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        검색결과 37

        2024.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Seeds of some barberry species have embryo with physiological dormancy that requires a cold stratification for germination. Berberis amurensis Rupr. is a native species of Japan, Korea, the Russian far east, and parts of China. This specific plant is important for its edible fruits and rhizomes with high medicine value. This study aimed to determine the effect of stratification on germination and physiological change of B. amurensis. Seeds were placed on sterilized sand medium moistened with distilled water in 9 cm diameter petri dishes and stored at 4 and 25˚C for 0, 15, 30, 45 and 60 days. Each treatment had 40 seeds per replica, and three repetitions per treatment. Immediately after stratification, total phenolics contents (TPC) was analyzed and seeds incubated at 15/6˚C for 12 weeks. Warm stratification had a significant effect on seed forcing for germination than cold stratification treatment. At 25˚C for 60 days, stratified seed showed highest germination percentage (25.7±4.3%) and germination started in 14 days of the stored period. Whereas TPC was significantly decreased with increasing stored period. Contrastively, cold stratification had no effect on the germination ability. In the same way germination percentage of non-stratified seeds were also zero. The results confirmed that B. amurensis seeds were in a dormant state and warm stratification increased the germination ability by breaking of dormancy.
        2024.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Islands often have relatively well-preserved ecosystem and an abundance of bioresources with a high conservation value, with unrecorded species continuing to be reported (Hong, 2011). Approximately 1,000,000 species of insect known worldwide (Costello et al., 2012), and 20,710 species are known in Korea (NIBR, 2023). Among these, there are 6,117 species in Korean islands (HNIBR, 2022). Native insect Bio-scan project for Korean islands is to estimate the number of insect species on Korean islands. We attempted to estimate the number of insect species on Korean islands using Barcode Index Number (BIN), and also found unrecorded species. The samples were collected four times from April to July at five locations in the Amtedo, an island located in Shinan-gun Jeollanam-do. We tried to obtain a minimum of one to usually a maximum of four samples per morphospecies to enable DNA barcoding.
        2023.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To investigate the impact of forestry projects on the carbon stocks of forests, we estimated the carbon stock change of above-ground and soil before and after forestry projects using forest type maps, forestry project information, and soil information. First, we selected six map sheet with large areas and declining age class based on forest type map information. Then, we collected data such as forest type maps, growth coefficients, soil organic matter content, and soil bulk density of the estimated areas to calculate forest carbon storage. As a result, forest carbon stocks decreased by about 34.1~70.0% after forestry projects at all sites. In addition, compared to reference studies, domestic forest soils store less carbon than the above-ground, so it is judged that domestic forest soils have great potential to store more carbon and strategies to increase carbon storage are needed. It was estimated that the amount of carbon stored before forestry projects is about 1.5 times more than after forestry projects. The study estimated that it takes about 27 years for forests to recover to their pre-thinning carbon stocks following forestry projects. Since it takes a long time for forests to recover to their original carbon stocks once their carbon stocks are reduced by physical damage, it is necessary to plan to preserve them as much as possible, especially for highly conservative forests, so that they can maintain their carbon storage function.
        2018.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        벼메뚜기는 분류학적으로 메뚜기목(Orthoptera), 메뚜기과(Acrididae)에 속하는 곤충으로 작물에 피해를 주는 해충으로 인식하고 있지만 예로부터 단백질 보충을 위하여 채집하여 튀기거나 볶음요리 로 이용해 왔다. 벼메뚜기는 갈색거저리, 쌍별귀뚜라미 등과 함께 식품공전에 등록되어 있으나 1년 1세대로 가을철에 채집하여 이용하는 실정으로 공급확대에 한계가 있다. 최근 우리나라에서 벼메뚜기를 사육하고자 하는 농가와 다양한 용도로 가공을 통해 이용하려는 수요가 점차 증가하고 있으나 연중사육기술이 개발되지 않아 대량사육하는 농가가 거의 없는 실정이다. 이에 벼메뚜기의 연중대량사육기술 뿐만 아니라 인공사료 및 자동화 사육시설 개발에 따른 생산비 절감 기술 개발이 필요한 실정이다. 벼메뚜기의 먹이로는 여름작물로 옥수수, 수단그래스, 겨울작물로 밀, 보리 등의 볏과작물이 있으며 많은 양의 생엽과 발육에 적합한 작물의 선발 및 볏과작물의 통곡실 가루를 이용한 인공사료의 개발로 먹이공급 부족 시 15~20일 급여 가능하며, 벼메뚜기 사육시설로 단독형, 연결형, 절충형 등의 사육시설을 개발하여 연결형 사육시설의 수확량과 생존율이 가장 높았으며, 예취 급이 노동력이 단독형의 16% 소요되었다.
        2017.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The antioxidant and antitumor properties of natural products, often recognized in traditional medicine systems, represent therapeutic modalities to reduce or prevent uncontrolled oxidation processes which in turn potentially ameliorate or tumor based symptoms of chronic diseases. We have studied the antioxidant and antitumor effects of Amanita muscaria (A. muscaria) in vitro and examined whether the A. muscaria has synergistic effects on antioxidant and antitumor properties. Although A. muscaria induced a dose-dependent increase in antioxidant activity, the latter has a consistently higher antioxidant effect. In mouse monocytes, the lipopolysaccharide- (LPS-) induced tumor necrosis- (TNF-) synthesis was significantly inhibited by A. muscaria in a dose dependent manner and synergistic effects were clearly demonstrated with the A. muscaria on TNF- inhibition. A. muscaria effect was also evident on inhibition of nuclear factor-kappa B activity, cyclooxygenase-II activity, and lipid peroxidation in mouse monocytes. This presented results may be a starting point for a comprehensive characterization of biological effects of A. muscaria.
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