목적 : 본 연구의 목적은 문항반응이론에 기초한 라쉬모형을 적용하여 뇌졸중 외래환자의 일상생활수행 평가도구를 개발하는 것이다.
연구방법 : 연구 대상자는 뇌졸중 외래환자로 169명이었다. 조사방법은 사전연구에서 항목의 중요도로 수집된 23개의 일상생활수행 평가항목으로 구성된 설문지를 사용하였다. 조사자료는 전국 18개 재활기관에서 작업치료사가 평가한 결과를 수집하여 Winsteps 프로그램으로 라쉬분석을 하였다.
결과 : 7개 항목이 부적합한 항목으로 판정되었으며, 16개 항목이 적절한 항목으로 채택되었다. 뇌졸중 외래환자의 일상생활 수행능력은 -6.32~6.23 로짓으로 표시할 수 있으며, 표준화점수로 표시하기 위한 변환식은 "점수=(로짓점수+6.32)/(6.32+6.23)100" 이었다. 일상생활 수행능력을 평가하기위한 항목을 난이도 순서에 따라 배열하였다. 가장 어려운 항목은 보행영역의 '계단 오르내리기' 항목이었으며, 가장 쉬운 항목은 식사하기 영역의 '음료 마시기’항목이었다.
결론 : 라쉬분석을 이용하여 개발된 뇌졸중 외래환자의 일상생활수행 평가도구는 신뢰도와 타당도가 입증된 객관적인 도구이다.
목적 : 문항반응이론에 기초한 Rasch모형을 적용하여 뇌졸중 입원환자의 일상생활수행 평가도구를 개발하는 것이다.
연구방법 : 2002년 8월 5일부터 2005년 4월 20일까지 전국 18개 재활기관에서 뇌졸중 입원환자 308명을 대상으로,작업치료사가 평가한 6개 영역의 23개 항목으로 구성된 설문지 결과를 수집하여 Winsteps 프로그램으로 라쉬분석하였다.
결과 : 3개 항목이 부적합한 항목으로 판정되었으며,남은 20개 항목의 난이도 순서를 배열하였다.뇌졸중 입원환자의 일상생활 수행능력은 -6.77~6.73 로짓으로 표시할 수 있으며,표준화점수로 표시하기 위한 변환식은 "점수 =(로짓점+6.77)/ (6.77+6.73) 100" 이었다.평가항목의 난이도는 가장 어려운 항목은 보행영역의 ‘계단 오르내리기’ 항목이었으며,가장 쉬운 항목은 식사하기 영역의 ‘음료 마시기’ 항목 이었다.
결론 : 라쉬분석을 이용한 뇌졸중 입원환자의 일상생활수행 항목의 적합도와 난이도에 관한 결과제시로 개발되었으며,신뢰도와 타당도가 입증된 객관적인 평가도구이다.
The purpose of this study was to examine the effect of the angle of a wedged insole on knee varus torque during walking. Fifteen healthy subjects were recruited. Knee varus torque was measured using three-dimensional motion analysis (Elite). Knee varus torque was normalized to gait cycle (0%: initial contact; 100%: ipsilateral initial contact) and stance phase (0%: initial contact; 100%: ipsilateral toe off). The average peaks of knee varus torque during the stance phase of the gait cycle according to the different insole angles (10 or 15 degrees) were compared using one-way ANOVA with repeated measures. The results showed that in the early stance phase, the average peak knee varus torque increased significantly for both the medial 10 and 15 degree wedged insole conditions and decreased significantly for both the lateral 10 and 15 degree wedged insole conditions as compared with no insole (p<.05). However, there were no significant differences between the 10 and 15 degree wedged insole conditions with either the medial or lateral wedged insole (p>.05). In the late stance phase, the average peak knee varus torque increased significantly for the medial 10 and 15 degree wedged insole conditions (p<.05), but not for the lateral 10 and 15 degree wedged insole conditions as compared with no insole (p>.05). We suggest that these results may be beneficial for manufacturing foot orthotic devices, such as wedged insoles, to control medial and lateral compartment forces in the knee varus-valgus deformity. Further studies of the effects of wedged insole angle on knee varus torque in patients with medial-lateral knee osteoarthritis are needed.
The kinematics involved in different landing strategies may be related to the occurrence of trauma. Several sources suggest that the angle of knee extension on touchdown and impact with the ground determines the magnitude of the impact force and, indirectly, knee loading. This study compared the initial knee angle and maximum knee flexion angle at the instant of impact on drop-landings between healthy men and women. In this study, 60 participants (30 males, 30 females) dropped from a height of 43 cm. A digital camera and video motion analysis software were used to analyze the kinematic data. When landing, there was significant difference between the two groups ( in male, in female) in the mean knee flexion angle. The range of knee flexion on landing ( in male, in female) also differed significantly (p<.05). The greater knee flexion that was observed in the male subjects would be expected to decrease their risk of injury. Women land with smaller range of knee flexion than men and this might increase the likelihood of a knee injury.
본 연구의 목적은 운동강도(최대근수축의 10, 30, 50, 70%)에 따라 유발되는 국소적인 근피로가 슬관절의 위치감각 인지에 미치는 영향을 연구함으로써 근력강화의 운동치료적 효과와 운동학습과 관련된 효과를 동시에 만족시키는 최적의 운동강도를 제시하는 것이었다. 대상자는 건강한 성인여자 40명이었다. 청각을 통한 위치감각 정보를 제공하는 장치와 원판 각도계가 부착된 등속성 Cybex를 사용하였다. 근피로의 상태를 확인하기 위해서 근전도를 이용하여 주파
Objective : To compare the value of basic activities of daily living between occupational therapists and patients with stroke. Methods : A questionnaire survey was conducted to investigate the relative importance of basic ADL (Activities of Daily Living) with a total of thirty-four item cards. The survey was completed by 36 occupational therapists that have clinical experience of more than three years in a hospital or rehabilitation settings and by 38 inpatients/outpatients with stroke. The relative importance of each activity of daily living was measured by the Q sorting technique. A Mann-Whitney U test was used to test the statistical significance of the mean difference in the Q score between the occupational therapists and the patients with stroke.
Results : Among the 34 items, 11 items (‘obtaining and using supplies’, ‘selecting clothing’ etc.) selected by inpatients, showed that the Q score was significantly higher in its importance than that of occupational therapists. The survey showed that ‘caring for nails’ was more im-portant to outpatients than it was to occupational therapists. Several items (18 items for in-patients, 3 items for outpatients) of the total 34 items were statistically significantly different on the value of the basic ADL between occupational therapists and patients with stroke. Conclusion : The relative value of each activity of daily living could serve as a guide for sequencing learning steps during the ADL training in a hostpital or rehabilitation setting.
Many children with physical disability have feeding difficulties. In cases of children with cerebral palsy, feeding difficulties can be seen in abnormal oral motor activity and defective swallowing coo rdination. These problems originate from neurological lesions. The purpose of this study was to i nvestigate the effect of trunk and neck position on the following aspects of swallowing: stages of oral preparation, pharyngeal swallowing reflex, pharyngeal clearing and aspiration. Sixteen subjects with quadriplegic cerebral palsy were examined to assess their swal-lowing abil ity using videofluoroscopy(VFS). Subjects were evaluated in four different positions 1) trunk erect with the neck flexed 30°2) trunk reclined 30°posteriorly with the eck positioned neutrally 3) trunk re clined 30°posteriorly with the neck flexed 30° 4) trunk in supine with the neck flexed 30°. Friedman's test was used to analyze the effect of posi tion of the neck and trunk on swallowing. The results were as follows: 1. Ability of oral preparation was significantly better with the subject's trunk recli-ned 30°poste riorly and the neck flexed 30°than with the trunk erect and the neck flexed 30°(p < 0.05). 2. Ability of pharyngeal clearing was significantly better with the subject's trunk er-ect and the neck flexed 30° than in supine with the neck flexed 30°(p < 0.05). 3. Incidence of swallowing reflex was not significantly different among the four posi- tions (p > 0.05). 4. Prevention of aspiration was significantly better with the subject's trunk reclined 30°posteriorl y and the neck flexed 30° than with the trunk reclined 30°posteriorly and the neck neutrally positi oned or in supine with the neck flexed 30°(p < 0.05). These results suggest that positions of both the neck and the trunk have an effect on swallowi ng in children with cerebral palsy. The position with the trunk reclined 30°posteriorly and the n eck flexed 30°was found to be optimal for oral preparation and prevention of aspiration. Further r esearch to study swallowing ability in conjunc- tion with respiratory function is indicated.