본 연구는 퇴적물이 소모하는 산소량(SOD)과 환경 인자가 서로 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 퇴적물 배양실험을 수행하였다. 이를 위해 실험실에서 용출 반응조를 설치하여 20일간 배양하였으며, 퇴적물에 존재하는 물질 중 P 및 Fe와의 관계를 중점적으로 연구하였다. 분석 결과, 수층의 용존 산소는 시간의 경과에 따라 감소하는 경향을 나타냈으며, 퇴적물의 산화환원전위 또한 음의 방향으로 진행되어 혐기적 환원환경이 조성되었다. 퇴적물 산소요구량(SOD)은 배양 초기 0.05mg/g로 측정되었 으며, 20일차 0.09mg/g으로 퇴적물이 소모하는 산소량이 증가하는 경향을 관찰하였다. 이는 chl-a의 증가로 퇴적물 표층에 축적된 유기물의 분해에 의한 산소 소모(Biological-SOD), 그리고 환원반응에 의해 생성된 금속 환원물이 재산화 할 경우 소모되는 산소(Chemical-SOD)에 의한 것으로 보인다. 퇴적물에서 추출한 존재형태별 인과 SOD의 상관관계를 살펴보면 Ex-P, Org-P의 경우 양의 상관관계, Fe-P의 경우 음의 상관관계를 나타내었다. 또한, 실험 20일차 퇴적물의 미생물 군집을 분석한 결과 혐기성 철 환원균(FeRB)이 우점종으로 검출되었다. 따라서, 철 산화물과 결합한 인산염이 환원반응에 의해 분리될 경우 인산염은 수중으로 용출되어 일차생산력을 증가시키며, 환원물은 재산화 하여 퇴적물 산소 소모량에 기여하므로 본 연구는 산소 수지의 개선을 위한 기초 자료로 이용될 것으로 기대된다.
본 연구는 남해 연안에서 채취한 퇴적물을 대상으로 수질의 환경변화에 의해 퇴적물이 용출 특성에 미치는 영향을 파악하기 위해 실험실에서 20일 동안 용출 배양실험을 진행하였으며, 퇴적물 인의 존재형태와 수질의 환경 인자, 총 인의 용출률을 측정하였다. 관찰 결과, 수층에서 미생물의 성장에 의해 용존 산소가 감소하여, 퇴적물의 산화환원전 위가 낮아지는 혐기성환경이 진행되었다. 그에 따라 배양 초기일과 20일 후를 비교하면, 퇴적물 인의 존재 형태 중 철 산화물과 결합한 인산염의 감소하는 변동성이 높게 나타났다. 이는 철 산화물이 환원될 경우 금속 이온과 분리된 무기인이 수중으로 이동하는 것을 의미하는데, 분리된 무기인은 플랑크톤에 의해 잘 흡수되는 특성을 가진다. 수층의 총 인을 분석한 결과 20일 차 0.304mg/L까지 지속적으로 증가하였으며, 산정된 용출률의 경우 배양 5일 이후 용존 산소의 감소와 높은 관계성을 보였다. 따라서 본 연구의 결과로부터, 수층의 부영양화를 관리하기 위한 요소로서 수질의 용존 산소와 퇴적물 인의 존재형태 중 철 산화물의 중요성을 확인할 수 있었다.
To evaluate the remediation performance of recycled oyster shell powders to control nutrients release from polluted sediments. Different types of recycled oyster shell powder were applied on separated bottom sediments. The first type of oyster shell powder is Calcined Oyster Shell Powder (COSP) and another consist of ultrasonicated oyster shell powder (SOSP) which were composed of calcium peroxide. The recycled oyster shell powders were improving the water quality as slow oxygen releasing compound. The experimental results indicated that the Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in the treated columns were higher than the control column. pH was increased in the both experimental columns due to the hydrolysis of CaO2. Meanwhile, recycled oyster shell powders could prevent the nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) release from sediments into the overlying water. In addition, the total nitrogen and total phosphorus concentrations of the COSP applied column were decreased 27% and 20% compared to the control column respectively and the SOSP applied column were decreased 33% and 27% compared to control in the overlying water. It was proved that, COSP and SOSP can effectively adsorb phosphorus from sediments and prevent phosphorus release into overlying water from bottom sediments. In conclusion, COSP and SOSP applications was increased DO in the overlying water and nutrient released controlled effectively from the sediment.
Contaminated marine sediment is a secondary pollution source in the coastal areas, which can result in increased nutrients concentrations in the overlying water. We analyzed the nutrients release characteristics into overlying water from sediments and the interaction among benthic circulation of nitrogen, phosphorus, iron, and sulfur were investigated in a preset sediment/water column. Profiles of pH, ORP, sulfur, iron, nitrogen, phosphorus pools were determined in the sediment and three different layers of overlying water. Variety types of sulfur in the sediments plays a significant role on nutrients transfer into overlying water. Dissimilatory nitrate reduction and various sulfur species interaction are predominantly embodied by the enhancing effects of sulfide on nitrogen reduction. Contaminant sediment take on high organic matter, which is decomposed by bacteria, as a result promote bacterial sulfate reduction and generate sulfide in the sediment. The sulfur and iron interactions had also influence on phosphorus cycling and released from sediment into overlying water may ensue over the dissolution of ferric iron intercede by iron-reducing bacteria. The nutrients release rate was calculated followed by release rate equation. The results showed that the sediments released large-scale quantity of ammonium nitrogen and phosphate, which are main inner source of overlying water pollution. A mechanical migration of key nutrients such as ammonia and inorganic phosphate was depicted numerically with Fick’s diffusion law, which showed a fair agreement to most of the experimental data.
A lipid-enriched strain of Botryococcus braunii (UTEX 572) was cultivated in a semi-batch aeration tank to enhance biomass as well as to develop intracellular lipids and fatty acids. A 30 day period of incubation produced 1.39 g/L of biomass and 0.31 g/L of total lipids in the biomass. The grown biomass was pre-treated using several methods to extract the total lipid content efficiently: ultrasonication was found to yield the highest percentage of lipids-namely 19.8% per biomass. Direct heating of biomass in an autoclave also showed better performance than when using only conventional solvent extraction. To enhance the biomass harvest and lipid extraction efficiency, coagulation and flocculation steps were added to the extraction process. It is noteworthy that not only the solvent type but also the solvent/biomass ratio greatly affected efficiency. In addition, the moisture content of the harvested(wet) biomass affected the efficiency significantly. This study elucidated the need for future research on optimizing this extraction process.
In this study, we performed a sediment elution experiment to evaluate water quality in terms of phosphorus, as influenced by the dissolved oxygen consumed by sediments. Three separate model column treatments, namely, raw, calcined, and sonicated oyster shell powders, were used in this experiment. Essential phosphorus fractions were examined to verify their roles in nutrient release from sediment based on correlation analyses. When treated with calcined or sonicated oyster shell powder, the sediment-water interface became “less anaerobic,” thereby producing conditions conducive to partial oxidation and activities of aerobic bacteria. Sediment Oxygen Demand (SOD) was found to be closely correlated with the growth of algae, which confirmed an intermittent input of organic biomass at the sediment surface. SOD was positively correlated with exchangeable and loosely adsorbed phosphorus and organic phosphorus, owing to the accumulation of unbound algal biomass-derived phosphates in sediment, whereas it was negatively correlated with ferric iron-bound phosphorus or calcium fluorapatite-bound phosphorus, which were present in the form of "insoluble" complexes, thereby facilitating the free migration of sulfate-reducing bacteria or limiting the release from complexes, depending on applied local conditions. PCR-denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis revealed that iron-reducing bacteria were the dominant species in control and non-calcined oyster shell columns, whereas certain sulfur-oxidizing bacteria were identified in the column treated with calcined oyster powder.
This study was investigated to improve the phosphorus release and water quality by transformation of sedimentary P fraction for application of CaO2. For the experiment, 0.5% (w/w) of CaO2 was homogenized in the sediment and incubated with the control for 20 days. The analytical results showed that pH increased with CaO2 and redox potential (ORP) was improved in the sediment of the reactor. The growth rate of chlorophyll-a was lower in the CaO2 reactor and Dissolved Oxygen (DO) of overlying water maintained higher than that of the control. Total phosphorus (T-P) concentration in the overlying water increased from the initial concentration to 0.304mg/L in the control at 20 days. The reactor of CaO2 was lowered by 29.3%. Ex-P, Fe-P and Ca-P in sediment P fraction were increased with the CaO2. The formation of bound Fe-P and Ca-P in the sediments seemed to control the release of P by removing the Soluble Reactive Phosphorus (SRP) presented in the pore water. From the result, this indicated that the reduction of P release from the sediments seems to be effective in suppressing the eutrophication of P and improving the oxygen condition in the water quality with the application of CaO2.
Sediment microbial fuel cell (SMFC), equipped with Zn, Al, Cu, Fe or graphite felt (GF) anode and marine sediment, was performed. Graphite felt was used as a common cathode. SMFC was single chambered and did not use any redox mediator. The aim of this work was to find efficient anodic material. Oxidation reduction potential (ORP), cell voltage, current density, power density, pH and chemical oxygen demand (COD) were measured for SMFC’s performance.. The order of maximum power density was 913 mWm-2 for Zn, 646 mWm-2 for Fe, 387.8 mWm-2 for Cu, 266 mWm-2 for Al, and 127 mWm-2 for graphite felt (GF). The current density over voltage was found to be strongly correlated with metal electrodes, but the graphite felt electrode, in which relatively weaker electricity was observed because of its bio-oriented mechanism. Metal corrosion reactions and/or a complicated microbial electron transfer mechanism acting around the anodic compartment may facilitate to generate electricity. We presume that more sophisticated selection of anodic material can lead to better performance in SMFC.
The several functions of manufactured the gypsum incorporating oyster shell powder coated by submicro-silver solutionand carrried out the tests for the adsorption of formaldehyde and antibiotic actions. Several environmentally- friendlyarchitectural materials, clay and flyash were tested for the comparison of the adsorption efficiency. The mortar by solidifiedand dried was exposed in the small chamber for the 180min with 4000µg/m3 of the initial concentration of formaldehydeand observed high removal efficiency which result was not any difference in adsorption performance of other tested materials.The microbial flora analysis of oyster mortar coated by submicro-silver solution and the similarity test were performed andobserved that the densities of Aeromonas sp. Enterococcus sp., and Micrococcus sp. were decreased and the densities ofStaphylococcus sp., Escherichia sp., Bacillus sp., were taphylococcus sp, Escherichia sp., and Bacillus sp. were increased.
The aim of this research is to enhance the bottom environment of Geoje fish farm that has been severely contaminated. Treatment of microbial agent and/or calcium oxide significantly changed that environment: in ignition loss, either treatment (25% or 21%)showed better than mixed treatment (13.2%). In COD, the oxygen releasing agent or mixed treatment reduced the index by more than 20%. In T-P and T-N, the effects of CaO2 on them were overwhelming (50% or more) meanwhile that of the microbial agent on them was less than 20%. Also, CaO2 influenced on the microbial flora: Desulfobvibrio thermophilus, a sulfate reducing bacterium decreased in number, considering the increase of pH and rise of redox potential. In contrast, Pseudomonas sp., Pseudoalteromonas sp., Pseudomonas aeruginosa were remarkably dominant over other species with mixed treatment as a PCA analysis confirmed it.
Several tests and experimental work have been done for identifying the best growth conditions and accumulated amount of lipid moiety in B. braunii, a microalga(UTEX 572) in terms of media composition. The specific growth rate was found to be the highest at 0.15 g/L-day when the phosphorus concentration was doubled with the other ingredients at the normal level. Experiments for varied media compositions revealed that the accumulation of lipid was the highest at 48% (dry cell weight based) in the nitrogen deficient medium and its corresponding specific growth rate was comparative to that in the normal BG 11 medium. In the bubble column experiments, carbon dioxide containing air produced four times more cell mass than air only. Light and glucose addition also enhanced cell mass with maximum, 1.8 g/L and accordingly 42% of lipid composition, which turned out to be a better strategy for higher lipid-producing microalgal culture.
The aim of this paper is to correlate the release characteristics of marine and lake sediment with their vicinal oxic conditions. We performed lab-scale simulation experiments using field sediment and water in order to compare the release concentrations and the release rates one another. To provide a few different kinds of oxic environments we used natural air flow and some oxygen releasing compounds such as CaO2 and MgO2. In case of phosphates, in each oxic condition, removal of phosphorus via biological activity and that via salt precipitation with the metal ions lowered the release rates. The behavior of the nitrogen-origin salts seemed to greatly depend on the typical biological actions - growth of biomass, nitrification, and partial denitrification. Generally speaking, the control of releases of NH3-N, PO4-P, T-N and T-P was successful under the oxic conditions meanwhile COD, nitrates and nitrites were difficult to reduce the releases into the bulk water because of the considerable microbial oxidation. Based on typical diffusive mass transfer kinetics the changes of concentrations of the nutrients were computed for qualitative and quantitative comparisons.
Sediment cell is renewable energy which produces electric energy using immanent ingredients or reducing power of marine sediment as natural resources. Also the cell has an advantage that environmental pollution can be reduced through conversion of organic and inorganic contaminants into inert matter with generation of the energy. In this paper, we compared characteristics of electricity generation of the two different sediment cells, and investigated the regeneration effect of the sediment cells with manipulation of the sediment such as mixing and re-positioning. The results showed that 14.1 W/m2 of power was obtained with the aluminum electrode, and the mixing of the sediment could increase the power by 4 W/m2 compared to the control. Also, mixing the sediment has kept electricity for 4 weeks at a relatively constant level, which implied ‘fuel regeneration effect'. Meanwhile, the sediment cell was proved to be effective in reduction of COD, which was up to 28.6%.
This study was carried out in order to observe how the bay sediment would be changed with microbial treatments and a chemical oxidant like CaO2. The sediment during the treatments was analyzed in terms of pH, ORP, volatile organics content, COD, AVS, T-N, and T-P. With CaO2 treatment, pH was kept over 9.66 and ORP ranged from +4.70~+46.0, which meant an aerobic state meanwhile with the microbial treatment those were worse. In addition the chemical treatment showed better environmental index values than the microbial one: volatile organics content and COD values in the former were 12.9% and 37.9% while those in the latter were 4.5% and 18.7%, respectively. AVS and T-P were 71.1% and 100% versus 56.5% and 85.8%, respectively. However, the microbial treatment was better for T-N(66% higher). On the other hand, both treatment at a time enhanced all the environmental indices but COD meantime pH and ORP values were lower than with the chemical treatment only. Thus additional input of an oxygen generator like CaO2 could improve the environmental state of a bay sediment where the biological treatment is going on.
Rapid industrialization has brought Nam-Hae area serious environmental problems associated with released oil and other hydrocarbons. In this work, in order to enhance the quality of the shoreline sediment we made enviro-chemical analyses of its substances, TPHs and microbial growth after treating with oxygen releasing compound(ORC) such as MgO2. Total organic compound(TOC) was reduced from 33.45% to 25.1∼31.08% meanwhile COD decreased from 27.5∼28.9mg/g·dry to 19.9∼26.1mg/g·dry for input of 2∼10% MgO2 in 20days. For 10% MgO2 input, TP and TN were reduced by 13.3% and 18.8%, respectively. Most of all TPH was decomposed by max. 42.4% in 21days, and the total viable count of microbes was found to be exponentially increased by 75.9%.
The microbial adsorption characteristics of two different media for biological treatment were studied using attached diverse microbes onto activated carbon and ceramic. The results in the experiments of the characteristics of physical adhesion on two different media with addition of high and low concentrated substrate in the culture were observed that the efficient of adhesion onto F-400 activated carbon was higher over that of ceramic due to the surface area of media. The irradiation treatment by ultrasonication with 400 W power and 3 min retention time on the media without addition substrate conditions and subsequent mixing throughly the culture showed the highest efficiencv of cell detachment on the media. Three different microbes, P. ovalis, A. calcoaceticus, and B. subtillis were used for the study of the characteristics of microbial adhesion on the media. P. ovalis showed the highest adhesion capability while B. subtillis showed the lowest capability adhesion onto media either addition of substrate in the culture. The mixed bacterial culture showed 10% lower removal efficiency of DOC in the low concentrated substrate culture compared to the single pure culture. Whileas, it did not show significant difference between two cultures at high concentrated substrate. It was also observed same population density of microorganism by counting of microbes adhered to microbial media with an ultrasound treatment.
This study was conducted to remove organics and nutrients using 2 stage intermittent aeration reactor. First reactor, using suspended microbial growth in intermittent aeration instead of anaerobic reactor in the typical BNR process, used minimum carbon source to release P, and it was possible to reduce ammonia loading going to second reactor. In the second reactor, using moving media intermittent aeration, it was effective to reduce nitrate in non-aeration time by attached microorganisms having long retention time. In aeration time, nitrification and P uptake were taken place simultaneously.
From the experiment, two major results were as follows.
First, the removal of organics was more than 90%, and optimum aeration/non-aeration time ratio for organic removal was corresponded with aeration/non-aeration time ratio for nitrogen removal.
Second, in the first reactor, optimum aeration/non-aeration time ratio was 15/75 (min.) because it was necessary to maintain 75 min. of non-aeration time to suppress of impediment of return nitrate and to lead release of phosphate. In the second reactor, optimum aeration/non-aeration time ratio was 45/90 (min.).
The cork have been preferred over the conventional materials, zeolite, ceramics, and lignite as a biofilter medium. During the 6 months of operation, the performance of the cork biofilter was considered good with 150ppm of mixture BTX vapor efficiencies greater than 90% at 60 second of EBCT. It was observed 56 % of removal efficiency under tranisition conditions at first stage, and then the removal efficiency was increased to above 90 %, and the sustainability of removal efficiency was maintained. At second stage, the performance of cork biofilter was not decreased 90 % efficiency with 150 ppm BTX at 30 sec. EBCT. The production of CO2 due to microbial respiration was increased to the 40 % on the operation of cork biofilter