
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 23

        2014.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        서론 우리나라의 국립공원은 1967년 지리산일대(440㎢)가 최 초의 국립공원으로 지정된 후, 현재 국토면적의 6.67%에 해당하는 6,656㎢(육상 3,902㎢, 해상 2,754㎢)의 21개소 가 국립공원이 지정되어 있다. 2007년부터 실시된 국립공 원 입장료폐지와 더불어 여가활동범위의 확대, 등산저변의 확장 등의 사회적 변화와 더불어 국립공원의 연간 이용객은 2008년 약 3,700만명에서 2013년에는 4,600만명으로 지속 적인 증가추세에 있다(국립공원관리공단, 2013). 이렇듯 국 립공원은 보전가치가 높은 자연자원임과 동시에 국민의 여 가활동공간으로서 크게 주목받고 있다. 하지만 이와 반대로 국립공원의 이용증가로 인한 토양침식, 식생파괴 등의 훼손 에 대한 문제점이 제기되고 있다. 국립공원관리공단은 국립 공원 내의 훼손실태를 파악하고 복원방법에 대한 보고를 실시하고 있으나 아직까지 훼손실태와 유형이 정립되기에 는 부족한 실정이다. 일반적으로 등산로의 답압으로 인한 훼손(정원옥 등, 2012, 渡辺 梯二 등, 1998)에 대한 연구가 진행되어 산림청은 등산로 훼손유형을 14개 유형으로 구분 하고 있으나 어디까지나 등산로에 관점을 맞춘 유형분류라 볼 수 있다. 하지만 국립공원이라는 대규모 자연에 있어서 의 훼손은 등산로뿐만이 아닌 다양한 측면에서 훼손지에 대한 검토를 할 필요가 있다. 그럼으로 본 연구에서는 국립 공원의 훼손지를 효율적으로 관리운영하기 위한 기초자료 를 마련하고자 연구를 진행하였다. 조사방법 조사방법으로는 전국의 21개소 국립공원 중 훼손지 현황 조사를 실시한 국립공원16개소(가야산, 경주, 계룡산, 내장 산, 다도해해상, 덕유산, 북한산, 변산반도, 설악산, 소백산, 속리산, 오대산, 월악산, 주왕산, 지리산, 한려해상)를 대상 으로 국립공원관리공단에서 2012년 4월부터 7월에 걸쳐 국 립공원의 훼손지 조사를 실시한 자료를 바탕으로 국립공원 별 훼손 특징을 파악하였다. 결과 국립공원의 훼손지유형분류를 기반으로 파악된 훼손지 유형을 살펴보면 계곡생태훼손 6개, 생태축 단절 7개, 독립 훼손지 56개, 비정규탐방로(샛길) 195개, 폐도 4개, 해안사 구훼손 9개, 기타 3개의 훼손이 확인되었다(표1). 국립공원 의 훼손지 중 비정규탐방로와 같은 선적인 공간에서의 훼손 과 독립훼손지와 같은 면적인 훼손(국립산림과학원, 2010) 이 훼손지유형 중에서 가장 많은 유형으로 파악되었다. 공 원별 훼손지가 가장 많이 파악된 국립공원은 북한산(총 105 개소), 경주(74개소), 월악산(20개소), 덕유산(16개소), 속 리산(11개소) 순으로 나타났다(표1). 북한산의 경우 샛길에 서의 훼손인 비정규탐방로가 91개소, 독립훼손지 14개소로 주로 선적인 공간에서의 훼손이 주를 이루고 있으며 그 원 인으로는 탐방객 통행, 나대지화, 우수에 의한 침식 등이 작용하고 있는 것이 파악되었다. 경주의 경우 비정규탐방로 (56개소), 독립훼손지(12개소) 순으로 훼손이 일어났으며, 그 원인으로는 정규탐방로 외의 샛길 이용객의 답압에 의한 훼손이 주된 원인으로 파악되었다. 월악산의 경우 전체 훼 손지 20개소 중, 17개소가 비정규탐방로에서 확인되었으며 원인은 탐방객의 이용에 의한 답압이 주된 원인으로 파악되 었다. 덕유산의 경우 전체 훼손지 16개소 중, 독립훼손지가 12개소를 차지하며 그 원인으로는 탐방객의 답압 및 휴식 공간 이용이 주된 원인으로 파악되었다. 속리산의 경우 전 체 11개소의 훼손지 중 8개소에서 샛길이 확인되었으며 원 인으로는 불법산행으로 인한 토양유실, 식생훼손이 주된 원 인으로 파악되었다. 훼손지의 개소수가 많이 파악된 국립공원의 훼손지유형은 비정규탐방로와 같은 선적인 공간에서 의 훼손, 면적인 공간에서의 훼손지유형인 독립훼손지의 개 소수가 공통적으로 높은 비중을 차지하고 있었다. 이를 통 해 국립공원의 훼손 특성은 자연적 훼손보다는 탐방객의 이용행태에 의한 인위적 훼손(한국산지보전협회, 2005)이 주된 원인이 되고 있음을 파악 할 수 있으며 그 중에서도 선적인 공간에서의 탐방객에 의한 훼손이 심각한 것으로 추론할 수 있다. 결론 우리나라의 국립공원은 연간 약 4,600만명이 이용하고 있으며 단풍구경과 같은 한 계절에 이용이 집중되기도 하는 특성을 가지고 있다. 그와 더불어 탐방로의 신설, 재정비가 진행되고 있으나 이용객의 증가추세에 맞추기란 쉽지 않다. 그로 인해 탐방객의 이용행태가 탐방로를 벗어나 이루어지 거나 휴식공간 이외의 장소에서의 휴식행위가 무분별하게 이루어지고 있는 실정이다. 그 결과, 정해진 탐방로 및 휴게 시설 이외의 장소에서 훼손지가 발생하는 문제점이 본 연구 의 명확한 결과로 나타났다. 이러한 인위적 훼손지는 집중 강우와 같은 기상변화에 대한 안전성의 결여, 자연식생 및 생태계의 훼손으로 이어지는 위험요소로 작용하고 있다(국 립공원백서, 2005). 현재는 그 대응책으로 훼손지에 대한 조사와 복구를 통해 훼손지를 복원하는 사업을 실시하여 훼손의 확산을 최소화 하려는 노력을 하고 있으나 장기적인 측면에서 볼 때 궁극적인 대응책이라 단언 할 수 없다. 그럼 으로 이용객의 이용행태를 고려한 탐방로 및 휴식시설, 샛 길통행금지 안내판 등과 같은 탐방객의 이용행태를 유도할 수 있는 기반재정비가 필요하며 장기적으로는 1991년부터 부분적으로 시행중인 자연휴식제를 훼손정도에 따라 국립 공원 전역에 확대하는 적극적 자연휴식제의 도입을 고려할 필요가 있다. 또한, 이러한 기반재정비와 제도의 도입과 더 불어 탐방객이용으로 인한 훼손을 최소화 할 수 있도록 관 리자 및 탐방객의 교육과 홍보를 실시하여 관리자의 전문 성과 이용객의 의식수준 향상이 필요하다고 할 수 있겠다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        To this day, conflicts have intensified between managers who want to preserve biosphere reserves and citizen who want to develop them. Based on this problem, this study seeks to investigate the establishment of a forum for communication between various stakeholders and to promote the economic development of local communities while preserving biodiversity. First, in terms of conservation, the results indicated that Gyeonggi Province and Namyangju City highly valued direct conservation activities in biosphere reserves, whereas Pocheon and Uijeongbu City highly valued indirect conservation functions through management or monitoring. Second, in terms of development, it was found that there were differences in the roles, perceptions and responsibilities with respect to biosphere reserves among the different layers of government: the central government agency, the Cultural Heritage Administration, the metropolitan government, Gyeonggi-do, and the local governments, Pocheon, Namyangju, and Uijeongbu. Third, in terms of logistical support, which serves as a function for communication and practical participation among management entities, the results suggested that it was necessary to establish a comprehensive decision-making organization for efficient management and operation and to provide opportunities for active participation. The study can be utilized as a basic reference for developing efficient communication by management entities in protected areas with similar challenges.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recently, urbanization has become a serious issue, as there is imbalance between regions and various environmental problems occur intensively in cities. Therefore, cities all over the world are promoting the Green New Deal and trying to realize carbon neutrality. Accordingly, the European Union is leading the creation of carbon-neutral cities by promoting policies aimed at rapidly realizing carbon neutrality. In Korea, projects such as U-City and Smart City have also been promoted continuously for many years, and recently, the projects Smart Green City and Carbon Neutral Green City have been introduced. Therefore, this study aimed to derive directions and implications for future projects based on policies to address climate change by analyzing the guidelines for the Smart Green City project and the project plans of Gimhae-si and Gangjin-gun, which are the leading projects in the Smart Green City business model and are equipped with an extensive budget.
        2022.10 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The natural environment of the modern society does not simply reflect damage, but is a complex and grave reality that threatens the Earth. To solve this problem, various aspects related to the natural environment have been explored around the world, and a number of studies are ongoing to balance the development and preservation of the natural environment in Korea. However, no clear category exists for the natural environment and the related terms are ambiguous, rendering the overall evaluation system is in efficient. Therefore, the present study attempted to set the scope of application of a comprehensive evaluation system based on terms similar to the natural environment, concepts of the natural environment viewed from a value-based perspective and a capacitive perspective. In addition, by examining the concept of ecosystem services, a conceptual model for efficient application of the evaluation system of the natural environment through the association between categories of the natural environment is presented to derive implications for practical operation in the future.
        2022.07 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Climate change has recently become a serious global issue, and carbon emissions and energy consumption are increasing, particularly in cities where economic activities and populations are concentrated. Accordingly, various countries worldwide are promoting the Green New Deal and promoting urban-centered climate change response policies with the aim of carbon neutrality. In Korea, following the “smart green city” project that creates a city where humans and the environment coexist, a similar “carbon neutral green city” policy is set to be introduced. Therefore, in this study, implications and directions for the sustainable introduction of the carbon neutral green city policy will be derived by comparing and analyzing the State and Tribal Assistance Grants of the U.S. bipartisan infrastructure law and the smart green city of the Korean new deal.
        2021.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Today, as interest in the importance of urban parks increases, many citied internationally are actively creating small parks, but their maintenance systems remain ineffective. Accordingly, in this study, the limitations and problems in the operation and management of urban parks were derived by examining previous studies on overall urban park maintenance and management. Based on this, the study tried to understand the actual state of maintenance and management of small parks through data surveys and field surveys related to budget execution on case sites. Then, we sought to clarify the actual state of maintenance and management of small parks through data surveys and field surveys regarding the budget execution of case sites as a basis for research to prepare an efficient and systematic improvement plan for the maintenance management system of city parks.
        2021.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Gardens are known to provide relaxation, including psychological stability and mental rest. Recently, social interest in gardens has been growing in various ways, including the increase of groups sensitive to environmental pollution and a rising interest in the overall management of natural resources. In reality, however, the owners of housing gardens lack fundamental knowledge for creating and maintaining the gardens, directly and indirectly. This limitation presents a number of problems and challenges. Therefore, this study conducted an analysis of various aspects relating to the creation and maintenance of housing gardens, reflecting the sense of ownership. The study aimed to examine the current status, and based on this, it was intended to present improvement measures for practical and efficient creation of housing gardens and their maintenance in the future.
        2021.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Damage to the natural environment is becoming increasingly complex in modern society, expanding to impact not only the environment but also society and the economy. Various systems and policies based on sustainability have been promoted internationally. Legal systems and policies based on evaluation systems such as land environment assessment and urban ecological status maps, have been implemented in Korea. However, most of Korea institutions and policies related to the natural environment have been directed toward the conservation of the natural environment, and restricted to in simple theoretical frameworks with various limitations. Therefore, this study analyzed the definition and value of the natural environment for a fundamental conceptual approach to the valuation of the natural environment. Based on this, we modeled the policy process for a flexible evaluation system suitable for the actual situation of Korea natural environment through a review of the integration of environmental policy proposed in Europe.
        2021.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study intended to propose an improvement plan to improve user satisfaction by establishing a park and green space masterplan by comparing its current status and surveying the residents’ perception of green park services in two regions. The study results showed that the residents are aware of the physical and qualitative aspects of the green park environment. In addition, the quality level of the green park that people may actually use in everyday life was considered a factor for evaluation of satisfaction. In addition, it was found that the residents, who are actual users of the green park services, evaluated the satisfaction of use considering the qualitative characteristics of the green park, such as ‘quality of green park’ and ‘availability of green park.’ As a result, efforts are required to create and improve the quality of green parks efficiently based on establishing qualitative indicators, a survey of residents’ perception, and quantitative analysis to develop policy directions and guidelines of the park and green space masterplan.
        2020.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Repeated use of land is depleting future resources and causing many ecological problems, prompting the need for a natural resource policy focusing on effective conservation. This study aims to identify methods based on international cases useful for introducing sustainable conservation of domestic natural resources. Currently, South Korea has developed and enforced many management and evaluation strategies for natural resources. However, due to limitations on policies and management, they show signs of strain. Therefore, this study compares and analyzes international conservation policies for nature and scenery, such as Germany’s impact mitigation regulation, the USA’s HEA (habitat equivalency analysis) and REA (resource equivalency analysis) policies, and Japan’s three laws for landscape and greenery, to achieve the following three goals: first, find natural resources suitable for South Korea and define them. Second, plan goals for mitigation of total natural resources and build a basis for them. Third, establish effective complete plans for evaluating the total amount of natural resources.
        2020.06 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Recent economic and income growth in Korea has caused people to seek healthier and happier lives. Forests are seen as spaces that provide tourism and recreation. The Korea forest service and local governments are developing and designating recreational forests but previous studies on the subject have only covered customer satisfaction and how forests are used. As such, the current study aims to find issues with designation criteria for recreational forests used by Gwangju city in Gyeonggi province and suggest improvements to the system. Site E was deemed the most adequate in evaluations of five candidate site. The criteria used in the evaluations were problematic due to (1) a lack of differentiating power in evaluation items, (2) blanket coverage of score ranges, (3) a lack of additional points for special sites, and (4) unclear evaluation indices. Based on the identified issues, the current study suggests introducing additional points and clearly detailing evaluation indices and items to enhance the evaluation of recreational forest candidate sites.
        2020.05 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        New towns and large multi-family housing complexes are being built in the capital region of Korea, with the goal of creating safe and pedestrian-friendly cities. Traffic accidents in such residential complexes, however, is on the rise, creating social problems. While there have been many previous studies on problems with pedestrian environment; there is a dearth of studies that take design-based approach to ensure safety in pedestrian environment within residential complexes. Therefore, this study aims to prevent traffic accidents by properly planning pedestrian environment within multi-family housing complexes, in addition to emphasizing theories related to planning safer pedestrian environment in general. This study found the following design directions required to improve the design theory of pedestrian safety in multi-family housing complexes: (1) Linking traffic facilities and residential complex spaces in Korea; (2) Considering implementation of United Kingdom road systems; (3) Establishing appropriate objectives for each residential complex based on case study. In response to these findings, the study selected the A84BL complex in Hwaseong Dongtan 2 Complex located in Dongtan-myeon, Hwaseong-si in Gyeonggi Province, Korea. Items that can be implemented, as well as spatial design directions, were discussed with a focus on private vehicles, pedestrians, and service vehicles.
        2020.02 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The national parks of South Korea take up an area of 6,726 km2, which accounts for 6.7% of the national land. They are national conservation areas with their area made up of 59.1% of land (3,972.6 km2) and 40.9% of seawaters (2,753.7 km2). And in 2019, the national parks are classified by type into 17 mountainous, 4 maritime or coastal, and 1 historical site. Here, the maritime or coastal nation parks are lately spotlighted as landmarks in maritime tourism. However, the area of the maritime or coastal national parks is continuously dwindling due to conflicts between the residents in the parks and Korea national park service, the continued pressure with respect to the regional tourism development and private investments, and the abolition of parks in relation to allegedly breached private properties. This study identifies the issues with the operation and management of national parks as caused by the abolition of parks and the reduction of areas, and goes from there to do research with the aim of suggesting an institutionalized improvement plan with a view to more useful operation and management of the maritime or coastal national parks. As a result, the natural resources in the sea and on land should be surveyed again to establish the standard for use-specific zoning and reorganize the park areas in adjusting the national park areas. Second, the use-specific districts need to be reviewed for their reorganization that meets the designation requirements by focusing on the characteristics of the different national parks with a view to ensuring reasonable natural conservation in the maritime or coastal national parks. Third, various support facilities for residents such as public path, lodgings, and rentals need to be created to reduce the conflicts between Korea national park service and those who live in the parks.
        2019.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Plans to utilize the resources of the coast guard are underway for the revitalization of the area and the development of tourism resources in recent years. As most of the plans have been focused on some specific factors such as geographical or regional conditions, and therefore systematic approaches are needed in corporation with other related projects. This study suggested the measures on activating the coastal tourism resources for Woodoo~Woocheon village in Goheung-gun by using the coastal landscape elements. The current status of natural environment and tourism resources for coastal regions were investigated in Woodoo~Woocheon village and plans for enhancing connectivity with local residents were suggested. Based on the scenic values of coastal region, landscape were assessed from the perspective of the sustainable coastal tourism resources in the future. Several solutions were suggested to enhance tour values; coastal deck road to enhance connectivity between resources and accessibility of foreign tourists, social communication among local residents and authorities, continuous development of cultural and historic resources in local area. In addition, information signs and new stair ways would be needed to improve the accessibility of tourists. In the future, if the plan for this study was to generate profitability with persistence, it suggested that there was a way to move forward in conjunction with the profit rate local projects distributed around it.
        2019.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Seoullo7017, an elevated linear park, was created to redevelop obsolete road infrastructure as public space, which provides unique landscapes. This study was aimed to evaluate and suggest proper planting design for improving psychological benefits in Seoullo7017. Field survey and simulation experiment were carried out to investigate the user’s perception on the landscapes. Many users had negative feelings of the present landscapes in Seoullo7017, due to concrete pavement and simple planting design using big concrete pots. Landscape simulation experiment showed this perception could change depending on planting design. In especial, herb species played an important role in improving the quality of landscape in a linear park and providing positive feelings such as refreshment, warmth and naturalness. This study suggested that planting design in a linear space needs to be focused rather on the planting style and species than the volume of greens.
        2019.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        National parks, which are preserved areas of 6,726.298 km2(3,972.589 km2 on land and 2,753.709 km2, at sea), take up 6.71% of the national territory, and they are classified by type into 17 mountain parks, 4 maritime or coastal parks, and 1 historical site park. Of them all, the maritime or coastal national parks, which are preserved areas covering wide tracts of maritime, lately attract increasing numbers of visitors. In this light, this study identifies the issues with the maritime or coastal national parks such as the changes in the number of visitors and the unbalance involved in the budget execution, based on the visitors to the national parks and the specifics of budget executed for them. On this basis, the study has conducted the research with a view to suggesting improvements for more useful management and operation of the maritime or coastal national parks. As a result, the study has reached the following conclusions. First, to accommodate those who want to visit the maritime or coastal national parks, the tour infrastructure needs to be expanded to guide the visitors’ use of the facilities by focusing on their touring behavior and characteristics. Second, budget should be acquired through diversifying revenue structure to eliminate hugely unbalanced budget. Third, visitors nowadays come to national parks for recreational experience or to tour nature, but the maritime or coastal national parks focus on cultural facilities. To accommodate the visitors’ needs, the parks should get diversified visitor facilities that reflect the regional characteristics.
        2018.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In order to address housing issues, alleviate the concentration of urban populations, and resolve other issues regarding residential spaces, large residential complexes have been developed in Korea since the 1970s. The changes to the residential culture due to such development projects propagated rapidly, making the apartment complexes the most representative form of housing in Korea. In developing such large-scale complexes, plans for public open spaces, which play an important role in formulating the quality of residential environment, have been mostly the same, only utilizing the spaces remaining after planning other types of spaces. The current study looks at the case of Tama New Town development project, a Japanese new town development project that has a similar public open space system in large scale residential complex development projects in Korea. In doing so, the current study aims to identify the features of public open space plans. In the conclusion, the study first finds that various public open spaces must be reviewed and introduced in term of predicting social demands. Second, the study suggests the policy-makers should actively introduce pedestrian paths as a public open space. Third, the study deduces the planning implications of applying the principle of original landscape preservation.
        2017.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        The main task of landscape architecture is to create a higher quality of the environment by utilizing resources or to provide effective stewardship for the preserved environment. These outcomes enhance the correlation between humans and the environment. Landscape architect deals with direct use of market economic goods in private property resources such as capital, land, plant, structure. But it also has indirect use of non-market economic goods in public resources like scenic view from the forest, sea, urbanscape, and refreshing atmosphere. At this point, landscaping products should have a role of public goods, and even these attribute to individuals or certain group. From the results of neo-liberalism regime in modern era such as guarantee of private property, deregulation for free market, and reduction of social welfare, minority has getting less opportunity to enjoy the quality life in ecotop and social welfare. With all future, landscape architecture should have the role of social infrastructure through planning concept that ensures public interests first. The virtuous functions of Green Infrastructure is a proper tool in realizing environmental justice in that it efficiently protects environment, and distributes fair benefits to all people.
        2017.01 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In the recent trend where crime types are being diversified along with urban expansion, we are facing the reality of a ‘taking-it-out-on-somebody’ crime, which targets the public rather than a specific person with criminal intent, like a ‘random target crime.’ A park, which is a public space for urban dwellers’ and residents’ leisure and rest in the midst of social changes, can be called the spot where various crimes occur. This is because it is a space without boundaries, available for the influx of many and unspecified persons, thus making it difficult to specify users. For the purpose of keeping a park safe from crime and providing users with psychological stability, this study carried out its research to get basic knowledge of the introduction of CPTED (Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design) concept in park development. The park development guideline contents are analyzed based on the six principles of CPTED theory as per the space composition element of a park. As a result, this study found out a problem was that most guidelines applied to the space composition element of a park were fragmentary in applying the six principles of CPTED theory, and were focused on arrangement and installation of facilities.
        2015.11 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This study is conducted to determine the damage, distinguish the types and identify the restoration by that type for 13 Korea national parks out of 21. There are 21 Korea national parks are in Korea covering 6.67% of the country or 6,656 km2 (3,902 km2 on land and 2,754 km2 in the sea) currently since the area around Jirisan (440 km2) was designated as the first Korea national parks in 1967. With the cancellation of entrance admission on Korea national parks since 2007, annual visitors to the Korea national parks have grown from 37 millions in 2008 to 46 millions by 2013 and continue to grow due to numerous leisure activities, alpine activities and social changes. As such, Korea national parks are natural resource with high value to be conserved and are attracting significant attention as recreational spaces for people at the same time. On the other hand, there have been issues of soil erosions or disturbed vegetation due to increased number of visitor to the national parks. Korea national parks area damage to its type and damage characteristics to analyse the 13 Korea national parks out of 21 on July 2012 March, Korea national parks over the subjects of the National Park from damaged area status Survey analysis by the Korea National Park Service. As a result, 203 million units in the 16 Korea national parks damaged land of the reform package during ecological trail (including non-regular hiking trails) 153 (77.66%), damaged valleys 20(9.14%) independent damaged area, 13 disconnected ecological axis(7.61%), closed trail(2.03%) (3.55%), and line type damage(like a non-regular hiking trails) appears to be a high ratio. Korea national parks damaged land of the results identified, by contrast ratio and the annual number of visitors Bukhansan national park(49.26%), Gyeongju national park(23.65%) damaged land rates, such as Seorasan national park(4.93%), Songnisan national park (4.43 %), Gyeryongsan national park(3.45%), and the annual number of visitors be similar result. The National Park Service has been reporting on damages and restorations but damages and their types have not been established yet. Damages have been generally studied and categorized on hiking trails due caused by heavy traffic on them but the reports were limited on hiking trails only. Since damage to the Korea national parks are not limited on the hiking trails, it is necessary to determine damages in various aspects. Thus, in this study, damage types, spatial characteristics, causes and restorations are analyzed based on the survey results of damages to national parks in order to provide a basis for the efficient management and operation of the Korea national parks.
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