This study demonstrates that low processing rate for producing polyacrylonitrile (PAN)-based carbon fiber is a critical to obtain a homogeneous radial microstructure with high resistance to oxidation, thereby resulting in their improved mechanical strength. The dry-jet wet spun PAN organic fibers were processed (e.g., stabilized and then carbonized) utilizing two different rates; one is 1.6 times longer than the other. The effect of processing rate on the microstructural evolutions of carbon fibers was analyzed by scanning electron microscopy after slow etching in air, as well as Raman mapping after graphitization. The rapidly processed fiber exhibited the multilayered radial structure, which is caused by the radial direction stretching of the extrusion in the spinning. In case of the slowly processed fiber, the layered radial structure formed in the spinning process was changed into a more homogeneous radial microstructure. The slowly processed fibers showed higher oxidation resistance, higher mechanical properties, and higher crystallinity than the rapidly processed one. Raman mapping confirmed that the microstructure developed during spinning was sustained even though fiber was thermally treated up to 2800 °C.
This study was conducted to dentify the optimum plantlet type of ‘Solara’ potatoes (Solanum tuberosum L.) for growth in an aeroponics system. Plantlets of ‘Solara’ were transplanted on March 16, 2015 in a greenhouse, and growth and yield characteristics were investigated at 70 and 78 days after transplanting, respectively. Stem length was shorter in plantlet of 15-day-old stem cuttings and acclimatization of culture, and the stem length of plantlets of stem cuttings tended to increase with increasing stem cutting age. The fresh weight of plants was the highest in the plantlets of 40-day-old stem cuttings and the lowest in non-rooted stem cuttings and acclimatization of culture. The highest number of first stolons was obtained in 35-day-old stem cuttings. The number of second stolons was the highest in plantlets of 35-day-old stem cuttings, acclimatization of culture, and 30- day-old stem cuttings. The total number of tubers was higher in plantlets of 35-day-old stem cuttings and acclimatization of culture, and the number of tubers above 3 g was the highest in plantlets of 35-day-old stem cuttings. The weight of tubers above 3 g was the heaviest in plantlets of 35-day-old stem cuttings(1,947 g per 10 plants), followed by plantlets of 30-day-old stem cuttings. These results indicate that plantlets of 30 to 35-day-old stem cuttings could be the best for production of ‘Solara’ potato tubers in an aeroponics system.
In this article, we analyze the decision of the Supreme Court in Korea with respect to the unauthorized modification of information and the immediacy of property disposal in a computer fraud critically. In the mentioned case, the defendant was charged with unlawful behavior to change the information by installing a hacking program on electronic bidding system of an administrative office.
The author evaluated the defendant‘s conduct at issue not as an unauthorized change of information, but as an input of false information or illegal command input for computer. In terms of the immediacy of property disposal, this paper contends that we can’t say that computer fraud doesn’t hold, without exception, if a person involved in the property disposal process. In order to determine whether the computer fraud is established, we have to analyze the contents of the involved individual’s action in detail.
신품종 ‘제서’는 제주특별자치도농업기술원 감자 육종프로 그램에 의해 육성되었다. 1999년부터 2001년 까지 ‘체세포잡 종’을 모본으로 ‘대지’를 화분친으로 하여 2회의 여교잡에 의 해 유래되었다. ‘제서’를 대상으로 2001년부터 2005년까지 괴경특성, 병 저항성, 생육 및 수량을 조사하였다. 또한 2년 동안 4개 지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시하였다. 이 품종의 괴 경특성은 원형, 얕은 눈의 깊이, 황색의 표피색과 짧은 휴면 기간을 갖고 있다. 또한 이 품종은 더뎅이병, 무름병, 및 감자 잎말림바이러스에 강한 저항성을 보였다. 그러나 감자 바이러 스 Y와 역병에는 감수성이었다. ‘제서’의 평균 수량은 2012 년 봄, 가을재배 결과 38.8 ton/ha로 ‘대지’의 수량보다 적었다.