인터넷이 발달함에 따라 게임 산업이 성장하고, 다양한 게임 비즈니스 모델의 특성에 따라 등장한 게임머니의 활용사례를 웹보드 게임을 중심으로 파악하고, 비 웹보드 게임의 게임머니와 어떤 특징을 가지고 있는지 비 교·분석 하고자 한다. 게임머니가 등장하게 된 도입 배경과 유·무료 게임의 분류 기준에 대해 살펴보고, 웹보 드 게임과 비 웹보드 게임에서 게임머니가 가지고 있는 특징과 기능에 대해서 알아본다. 웹보드 게임의 경우 사행성을 조장할 수 있다는 이유로 게임머니 관련해 규제 성격의 여러 제한이 존재하지만, 비 웹보드 게임의 경우 이러한 제한이 존재하지 않고 있다. 이에 NHN, 네오위즈, 잼팟 등 주요 3사와 이를 제외한 중견 회사의 웹보드 게임머니 활용사례 및 적용 현황을 검토하고, 비 웹보드 게임과의 비교 분석을 통해 웹보드 게임과 비 웹보드 게임 내의 재화에 관한 구체적인 비교 분석을 통해 양측 게임머니가 개발 단계, 게임 경제 체제, BM 등에서 어떠한 공통점과 차이점을 갖는지 알아보고자 한다.
모바일 게임 시장 규모가 시간이 지날수록 커지고 있다. 그만큼 한국뿐만 아니라 전 세계적으로 모바일 게임 을 개발하고 출시하고 있는 개발사들이 늘어나고 있는데, 한해 출시되는 수백 개 이상의 모바일 게임들 사이 에서 성공적으로 유저들을 유치하고 수익을 창출하기 위해서는 단순히 모바일 게임을 완성도 있고 재미있게 개발하는 것으로 끝나는 것이 아닌 출시 이전부터 출시 이후 운영 까지 다양한 개발 외적인 전략을 활용하여 경쟁력을 확보해야 한다. 본 연구에서는 모바일 게임의 완성도를 결정하는 게임 내적인 요인들을 제외하고 출 시, 마케팅, 운영 등 모바일 게임 개발 외적인 요인들 중 모바일 게임의 성공에 도움이 될 수 있는 키워드들 을 추출하고 이에 대한 전략들을 정의함으로써 향후 모바일 게임 개발사들이 게임을 개발하는데 있어 참고할 수 있도록 하였다.
배경/목적: 췌장암은 일반적으로 불량한 예후를 보이며, 조기 진단이 어렵다는 점이 이에 영향을 미칠 것으로 생각되고 있다. 본 연구는 한국인 췌장암 환자에 있어서 혈장내 대사체 분석을 시행하여 건강 자원자의 대사체 프로파일과 비교 하였다.
방법: 각 10명으로 비한국인들을 대상으로 이루어진 기존 연구에 비하여 대상자 수가 매우 적지만 검진으로 시행한 복부 CT상 췌장 질환의 증거가 없는 건강한 자원자를 모집하였으며, 이는 췌장암의 조기 진단이 어렵다는 점을 감안할 때 기존 연구에 비한 장점이 될 수 있겠다.
결과: 혈장내 대사체 비교 분석상 췌장암 환자에서 L -lysine의 혈장 농도는 1.36배 높고 L -leucine은 0.63배, palmitic acid는 0.93배 낮은 것으로 나타나 이 세 가지의 대사체 프로파일의 조합이 건강자원자와 췌장암 환자를 가장 잘 구분해 주는 것으로 나타났다.
결론: 앞으로 췌장암의 조기 진단 혹은 발생 역학의 규명을 위하여 대사체 분석에 대한 연구가 더 필요하겠다.
The game industry, which has been rapidly developing these days in Korean society, is a socially debated issue for the fact that some games are allegedly likely to stir up a speculative drive in people. Among others, the speculativeness of games has been paid more attention by game developers because of the prevalent belief in Korean society that basically games are gambling, which has been more consolidated by reported illegal activities committed by some users of illegal games. More disturbingly, if regulations are put on the act of gaming, not on some speculative games, the nature of games could be distorted and an unexpected adverse effect would arise as a result. This study examines the appropriateness and the effect of the current game regulation from a perspective of game developers and investigates how the regulation and its operation affect the change of the nature of games. The findings of this study are expected to bring about the deeper exploration of the effect of game regulation and broaden the view on the Korean game industry.
The consumption of pre-treated vegetables (including fresh-cut vegetables) has been significantly increased because of their ease of use for cooking. Vegetable cutting machine has been widely utilized for producing fresh-cut vegetables or agricultural products with different sizes; however, its design standard is not specifically established depending on types of agricultural products. Therefore, this study was conducted to determine mechanical properties (compressive and shear force) of targeted agricultural products (radish, carrot, squash, cucumber, shiitake mushroom and sweet potato) for developing multipurpose vegetable cutting machine. According to ASAE standard (s368.3), compressive and shear force of targeted agricultural products were measured by using custom built UTM (universal testing machine). Shape type of samples and speed ranges (5~15 mm/min) of loading rate on bioyield and shear points were varied by targeted agricultural products. The range of averaged bioyield points of targeted agricultural products were between 7.89 and 146.98 N. On the other hands, their averaged shear points were from 22.50 to 53.47 N. Results clearly showed that the bioyield and shear points of targeted agricultural products were thoroughly affected by their components. As accumulating compressive and shear points of agricultural products, it can be technical feasible to establish the design standard and control mechanism of multipurpose vegetable cutting machine.
The purpose of this paper is to check the Game Rating and Administration Committee(GRAC), established in 2013 as revision of law to the Game Industry Promotion Act, restricts the freedom of expression. Game Rating system in Korea is not formed spontaneously in the market, unlike oversea, the Government has designed public systems. The GRAC has classified only “Rating”, but it regulates the expressions of the Game and gaming industry itself by other than raising rating. In cases the GRAC issued decisions of rating rejection are suspected to be in mistake in the interpretation of relevant laws, resulting in expressions of the game is limited. The content modification notifying system has unclear criteria, and it regulates not the contents of the game but the ways of using games. It is contrary to the principle of the content centrality of rating, and Operators have to impose self-censorship when they change game contents.
혼합매질 막의 제조에 널리 사용되고 있는 TiO2 나노입자의 대안으로서 ZnO 나노입자가 혼합된 Polyethersulfone(PES) 막을 제조하고 특성을 평가하였다. ZnO는 TiO2에 상응하는 기능적 특성을 갖고 있으면서도 가격이 낮다는 장점이 있어 혼합매질 막의 제조에 활용이 가능할 것으로 예상된다. 본 연구에서는 N-methyl pyrrolidone(NMP)를 용매로 사용하여 각기 다른 농도의 PES 용액에 낮은 비율로 ZnO 나노입자를 혼합시켜 침지침강에 의한 상변환법을 사용하여 혼합매질 막을 제조한 후 표면 및 단면 관찰, 접촉각 측정, 여과/막오염 특성, 그리고 인장 강도를 측정하여 특성을 평가하였다. 그 결과 낮은 비율의 ZnO 나노입자로 순수 투과도와 막오염 정도를 충분히 개선할 수 있었다.
When developing games run in different web browsers, people have connected outer Plug-in with games. With the appearance of HTML5, now it becomes more convenient to develop games using HTML5 and Javascript as Multimedia like audio, video, SVG and 2D/ 3D graphic operation using Canvas are possible. However, it’s not easy to directly convert mobile games from iOS, Android, Window mobile environment to HTML 5. This paper proposes we’d like to suggest the method which could convert games made from XNA, window mobile game developing environment to cross-platform games working in the web browser based on HTML5.
In general, a wagering is deemed a form of gambling when it has the element of betting on properties. Also, any game that leads to financial loss or gain based on its outcome is also interpreted as a form of gambling. However, what if there is no loss or gain of profit in property? In Korea, this kind of non gambling game is widely called Web Board Game. In recent years, Korea’s game industry has become the new engine for economic growth and positioned itself as the symbol of a successful cultural content. However, despite all this, the popular media has accused game as the cause of gambling. And every year the government is coming out with new regulations that woule be seriously affecting the whole game industry and game developer's life. The most recent regulations are coming from Amendments of Game Industry Promotion Act's Implementing Ordinance in the year of 2013. This study examines and tests the Problem of "webboard-game's daily limit regulation" which is known as the most difficult for developers to materialize from these 2013 years amendments of regulations. And it shows the effectiveness and provides an alternative direction for game development.
In recent years, with the successful growth and rapid overseas expansion of Korean games, Korea’s game industry has become the new engine for economic growth and positioned itself as the symbol of a successful cultural content. However, despite all this, the popular media has accused game as the cause of gambling and also violence. And every year the government is coming out with new regulations that are seriously affecting the whole game industry. Therefore, right now there is a need to introduce regulation to the game developers not as an object of condemnation or an object to be evaded. Regulation should be rethought and also measures should be taken to minimize it side effects. This study examines and tests the most recent regulations that were not suitable for games. And it shows the effectiveness and provides an alternative direction for game development.
This experiment was conducted to investigate the variation of nitrogen use efficiency, nitrogen uptake efficiency, physiological utilization efficiency and their relationships with growth characteristics in the 28 Korean rice cultivars. Nitrogen use efficiency of 28 rice cultivars was 47.74, nitrogen uptake efficiency was 0.71, and physiological utilization efficiency was 68.76 in average. Nitrogen use efficiency of rice cultivars had low variation ranged from 44.09 to 51.91, but nitrogen uptake efficiency were relatively high variation from 0.51 to 0.90, and physiological utilization efficiency was from 51.71 to 94.26. The high efficient group in nitrogen uptake efficiency whose value was calculated above 0.80 included Daeanbyeo, Seojinbyeo, Ansungbyeo, Dongjinbyeo, and Hwaanbyeo, while the low efficient group with below 0.60 was Kwanganbyeo, Sampyeongbyeo, Soorabyeo, and Hwasungbyeo. Hwasungbyeo, Sampyeongbyeo, Soorabyeo for physiological utilization efficiency were more efficient cultivars, while Daeanbyeo, Seojinbyeo, Ansungbyeo were less efficient cultivars. Nitrogen uptake efficiency had positive correlation coefficients between dry matter weight of plant (0.842** ), leaf area index (0.761** ), and leaf nitrogen content (0.599** ), respectively. Therefore, the dry matter weight of rice plant and leaf area index was important characters to evaluate nitrogen uptake efficiency in rice cultivars. Also, more efficient cultivar in nitrogen uptake had higher chlorophyll meter value, which was appeared dark green color.
In vitro culture of panicle has been the method to accumulate starch and protein in immature grains by providing nutrients after florets crossed between remote genotypes artificially. Grain filling means embryo development and sucrose translocation from photosynthetic source, and starch manufacture in endosperm. The concentrations of sucrose used to culture immature rice panicle were 5, 10, 15, 20% and glutamine was 20 mM. When immature rice panicles at 5 days after flowering were cultured in distilled water with different concentrations of sucrose, glutamine 20 mM and MS medium with different concentrations of sucrose, glutamine 20 mM for 30 days the later was effective on grain filling. The optimal concentration of sucrose on grain filling in vitro culture of rice panicle was 10% and the weight of grain cultured was 10.14 mg that was corresponded to 57% of intact plant. In the method of treating plant growth regulators, the culture of immature rice panicle adding in MS medium with Kinetin, IAA, ~textrmGA3 were effective on grain filling than the culturing of immature rice panicle after submerging in solutions of Kinetin, IAA, ~textrmGA3 for 1day. When immature rice panicle was cultured in MS medium with sucrose 10% and Kinetin 46.47 ~mu M it was effective on grain filling, respectively. The weight of grain cultured was 13.1mg that was corresponded to 75% of intact and germination rate was 51 %. When immature rice panicles were cultured in medium with different concentrations combined with Kinetin 4.65, 46.47, 464.7 ~mu~textrmM , IAA 5.71, 57.08, 570.80 ~mu~textrmM for 30 days and in medium with IAA 5.71, 57.08, 570.80 ~mu~textrmM for 15 days after culturing in medium with Kinetin 4.65, 46.47, 464.70 ~mu~textrmM for 15 days the effect on grain filling was similar.
The rice straw managements are essential for maintaining soil fertility as well as reducing chemical fertilizer application in paddy field. A field experiment was conducted on moderately well draining alluvial paddy soil to investigate the decomposition pattern of rice straw. The mesh bags containing the rice straw harvested in the previous year were placed at soil surface and buried into around 10cm depth and recovered periodically for determining the straw decomposition. Pot experiments were conducted to investigate the fates of N released from 15 N-labeled rice straw under different levels of N fertilizer application. The overall decomposition patterns of rice straw were similar for the two incorporation depths in transplanted paddy field. The straw incorporated at transplanting date showed weight loss of about 50%, 70% and 90% after 2 months, 5 months, and 2 years, respectively. The decompositions of straw cell wall components showed somewhat different pattern. The decompositions of cellulose and silica were similar to that of dry weight while the decomposition of lignin was slower than that of cellulose and silica. N was released from rice straw 42% and 65 % of the initial N after one month and after five months, respectively. P release was faster than N release. Recoveries of rice straw-15 N by rice plants were 10.2, 13.4 and 14.9% in 0, 120 and 240 mg N pot-1 , respectively. Soil recoveries of rice straw 15 N were 17.3, 20.6 and 18.9% in 0, 120 and 240mg N pot-1 , respectively.