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        검색결과 299

        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study presents George G. Hunter’s church growth insights revealed in his classic, To Spread the Power: Church Growth in the Wesleyan Spirit. On the basis of his insights and interpretations of collected data including interviews, letters, and observation, this study evaluates the mission programs of Anjung Church of the Nazarene. Hunter adopted John Wesley’s ideas and the church growth theories developed by Donald A. McGavran and C. Peter Wagner to produce his own church growth theory. This study attempts to apply Hunter’s church growth insights to a local church, Anjung Church of the Nazarene. This church represents the Korean Nazarene Church (KNC) in this evaluation. (KNC was organized in 1948, although some Nazarene churches were already planted in Pyong Yang and Seoul during the Japanese colonial period). Hunter’s church growth insights were translated into six “mega-strategies.” The six mega-strategies are: 1. Identifying receptive people, 2. Reaching across social networks to people, 3. Organizing new recruiting groups and ports of entry, 4. Ministering to the needs of people, 5. Indigenizing the ministries to fit the culture of the people, and 6. Planning to achieve their intended future. This study discovered some strengths and some weaknesses of the Anjung Church of the Nazarene. The church was comparatively strong in evangelism and outreach, although DGR showed diversity between “poor” growth and “good” growth. The church has grown steadily since it was planted in 1947. In particular, the church was very aggressive in church planting work. However, the church was comparatively weak in cross-cultural missions, although it tried to build two church buildings, one in the Philippines and another in North India. This study presents seven suggestions to Anjung Church of the Nazarene based on missiological analysis and evaluation. In summary, the church needs to carry out holistic mission programs to maintain the balance between proclamation / evangelism and social action / social service. Anjung Church of the Nazarene has a great potential to fulfill the Great Commission and to implement the Great Commandment. The classical purposes of missions are conversion, church planting, and the extension of God’s kingdom. God will be glorified by the local church.
        2007.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This thesis is about John Thomas; the first missionary sent to the KEHC, the first superintendent and the first dean of Kyungsung Bible Institute. The coverage of this thesis begins from his birth in the U.K. and his ministries, how he came to Korea and his ministry in Korea from 1910-1911. In total, John Thomas spent 10 years serving in Korea, therefore assessing his ministry is somewhat out of proportion, however this thesis will focus on the background of his calling to Korea and the beginning of God’s divine works. 1. John Thomas had evident experience in the Fourfold Gospel. 2. His devotion and faith made him a clear model as Christ’s servant. 3. He was a man of prayer. 4. Through the successful ministry in the U.K. he demonstrated the blessings of God’s presence. 5. He made a network of supporters for prayer and financial aid. 6. He was a prominent Evangelical leader of his time and was selected as the main speaker at the annual OMS conference in 1911. 7. He had a call to preach the holiness element. This calling began to spread in the other denominations and missionaries also. 8. He not only loved the lost souls of Korea but also cared for the people of the world. 9. His ministry had a harmony of teaching and ministering. Through his character which was greatly influenced by the holiness element gave him authority to impress many people. 10. Although he had difficulty in learning Korean, his input and effort was vital in setting the foundations of the KEHC and the Bible Institute. 11. The early records of his ministry which influenced many denominations and other missionaries in Korea and Japan shows how influential he must have been in the later years. 12. He contributed to the printing of 10,000 copies of the New Testament, helped set up administrative procedures for KEHC and the Bible Institute and his teaching, church founding and faithful mission works show the bright future ahead. This research focuses on the early days of John Thomas’s mission. There are still more research to be done about his character and the latter part of his ministry. However, the fact that a man of God, such as John Thomas was called to serve as the first missionary sent to the KEHC, the first superintendent and the first dean of Kyungsung Bible Institute proves God’s purpose toward the KEHC and STU. Furthermore, through this research we need to find the elements that need to be continued and carried out in this day and age. Therefore it is inevitable the existence of holiness is revealed not only in Korea but also worldwide. This is the core value of KEHC and STU’s existence.
        2005.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The plan type of Korean protestant church architecture underwent changes as following five stages according to the changes of the distinction between the sexes. First stage - At the beginning of missionary work in Korea, Koreans generally worshiped in missionary houses which were traditional Korean styles. The plan type of these houses was a simple '-' figure. At that time, men and women worshiped separately because of the idea of the distinction between the sexes. They either worshiped in different places at the same time or in the same place at the different time. Second stage - At this stage, men and women started to worship together in the same place. At the beginning of this stage, men sat in the front of the chapel on a rostrum, and women sat behind the men. The plan type of the chapel was a simple '-' or a rectangular figure. Later, they sat separately on the right and left side. There are the visual interceptions which were set up between them. As the number of church members increased rapidly, a new type of church architecture appeared. It was a 'ㄱ' figure. At that time the entrances were separated by the sexes. Third stage - At this stage, the visual interceptions disappeared as the idea of the distinction between the sexes became weak. As new churches had been constructed by the plan type of rectangular figure, the visual interceptions weren't set up anymore. Fourth stage - At this stage, the separated entrances were unified as one. But the arrangement of their seats didn't change because of the old idea of the distinction between the sexes. Fifth stage - In the final stage, the plan type of the church architecture was not determined by the idea of the distinction between the sexes but social, economical, technological facts and the influence of the foreign architecture. At this stage, new and various kinds of the plan type appeared such as the fan, round, squared, or oval figure as well as the rectangular figure. Men and women were not classified anymore. They started to sit and worship together in the same place. Also, when men and women sat separately from side to side because of the Idea of the distinction between the sexes, men sat on the right and women sat on the left side of rostrum. It didn't applied Confucian ideas but the idea of protestant church; protestant churches have the idea that the right side is more important but it does not in Confucianism.
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The bricks in Myung Dong Cathedral Church are now deteriorated by the weather such as temperature, humidity, and winds. Thus it is necessary to replace the old bricks to the restored bricks for the load bearing capacity as well as to prevent the penetrations of rains from outside. However the mortar composition is not well defined at this moment and there are literary about the mortar completions. Thus it is necessary to verify the mortar compactions between old bricks and results to bring the restoring the mortar for the replace of new bricks. The particles of mortar was collected from Myung Dong Cathedral Church and particle size was analyzed by the mortar and pestle and mechanicle floater. The X-ray diffraction and XRF of each particles are analyzed. The quartz and feldspar such as albite, kaolinite are observed in large particles(>1mm). However, the clicite was observed at lower than $43{\mu}m$ particles. In XRF analysis, the $SiO_2\;and\;K_2O$ are observed at large particles$(1mm-208{\mu}m)\;and\;CaCO_3$ is observed at small particles$(208-43{\mu}m)\;and\;CaCO_3$ is observed at small particles($208-43{\mu}m$). This is well coincide with XRD results. The optimum volume ratio of lime mortar would be 1: 2 ($CaO: SiO_2$).
        2005.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This dissertation was embarked upon for the historical examination and the missiological academic analysis of ‘The state-political character of the mission of the Russian Orthodox Church, which has been mentioned widely without any academic examination. This kind of study is necessary to understand rightly the Eastern Orthodox world which was drawn to the Korean church immediately after the collapse of USSR, and to establish the proper relationships between the old USSR and the Eastern European people as well as how best to evangelize them. The researcher analyzes the Russian archives in relation to the missions of Russian Orthodox Church. He carefully examines and analyzes closely the historical materials from 1860 till 1917(Bolshevik Revolution) including the mission of the Russian Orthodox Church to the immigrant Koreans and those between 1897 and 1925 in relation to the mission to the Koreans in the Korean peninsula. In the result of this analysis, it could be said that the mission of Russian Orthodox Church was a reverse movement to the mission of Trinitarian God transcendent to man-made boundaries. It was mission as an instrument not for serving the interest of God toward the whole world, but for serving the interest of his or her own country alone. It was a distorted mission far from demonstrating the love of God because of absolutizing the nationalistic political ideology ‘russiani-zation’ As a result, it became heterogeneous apart from the right motif, goal and method of God’s mission. In the result of this study, it became possible to describe concretely the character and mode of the state-political mission of Russian orthodox church which has been vaguely mentioned and to have a theoretical prospect the general results which might happen in the process of the state-political missions. This study could probably be an available knowledge not only for those who are participating in missions to the people who has lived in the state-political mission world, but also for those who wish to evangelize it, cooperate with the Eastern Orthodox churches as well as offer invaluable suggestions to the mission scholars around the world.
        2004.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This paper began by recognizing the critical issue that the emergence of AIC has impacted on the growth of African Christianity. The purpose of this study is to examine the reasons for the emergence and rapid growth of AICs, to briefly give typology of the churches, to describe the general theological characteristics of the churches, and to evaluate the significance of AICs for missiology. And finally 1 will try to give future direction and development of the churches Many scholars defined African independent church as a church which has been founded in Africa, by Africans, and for Africans. But later many African churches founded by European mi ssionaries became independent. So this term became inadequate and the term African indigenous churches was proposed. As mission-founded churches have been regarded as indigenous, it was also inadequate “ African initiated churches" and “ African instituted churches" are terms that avoid these difficulties. There are six causative factors of the emereæ nce and !!:rowth of AICs with which various scholars agree: ( 1) oppressive colonial situations making AICs be home of Africans as socio- political factor; (2) Protestant denom inationalism creating separate denominations ; (3) Bible translation giving AICs an ability to interpret the Bible; (4) accidental and incidental factors such as personal crisis and various epidemics; (5) strong reaction to western missions and colonialism; and (6) re]jgious factor as the most important one The AICs has contributed to shape African theology. Several theological characteristics of AICs can be pointed out. First, in AIC movement the emphasis on the Holy Spirit is the most crucial. The majority of AICs are of pentecostal type. Pneumatology of AICs is connected with the holistic African worldview. For them spirits pervade every aspect of individual and community life. This is evident in the prophetic and charismatic leaders. However, this view of the spirit can be an extension of traditional re]jgion. It may be a danger of producing syncretism. So AICs need to examine the biblical understanding of the spirit in order to avoid the false prophets who manipulate the Spirit. Second, many scholars point out an overemphasis on pneumatology in AICs so that Jesus may be superseded. But they insist that the divine healer is not the Spirit but Jesus Christ. For them Jesus Christ as the God' s mediator can be seen in the AIC leaders. They do not replace Jesus. Rather they reflect and concretize Jesus Christ. Third, soteriology of AICs is always related to divine healing. Many AICs portray Jesus Christ as the powerf비 conqueror over sickness and affliction. Prophets in AICs are the agents of God’s salvation as they try to meet people’s felt needs. In fact, salvation proc\aimed in AICs is holistic. AIC movements raise important questions for missiology. The remarkable growth of AICs and decline of MPCs request us to c\ose examination of mission methods and strategies of AICs. Before criticizing the movement we need to have an open mind to learn from them. In fact, AICs is an attempt of contextualization in the African context. Though AICs cannot be escaped from the blame of syncretism, if we are keenly aWare that contextualization is a process as it continues to develop more authentic theology which is based on the Scripture and re levant a given context. AICs motivated by the proc1amation of Spiri t- fi lled massage have shown a strong passion for mission. It’s missional effectiveness can be seen in providing the source and motivation of African people’s life.
        2004.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        From the long history of Christianianity we rnay identify some currents that have flowed strongly in the past and which may enable us to discern some of the directions for mission in a new century. Christianity seemed to most people to be a Western religion, indeed the religion of the West; but now Christianity is entering a new phase of its exstence, as a mainly non-western religion. Put differendy, the worldwide resurgence of Christianity coincides with the waning of the religion in what is now a post Christian West. Thus, we could see that Christian advance in the world is not progressive, but serial. Given the changing face of the α1fistian faith and the globalization of Christanity, the writer following Lesslie Newbigin (1989) and Philip Jenkins (2002) asserts that the churches that have grown most rapidly in the global South such as Mrica, Asia, and Latin America are far more traditional, morally conservative, evangelical, and apocalyptic than their northern counterparts. Western liberal scholars have recently dedared that Christianity is declining, or that it must modernize its beliefs or risk being abandoned altogether. However the writer contends that just the opposite is true. Regarding the issue of national evangelization and world mission as the most essential tasks of the Korean Church at the moment, after evaluating the strengths and weaknesses of the Church, the writer has provided some suggestions. Finally, as a condusion, given the faα that at different periods, different areas of the world have taken leadership in the Christian mission, the writer emphasizes the necessity of self-reform of the Korean Church which has the largest church in the world Paul Yonggi Cho’s Full Gospel Church.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this paper, I describe a major religious reason for the church growth of Korea on the basis of my field research and from the point of view of beliefs and practices in the field of phenomenology of religion. To do this project,I prefer to use the categories of phenonomenology of Christianity as described by Peter McKenzie who has adapted the methodology from Friedrich Heiler’ s categories of pheno menology of religion. Before doing this project, however, for better understanding of many forms of contemporary Korean Christianity, a brief historical background of Korean Christianity is needed. Although the methodology of phenomenology of religion I use is largely ahistorical, its application does not deny or reject relevant historical facts for inter pretation. Thus, I intend to develop a preliminary understanding of two contextual aspects that have led to the different kinds of forms within contemporary Christianity in Korea: the socio-political aspect and the religious aspect. The socio-political aspect influenced Koreans to follow Westem Christendom, but the religious aspect led Koreans to make their own indigenous or syncretistic folk Christianity.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In the Old Testament, the worship law was given as a part of the Sinaitic Covenant, the purpose of which was to make Israe1 a kingdom of priests and a holy nation (Ex. 19: 6). With the covenant, God desired that Israel would carry out the role of mediating the nations with God (the role of priest) by living a sacred life among the worldly nations (the role of a holy nation) Then from where were the Israelites able to get the power to perform these roJes? The major source of power for that life was given through worship that continued to remind the Israelites of the history of salvation done by God throughout their history. As they heard how God saved the Israelites from Egypt and how he fed them for 40 years in the desert, they praised the great salvation carried out by God. Through these activities the Israelites were ab1e to experience God who saved them not onJy in the past but also now, and thus, based on that experience, they gained the power to live the life of witnesses in the wor1d. In a word, God, by commanding worship 1aws, intended to provide “ a context for equipping Israel" toward effective and powerful centripetal witness. In this sense, the major purpose of worship is to train and equip God’ s people so that they can contrib ute to the expansion of the kingdom of God. When this goal of worship is well achieved, the church as the agent of the kingdom ministry will grow naturally. Then what are the ways of making the worship that nurtures kingdom witnesses? Of course the ways would vary according to the context where worship is done. So I would like to provide just brief and basic suggestions toward that goal. First, we need to consider the needs of worshipers. The worship that ignores the needs of attendees will be ignored by the people in return. On the other hand, the worship that satisfies the needs of congregations would lead many people. Secondly, it is necesary to make worship to be oriented toward witness. When we say the term “ worship that is oriented toward witness," it means the worship that attracts non-believers and the worship that empowers congregations to become effective witnesses. Thirdly. we should try to make worship dynamic. Dynamic worship is possible when it is opened towards the work of the Holy Spirit who leads worship with flexi-bility and dynamics. Fourthly, we have to recognize the importance of praise in worship. Effective worship leaders do their best in selecting and developing hyrnns that would touch the heart of people. Finally, we need to consider the emotional dimension of people. Wise worship leaders do their utmost to give good impressions to attendees and, in particular, to newcomers in their worship. To effectively bring about dynamic church growth, we need to continue to study detailed methods and develop them with a view of the big picture of “ witness-oriented worship."
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        ‘Church Growth' sollte auf das Reich Gottes zielen. Aber die Theorie von ‘Church Growth' in der ersten Periode zielte auf das persoenliche Seelenheil und das Wachsen der Gemeindemitgliedern. Es gab sehr deutlichen Unterschied zwischen ‘Church Growth' Theorie und oekumenischer Mission, die allf das Reich Gottes zur Schalomatizierung zielt. Die angehende ‘Church Growth' Theologen zur Zeit beleuchten einen oekumenischen Gesichtpunkt. D.h. gehen sie vom Standpunkt des Reiches Gottes aus. Sie sprechen als der Inhalt des Reiches Gottes von Einheit der Kirchen, Schalomatisieren der Welt, Verwirklichung des sozialen Rechts und Bewahrung der Schoepfung, die das Dialog an oekumenischen Theologen fordern. Die ‘Church Growth' Theologen in der ersten Periode akzen tuierten die Evangelisierung als Aufgabe der Kirche, die das Vorrecht immer noch vor sozialen Verantwortlichllng der Kirche geniesst. Dieser Gedanke verstehet die Kirche als eine Ausdehnung des Inkarnation Christi llnd orientiert zur Kirche, nicht zum Reich Gottes. Die Kirche steht mit Reich Gottes im Zusammenhang, aber Kirche ist kein Reich Gottes. Die Kirche wird vom Gesichtpunkt des Reiches Gottes kritisiert und reformiert sollen. In diesem Sinne ist die missionarische Aufgabe der Kirche die Antizipation des Reiches Gottes Das Spannungsverhaeltnis zwischen dem Reich Gottes und der Kirche steht zum gleichen Spannungsverhaeltnis zwischen der Gegenwaertigkeit-und der Zukunft des Reiches Gottes. Die ‘Churcb Growth' Theologen in der ersten Periode betonten die Dringlichkeit des Seelenheils und die Furcht der Hoelle, die zur komrnenden Zeit des Reiches Gottes orientieren. Die heutige angehende ‘Church Growth' Theologen erleuchten das Reich Gottes von einem escbatologiscben Spannung zwischen der Gegenwaertigkeit und der Zukunft. Das Reich Gottes wurde von Jesus angefangen, aber die Vollendung wird als ein Geschenk von Gott gegeben. Die Verschiebung der Parusie bedeutet die Liebe und Geduld Gottes fuer die Welt. In diesem Sinne ist die wichtigste Aufgabe der Kirche in dieser Zwiscbenzeit die Mission. ‘Church Growth' orientiert die Mission und richtet sich an das gesarnmte Wacbsen der Kircbe, d.h. die gleiche Zunahme an Quantitaet und Qualitaet.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        This article deals with issues on the health of the Church in relation to the church growth. This study sought to suggest a new model of healthy ch따ch that can help alI Korean churches work together in the mission field of Korea. This article has four major parts: The first part was to grasp the irnportant points of “ Natural Church Development" movement. The second was to study on the issues of church planting through “ Churches Planting Churches" movement. The third was for the understanding of the Saddleback Valley Community Church. The fourth was to look for the Korean style healthy church that can contribute in developing networks for the cooperation of Korean churches in Korean context. Through this research, we found some useful issues on healthy church which can help Korean churches to work together.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The study of church growth takes effective strategies of evangelism seriously, because of its theological foundation that ‘Church Growth is Faithfulness to God. ’ Church growth theorists believe that this growth of the church will be accomplished only through constant works of evangelism and proclamation. Such evangelistic endeavors will eventually produce the growth of the church In this study, therefore, the writer attempts to summarize a few important methods of evangelism which was dealt in the study of church growth. Moreover, based on constructive critiques from the holistic view of rnission, the writer attempts to present holistic strategies of evangelism, which leads to the concept of holistic church growth. The first strategy of evangelism developed by Church growth theorists is its emphasis on evangelism based on the concept of ‘people group.' The concept of people group has been firstly introduced by Donald McGavran and became the essential elements of church growth theory . Secondly, based on its new discovery of people groups, homogeneous unit principle became the most important strategy of evangelism in church growth theory. Thirdly, the theory of receptivity is examined and critiqued in its positive and negative contributions in the study of church growth. In spite of its significant contributions of discovering and utilizing strategies of evangelism, church growth theory is still open to valid criticism due to its too much emphasis on numerical growth. Therefore, based on new emphasis on holistic view of church growth, the writer attempts to employ Eddie Gibb’s dimensions of church growth and had adopted and developed these concepts for developing holi stic strategies of evangelism and church growth in this study. They are; 1) strategy of growing up of didacke, 2) strategy of growing together of koinonia, and 3) strategy of growing out of diaknoia. Based on these elements, the true and holi stic church growth will be accomplished.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Church is the living body of Jesus ChriSt. Church, therefore, must be growing as a1l living creatures are growing. Conceming this matter the point is how the church grows. Does it grow in a healthy way? Or in a unhealthy way? Every christians should make a great effort to church growth in a healthy way. The star따19 point of building healthy church growth is on the ground of defining the right relationship with laity. Thus it can be said that Pastor’ s understanding for laity confirms the direction in his/her rninistry. There are two kinds of pastors ’s understanding for laity. One is the partnership with the laity, the other is the lordship with the laity. Theologically speaking distinction between the c1ergy and the laity is not biblical. Historica1ly, this distinction was a consequence from the hierarchy system of Roman Catholic church. Partnership with the laity is right in five points. Firstly, it is the biblical. According to Acts, deacon played very important roles in the rninistry of the churches in Acts. They distributed the food for the needed(Acts 6: 1-4), deacon Philip taught the Scripture to the Ethiopian eunuch(Acts 8:26-35)) and even Philip baptised him(Acts 8:36- 40). Secondly, it is matched in the spirit of reformation. ln a sense, reformation released rninisσy from the c1ergy to the laity. Thirdly, it is more efficient from the management point of view. In the management studies, it is general1y acknowledged that a multi-oriented management model is far more effecti ve than a mono-oriented model. In line with this, church is not able to grow without 99 percent laity. Fourthly, it is right in contextual theological p이 nt of view. Fifthly, it is right in the Korean church historical point of view Korean church has allowed the laity in ministry from her early times. But there is a danger in partnership with the laity. That is, a danger of di sorder in the church, a danger of heretical teaching, a danger of neglecting the pastor in the church and so on. Some suggestions could be provided here for minimizing these kinds of danger. Firstly, distinction between the clergy and the laity can be done not the basis of status but gifts and talents. Secondly, activities in pastoral ministry of the laity should be confined by the senior pastor. Thirdly, the laity should serve in churcb according to his/her gifts. Fourthly, the laity involving minisσY should be trained constantly. There are three famous churches to achieve church growth in good P따tnership with the laity. Sarang church in Seoul, Onnuri church in Seoul, Willow Creek Community church in Chicago In conclusion, we Korean churches are now facing to decline. The key point is relation with the laity. For Korean churches, this is a time to have the paradigm shift. Let us building good partnership with the laity, inviting and equipping them, serving Lord together.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The Korean church had been faced the tendency of the decline of Church growth. fundamentally, the crisis was caused by the lack of qualified Christian Leadership for church rninistry. Under this cunent situation of crisis this article tried to confirm and analyze those problems of the lack of Christian leadership. Generally tbe leadership means to lead rnernbers to the specific goals for the groups. There are many deflnitions for the leadership. But in the context of the church ministry, there are clear differences between the spiritualleadership and the secular leadership. Above all, the spiritual leadership emphasize on the Bible, church and the faith to the God. In the spiritual leadership, the purpose of the leadership is not ruling his group. In the Bible, Jesus told us clearly in that fact. Jesus said that who want to be a leader should become a servant fIrst. And Jesus Christ encapsulated the gospel into two commandrnents. He said to love God with our total being and our neighbor as ourselves. Effective leadership should be follow tbose two commandrnents A future question that arises for the spiritual leadership is about how can we develop the spiritual leadership. For the future ministry, we have to consider radical changes in our society. It is said that in the twenty-first century, to limit church by area wilI be meaningless. And the influences of the computer and multimedia is stronger than before. People wilI seek more spiritual relief in the church. This article explored the spiritualleadership for the future ministry. When we face our circumstances we can notice easily that the future would be very different with all technical developments. We found already radical changes in our daily life. The future minisσies confront severe challenge from the radical changes and high-technical society. How can the church survive under those radical changes? Therefore this article tried to describe about future changes. Our church needs to attempt new techniques for our future ministry. But the most important thing is even its methodology can be changed but not the essence of Gospel. We have to establish our future on the Word of God. Future ministries wilI claim more spiritual leadership than ever. Stronger spiritual leadership wiU be requested because of those rapid changes in our society. So in this article suggest some helpful tips it can help to develop effective Christian leadership for the future ministry and church growth.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The church growth in Jerusalem in Acts shows us the very model of a rapidly growing church that was emolled the church members about 3,000 or 5,000 into. All the church in this world nowadays envies such an amazing church growth. However, this does not mean the growth model of the single church, but the reality of the church growth in a total meaning for the all church in Jerusalem that was ministered by the apostles at that time. Hence, such a growth in Jerusalem means an essential figure that was searched by modern churches, because of not the growing model of the local church all over the world. At the moment of the earlychurch the abruptly growing church fortunately was possible by the power of the Holy Spirit, but is it possible of modern churches that are added a day about 3,000 or 5,000? This paper shows the model of the church growth theory of Jesus on the basis of the faith of Emmanuel that Jesus taught in his saying, “ For where two or three are gathered in my name, there am 1 in the middle of them."Although this teaching is on the smallest church that can be formed by the church members, one can evaluate that modern churches must reconsider obsessing the church growth in the sense of number. Later on Jesus' concept of church affected to Paul in that church means member, not building. When Paul addressed that church is the body of Christ, each part is working properly, and building makes bodily growth and up builds itself in love, the building means the body of Christ that is organic. The purpose of this paper is to find the principle of the church growth theory of the early church in the Gospels. For this purpose, this paper suggests that the view of discipleship and church growth theory of Jesus, by establishing the church theory of the synoptic gospels on the basis of the faith of Emmanuel. Here the role of layperson and women is necessarily reconsidered by the view of the church minisσy in modern churches. As a result, this paper suggests that churchgrowth model in the internal and external sense moves from the function of pastors to one of layperson.
        2003.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Church growth movement began with Donald A. McGavran’ s book The Bridges of God. The book shows that people movements are effective means wbereby people can become a Christian in tbe form of mass conversion. In the same vein, McGavran claimed that “ Men like to become Christians without crossing social, linguistic, or class barriers." He founded the Institute of Church Growth through which be propelled cburch growth movement although he struggled in its early stage. He published the Church Growth Bulletin periodically which was read among missionaries and pastors all over the world. He became the Dean of School of World Mission at Fuller Theological Seminary. There he taught mission courses with Alan Tippett, Ralph Winter, Artbur Glasser, and Charles Kraft. He published a classic textbook Understanding Church Growth in which he explained whatever he wanted to express concerning church growth in the world. He authored with Arthur Glasser Contemporary Theologies of Mission to defend evangelical theologies of mission against ecumenical theologies of mission. He is called “ the father of the church growth movement." C. Peter Wagner was impressed by McGavran’s teaching about church growth and his book The Bridges of God. He was invited by McGavran to teach church growth courses at Fuller Theological Seminary. He experienced divine healing when he attended a revival meeting in his mission field of Latin Arnerica. He published lots of books concerning church growth, spiritual gifts, and spiritual battles. He became the best disciple of Donald McGavran and revised Understanding Church Growth although he missed a crucial chapter regarding discipling urban populations. He maintained the evangelical theologies of mission and stressed making disciples of all nations based On the Great Commission. He authored the Third Wave of the Holy Spirit. Among his books, Church Growth and the Whole Gospel and Strategies for Church Growth are more theological than others. These two books deal with theological foundations for church growth. He stressed intercessory prayer through which Kingdom of God is extended. He taught the course “ The Ministry of Healing and World Evangelization" (MC 510) with John Wimber who left Fuller Theological Seminary to lead Vineyard movement. In addition to these two men, George Hunter, Eddie Gibs, Win Arn, Kent Hunt, Elmer Towns, Charles Chaney, Lyle Schaller, Delos Miles, Ralph Winter, William Easum, and Thom Rainer have studied church growth and taught it. Church growth was criticized by many but it became a science in theological circles. The church growth movement today tends to be evangelical while accepting a holistic position. As McGavran pointed out, the 19th century was the great century in terms of mission, but the 20th century became the century of church growth. The key of church growth movement is discipling all nations of the world. In doing so, all Christians are called to reach many groups of people who are yet to be Christians aIl over the world. The church growth movement is essential to reach them.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The concept of globalization has emerged as a powerful paradigmatic concept in explaining many far-reaching economic, social, and cultural transformations in many parts of the world. Globalization can be defined as all the multi-dimensional process by which peoples of the world are incorporated into a global society. The drives of globalization are the tools of modern technology and the free market economy. The purpose of this paper is to understand globalization as a modern context for mission and how it has influenced the Korean church. This paper argues that globalization is not only opportunities for Christian mission but also obstacles against it. This paper discusses some benefits and obstacles to mission. For example, in an age of globalization more and more people can have an opportunity to hear the Gospel message, however, it makes more difficult for them to be disciples. Globalization encourages the context to foster the privatization of Christian faith. The paper suggests some future tasks for the Korean church in an age of globalization: the development of partnership, faith community, worldwide and communal sense of responsibility, and Christian civil society movements. It is hoped that the Korean church will contribute to the globalization of Christian gospel in the future, by embracing the global vision, one Kingdom of God under Jesus Christ.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The internet is "an information flea market" in which people can easily access online magazines, world information and discussion groups. Electronic mail is fast becoming an essential tool for communication. However, it does not only deal with information and communication. A new vocabulary is showing up, such as, the world of cyberspace "and electronic community" which indicate the occurrence of a new type of life and perception called, the virtual world. Virtual means "almost as good as real" or even better than real. Virtua l reality creates an electronic environment-cyberspace that engages the senses so vividly that it feels reaL" Many people in the coming age will live in this space. This cyberspace is different from mass communication in that "it allows one the opportunity to speak as though to one person, yet reach millions."