The AlSi10Mg alloy has garnered significant attention for its application in laser powder bed fusion (L-PBF), due to its lightweight properties and good printability using L-PBF. However, the low production speed of the L-PBF process is the main bottleneck in the industrial commercialization of L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy parts. Furthermore, while L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy exhibits excellent mechanical properties, the properties are often over-specified compared to the target properties of parts traditionally fabricated by casting. To accelerate production speed in L-PBF, this study investigated the effects of process parameters on the build rate and mechanical properties of the AlSi10Mg alloy. Guidelines are proposed for high-speed additive manufacturing of the AlSi10Mg alloy for use in automotive parts. The results show a significant increase in the build rate, exceeding the conventional build rate by a factor of 3.6 times or more, while the L-PBF AlSi10Mg alloy met the specifications for automotive prototype parts. This strategy can be expected to offer significant cost advantages while maintaining acceptable mechanical properties of topology-optimized parts used in the automobile industry.
In order to predict the process window of laser powder bed fusion (LPBF) for printing metallic components, the calculation of volumetric energy density (VED) has been widely calculated for controlling process parameters. However, because it is assumed that the process parameters contribute equally to heat input, the VED still has limitation for predicting the process window of LPBF-processed materials. In this study, an explainable machine learning (xML) approach was adopted to predict and understand the contribution of each process parameter to defect evolution in Ti alloys in the LPBF process. Various ML models were trained, and the Shapley additive explanation method was adopted to quantify the importance of each process parameter. This study can offer effective guidelines for fine-tuning process parameters to fabricate high-quality products using LPBF.
This study investigated the effect of manufacturing variables (including heating temperature) on the physicochemical properties of nanoemulsion delivery system (NDS) prepared with WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugate and to study how the physicochemical properties of NDS affected the bioaccessibility of lycopene. The functional properties of the WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugate were determined using the OPA method, interfacial tension, and EAI. The physicochemical and morphological properties of NDS were measured using Zetasizer and TEM, respectively. The bioaccessibility of lycopene in the WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugate based NDS was measured using a spectrophotometer. As the pH and heating temperature increased, the Maillard conjugation efficiency increased significantly (p<0.0001). The emulsifying properties of the WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugate were greater than those of WPI. A WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugate based NDS with a size of ~180 nm was observed in TEM images while the droplet size of the WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugate based NDS was smaller than that of the WPI based NDS. During in vitro digestion, no significant changes in the droplet size and PDI of NDS were observed in the mouth and stomach phases, whereas in the intestinal phase, the droplet size and PDI increased significantly (p<0.0001). Moreover, the bioaccessibility of lycopene in the WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugate based NDS significantly increased (p<0.0001), compared with that of the WPI based NDS. There was a significant (p<0.05) increase in the bioaccessibility of lycopene with a decrease in the interfacial tension and droplet size of NDS. In conclusion, WPI/Inulin Maillard conjugate based NDS can be used to enhance the bioaccessibility of lycopene.
When the parent radionuclide decays, the progeny radionuclide is produced. Accordingly, the dose contribution of the progeny radionuclide should be considered when assessing dose. For this purpose, European Commission (EC) and International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) provide weighting factors for dose coefficient. However, these weighting factors have a limitation that does not reflect the latest nuclide data. Therefore, in this study, we analyzed the EC and IAEA methodology for derivation of weighting factor and used the latest nuclide data from ICRP 107 to derive weighting factors for dose coefficient. Weighting factor calculation is carried out through 1) selection of nuclide, 2) setting of evaluation period, and 3) derivation based on ICRP 107 radionuclide data. Firstly, in order to derive the weighting factor, we need to select the radionuclides whose dose contribution should be considered. If the half-life of progeny radionuclides sufficiently short compared to the parent radionuclide to achieve radioactive equilibrium, or if the dose coefficient is greater of similar to that of the parent radionuclide and cannot be ignored, the dose contribution of the progeny radionuclide should be considered. In order not to underestimate the dose contribution of progeny radionuclides, the weighting factors for the progeny nuclides are taken as the maximum activity ratio that the respective progeny radionuclides will reach during a time span of 100 years. Finally, the weighting factor can be derived by considering the radioactivity ratio and branch fraction. In order to calculate the weighting factor, decay data such as the half-life of the radionuclide, decay chain, and branch fraction are required. In this study, radionuclide data from ICRP 107 was used. As a result of the evaluation, for most radionuclides, the weighting factors were derived similarly to the existing EC and IAEA weighting factors. However, for some nuclides, the weighting factors were significantly different from EC and IAEA. This is judged to be a difference in the half-life and branch fraction of the radionuclide. For example, in the case of 95Zr, the weighting factor for 95mNb showed a 35.8% difference between this study and previous study. For ICRP 38, when 95Zr decays, the branch fraction for 95mNb is 6.98×10-3. In contrast, for ICRP 107, the branch fraction is 1.08×10-2, a difference of 54.7%. Therefore, the weighting factor for the dose coefficient based on ICRP 107 data may differ from existing studies depending on the half-life and decay information of the nuclide. This suggests the need for a weighting factor based on the latest nuclide data. The results of this study can be used as a basis for the consideration of dose contributions for progeny radionuclides in various dose assessments.
해충에 이용되는 화학적 기피제는 생태계를 파괴할 수 있으며 내성을 가진 생물체로의 진화를 촉진한다. 같은 종의 생물끼리의 의사소통 수단인 페로몬을 이용하면 다른 종에게 영향을 미치지 않으면서 특정 곤충에 특이적 으로 작용하는 방충제를 제작할 수 있을 것이라 생각된다. 본 연구는 초파리(Drosophila)의 페로몬 2종류를 추출 하여 초파리의 기피도 및 유인도와 번식률을 확인하고자 한다. ℃, 광주기 12h/12h의 동일한 조건에서 사육하 며 10마리당 헥세인 10를 사용하여 암컷의 표피에서 CHC 페로몬과 수컷의 페로몬샘에서 cVA 페로몬을 추출 한다. 연령, 성별, 교배 여부에 따라 관찰통에 각각의 페로몬을 처리하여 지정구간에 분포하는 초파리의 수를 계수하여 기피도 및 유인도를 확인한다. 관병에 암수 1쌍을 투입하고 하루에 1번 선정한 페로몬을 투여하며 산란 수을 측정한다. 이 연구를 통해 CHC가 수컷 초파리에 대한 기피 효과가 있음을 확인하였으며 추출되는 수컷의 연령이 높을수록 cVA에 의한 번식률 감소가 크게 나타났다. 본 연구를 통해 페로몬을 통한 초파리의 방제 가능성 을 확인하였으므로 다른 곤충의 방제에도 적용할 수 있을 거라 기대한다. 페로몬은 생물 농축과 같은 환경적 영향이 없으며 소량으로 유의미한 결과를 도출했다는 점에서 의의가 있으며 상용화를 통해 해충에 의해 피해를 해결할 수 있을 것이라 기대한다.
Although the Ti–6Al–4V alloy has been used in the aircraft industry owing to its excellent mechanical properties and low density, the low formability of the alloy hinders broadening its applications. Recently, laser-powder bed fusion (L-PBF) has become a novel process for overcoming the limitations of the alloy (i.e., low formability), owing to the high degree of design freedom for the geometry of products having outstanding performance used in hightech applications. In this study, to investigate the effect of bulk shape on the microstructure and mechanical properties of L-PBFed Ti-6Al-4V alloys, two types of samples are fabricated using L-PBF: thick and thin samples. The thick sample exhibits lower strength and higher ductility than the thin sample owing to the larger grain size and lower residual dislocation density of the thick sample because of the heat input during the L-PBF process.
Because magnets fabricated using Nd-Fe-B exhibit excellent magnetic properties, this novel material is used in various high-tech industries. However, because of the brittleness and low formability of Nd-Fe-B magnets, the design freedom of shapes for improving the performance is limited based on conventional tooling and postprocessing. Laserpowder bed fusion (L-PBF), the most famous additive manufacturing (AM) technique, has recently emerged as a novel process for producing geometrically complex shapes of Nd-Fe-B parts owing to its high precision and good spatial resolution. However, because of the repeated thermal shock applied to the materials during L-PBF, it is difficult to fabricate a dense Nd-Fe-B magnet. In this study, a high-density (>96%) Nd-Fe-B magnet is successfully fabricated by minimizing the thermal residual stress caused by substrate heating during L-PBF.
Currently, low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes and spent nuclear fuels are continuously generated in Korea. For the disposal of the radioactive wastes, the transport demand is expected to increase. Prior to transportation, it is necessary to evaluate the radiation risk of transportation to confirm that is not high. In Korea, there is no transportation risk assessment code that reflects domestic characteristics. Therefore, foreign assessment codes are used. In this study, before developing the overland transportation risk assessment code that reflects domestic characteristics, we analyzed the radiation risk assessment methodology in transportation accident codes developed in other countries. RADTRAN and RISKIND codes were selected as representative overland transportation risk assessment codes. For the two codes we analyzed accident scenarios, exposure pathways, and atmospheric diffusion. In RADTRAN, the user classifies accident severity for possible accident scenarios, and the user inputs the probability for each accident severity. On the other hand, in the case of RISKIND, the accident scenarios are classified and the probabilities are determined according to the NRC modal study (LLNL, 1987) in consideration of the cask impact velocity, cask impact angle, and fire temperature. In the case of RISKIND, the accident scenarios are applied only to transportation of spent nuclear fuel, and cannot be defined for low and intermediate-level radioactive waste. However, in the case of RADTRAN, since the severity and probability of accidents are defined by user, it can be applied to low and intermediate-level radioactive wastes. As the exposure pathways considered in transportation accident, both RADTRAN and RISKIND consider external exposure (cloudshine and groundshine), and internal exposure (inhalation, resuspension inhalation and ingestion). In the case of RADTRAN, additionally, external exposure due to loss of shielding (LOS) is considered. Atmospheric diffusion calculation is essential to determine the extent to which radioactive materials are diffused. In both RADTRAN and RISKIND, atmospheric diffusion calculations are based on Gaussian diffusion model. Users must input Pasquill stability class, release height, heat release, wind speed, temperature and mixing height, etc. Additionally, RADTRAN can input weather information relatively simply by inputting only the Pasquill stability class fraction and selecting the US average weather option. This study results will be used as a basis for developing radioactive waste overland transportation risk assessment code that reflects domestic characteristics.
Background : Haskap berries commonly refer to fruits of Lonicera caerulea L., recognized by the Japanese aborigines as the “The elixir of life.”. Due to their recent arrival on the North American market, haskap berries have not yet been positioned among other berries and compared in terms of their phytochemical content. And haskap berries have higher ascorbic acid and anthocyanin content than other berries known for their health-promoting benefits, such as blueberries. However, no study has reported on the antioxidant and anti-cancer activity of Lonicera caerulea stem. The purpose of this study is to present the current research on the chemical content, antioxidant and anti-cancer activities of Lonicera caerulea stem. Methods and Results : The stem of Lonicera caerulea L. ware dried in the shade at room temperature and extracted with 100% methanol. The extract was suspended in deionized water and partitioned sequentially with n-hexane, chloroform, ethyl-acetate and butanol (water saturated BuOH) fractions. Antioxidant activities were measured by determination of antioxidants, DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl). Cell viability was determined by the MTT [3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyl tetrazolium bromide] assay. All cell lines were purchased from the Korean Cell Line Bank (Seoul, Korea). All results were performed with three replications were processed statistically. By DPPH assay, the Lonicera caerulea L. the highest activity was obtained from the ethyl-acetate fraction (IC50=15.46 ㎍/㎖). By MTT assay, the chloroform fraction showed a significant growth inhibiting effect on MCF-7 (Human breast cancer, IC50=225.91 ㎍/㎖), COLO 205 (Human colon cancer, IC50=179.55 ㎍/㎖), but on AGS (Human stomach cancer) and other fractions it did not show effect. Conclusion : We demonstrated that Lonicera caerulea L. stem extract and fractions has antioxidant and antiproliferation activity in vitro. Further studies should identify the active constituents in Lonicera caerulea L stem to evaluate the potential in vitro antioxidant and antiproliferation activities of the extract.