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        검색결과 11

        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        음성 어시스턴트가 차량에 탑재되기 시작하면서, 차량의 조형적 특징과 음성 어시스턴트간의 연관성이 중요해지 고 있다. 본 연구는 자동차에 적용된 음성 어시스턴트와 외관의 조화스러움에 대하여 공통된 감성적 특징을 기반으 로 살펴보고자 하였다. 12가지 차량 이미지와 6가지의 음성 어시스턴트에 대해 15종의 형용사를 바탕으로 감성 평가 를 실시하였다. 실험은 온라인 개별 인터뷰로 진행되었으며, 총 24명의 대학생이 참여하였다. 참여자들은 각 자극물 을 대표하는 감성 형용사 3종을 1, 2, 3위로 평가하고, 선정 이유에 대한 간단한 인터뷰를 진행하였다. 설문 결과에 대해 주성분분석을 수행하여 2개의 주요 요인을 추출한 뒤, 각 요인을 축으로 하여 자극물을 분포시켰다. 분포도를 바탕으로 감성적 특징을 도출하고자 계층적 군집 분석을 수행하였다. 주성분 분석 결과 자동차 이미지와 음성 어시 스턴트를 설명하는 감성적 차원으로 “편안한-급진적인”과 “가벼운-무거운”이 추출되었다. 두 차원을 바탕으로 자극 물들을 분포시킨 결과, 자동차와 음성 어시스턴트가 동일한 축을 바탕으로 다양하게 분포해 두 요인이 자극물간 감성적 특징을 도출하기에 적합하다고 판단되었다. 자극물들의 분포도를 바탕으로 계층적 군집분석을 수행하여 17개 의 자극물을 4가지 군집으로 추렸다. 각 군집은 도전적인, 우아한, 위엄있는, 활기찬 그룹으로 도출되었다. 본 연구에 서는 차량의 조형적 특징과 음성 어시스턴트의 감성적 이미지를 동시에 설명할 수 있는 두 축을 도출하였다. 도출된 축을 바탕으로 그려진 분포도에 군집 분석을 수행해 감성적 특징을 분류하였으며, 총 4개의 감성적 특징이 도출되었 다. 본 연구는 자동차의 조형적 특징에 맞춘 음성 어시스턴트 제안을 위한 디자인 품평 가이드로 활용되어, 추후 출시되는 차량에서 사용자들의 자동차 음성 어시스턴트 감성 경험이 증진될 것으로 기대한다.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This study selected 10 species commonly emerging in Busan and Daegu showing distinct green structure distributions, and distribution differences were mapped and analyzed according to city of origin. As for G-IS (Green-Inhabiting Species) of both cities, there were six species, including V. mandarinia, V. ducalis, V. crabro flavofasciata, Vl. koreensis koreensis, Pa. indica, and P. snelleni, which mostly inhabited urban source green and satellite green structures. As for GU-IS (Green & Urban-Inhabiting Species), there were two species, V. simillima simillima and V. analis parallela, which nested at diverse sites and showed greater preference for green structures. On the other hand, U-IPS (Urban-Inhabiting Preference Species) consisted of two species, V. velutina nigrithorax and P. rothneyi koreanus, which nested at almost all sites, including urban and urban green areas, and were found to adapt well to an urban environment based on their far higher rate of urban nesting as compared to GU-IS species. In comparing emergence rates among the four urban GU-IS and U-IPS species in Busan and Daegu, regular distribution was mostly observed within the city of Busan, which is well equipped with a green network, whereas Daegu, which lacks green structure connectivity, showed its greatest distribution of species nearby urban green areas. Also this study shows that in Daegu with longer distance between green, U-IPS emerged up to far site beyond green areas as compared to Busan, which has short distances between green areas.
        2014.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘청풍보라’는 농촌진흥청 국립식량과학원에서 추위에 강하여 중, 북부 지역에서도 안정적으로 월동이 가능하며 조생이고 봄철 녹비 수량이 많아 답리작 재배에 적합한 헤어리베치 품종을 육성하고자 내한성이 강하고 중생종인 ‘Daegu2(대구 수집)’ 유전자원 집단에서 파생한 조생 개체를 선발하여 육성하였다. 월동률이 높고 개화기가 빠르며 녹비다수성인 우수계통을 선발 육성하여 ‘베치1호’로 계통명을 부여하였고 2008년부터 2009년까지 2년간 수원, 익산, 밀양, 영덕 등 4개 지역에서 지역적응시험을 실시한 결과 우수성이 인정되어 2009년 농작물 직무육성 신품종 선정위원회에서 신품종으로 선정되었다. ‘청풍보라’의 고유 특성은 중간 색조의 녹색잎, 중간 정도의 모용 밀도, 흑색 종피를 보유하였다. 개화기는 전국 평균 4월 29일로 대조 품종인 ‘웰타’보다 11일 빠르며, 내한성은 ‘웰타’보다 강하였다. 건물수량은 ha당 평균 5.2 ton으로 4.92 ton인 ‘웰타’에 비해 5.7% 많았고, 질소 수량은 ha당 평균 166 kg으로 156 kg인 ‘웰타’에 비해 6.4% 많았다. ’청풍보라’의 적응 지역은 1월 최저 평균기온이 -15℃ 이상인 지역이면 전국 어느 곳에서나 재배가 가능하다.
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Muhan’ (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new ruminant-palatability forage barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2013. It was derived from the cross between SB921011-3B-16-2/IT0188556 and ‘Suwon 365’. Among the cross made in 2002, a promising line, SB02T2097-B-B-B-18, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield trial tested at Iksan in 2009 to 2010 designated as Iksan 465. The line in the Regional Yield Trials(RYT) tested in eight locations around Korea for three years from 2011 to 2013, and was released as the name of ‘Muhan’. It has the growth habit of group Ⅳ, erect plant type, green leaf and awnless spike. Its average heading and maturing dates were on May 4, and June 4, respectively, with similar to check cultivar ‘Youngyang’. The cultivar had 102cm of culm length, 711 spikes per m2 and it showed better rate of leaf, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than those of the check cultivar. The average forage yield of ‘Muhan’ was about 12.4 ton ha-1 in dry matter in paddy field. ‘Muhan’ also showed 6.6% of crude protein content, 28.6% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 50.1% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 66.3% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley
        2014.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        ‘Jungmo2506’ (Hordeum vulgare L.), a new ruminant-palatability forage barley cultivar, was developed by the breeding team at the Department of Rice and Winter Cereal Crop, National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2013. It was derived from the cross between ‘Sunwoo’ and ‘Milyang 34’. Among the cross made in 2002, a promising line, SB02T2020-B-BB- 64, showed good characteristics in potential forage yield in the yield trial tested at Iksan in 2009 to 2010 designated as Iksan 463. The line in the Regional Yield Trials(RYT) tested in eight locations around Korea for three years from 2011 to 2013, and was released as the name of ‘Jungmo2506’. It has the growth habit of group Ⅳ, erect plant type, green leaf and short awn spike. Its average heading and maturing dates were on May 3, and June 2, respectively, with similar to check cultivar ‘Youngyang’. The cultivar had 99cm of culm length, 692 spikes per m2 and it showed better rate of leaf, winter hardiness, and resistance to BaYMV than those of the check cultivar. The average forage yield of ‘Jungmo2506’ was about 11.8 ton ha-1 in dry matter in paddy field. ‘Jungmo2506’ also showed 6.6% of crude protein content, 27.4% of ADF (Acid Detergent Fiber), 49.2% of NDF (Neutral Detergent Fiber), and 67.2% of TDN (Total Digestible Nutrients), including higher grade of silage quality for whole crop barley.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Barley, ranking fifth among all crops in the world today behind maize, wheat, rice and soybean, has been an important food source in many areas in the world. Moreover having high nutritional value. Current consumers have interest in nutrition and health. So, the interest in barley for other food and industrial applications is increasing. Noodles, which have been consumed largely in korea, are usually made from wheat flour, salt and appropriate amount of water. The objective of this study is to substitute wheat flour with barleys in order to produce new products of white salted noodles and to investigate the effects of substituting flours on quality characteristics of noodles. We investigated the Hunter colour values(lightness, redness, yellowness) of barley noodles. Lightness and yellowness were decreased and redness were increased in barley cooked noodles compare to wheat noodle. As compared to the wheat noodle, barley noodle at 10, 20, 30% substitution ratios had lower hardness, which decreased continuously with substitution levels. Springiness and cohesiveness were also lower than wheat noodles.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A New six-rowed Naked Barley Cultivar “Nurichal” with good coking quality was developed by cross with HB88154-B-25-1 line and Hinchalssalbory by the Winter Cereal and Forage Crop Research Div. NICS, RDA in 2010. HB15305-B-B-31-2 was selected in 2006 and designated as ‘Iksan 95’. It showed good agronomic performance in the regional yield trials (RYT) from 2008 to 2010 and was released with the name of ‘Nurichal’ possessing good water absorption and expansion. The average heading and maturing dates of ‘Nurichal’ were April 24 and May 30 in paddy field, which were two day and one day later than those of the check cultivar ‘Saechalssalbori’ respectively. The new cultivar, ‘Nurichal’, had 82cm of culm length that was 5cm shorter than that of ‘Saechalssalbori’, and 4.0cm of spike length. It showed 774 spikes per m2, 63 grains per spike, 25.0 g of 1,000-grain weight, and 793 g of test weight. ‘Nurichal’ showed a little weaker winter hardiness than those of the check cultivar, ‘Saechalssalbori’ and showed similar lodging resistance with check cultivar. It sowed stronger resistance to barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) compare to check cultivar. Grain shape was small and round. Protein content was 10.3% and β-glucan content was 6.8%. Its average yield of the pearled grain in the regional yield trial was 3.84 MT/ha in paddy field, which were higher 2% than those of the check cultivar. Its water absorption was similar and expansion was higher than ‘Saechalssalbori’. This cultivar would be suitable for the area above the daily minimum temperature of -6℃ in January in Korean peninsula.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        A New Six-rowed Naked Barley Cultivar “Ganghocheong” with High anthocyanin content and green aleurone the cross between Iri26 and Sagukgwa67 by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2009. An elite line HB14190-B-61-3-2-3-3-5-1 was selected in 2004 and designated as ‘Iksan 92’. It showed good agronomic performance in the regional yield trials (RYT) from 2007 to 2009 and was released with the name of “Ganghocheong” possessing high anthocyanin content and green lemma non-waxy endosperm. The average heading and maturing dates of “Ganghocheong” were April 20 and May 29 in paddy field, which were two days earlier and same than those of the check cultivar ‘Saessalbori’ respectively. The new cultivar, “Ganghocheong”, had 81cm of culm length and 6.0cm of spike length. It showed 702 spikes per m2, 60 grains per spike, 30.0 g of 1,000-grain weight, and 794 g of test weight. “Ganghocheong” showed better resistance to BaYMV (Barley yellow mosaic virus) than those of the check cultivar, ‘Saessalbori’. Its average yield of the pearled grain in the regional yield trial was 4.02 MT/ha in paddy field, which were 1% lower than that of the check cultivar, respectively. Anthocyanin content was 122.1㎍/g that was higher 2 times than that of zasoojeongchalssalbori. This cultivar would be suitable for the area above the daily minimum temperature of -6℃ in January in Korean peninsula.
        2012.07 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Improvement of winter hardiness, diseases resistance and good quality have been recently received more attention by covered barley(Hordeum vulgare L.) breeders than ever in Korea. “Hyegang”, a new covered barley cultivar with similar maturing and high yield was developed by the National Institute of Crop Science, RDA in 2011. It was derived from the cross between “Milyang87/NWX-GB-G 2” and “Milyang87/Chalbori” with good quality. The initial cross was done in 2000 and the selected line, “Iksan445” (YB4625-B-B-6-2), showed high yield and good quality characteristics under yield trial test in 2008. It was cultivated three times for three years (2009~2011) in the four locations of regional yield trial (RYT) in korea and was investigated about agronomic and quality characteristics and released as “Hyegang”. The heading date was May 4 in upland and April 26 in paddy field which was 1 and 0 day lateness respectively than that of check cultivar, “Olbori”. The culm length was 77 cm which was 6 cm shorter than that with check cultivar. It showed the spike length of 4.7 cm, 800 spikes / m2, 64 grains / spike and 25.1g for 1,000 grains weight. It showed similar maturing and stronger resistance to barley yellow mosaic virus (BaYMV) compare to check cultivar. It showed higher diastatic power 216DP than that of check cultivar, ‘Olbori’. Average yield of “Hyegang” in the RYT was 4.61 MT/ha in upland and 4.38 MT/ha in paddy field, espectively.
        2010.04 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        These experiments were conducted to get high production and quality of whole crop winter cereals, Oat, Wheat and Triticale, in the paddy field. These three whole crop winter cereals are got later harvest than whole crop barley, so there are more production of forage. Its harvest time was the end of May or the early of June in the south area of Korea. Mixed cultivations of Oat and Wheat (MCOW) was got more production over 15 percents in the dry wight, and then contents of crude protein (CP) in MCOW were higher than single cultivation of Oat. And Relative feed values (RFV) of MCOW were higher than single cultivation of Oat. Mixed cultivations of Oat and Triticale (MCOT) were got more production over 7 percents in the dry wight than single cultivations of Oat, but contents of CP in MCOT were not changed in all plots. And RFVs of MCOT were higher than single cultivations of Oat.