
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 406

        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        1960년 Au-Si계 합금에서 처음으로 비정질상이 급속 응고법에 의해 보고된 이래/sup 1)/ 지난 40년 간 많은 합금계에서 비정질상이 보고되어졌다. 대표적으로 Fe-, Ni-, Co기 합금 등 많은 합금계에서 비정질상이 보고되었으나, 비정질상의 형성을 위해서는 약 105 K/s이상의 높은 냉각속도를 필요로 하였다. 1980년대 수백 K/s의 낮은 냉각속도 하에서도 비정질상이 형성될 수 있는 다원계 합금(multi-component alloy)이
        2004.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The main goal of this work is to study the effect of glass fiber volume fraction on the result of tensile test with respect to glass fiber/polypropylene(GF/PP) composites. The tensile test and failure mechanisms of GF/PP composites were investigated in the fiber volume fraction range from 10% to 30%. The tensile strength and the fracture strength increased with the increasing of the fiber volume fraction in the tested range. Fiber pull-out and debonding of this composites increased with the fiber volume fraction in thc tested range. The major failure mechanisms were classified into the debonding, the fiber pull out, the delamination and the matrix deformation.
        2003.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Many of researches regarding mechanical properties of composite materials are associated with humid environment and temperature. Especially the temperature is a very important factor influencing the design of thermoplastic composites. However, the effect of temperature on impact behavior of reinforced composites have not yet been fully explored. An approach which predicts critical fracture toughness GIC was performed by the impact test in this work. The main goal of this work is to study the effect of temperature and span of specimen supports on the results of Charpy impact test for GF/PE composite. The critical fracture energy and failure mechanism of GF/PE composites were investigated in the temperature range of 60℃;to;-50℃ by the Charpy impact test. The critical fracture energy showed the maximum at the ambient temperature, and it tended to decrease as the temperature increased or decreased from the ambient temperature. The major failure mechanisms are the fiber matrix debonding, the fiber pull-out and/or delamination and the matrix deformation.n.
        2003.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thermosetting matrix composites have disadvantages in terms of moulding time, repairability and manufacturing cost. Thus the high-performance thermoplastic composites to eliminate such disadvantages have been developed so far. As a result of environmental and economical concerns, there is a growing interest in the use of thermoplastic composites. However, since their mechanical properties are very sensitive to the environment such as moisture, temperature etc., those behaviors need to be studied. Particularly the temperature is a very important factor influencing the mechanical behavior of thermoplastic composites. The effect of temperature have not yet been fully quantified. Since engineering applications of reinforced composites necessitate their fracture mechanic characterization, work is in progress to investigate the fracture and related failure behavior. An approach which predicts the tensile strength was perpormed in the tensile test. The main goal of this work is to study the effect of temperature on the result of tensile test with respect to GF/PE composite. The tensile strength and failure mechanisms of GF/PE composites were investigated in the temperature range 60℃ to -50℃. The tensile strength increased as the fiber volume fraction ratio increased. The tensile strength showed the maximum at -50℃, and it tended to decrease as the temperature increased from -50℃. The major failure mechanism was classified into the fiber matrix debonding, the fiber pull-out, the delamination and the matrix deformation.
        2003.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 실험은 폐기된 유리물질을 재가공하여 입자화한 CGF(cellular glass foam)를 펄라이트 대체 혼합상토로 이용하기 위하여 수행되었다. CGF의 입자크기를2.0∼4.0 mm로 조절한 후 피트모스와 혼합하여 배지를 조제하였고 관수빈도에 따른 Lycopersicum esculentum 'Segye' 플러그묘의 생육을 비교히였다. CGF와 피트모스의 혼합비율은 25:75와 33:67(%, v/v)이였으며 관수빈도는 2일에 1회, 2회, 또는 3회로 하였고, 상업용 플러그 배지(토실이 배지)에 1일 I회 관수한 것을 대조구로 하였다. 파종 후 33일에 플러그묘의 초장, 경경, 줄기와 뿌리의 생체중과 건물중, 엽수, 엽면적, 엽록소 함량, 그리고 배지의 pH와 EC를 조사하였다. 배지 혼합비율에 따른 플러그묘의 전체 생육은 유의성이 낮았다. 관수빈도에 따른 경경, 엽수, 엽면적, 줄기와 뿌리의 생체중과 건물중, T/R 그리고 배지의 EC에서 유의적인 차이를 보였다 CGF와 피트모스를 25:75(%, v/v)로 혼합한 배지에 관수빈도를 높인 처리에서 묘의 생육이 가장 좋았다.
        2002.11 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The purpose of this study was to investigate the warming temperature and exposed time on the post-thaw survival rate and viability of bovine blastocyst cryopreserved by GMP vitrification. Groups of three bovine IVP blastocysts were sequentially placed into vitrification solution before being loaded into the GMP straws and immersed into LNwithin 20 to 25 sec. The warming rate was increased 2 times of warming temperature for improvement of post-thaw survival rates. The frozen embryos were warmed either at 35 or 70 for 1 or 2 sec and then diluted in sucrose solution. Post-thaw blastocysts were serially washed in 0.25 and 0.15 M sucrose in holding medium (HM: TCM199 supplemented with 10% FCS) and TCM-199 for each 5 min, respectively, and then cultured in TCM199 for 24 h. The rate of re-expanded blastocyst was significantly different fer 35 and 70 warming temporature (76.4 vs. 89.3%; P<0.05). The rate of re-expanded blastocyst at 70 for 1 sec was significantly higher than that for 2 sec (91.1 vs. 70.9%; P<0.05). The number of nuclei counted were significantly different among control, 35 and 70 (1218.5 vs. 10411.7 vs. 11410.3; P<0.05). These results indicated that the increasing of warming rate can provide high survival rates of bovine IVP blastocysts. Especially, the best viability of post-thaw blastocyst could be thaw at 70 for 1 sec. The warming temperature and exposed time far warming was considered to be limiting factors to the viability of bovine IVP embryos. he purpose of this study was to investigate the warming temperature and expose.
        2002.10 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this study, first, we show that the furnace process which requires maintaining high temperature is effected grievously by the temperature of surrounding air. Second, an alternative which maintains the relatively constant temperature dispersion surrounding the furnace and at the same time has economical advantages will be proposed.
        2002.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Effects of chemical compositions on the sintering behavior of the lead borosilicate glass developed for barrier ribs of plasma display panels were investigated in this study. Formation of pores during sintering of the glass was noted and their formation mechanism was investigated using XPS, TG/DTA, and XRD. The results indicated that pores are formed by the oxygen released from Pb-oxides during sintering.
        2001.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        섬유함유율이 0%, 20% 그리고 30%인 단섬유 GF/PP 복합재료를 사용하여 80℃, 50℃ 그리고 실온에서 인장시험을 통하여 온도의 변화에 대한 파괴강도의 거동을 고찰한 결과는 다음과 같다. 1) 유리섬유로 강화하지 않은 순수 PP보다 유리섬유로 강화한 복합재료의 인장강도가 높게 나타났으며 섬유함유율이 증가할수록 그 값은 높게 나타났다. 2) 동일한 섬유함유율을 가지는 GF/PP 복합재료의 온도변화에 따른 인장강도는 실온의 경우가 가장 높게 나타나고 고온으로 갈수록 그 값이 낮게 나타났다. 3) GF/PP 복합재료의 파괴기구는 온도의 변화에 따라 매트릭스의 변형이 나타났으며 섬유의 풀아웃, 섬유와 매트릭스 사이의 디본딩을 관찰할 수 있었으며, 이와 같은 파괴기구가 종합적으로 상호작용한다고 생각된다.
        2001.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        고온 안정성의 유리계로 알려진 회토류 알루미나 규산염계중, Nd2O3-Al2O3-SiO2(NdAS)계 유리의 응용범위를 찾고자 결정화유리를 제조하여 그 물성의 특성을 평가하였다. NdAS에 결정화제로 TiO2를 첨가하여 내부결정화를 유도하여 생성된 결정화유리에 대하여 결정상과 잔류유리의 물리적, 열적, 기계적 물성을 측정하였다. NdAS-TiO2유리계는 열처리와 조성 조건에 따라 생성된 표면 및 내부결정상은 같은 결정상을 갖는 것으로 X선회절의 결과로 확인되었으나, 알려 있지 않은 결정상으로 내부결정의 경우, 원자구성비는 Nd4.6Si7.2Al4.0Ti2.4O32이었다. 결정화유리의 선팽창계수는 5.4~6.2×10-6/˚C 정도로 경정성장이 일어날수록 증가되었다. 결정화유리중의 결정상의 경도와 탄성계수는각 각 12GPa, 220Gpa으로 나타난 것을 고려한다면 내부결정화에 의한 결정화유리의 물성은 고온 구조용 재료로 활용도가 넓을 것으로 본다.
        2001.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Due to its low density, good mechanical properties and chemical inertness, glassy carbon(GC) has been studied for appications in several fields. A raw thermosetting resin of furanic resin was polymerized with a curing agent of p-toluenesulfonic acid monohydrate. The maximum yield of GC was obtained at the curing agent content of 1.0 wt% in furanic resin. In order to make thick GC, the affect of graphite filler addition to the furanic resin was investigated. The density and electrical resitivity of GC after graphitization were 1.45 g/cm3 and 47 ×10-4 Ω · cm respectively and the amorphous structure of GC was confirmed by XRD profiles with very broad peaks comparable to those of graphite at 206˚ and 45˚.