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        검색결과 11

        2006.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A theoretical model is applied to the analysis of thermomechanical properties of FGMs in this study. Functionally graded composites ( FGMs) consisted with 10 layers gradually changing volume fractions of Al and were fabricated using the pressureless infiltration technique. FGMs plates of total thickness of 3mm, 5mm and 7mm with fairly uniform distribution and compositional gradient of reinforcement in the Al matrix throughout the thickness was successfully fabricated. The curvature of FGM plates was measured to check the internal stress distribution predicted via a theoretical model for the analysis of thermo-mechanical deformation. The evolution of curvature and also internal stresses in response to temperature variations could be predicted for the different combinations of geometric thickness of FGM plates. Theoretical prediction of thermally induced stress distribution makes it possible to design FGM structures without any critical failure during the usage of them.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The investigation of the space environment requires the use of experimental and theoretical tools and resources in order to perform the research task. Understanding of these research tools is imperative for proper interpretation of the results. In this paper, we discuss on research tools that are widely used in the field of aeronomy; Fabry-Perot interferometer and Michelson interferometer. These instruments have been used extensively as passive optical devices, spectrally monitoring the natural atmospheric emissions (airglow). This function has made both instruments valuable tools in upper atmospheric studies since they provide the ability to determine the dynamic and thermodynamic properties of the upper atmosphere by monitoring naturally-occuring emission.
        1983.12 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The present day mass functions of main sequence stars in the well observed open clusters, Hyades, Praesepe, Pleiades, NGC 654 and NGC 6530 arc derived and compared with those computed from the model of time-dependent initial mass function and star formation rate. The agreements between the observed and computed present day mass functions suggest the importance of fragmentation process at the early phase and fragment interaction at the later phase of cluster evolution. This process of star formation is different from that related to the evolution of the solar neighborhood, and also could explain the lack of low mass stars observed in some open clusters.
        2021.03 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        In this paper, we try to show that Miyagawa’s (2017) analysis is only partially on the right track. We believe that Miyagawa’s (2017) observation that WHY can be externally merged under TP is not completely wrong. The difference of our position from Miyagawa’s lies in our proposal that WHY be externally merged as a CP-modifier (Ko 2005) or as a VP-modifier (Tsai 2008). We will see that there are two types of WHY in Korean, and we will also encounter novel data concerning wh-less whquestions. Defending Ko’s (2005) CP-modifier hypothesis, we make a criticism of Miyagawa’s (2017) approach, and then try to come up with a (very tentative) alternative account which can explain the counterexamples to Ko’s CMH.
        2018.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        This paper particularly brings Epstein, Kitahara, and Seely’s (EKS 2014) suggestion into critical consideration and tries to make an alternative to their suggestion. What is interesting in EKS’s (2014) proposal is that they argue for the unnecessity of such concepts as numeration and lexical array, and even for the elimination of phases. Though it has been taken for granted that computational complexities are resolved by transferring some stages of a derivation as chunks to the interfaces and then continuing the derivation as such, EKS (2014) apparently prove that we can use the labeling algorithm to resolve the computational complexities in the way that some chunks are constructed even without phases. In this paper, we will see that the concepts of lexical array and numeration are necessary, despite the plausibility of EKS’s suggestion. Furthermore, it will be shown that with the independent necessity of those concepts, we still need the concept of phase as the basic unit of derivation and transfer.
        2017.12 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Yong-Ha Kim. 2017. On the Problem of the Timing of Labeling: A Reply to Bošković (2016). Studies in Modern Grammar 96, 51-66. In this study, we critically discuss Bošković’s (2016) recent proposal about the labeling algorithm as proposed by Chomsky (2013, 2015). Bošković’s (2016) main claim is that the timing of labelling should be considered a crucial issue in Chomsky’s labeling algorithm. According to him, whatever its formulation, the labeling algorithm is taken to apply when the derivation reaches the interface. This means that there can, and should, be phrases without labels until the derivation enters the interface. Bošković (2016) further assumes that the label-less phrases trigger antilocality effects though the relevant movement would be sufficiently long if they had their own labels. With this assumption about the timing of labeling, Bošković is apparently successful in accounting for many interesting grammatical phenomena in a unique fashion.
        2015.05 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        There are a large number of the food companies in Gunsan National Industrial Complex, and the organic sludge generated in these industrial wastewater treatment plants are generally being dealt with ocean dumping methods. As this method will be prohibited from January 1, 2016, it is inevitable to select the method like the reclamation. All over the country, landfill is lacking, and become a target of public grievance since it is recognized as an abomination facility. Consequently it has problem to secure the new location. These reasons lead to increase the organic sludge disposal cost, and it needed to seek the economical and eco-friendly processing methods. This research is regarding the Solid Refuse Fuel technique which is dried and processed the organic sludge generated in Gunsan National Industrial Complex. With Solid Refuse Fuel technique, in the environmental, safety, efficiency and economical aspect, it can derive competitive production technology, promote the Solid Refuse Fuel business and finally build a nationwide network. Through this study, we can derive the optimal manufacturing process from the examination of properties of organic sludge and drying. CFBC is tested the efficiency of solid fuel by the combustion experiment. It is very significant that we develop the Solid Refuse Fuel technique with the sludge generated in food industrial waste treatment plant and derive new competitive manufacturing processes.
        2014.08 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Korean is known to have a special form of coordination, verb-less coordination (VLC), in which the preceding conjunct(s) may allow a shared verb, and possibly other related elements, not to be pronounced as the name of the construction indicates. In this study, we will try to analyze the data showing vehicle change effects with focus on a particular verbal ending -nuntey. As -nuntey is a kind of connective verbal ending in Korean, i.e. a subordinate conjunction, we will claim that the data in question have a common structure that contains verb-less coordination within subordination.
        2013.09 KCI 등재 서비스 종료(열람 제한)
        Merge is assumed to come free in minimalist program. The logic for this assumption is that we could not even utter a sentence because it’s the cheapest way. With Merge as an indispensible operation in grammar, this paper explores the nature of a feature that serves as the trigger of Merge. In recent terminology, the feature in question is called an edge feature EF. Based on the observation that movement always targets a functional head, this paper tries to show that non-functional lexical items really have a limitation in the number of Merge, that is to say, they can merge just once and for all.