본 연구에서는 메탄올과 열수를 이용해 갈색먹물버섯의 자실체로부터 추출한 물질의 항산화, 항당뇨, 항콜린에스 테라아제, 항티로시나제와 항염증 효과를 탐색하 였다. 고 속액체크로마토그래피를 이용해 추출물의 페놀성 화합물 을 분석한 결과 procatechuic acid, chlorogenic acid, (-)- epicatechin, naringin 등 총 4종류의 페놀성 화합물이 확 인되었다. 항산화 효과 실험에서 DPPH radical 소거능은 양성대조군으로 사용한 BHT에 비해 낮았지만 효과가 비 교적 우수하였고, 철 이온을 제거하는 항산화 효과는 메 탄올과 열수 추출물이 양성대조군인 BHT에 비해 30% 높게 나타났으나 환원력은 양성대조군에 비해 43% 정도 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 항당뇨 실험에서 α-amylase와 α- glucosidase에 대한 메탄올과 열수추출물의 저해효과는 2.0 mg/ml의 농도에서 각각 62.26%와 67.59%를 보여 양 성대조군인 acarbose의 81.81%에 비해 낮았다. 아세틸콜 린에스테라아제에 대한 메탄올과 열수추출물의 저해효과 는 1.0 mg/ml의 농도에서 각각 94.64%와 74.19%를 보여 양성대조군인 galanthamine의 97.80%에 비해 낮았다. 티 로시나아제에 대한 메탄올과 열수추출물의 저해효과는 2.0 mg/ml의 농도에서 각각 91.33%와 91.99%를 나타내 양성대조군인 kojic acid의 99.61%와 매우 유사한 효과를 얻었다. 염증저해 효과 실험에서는 RAW 264.7 대식세포 가 배양되고 있는 배지에 갈색먹물버섯 자실체의 메탄올 과 열수추출물을 각각 전 처리 한 후 염증매개 물질인 LPS를 투여하여 메탄올과 열수 추출물의 NO 생성 저해 효과를 조사한 결과 추출물의 농도가 증가함에 따라 생성 된 NO의 양이 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 따라서 갈색 먹물버섯의 자실체에는 항산화, 항당뇨, 항아세틸콜린에 스터라제 항티로시나아제 및 항염증 효과를 나타내는 물 질이 함유되어 있어서 천연 건강식품으로 이용이 가능할 것으로 사료된다.
Dictyophora indusiata (Vent.) Desv., “Queen of the mushroom”, is a mushroom in family Phallaceae of Basidiomycota, which is commonly used as edible and medicinal mushroom in China and Korea. This study initiated to evaluate the anti-cholinesterase, skin anti-wrinkle and melanogenesis inhibitory of 80% methanol extract from fruiting body of D.indusiata. In the anti-cholinesterase experiment, acetyl-cholinesterase and butyryl-cholinesterase inhibitory activities were performed. The extract were inhibited acetyl-cholinesterase and butyryl-cholinesterase 44.09% and 49.14% at the concentration 1 mg/mL, respectively. The skin anti-wrinkle effect of the extract were determined by measuring anti-collagenase and anti-elastase activities. While melanogenesis inhibitory activities were performed by tyrosinase, DOPA inhibitory and melanin synthesis inhibitory activities. The tyrosinase inhibitory activity of the extract were from 37.60~68.96%, while DOPA inhibitory activity were from 15.43 ~ 29.58% at the concentration ranged from 0.125~2.0 mg/mL. In addition, cellular tyrosinase activity was tested with result of the enzyme activity reduced from 99.09% to 72.91% against 25~500 μg/mL of the extract. The methanol extract of D.indusiata was inhibited melanin synthesis activity 41.86% at the concentration 500 μg/mL. The collagenase inhibitory activity of the extract from D.indusiata were 34.87%, which was comparable with the positive control, EGCG ( 45.31%). While the extract showed good inhibition of elastase enzyme (46.64%). The experiment results suggested that fruiting body of Dictyophora indusiata could be used as natural anti-cholinesterase and skin care agents.
Calocybe indica (Purkayastha, 1974), Milky mushroom, is a relatively new to the world of mushroom industry, which is belong to Lyophyllaceae of Basidiomycota, and commonly used as edible mushroom in India and Southern Asia country. This study was conducted to investigate the free radical scavenging, skin whitening and anti-collagenase activities of methanol extract from fruiting body of C.indica cultivated in Bangladesh. In addition, the polyphenol compounds of the extract were analyzed by HPLC. The mushroom extract showed good activity in lipid peroxidation which ranged from 29.35% to 55.39% at the concentration 0.125~2.0 mg/mL. The scavenging activity of the extract on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazy radicals were from 20.22~83.93% at the same tested concentration, which were comparable with the positive control BHT. The hydroxyl radical scavenging activity of the extract was 76.24~93.92%. The skin whitening effect of the mushroom extract was performed with UV light protecting, tyrosinase and DOPA inhibitory activities. The methanol extract absorbed UV-B wavelength with maximum level of 0.356 at 280 nm. The tyrosinase and DOPA inhibitory activities of the extract were ranged from 30.36 ~ 66.25% and 7.13 ~ 30.25% at the concentration 0.125~2.0 mg/mL, respectively. Furthermore, anti-collagenase activity were determined by measuring collagenase and elastase inhibitory activity. The collagenase and elastase inhibitory activity of the extract were 42.77% and 51.08% at the concentration 1.0 mg/mL, respectively. The experiment results suggested that fruiting body of Calocybe indica could be used as natural skin care and antioxidant agents.
Russula compacta, a wild mushroom, belongs to Russulaceae, Russulales of Basidiomycota. This study was conducted to evaluate the free radical scavenging, anti-inflammatory, anticholinesterase and anti-α-glucosidase effects from fruiting bodies of R. compacta extracted with methanol and hot water. In 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging effects, the methanol and hot water extracts showed good scavenging effects comparable with positive control, BHT. The chelating effect of methanol and hot water extracts of the mushroom were significantly higher than the positive control, BHT. The reducing power of the methanol and hot water extracts of the mushroom were lower than the positive control at the concentrations tested. In the HPLC anaysis of phenolic acids profile of the mushroom extract, 7 phenolic acids such as gallic acid, vanillin, rutin hydrate, resveratol, quercetin formononetin, and biochanin-A were detected. Nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccahride (LPS) activated RAW 264.7 cells was inhibited by 1.5-fold with the treatment of methanol extract when compared with the control. In the anti-cholinesterase activity assay, the methanol extract inhibited the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) effects by 73.9% and 81.05% at the 1.0 mg/mL concentration, whereas galanthamine, the standard drug, inhibited the AChE and BChE activities by 97.80% and 81.12%, respectively at the same concentration. The methanol and hot water extracts of the mushroom inhibited the α-glucosidase activity by 55.44% and 62.00%, respectively at the 2.0 mg/mL concentration, while acarbose, the positive control inhibited the α-glucosidase activity by 81.81% at the 2.0 mg/mL concentration. From the experimental results, the fruiting bodies of R. compacta contained natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cholinesterase, and anti-diabetic substances, which might be used for health foods.
Coprinellus miaceus, belongs to Coprinaceae of Agaricales, Basidiomycota, has been used for an edible purposes in asian countries. This experiment was initiated to evaluate the free radical scavenging, free radical scavenging, anti-acetylcholinesterase, anti-inflammatory and α-glucosidase inhibitory activities of C. micaceus fruiting bodies extracted with methanol and hot water. In 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) free radical scavenging assay, the scavenging activities of methanol and hot water extracts were lower than that of positive control, BHT. The chelating effects of methanol and hot water extracts were significantly higher than positive control, BHT at the concentrations of 0.125-2.0 mg/mL. In the reducing power assay, methanol and hot water extracts exhibited the lower activities than the positive control, BHT at the 0.125-0.2 mg/mL concentration. In the HPLC analysis of phenolic acids profile of the mushroom fruiting bodies, 4 phenolic compounds including procatechuic acid, chlorogenic acid, (-)-epicatechin, and naringin were detected. The tyrosinase inhibitory activities of methanol and hot water extracts were 91.33% and 91.99% at 2.0 mg/mL concentration, while the inhibitory activity of kojic acid, the positive control, was 99.61%. Nitric oxide (NO) production in lipopolysaccahride (LPS) activated RAW 264.7 cells were inhibited by the methanol extract in a concentration dependent manner. In the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) inhibitory activity assay, methanol and hot water extracts of the mushroom inhibited the AChE by 94.64% and 74.19%, respectively at the 1.0 mg/mL concentration, whereas galanthamine, the standard drug inhibited the AChE activity by 97.80% at the same concentration. The methanol and hot water extracts of the mushroom inhibited the α-glucosidase activity by 62.26% and 67.59%, respectively at the 2.0 mg/mL concentration, while acarbose, the positive control inhibited the α-glucosidase activity by 81.81% at the same concentration. Therefore, it is concluded that fruiting bodies of C. micaceus contained natural antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-acetylcholinesterase and α-glucosidase inhibitory substances which might be used for promoting human health.
Lentinus giganteus is a edible mushroom cultivated in Asian countries. The present study was initiated to evaluate the anti-inflammatory, anti-acetylcholinesterase, anti-α-glucosidase, and free radical scavenging activities from fruiting bodies of L. giganteus extracted with methanol and hot water. The free radical scavenging activities of methanol and hot water extracts on 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) were 92.26% and 90.17% at 2.0 mg/mL concentration, respectively and comparable with positive control, BHT. The chelating activities of methanol and hot water extracts were significantly higher than the positive control tested. The reducing power of methanol and hot water extracts showed lower activities compared to positive control, BHT. The phenolic and flavonoid contents of hot water extract were 1.56 μg/mg and 24.35 μg/mg, respectively. Nitric oxide (NO) produced by lipopolysaccahride (LPS) activated RAW 264.7 cells were significantly inhibited by treatment of methanol and hot water extracts. The methanol extract inhibited the acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity by 91.19% at the 2.0 mg/mL concentration, whereas galanthamine, the standard drug, inhibited the AChE activity by 97.80%. The hot water extracts inhibited the α-amylase and α-glucosidase activities by 78.86% and 80.78%, respectively at the 2.0 mg/mL concentration, while acarbose, the positive control, inhibited the activities by 89.91% and 81.81%, respectively at the same concentration. Therefore, it is concluded that fruiting bodies of L. giganteus contain antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-cholinesterase, and anti-diabetic substances, which can be used for natural health food for promoting human health.
본 연구에서는 기와층버섯의 자실체에서 메탄올과열수를 이용해 추출한 물질의 항산화와 항염증, 항아세틸콜린에스테라제(anti-acetylcholinesterase)의 효과를 탐색하였다. DPPH 라디칼 소거능, 환원력 및철 이온 제거능 등을 이용해 항산화 효과를 측정한결과 양성대조군으로 사용한 BHT나 토코페롤에 비해 낮았지만 다른 종류의 버섯에 비해 효과가 우수한것을 확인하였다. 철 이온을 제거하는 항산화 실험에서 기와층버섯의 메탄올 추출물의 효과는 양성대조군인 BHT나 토코페롤에 비해 월등하게 높아서 기와층버섯 자실체의 추출물은 높은 항산화 효과를 지닌것으로 나타났다. 기와층버섯의 염증저해 효과 실험에서는 배양 중인 RAW 264.7 대식세포에 자실체의메탄올과 열수추출물을 각각 전 처리 한 후 염증매개물질인 LPS를 투여하여 추출물의 NO 생성 저해효과를 조사하였다. 실험 결과, 처리한 추출물의 농도가 증가함에 따라 생성된 NO의 양이 현저하게 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 또한 기와층버섯의 추출물을 이용해 carrageenan에 의해 흰쥐 뒷발에 유도된부종을 저해하는 실험에서는 투여한 추출물의 농도가 증가함에 따라 흰쥐의 뒷발에 유도된 부종의 용적도 농도 의존적으로 감소되었다. 따라서 기와층버섯자실체에 함유된 항산화, 항염증 및 항아세틸콜린에스테라제 성분은 천연 항산화제, 소염제 및 알츠하이머병 치료에 이용이 가능할 것으로 사료되었다.
본 연구에서는 흰망태버섯의 자실체에서 메탄올과열수를 이용해 추출한 물질의 항산화 및 항염증 효과를 탐색하였다. DPPH 라디칼 소거능, 환원력 및 철이온제거능을 이용해 항산화 효과를 측정한 결과 양성대조군으로 사용한 BHT나 토코페롤에 비해 낮았지만 다른 종류의 버섯에 비해 효과가 우수한 것을확인하였다. 철 이온을 제거하는 항산화 실험에서 흰망태버섯의 메탄올 추출물의 효과는 양성대조군인BHT나 토코페롤에 비해 월등하게 높아서 흰망태버섯 자실체의 추출물은 높은 항산화 효과를 지닌 것으로 나타났다. 흰망태버섯의 염증저해 효과 실험에서는 배양 중인 RAW 264.7 대식세포에 흰망태버섯 자실체의 메탄올 및 열수추출물을 각각 전 처리 한 후염증매개 물질인 LPS를 투여하여 추출물의 NO 생성 저해효과를 조사하였다. 실험 결과, 처리한 추출물의 농도가 증가함에 따라 생성된 NO의 양이 현저하게 감소하는 경향을 나타내었다. 또한 흰망태버섯의 추출물이 carrageenan에 의해 흰쥐의 뒷발에 유도된 부종 저해 실험에서는 투여한 추출물의 농도가 증가함에 따라 흰쥐의 뒷발에 유도된 부종의 용적도 농도 의존적으로 감소되었다. 따라서 흰망태버섯의 자실체에 함유된 물질은 항산화 및 소염증제로 이용이가능하다고 사료되었다.
Ganoderma applanatum is a medicinal mushroom belongs to Ganodermataceae of Polyporales, Basidiomycota. This study was conducted to evaluate the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-xanthine oxidase activities of G. applanatum fruiting bodies extracted with methanol. The antioxidant activities were performed on reducing power, 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl free radical scavenging, and ferrous ion chelating activities. In addition to this, polyphenol and flavonoid contents were aslo analyzed. The methanol extract showed the good reducing power of 3.5 at the concentration of 4.0 mg/ml. The scavenging activity of methanol extract of G. applanatum 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazy radicals was better than those of positive control, BHT and tocopherol. The ferrous ion chelating effect of methanol extract was moe effective than those of positive control, BHT and tocopherol. The antioxidant activities of the G. applanatum were increased with the increasing concentration of the extracts. The xanthine oxidase inhibitory activity of methanol extract of G. applanatum was good as positive control, allopurinol. The anti-inflammatory activity of mushroom extract was measured by carrageenan-induced hind paw edema of albino rat. The injection of 50 mg/kg of methanol and hot water extracts significantly reduced the carrageenan-induced paw edema compared with the positive control, indomethacin. The results indicated that fruiting bodies of G. applanatum could be used for natural medicine for anti-inflammatory and anti-xanthine oxidase.
Recently, there had been reports on ethanol fermentation from mono-saccharide and disaccharide by mushroom mycelia. This experiment was conducted to study ethanol production from xylose by mycelila of mushrooms isolated from Korea. The cultures used in this study were obtained from Culture Collection and DNA Bank of Mushrooms in the Division of Life Sciences, Incheon National University. The results showed that Neolentinus lepideus, Trametes hirsuta and Cerrena unicolor produced ethanol from xylose contained media. The ethanol concentration produced in the xylose contained media ranged from 2.5∼3.8%. The highest ethanol concentration(3.8%) was obtained from fermentation of xylose by Neolentinus lepideus mycelia. All of the mushroom mycelia used in this study showed a good ability of ethanol fermentation from glucose, fructose, mannose, cellobiose and maltose.
Recently, there had been many reports on ethanol fermentation by mushrooms. This study was initiated to screening of ethanol fermentation by mushroom mycelilal cultures preserved in Culture Collection and DNA Bank of Mushrooms in the Division of Life Sciences, Incheon National University. The experimental results showed that ethanol concentration produced by Cerrena unicolor, Trametes pubescens and Daedalea dickinsii, Microporus vernicipes and Perenniporia fraxinea in the glucose medium ranged from 2.3∼4.7%. The highest ethanol concentration was obtained from fermentation of glucose by Cerrena unicolor (4.7%). Some of the mushrooms used in this study have a good ability to efficiently ferment arabinose, fructose, mannose, cellobiose, maltose and sucrose . The highest ethanol concentration was obtained under semi-aerobic condition compared with aerobic and anaerobic conditions. The media used for ethanol fermentation by T. pubescens and P. fraxinea. contained small amounts of β -D-glucan, which is known to have anti-tumor activity.