
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 543

        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A stylobate, part of the foundation for hardening soil below the floor, has been built with a variety of materials, such as stone, tile and brick, in several kinds of combined constructions of soil, stone, and brick. In particular, Baekje used a tile-piled stylobate that could not be found in Goguryeo and Silla counterparts, thus showing outstanding performance in the construction culture. Archeological excavations up to now evidence the stylobate played a role in building the magnificent structures or enhancing the decorative effects. It can be enough inferred that such features are reflected on dual footing stylobate, framed stylobate and tile-piled stylobate. Baekje had delivered its techniques for constructing stylobate to Silla from about the middle of 6th century. They can be traced down back from the dual stylobate that has been identified in Hwangryong-sa temple lastly built in the old site of Silla, those constructed with broken stones at Najeong, tile-piled stylobate of the mode of vertical-horizontal rows which had been established in Inwang-dong, Gyeongju, the capital of the kingdom, and a framed stylobate at Hall enshrining Buddha (Golden Hall) site of Gameun-sa temple site. Recently, relics of structures, including temple sites, are intermittently being unearthed in the old sites of Baekje and Silla. However, studies linking archeology with architecture can be rarely found up to now. It is, therefore, necessary that the relics should be correctly construed in archeological as well as architectural aspects. We expect that further studies can graft architectural insight into archeological analysis.
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        본 연구는 체내, 체외 및 복제를 통하여 각각 생산된 배반포를 이식하여, 수란우의 수태율, 임신기간 및 유산율과 더불어 송아지의 생시 체중과 이후 생존율을 조사하였다. 그 결과, 수태 을은 체내수정란이 56.3%로서 복제 수정란의 19.4%에 비하여 유의하게 높았으나 (p<0.05), 체외수정란의 30.0%와는 유의성이 인정되지 않았다 유산율과 임신기간은 처리군 간에 유사한 경향이었다(유산을 0, 22.2 및 16.7%; 임신기간 278.8, 289.4
        2004.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study compares the effects of three different focus-on-form techniques in order to find out the best way of teaching English present perfect to Korean EFL learners. 120 university students were divided into three different groups depending on the degree of explicitness of instruction: the input flooding group, the input enhancement group, and the rule explanation group. The effects of each type of focus-on-form instruction were measured through the students' learning of the target structure and the comprehension of given reading texts. The results of the experiment show that in the learning of the target structure the rule explanation group was significantly better than the other two groups, and the implicit focus-on-form technique, input enhancement, was more effective than input flooding. The present study also revealed that no one type of focus-on-form technique was more effective than any other types in the comprehension of the reading texts.
        2004.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        착색단고추에 발생하여 피해를 주고 있는 작은뿌리파리의 포장 발생 실태를 간단하고 손쉽게 간이예찰 할 수 있는 방법에 대하여 시험을 수행하였다. 작은뿌리파리의 유충은 감자, 고구마, 당근, 마늘, 무, 양파 절편중에서 감자 절편에 많은 수가 유인되었으며, 유인수는 각각 9.7마리, 6.0마리, 4.3마리, 0.7마리, 3.8마리, 1.0마리였다. 유충 유인수는 101010mm에서 2.1마리, 202010mm에서 3.4마리, 303010mm에서 3.9마리로 절편의 표면적이 클수록 유인수가 많았다. 성충은 노란색 끈끈이트랩에 50.0마리가 유인되어 흰색에서 18.0마리, 파란색에서 3.7마리보다 유인수가 많았다. 끈끈이트랩 설치 높이별 성충 유인수는 암면배지로부터 50cm이하에서 50.0마리,50-100cm에서 4.3마리, 100cm이상에서 2.0마리가 유인되어 50cm이하에 설치하는 것이 효과적이었다.