확보를 위해 자원순환에 대한 관심은 점점 높아지고 있으며, 특히 매년 발생되는 폐기물을 자원화 하는 폐기물 재활용 정책이 강화되면서 재활용에 대한 관심과 기술개발에 대한 활성화가 더욱더 필요한 전망이다. 우리나라는 대부분 광물자원을 대부분 수입(약 97%)에 의존하고 있기 때문에 더욱더 재활용에 대한 산업이 증가되고 있지만 폐기물 자체도 수입에 의존하고 있어 국제 협약과 관련되어 폐기물 수출・입 시 부정적 관리나 유통되는 부분에 대한 관리실태 파악과 국내에서 처리된 폐기물의 물질별 흐름파악이 필요하게 되었다. 수출・입 폐기물 중 국내에서 금속 회수를 위한 재활용량이 가장 높은 폐납산배터리를 선정하여 재활용에 대한 관리실태 파악 및 수출・입 실태를 조사하여 재활용된 폐납산배터리의 물질흐름도에 대해 조사하였다. ‘15년 국내 자동차 등록 대수는 2천만 대 이상이며, 국내등록양이 년 100∼130만대 이상이 증가되고 있다. 국내에서의 발생되는 폐납산배터리는 자동차 노후배터리 교체 및 폐차로 인해 주로 발생되며, 일부 산업용 배터리와 배터리 제조회사의 불량품 및 수입제품의 완구류에서 적은 양이 매년 국내에서 발생되고 있다. 해외에서의 자동차 및 산업용 폐납산배터리의 수입량은 매년 증가되고 있으며, ‘15년 기준 410천톤 이상 국내로 수입되어 재활용 처리되어지고 있다. 그러나 국내로 수입되어 재활용 처리되면서 회수되는 금속자원 및 기타자원에 대한 통계가 명확하게 파악되지 못하고 있다. 본 연구는 국내로 수입되는 폐납산배터리의 재활용 회수 기술 등을 조사하고 수출・입 및 국내 발생량을 산정하여 국내에서 소비 및 수출되는 연괴(납: Pb)의 양과 폐납산배터리를 재활용하여 회수된 폐금속자원 등의 물질흐름을 파악하여 국내에서의 연간 폐납산배터리의 발생량을 추계하고 납산배터리의 재활용을 통한 국내 금속자원 등의 국내 물질별 흐름도 및 국내 대체율(Replacement rate)을 조사하였다.
The chemical leak accidents cause a large number of casualties in the short term and secondary environmental pollution in the long term. In the case of the hydrogen fluoride (HF) leak accident in Gumi City, Gyeongsangbuk-do, Korea, the fluoride ion concentration in crops located near the HF leak accident area was detected to be in the range of 99 ~ 13,029 mg/kg and in woody stems in the range of N.D. ~ 6,789 mg/kg. We also identified the correlation relationship between the range and the contamination degree. The order of degree of fluoride contamination of crops was leaf > stem epidermis > inside the stem. However, in another case of accidental HF leak in Hwasung City, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, because the concentration of fluoride ion in the crops was detected in the range of N.D. ~ 45 mg/kg, it is difficult to make a decision about whether HF affects the crops or not. In this study, with the suggestion of the identification of leak accident impacts by checking the contamination characteristics and condition of HF in terms of diffusion distance from the accident point, we prevent damage from secondary environmental pollution and prepare for similar accidents in the future.
In this study, content and leaching tests of heavy metals (14 items) were analyzed to evaluate the recyclability of the sludge from wastewater treatment facilities. Additionally, this was compared with and examined with the standard of controlled waste, certification standards of compost materials, etc. In the results of the content test, Cr6+ (30.82 mg/kg) of waste from the leather, fur, and textile industries (EWC 04) and Cr6+ (103.13 mg/kg) of waste from the manufacture formulation, supply, and use of coatings (EWC 08) were higher than the proposed criteria of Cr6+ (20 mg/kg). The high level of Cr6+ concentration was observed because of the use of sodium dichromate and chromic anhydride in the materials of dyestuffs and pigments and ink in the EWC 04 and EWC 08 processes. The results on sludge in this study did not meet the standard of the Fertilizer Control Act and quality standard of fuels. In particular, the high levels of Pb and Cd was the main reason.
There is legal uncertainty and ambiguity with regards to the classification and disposal of sludge generated from glassetching process. Moreover, secondary effect on the environment such as corrosion of landfill construction by the sludgeproduced in glass etching process was observed in waste landfill site. As part of response to the parliament’s request forthe relevant data and local media coverage, exhaustive investigation of glass etching process was required. Accordingly,we conducted an exhaustive investigation of 8 glass etching manufacturers. Glass etching business is one of the businessesthat have seen rapid growth since 2010 with the development of semiconductor and electronics industry, and glass etchingproducers are mostly located in Gumi, Cheongju, Sejong, Gongju, and Cheonan cities. In this study, we investigated theharmful effects of wastes generated from the glass etching process, how those wastes are classified and treated, problemsarose from the process, and secondary effects on the environment observed in waste landfill site. The study found thatcyanide, lead, mercury, trichloroethene, and perchloroethene were not detected in the sludge produced from glass etchingprocess, and hexavalent chromium, copper, and arsenic were either not detected or reported at very low level, which wasbelow the threshold concentration level of designated waste. In contrast, pH of sludge produced from glass etching processwas between 1.7 and 2.3, pH of hydrofluoric acid used for glass etching showed acidic value of 1.5, which suggests thatthe classification system of such hazardous substance requires reconsideration.
The innovation in this study is the complexation of Erianthus fibers (Erianthus arudinaceus) with compatibilizer inPP by extrusion, to produce a material with an improvement in mechanical properties. The aim is to provide a general-purpose material from biomass that does not compete with food as an alternate material from the petroleum base.Erianthus is a cellulose resource crop which is a source of bio fuel, is inedible, highly productive and promising energyresource, there has been little report on its use as a material. It also is a cellulose resource crop with a high productivityas a fiber reinforcement material with low environmental load. Development of Erianthus fiber reinforced polypropylene(PP) composite material was reviewed. Erianthus fiber was pulverized and the powder was sorted by sieve size, whichwas put through the process of complexation with polypropylene using a twin-screw extruder. The mechanicalcharacteristics of the obtained composite material were evaluated by conducting a tensile strength test and a bendingtest. As a result of using the classified fiber as the filler, it is found that the difference in the surface area of the fiberhas a great effect on the mechanical properties and the thermal decomposition properties. It is found to be sufficientlyfeasible to make Erianthus function as a polypropylene fiber reinforcement element by controlling the size of Erianthusfiber.
Silica fume is a by-product generated in an electric arc furnace during the silicon, ferrosilicon, and other metal alloy manufacturing process. Prefabrication mineral additives such as fly ash, blast furnace slag and silica fume are commonly used as binder materials to improve cement quality, and to reduce cement consumption. Especially silica fume which has a high level of long-term chemical durability is most widely used in high-performance concrete. However, Korea relied 100% on imported silica fume, which is more expensive than other admixture, until 2014. So far, many studies have been conducted on the effects and performance of silica fume used in concrete or replacement material like metakaolin and blast-furnace slag. With the construction of ferrosilicon plant in Korea, silica fume, a by-product of ferrosilicon production process, has been generated as a new industrial waste. Waste products like silica fume contain heavy metal, hence its use as admixture could increase heavy metal contents in concrete. Therefore, to evaluate the environmental hazards of silica fume, when it is assumed to have been exposed to the environment, content analysis and leaching tests for pH, loss on ignition and trace elements (CN, Cr, Cr6+, Cu, Cd, Pb, As and Hg) in silica fume were conducted. The results of pH analysis and loss on ignition test were 2.18 ~ 7.39 and 0.9 ~ 2.1%, respectively. Analysis found that levels of race elements in silica fume produced in Korea were lower than Korean standards set out for designated waste.
Regulation of fruit ripening may help extend fruit shelf life and prevent losses due to spoilage. Here, we investigated whether sound treatment could delay tomato fruit ripening. We treated harvested tomato fruits with low-frequency sound waves (1 kHz) for 6 h, and then monitored various characteristics of the fruits over 14-day period at 23±1°C. Seven days after the treatment, 85% of the treated fruits were green, versus fewer than 50% of the non-treated fruits. Most of the tomato fruits had switched to the red ripening stage by 14 days after treatment. Ethylene production and respiration rate were lower in the treated than non-treated tomatoes. Furthermore, changes in surface color and flesh firmness were delayed in the treated fruits. To investigate how sound wave treatment affects fruit ripening, we analyzed the expression of ethylene-related genes by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. We found that the expression level of several ethylene biosynthetic and ethylene signaling pathway-related genes was influenced by sound wave treatment. These results demonstrate that sound wave treatment delays tomato fruit ripening by altering the expression of important genes in the ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signaling pathways.
Regulation of fruit ripening may help extend fruit shelf life and prevent losses due to spoilage. Here, we investigated whether sound treatment could delay tomato fruit ripening. We treated harvested tomato fruits with low-frequency sound waves (1 kHz) for 6 h, and then monitored various characteristics of the fruits over 14-day period at 23±1°C. Seven days after the treatment, 85% of the treated fruits were green, versus fewer than 50% of the non-treated fruits. Most of the tomato fruits had switched to the red ripening stage by 14 days after treatment. Ethylene production and respiration rate were lower in the treated than non-treated tomatoes. Furthermore, changes in surface color and flesh firmness were delayed in the treated fruits. To investigate how sound wave treatment affects fruit ripening, we analyzed the expression of ethylene-related genes by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. We found that the expression level of several ethylene biosynthetic and ethylene signaling pathway-related genes was influenced by sound wave treatment. These results demonstrate that sound wave treatment delays tomato fruit ripening by altering the expression of important genes in the ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signaling pathways.
Regulation of fruit ripening may help extend fruit shelf life and prevent losses due to spoilage. Here, we investigated whether sound treatment could delay tomato fruit ripening. We treated harvested tomato fruits with low-frequency sound waves (1 kHz) for 6 h, and then monitored various characteristics of the fruits over 14-day period at 23±1°C. Seven days after the treatment, 85% of the treated fruits were green, versus fewer than 50% of the non-treated fruits. Most of the tomato fruits had switched to the red ripening stage by 14 days after treatment. Ethylene production and respiration rate were lower in the treated than non-treated tomatoes. Furthermore, changes in surface color and flesh firmness were delayed in the treated fruits. To investigate how sound wave treatment affects fruit ripening, we analyzed the expression of ethylene-related genes by quantitative real-time RT-PCR analysis. We found that the expression level of several ethylene biosynthetic and ethylene signaling pathway-related genes was influenced by sound wave treatment. These results demonstrate that sound wave treatment delays tomato fruit ripening by altering the expression of important genes in the ethylene biosynthesis and ethylene signaling pathways.
Recently, the explosion of powder fire extinguisher led to the replacement of old extinguishers with new ones in Korea. As a result, the amount of waste fire extinguishing agents from discarded fire extinguishers has been increasing. In this study, to determine the recyclability of the fire extinguishing agents, content and leaching test were conducted to identify their health hazards in accordance with the Korean standard method for waste and soil. To this end, nine powders in four new products and five discarded products were sampled from five companies. Analysis of discarded powder of fire extinguishers showed that levels of heavy metals (Pb, Cd, Cr6+,Cr, Hg, Cu, Ni, As, Zn), organic phosphorus, oil, TCE, and PCE were within the levels set out in the Wastes Control Act, the Fertilizer Control Act and the Soil Environment Conservation Act. Only arsenic level in some new and discarded powder of fire extinguisher samples exceeded the acceptable levels as set forth in the Wastes Control Act (1.5 mg/L) and the Soil Environment Conservation Act (25 mg/kg) but within the acceptable arsenic level of 45 mg/kg as set forth in the Fertilizer Control Act. Concentrations of arsenic in the samples ranged from 0.039 to 2.578 mg/L, 6.72 to 38.36 mg/kg. The most commonly used chemical for ABC dry chemical extinguisher is mono-ammonium phosphate, which generally contains up to 0.005% of arsenic and be used as fertilizer. The result confirmed that powder of fire extinguishers could be recycled as fire extinguisher powder or fertilizer as practiced in Japan, USA and UK. But it is necessary to pretreat and meet the regulation of fireextinguisher and fertilizer.
For management of hazardous waste, the Ministry of Environment regulates fewer items and has fewer test methodsfor toxic chemicals than developed countries. Regulated items should be expanded in order to strengthen the managementof hazardous waste and comply with international trends. For conducting to quantify the cost and value of the expansion,we estimated the amount of toxic waste and evaluated applicability and economic effects of the expansion of regulateditems to the industry. Through a survey of domestic and foreign studies, we reviewed the substances (e.g. F and Ni) thatare regulated as hazardous chemicals and planed a road-map for gradual expansion of regulated items. The analysis oftreatment cost had been focused on the result of leachate and total content analysis of regulated 7 inorganic materials(Hg, Pb, Cd, As, Cu, Cr+6, and CN) and unregulated 8 inorganic metals (F, Ni, Zn, Se, Sb, Ba, Be, V), and also totalcontent analysis of unregulated 4 organic materials (PAHs, PCDD/DFs, HCB, and PCBs) in Korea. With the result ofcontent concentration of unregulated 8 inorganic metals, we could estimate that they were discharged about 4.644millionton/year from industries in Korea. Also, The amount of waste from oil refining, steel, and casting factory was more than50% of total generated waste in Korea.
We investigated whether sound waves could improve salt tolerance in rice seedling. The rice seedlings were sound treated with 800 Hz for 1hr, and then treated with 0, 75, 150, and 225mM NaCl for 3 days to observe changes in physiological and morphological aspects. Sound treatment seedlings resulted in enhanced salt stress tolerance, mainly demonstrated by the sound treated seedlings exhibiting of increased root relative water contents (RWC), root length and weight, photochemical efficiency (ratio of variable to maximum fluorescence, Fv/Fm), and germination rate under salt stress condition. This demonstrates that a specific sound wave might be used, not only to alter gene expression in plant, but also to improve salt stress tolerance. In order to test the sound’s effect on plant and its contribution in drought tolerance, plants were subjected to various sound frequencies for an hrs. After 24-hrs sound treatment, plants were exposed to drought for next five days. During the experiment it was observed that sound initiated physiological changes showing tolerance in plant. Sound frequency with ≥ 0.8 kHz enhanced relative water content, stomatal conductance and quantum yield of PSII (Fv/Fm ratio) in drought stress environment. Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) production in sound treated plantwasdeclinedcomparedtocontrol. ThermaCAM (Infra-red camera) a software which was used to analyze the plant images temperature showed that sound treated plant and leaf had less temperature (heat) compared to control. The physiological mechanism of sound frequencies induce tolerance in rice plants are discussed.
Transgenic potatoes expressing glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GPD), isolated from the oyster mushroom, Pleurotus sajor-caju, had increased tolerance to salt stress (Jeong et al. 2001). To examine the physiological mechanisms enhancing salt tolerance in GPD transgenic rice plants, the salt tolerance of five GPD transgenic rice lines (T1–T5) derived from Dongjin rice cultivar was tested in a fixed 150-mM saline environment in comparison to two known wild-type rice cultivars, Dongjin (salt sensitive) and Pokali (salt tolerant). Transgenic lines T2, T3, and T5 showed a substantial increase in biomass and relative water content compared to Dongjin. Stomatal conductance and osmotic potential were higher in the GPD transgenic lines and were similar to those in Pokali. The results are discussed based on the comparative physiological response of GPD transgenic lines with those of the salt-sensitive and salt-tolerant rice cultivars.
Sound and communication through it have significantly contributed to study the ecology, evolution, behavior in animal. Plants may also use sound, but until now, we have been unable to effectively research what the ecological, evolutionary and molecular implications might be in plant. So, we wonder what genes are regulated under sound wave conditions. In particular, our research was centered to increase functional materials including vitamins and anthocyanin in plants. First, we investigated up- and down-regulated genes under sound wave treatments (250, 500, 800, 1000 and 1500Hz) by RNA-seq in Arabidopsis thaliana. In these results, we selected genes of over 8-fold increase and below 8-fold decrease and especially, focus on vitamin and anthocyanin-related genes in RNA-seq level. Second, we confirmed that these up- and down-regulated genes under sound wave treatments by qRT-PCR. Finally, we selected 13 interesting genes. To confirm these results, now, we are performing promoter assay by using promoter-GUS in plant and by using promoter-luciferase in protoplast. After then, we will find to interacting partners of these genes in sound wave signal. Our final goal is understand signaling network under sound wave treatment condition in plant. We hope that if we do find results that suggest that sound wave have a beneficial effect on crop yield and quality, acoustic biology can then have some viable application in agriculture. This could bring new discoveries into development of farming methods.
This study investigated the prospective increase in the amount of hazardous substances in packing containers. Thestudy's aim was to analyse phthalates, which are regulated for use in food containers in the EU, as well as four heavymetals (Pb, Cd, Hg, and Cr6+) regulated domestically and abroad. Furthermore, we endeavored to confirm the need foradditional regulations for packaging material by analysing PBDEs (Polybrominated diphenyl ethers), a brominated flameretardant that has recently become an issue because of its wide use in plastic packaging. The concentration of the heavymetal, namely Pb, Cd, Hg and Cr6+ in packaging material samples were in ranged from ND to 7.2mg/kg, ND to 0.47mg/kg, ND to 0.07mg/kg, and ND to 5.01mg/kg, respectively. With total concentration of the four heavy metals (ΣPb+Cd+Hg+Cr6+) ranging from ND to 9.14mg/kg, all samples were below the standard threshold (Σ 100mg/kg). Theconcentration of phthalates in packaging samples was less than the standard of all foreign nations of 0.1% (1,000mg/kg). In particular, DEHP, DEHA, and DBP were detected higher in smart phone cases than others; other materials werefound to be at similar levels. The concentration of PBDEs in packaging material samples was detected in the range ofND to 24.2mg/kg, thereby not exceeding the standard of WEEE and RoHS of 0.1% (1,000mg/kg) for electrical appliancesand electronics.
This paper presents the estimation of actual recyclable amounts and the evaluation of waste oil recycling processes atrecycling facilities using material flow analysis (MFA). The estimation of actual recycling rates through the processes ofwaste lubricating oils is a very important subject not only in the point of view oil recycling efficiency by energy conversionprocesses but also in the perspective of the recycling technology level. In this study, the recycling processes and recyclingrates of waste lubricating oil recycling facilities were evaluated by using a MFA approach, a total of 10 site visits anda total of 30 site questionnaires in Korea. The MFA methodology based on mass balance approach applied to identifythe inputs and outputs of waste oils during the recycling processes at waste oil recycling facilities. It is necessary todetermine the composition and flows of the input materials to be recycled and foreign substances in a waste recyclingfacility. A complete understanding of the waste flows in the processes along with the site visit and data surveys for therecycling facilities was required to develop a material flow for the processes and determine the process yield by differenttreatment methods (chemical distillation, vacuum distillation and high temperature pyrolysis). The results show that onaverage the process yields for chemical distillation, vacuum distillation, and high temperature pyrolysis were 89.9±7.7%,77.9±16.1%, and 57.9±9.3%, respectively. During the chemical distillation method, water in waste oils was a majorfraction (>50%), while the vacuum distillation method resulted oil large amounts of oil sludge produced during therecycling process. The process yields for different treatment methods depended upon several factors including the qualityof incoming waste oils, the type and operating conditions of recycling processes that are applied to. Based on the materialflow analysis in this study, the actual recycled amount of waste oil was estimated to be approximately 260,809 ton in 2011.
In 2010, amidst nationwide foot and mouth disease (FMD) outbreak and avian flu (AI), burial sites were urgently createdfor the disposal of animal carcasses. Some of the burial sites didn't satisfy the carcass burial standard (e.g. too manycarcasses were buried in one site, or size or location were not suitable), causing secondary environmental pollutionincluding collapse of burial sites, contamination of ground water, soil and adjacent streams, and malodor. In this regard,there has been growing demand for measures to reduce the environmental impact of the burial sites and guidelines fordesigning and management of burial sites, considering domestic characteristics, to stabilize them. This study aims toacquire basic data to build pilot burial sites. To this end, we established lab scale reactors to analyze decompositioncharacteristics of buried bovine and swine carcasses and properties of leachate and malodorous substances from them.The results showed that the decomposition of the samples inflated all reactors on its fifth day. But with time, as the volumeof the samples decreased, the solum started to subside. In conclusion, at least 8 weeks was needed for the burial sitesto stabilize. Malodorous substances, unlike other types of gas, were found to have relatively high content of sulfurousgases from 43 to 355 ppb. The four types of detected sulfurous gases were all classified as specific malodorous substances,producing rotting and unpleasant smell, irritating skin, eyes and the respiratory system, and damaging the central nervoussystem. Therefore, it is considered that controling sulfurous gases will play an important role in treating malodoroussubstances from burial sites.