
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 50

        2015.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Dietary and lifestyle modifications are widely prescribed to prevent recurrence of urolithiasis, although little is known about the clinical and demographic factors associated with patient compliance and urinary metabolic changes. The present study assessed the clinical and demographic factors influencing compliance with a modified diet and lifestyle in first-time ureteric stone formers as well as determined the effects of compliance on urinary stone risk factors. We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 53 patients presenting with ureteric calcium stones. Using a self-completed questionnaire, patients were classified according to compliance with seven recommendations for modifying diet and lifestyle into good compliance group (complied with ≥ three recommendations) and poor compliance group. Before (on a random diet) and after prescribing the modifications, 24 hour urine samples were collected from those in the good and poor compliance group. The stone size at presentation and initial treatment modality were closely associated with patient compliance (P=0.019, P=0.027, respectively). Citrate excretion significantly increased in the good compliance group after adopting modifications (P=0.012), whereas the poor compliance group did not show a statistically significant difference. Moreover, patients in the poor compliance group showed significantly increased urinary calcium excretion by the end of the study (P=0.040). After adjustments for age, sex, body mass index, and metabolic abnormality status, poor compliance was found to be an independent risk factor for persistence or development of hypocitraturia (OR: 3.885; 95% CI: 1.102~13.694; P=0.035). In conclusion, our results imply that patient education programs regarding diet and lifestyle should be tailored to the individual’s clinical and demographic characteristics.
        2014.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        가지산도립공원은 한반도 남동쪽에 위치하고 있으며, 국 민휴양 및 정서 함양에 이바지하기 위한 목적으로 1979년 11월에 지정되었다. 가지산도립공원은 백두대간에서 분기 되어 남동쪽으로 뻗어있는 낙동정맥에 일부 속해 있으며, 주위의 운문산(1,190m), 천황산(1,189m), 신불산(1,209m), 간월산(1,083m), 영취산(1,059m)과 함께 영남알프스로 불 린다(Kim et al., 2010). 또한 가지산도립공원은 사찰을 중 심으로 통도사지구, 내원사지구, 석남사지구 등 3개의 지구 로 나눠 관리중이다. 가지산도립공원에 관한 연구는 석남사지구, 내원사지구 등 지구별로 수행되었지만 통도시지구에 대한 식물사회학 적 연구는 부족한 실정이다. 최근 들어, 통도사지구의 자연 환경에 대한 전반적인 조사가 이루어졌으나(Kim et al., 2014) 현존식생과 그 식생구조에 대한 현황에 그치고 있다. 현존하는 식물사회는 그들이 처한 다양한 환경 인자에 적응 하여 이룩한 결과물이라 할 수 있으므로(Ellenberg, 1992), 본 연구는 가지산도립공원 통도사지구를 중심으로 식생구 조를 파악하고 대표적 식물군락과 그 환경요인의 상관관계 를 밝혀보고자 하였다. 2013년 7월 10일부터 12일까지 3일간 현장조사를 실시 하였고, 식물군락구조 특성을 파악하기 위해 금수암, 백운 암, 반야암 등을 중심으로 Ellenberg(1956)와 Westhoff and Maarel(1973)을 참고하여 200~300㎡ 크기의 방형구 (quadrat) 31개소를 설치하였다. 식생조사는 교목층, 아교 목층, 관목층으로 나누어 수관층위별로 실시하였고, 식생조 사 자료를 토대로 상대우점치(Brower and Zar, 1977)를 분 석하였다. 이를 토대로 TWINSPAN에 의한 classification 분석(Hill, 1979a)과 DCA ordination(Hill, 1979b)분석을 실시하였으며, 종 구성의 다양한 정도를 나타내는 척도인 종다양도 분석 및 유사도를 비교 분석하였다. 가지산도립공 원 통도사지구 산림지역의 토양 이화학적 특성을 알아보기 위해 31개 조사구 내에서 임의의 지점 3곳을 골라 Ao층을 걷어내고 표층으로부터 30cm정도의 깊이의 토양을 채취․혼 합하여 실내에서 음건하였다. 분석용 토양을 토양 및 식물 체 분석법(National Institute of Agricultural Science and Technology, 2000)에 의한 pH, EC, 유기물함량, 유효인산 과 전질소함량, 치환성양이온의 함량 등을 분석하였다. 산림군락은 환경요인에 따라 그 구조가 달라지며, 군락 구조를 분석하고 환경요인과의 관계를 분석하는데 있어 ordination방법이 널리 이용되고 있다(Song and Kim, 1992). Ordination 분석은 DCA(Detrended Correspondence Analysis) 의 확장인 DCCA(Detrended Canonical Corresponded Analysis)를 사용하였으며(Hill and Gauch, 1980), DCCA 결과에서 식물군락은 점으로 분포를 나타내고 환경요인은 화살표로 나타내어 화살표의 방향과 길이로부터 식물군락 과의 유의성을 알 수 있다(Jongman et al., 1995). MVSP (Multi-Variate Statistical Package) 3.2 program을 사용하 여 분석하였으며, ordination 분석을 통하여 산림식생과 환 경 요인과의 관계를 규명하고자 하였다. 전체 31개 조사구에 대해 유형별 분류를 하기 위하여 classification 분석 중 지표종(indicator species)을 중심으로 군락을 분류할 수 있는 TWINSPAN기법을 적용한 결과, 소나무-갈참나무군락(Ⅰ), 개서어나무-참나무류군락(Ⅱ), 소나무-개서어나무군락(Ⅲ), 소나무-굴참나무군락(Ⅳ), 굴 참나무-신갈나무군락(Ⅴ) 등 총 5개 군락으로 분리되었다. Classification 분석의 상호보완적 방법으로 군락분포를 알 아보기 위해(Lee et al., 1994; Choi and Kang, 2006) ordination 분석 방법 중 DCA 기법을 적용하여 군락의 분포상 태를 살펴 본 결과, 소나무와 갈참나무가 우점하는 군락Ⅰ 과 굴참나무와 신갈나무가 우점하고 있는 군락Ⅴ를 제외하 면, 그 외 군락들은 소나무, 개서어나무, 굴참나무 등을 중심 으로 연속적으로 분포하였다.Classification 분석과 ordination 분석을 통해 분리된 5개 군락에 대해 각 군락별로 층위별 상대우점치 및 평균상대우 점치를 분석하였다. 군락Ⅰ은 교목층에서 소나무가 우점하 는 가운데 갈참나무, 졸참나무 등과 함께 경쟁하고 있었으 며, 아교목층에서는 소나무가 출현하지 않았다. 갈참나무, 노각나무, 비목나무 등이 아교목층에서 우점하고 있었고, 관목층에서는 노각나무, 비목나무 등이 우점하였다. 군락Ⅱ 는 교목층에서 개서어나무가 졸참나무, 굴참나무 등과 경쟁 하고 있었으나, 아교목층에서 개서어나무에 비해 졸참나무, 굴참나무의 세력이 크게 형성되지 못하였다. 관목층에서는 비목나무, 생강나무 등이 우점하고 있어, 군락Ⅱ는 향후에 도 개서어나무를 중심으로 한 낙엽활엽수림으로 유지될 것 으로 사료된다. 군락Ⅲ은 교목층에서 소나무와 개서어나무, 졸참나무 등이 경쟁을 하고 있었다. 아교목층에서 개서어나 무와 때죽나무가 우점하고 있어, 소나무와의 경쟁을 통해 장기적으로는 개서어나무를 중심으로 한 낙엽활엽수림으 로의 천이가 예상되었다. 군락Ⅳ는 소나무-굴참나무군락으 로 소나무와 굴참나무, 졸참나무 등의 참나무류가 경쟁하고 있어, 낙엽성 참나무류로의 천이가 예상되었다. 군락Ⅴ는 굴참나무와 신갈나무가 교목층에서 우점하고 있으며, 아교 목층에서는 쇠물푸레나무, 철쭉, 생강나무 등이 우점하였 다. 가지산도립공원 통도사지구의 31개 조사구에 대하여 토 양을 채취‧분석한 결과, 평균 수소이온농도는 pH 4.9로 경 남의 전체적인 평균 pH 5.27(Jeong et al., 2002)보다 낮게 나타났다. 수소이온농도는 여러 가지 요인에 의해 시‧공간 적으로 변화를 보이기 때문에 직접적인 비교는 어려우나 산림지역에서 pH 5.0 이하의 강산성토양 분포비율의 증가 는 환경오염물질에 의한 토양산성화물질의 기여도가 높을 가능성을 시사하고 있다(Lee and Park, 2001). 또한 침엽수 의 생육범위가 pH 4.8~5.5(Lee, 2000)인 점을 고려하고 가 지산도립공원 통도사지구에는 소나무림이 폭넓게 분포하 며 본 연구의 평균 수소이온농도 pH 4.9 이하의 조사구에서 소나무가 상당수 출현하는 점을 감안할 때, 그에 따른 영향 으로 판단된다. 유기물 함량은 약 96g/kg으로 나타났고, 전 질소함량은 0.33~0.74%의 범위로 우리나라 산림토양의 평 균값인 0.19%보다 다소 높게 나타났다. 31개 조사구의 산림식생을 5개 군락으로 분류하여 해발 고, 경사, 토양의 화학적 특성 등 11개의 환경요인과 DCCA ordination 분석한 결과, 해발고도, 경사도, 수소이온농도 (pH), 유기물함량, Ca2+, K+ 등이 식생분포에 영향을 미치는 환경인자로 나타났다. 제 1축에서 해발고 외에 수소이온농 도(pH), 유기물함량, 경사도 등이 비교적 높은 상관관계를 보였으며, 제 2축에서는 상관관계가 뚜렷하게 나타나지 않 았다. 해발고도는 식생분포에 영향을 미치는 환경인자들 중에 서 가장 중요한 인자로 알려져 있는데(Seo et al., 1995; Chung et al., 1997; Song et al., 1998; Lee et al., 2010), 본 연구에서도 해발고도가 군락의 분포에 상관이 높은 것으 로 나타났고, 굴참나무-신갈나무군락(Ⅴ)은 비교적 해발고 가 높은 지역에서 출현하였다.
        2014.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 토함산습지 주변의 산림식생구조에 대해 알아보고자 토함산습지 주변을 지형적 관점에서 유역권을 설정하고 현존식생도를 작성하였다. 현존식생도를 바탕으로 대표되는 8개 군락, 즉, 소나무군락, 굴참나무군락, 신갈나무군락, 졸참나무군락, 신갈나무-졸참나무군락, 굴참나무-신갈나무-졸참나무군락, 층층나무군락, 버드나무군락에 대해 식생구조를 조사․분석하였다. 토함산 습지는 해발고 490m에 위치하고 있었으며 유역권의 면적은 약 236,272㎡이었다. 토함산습지 유역권내 산림의 현존식생유형은 총 16개 유형으로 분류되었으며, 전체면적 중 신갈나무림이 78,209.2㎡로 전체면적의 33.10%를 차지하고 있었다. 8개 군락의 구조를 알아보기 위해 조사구(10m×10m) 32개소를 설치하여 조사․분석하였고, 각 군락별로 식생구조를 밝혔다. 본 조사지역의 산림식생 임령은 30~50년으로 추정되었으며, 토양산도(pH)는 4.89, 유기물함량은 4.46%로 조사되었다.
        2012.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The time-zone of pollinating activity according to numbers of Apis mellifera hive released in the strawberry(Maehyang var.) houses was together from 9A.M. to 4P.M., and the peak times of pollinating activity were between 11A.M and 1P.M.. The effects on pollinating activity according to numbers of A .mellifera hive released in the strawberry houses were ordered 5bee combs(11,000heads), 4bee combs(8,800heads) and 3bee combs(6,600heads). The rate of workers lost in A. mellifera hives with 5bee combs and 4bee combs during the strawberry cultivating period were lower than that of 3bee combs. The rates of fruit set by pollinating activity according to numbers of A.mellifera hive released in the strawberry houses were same level with 99%. The fruit qualities; No. of seeds, sugar content and rate of normal fruit set were same level, but fruit weight was ordered 5bee combs in 16.9g, 4bee combs in 16.4g and 3bee combs in 15.6g. The rate of marketable fruit of 4bee combs and 5bee combs were 5% to 9% higher than that of 3bee combs, respectively.
        2011.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The time-zone of pollinating activity relative to numbers released of Apis mellifera in the strawberry(Janghui var.) houses was together from 9A.M. to 4P. M., and the peak time of pollinating activity was 1P.M.. The effects on pollinating activity relative to the comb numbers in the honeybee hive released in the strawberry houses were ordered 5bee combs(11,000heads), 3bee combs(6,600heads) and 4bee combs(8,800heads). The rate of workers lost in A. mellifera hives with 5bee combs during the strawberry cultivating period were lower than those of 3bee combs and 4bee combs. The rates of fruit set by pollinating activity relative to the comb numbers in the honeybee hive released in the strawberry houses were same level with over 98%. The fruit qualities; number of seeds, sugar content and rate of normal fruit set were same level, but fruit weights was recorded 5bee combs with 40.8g, and 4bee combs and 3bee combs were showed with 37.8g. The marketing income of 5bee combs was 8% higher than that of 4bee combs and of 3bee combs, respectively.
        2011.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The time-zone of pollinating activity relative to numbers released of Apis mellifera in the strawberry(Seolhyang var.) houses was together from 9A.M. to 4P. M., and the peak time of pollinating activity was 11A.M.. The effects on pollinating activity relative to the comb number in the honeybee hive released at the strawberry houses were ordered 5bee combs(11,000heads), 4bee combs (8,800heads) and 3bee combs (6,600heads). The rate of workers lost in A. mellifera hives with 5bee combs and 4bee combs during the strawberry cultivating period were lower than that of 3bee combs. The rates of fruit set by pollinating activity relative to the comb number in the honeybee hive released at the strawberry houses were same level with over 98%. The fruit qualities; No. of seeds, sugar content and rate of normal fruit set were same level, but fruit weights were ordered 5bee combs in 37.2g, 4bee combs in 35.6g and 3bee combs in 32.6g. The marketing incomes of 4bee combs and 5bee combs were 9% to 13% higher than that of 3bee combs, respectively.
        2010.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Prostatic calculi are common finding in radiographic examination, however, the true incidence and the clinical significance are not clearly known. We investigated the prevalence of prostatic calculi and the relationship between prostatic calcification and urolithiasis. From a database, 305 consecutive subjects older than 30 years of age who had undergone regular health checks in our hospital from January 2007 to July 2009 were enrolled in this study. Prostatic calculi and urinary stones were confirmed by non-enhanced CT. According to the presence of prostatic calculi, they were divided into two groups and the relationship with urolithiasis was determined using statistical analysis. Among 305 male subjects, prostatic calculi were found in 97 (31.9%), which revealed a linear trend with aging (r=0.928, p=0.023), while asymptomatic upper urinary tract stones were found in 45 subjects (14.9%). A significant difference was observed in mean age (p<0.001), however, no difference was observed in prevalence of diabetes mellitus (DM), hypertension (HT), and body mass index (BMI). In the prostatic calculi group, 24 (24.7%) subjects had previously unknown urolithiasis, while only 21 subjects (10.1%) in the non-prostatic calculi group had urinary stones. The prevalence of urolithiasis was significantly higher in men with prostatic calcification than in those without prostatic calcification (OR=2.92, 95% CI: 1.53-5.58, p=0.001). No significant differences in serum chemistry were observed between the two groups. Among the 45 patients with urolithiasis, no significant differences were observed in the mean stone size according to the presence of prostatic calcification. Our data showed that prostatic calcification was prevalent up to approximately 31.9% and was frequently combined with upper urinary tract stones. These results indicate that evaluation for urolithiasis might be needed in patients with incidentally detected prostatic calcification.
        2009.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This survey was carried out to investigate herpetofauna in 22 Islands, Incheon. As a result, we have listed 1 order, 5 families, 10 species of amphibians and 1 order 4 families, 12 species of reptiles. Of them, legally protected species are following: Elaphe schrenckii Strauch (Colubridae), Eremias argus Peters (Lacertilidae), Rana plancyi chosenica Okada (Ranidae), Kaloula borealis (Barbour) (Microhylidae). Especially, E. schrenckii was the most abundant in Island Seongap. Islands where endangered species have been found could be protected from further anthropogenic activities.
        2016.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Purpose: Introduction of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 as a low cost research tool for various studies and to show how study tools could be built using the LEGO with ease. Methods: To show what the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 could do for studies, programming method was described and some example devices used previous papers were reconstructed; EX1 - Selection of left right device for Stoet(2010), EX2 - Time expectation device for Kim and Ryu(2015), and EX3 - Four digits random number generator for Huh and Lee(2015). Time delay of each example device was tested to evaluate effectiveness of the LEGO Mindstorms EV3 as research device. Results: Combination of single execution structure and button switch on the EV3 brick showed 1 ms error of time measurement, and combination of single execution structure and touch sensor showed 10 ms error of time measurement. 1 ms error of time measurement is same accuracy achieved by Windows based computer system.
        2004.12 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The present study examined the effects of Schizandra chinensis extract on the serum lipid composition and the antioxidant of rats in which obesity was induced through high fat diet. Fifty male Sprague-Dawely rats weighing 163.91±4.17g on the average were adjusted to basic diet and laboratory environment and were fed with high fat diet freely for 6 weeks to induce obesity. Forty rats, the final weight of which was 400g, were selected and were divided into a control group(C), treated groups(T I ; body weight of 100mg/kg, TII ; 150mg/kg and TIII ; 200mg/kg), 10 heads of similar weight for each, and test breeding was performed for 4 weeks. During the test breeding, all treated groups were fed with basic diet and difference in intake among the treated groups were maintained to be less than 5%. According to the result, the quantity of Triglyceride in serum was lower in all of the groups treated with Schizandra chinensis than the control group, but the difference was not significant except the treated group of 200mg (P〉0.05). The quantity of Total cholesterol in serum was significantly lower in all the groups treated with Schizandra chinensis than in the control group (P〈0.05) but differences according to the quantity of Schizandra chinensis applied were not observed. The quantity of HDL-cholesterol was not significantly different among all the groups including the control group (P〈0.05) and no regular tendency of change in the quantity was observed according to the quantity of Schizandra chinensis applied. The quantity of LDL-cholesterol was lower in all the groups treated with Schizandra chinensis, but the treated group of 100mg was not significantly different from the control group. The quantity of TBARS in serum was lower in all the groups treated with Schizandra chinensis than in the control group (P〈0.05), but no regular tendency of change in the quantity was observed according to the quantity of Schizandra chinensis applied. The quantity of liver TBARS was not significantly different among all the treated groups (P〉0.05). The levels of glutathione peroxidase activity (GSH-Px), superoxide dismutase activity (SOD) and catalase activity were higher in all the groups treated with Schizandra chinensis treated group than in the control group (P〈0.05), and the treated group of 200mg showed the highest activity among the treated groups.
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