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        검색결과 971

        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In the context of the 4th Industrial Revolution, the rise of electric vehicles and personal mobility is evident. However, regulatory authorities seem to overlook vast opportunities, placing two-wheelers in a deregulated category and focusing mainly on regulations. This paper addresses a notable trend in e-mobility, emphasizing aspects often overlooked in traditional motorcycle regulatory research. Using the industrial life cycle theory as a basis, we identify challenges that have affected traditional combustion-engine two-wheelers and offer insights to navigate similar obstacles in the future. Consequently, the domestic two-wheeler market experienced a brief surge but lacked sustainable growth prospects. However, considering Japan's success in establishing global standards and design dominance in the two-wheeler industry despite its late entry, there appears to be potential for a rebound in the domestic market.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study analyzed 214 sports knee braces found on Chinese websites between October 2022 and November 2022 to assess product type (impact protection material, fastening method, and protection method), material composition, size, weight, and main characteristics. The product type was further categorized according to (1) use of hard guard and soft guard protection method; (2) cover type, strap type, and slip-on type fastening method; and (3) pressure type and support type protection method. It also noted the physical shock protection materials used, including foam (EVA or polyurethane) attached to joints as a buffer material and plastic (TPU or PP) that protects the user’s knee from external impacts. The study found that the materials that primarily comprise sports knee braces are a combination of nylon, polyester, and neoprene. Additionally, it found that most sports knee braces available on the market are available in three sizes based on knee circumference: M (35–38cm), L (38–41cm), and XL (41–44cm), while some products are available in one size only. Furthermore, the majority of the 214 products studied weighed 200g, followed by 1,000g. Finally, in terms of product characteristics, many sports knee braces utilize ring-shaped silicone pads to distribute the load pressure on the knees or incorporate sturdy adhesive velcro to improve knee stability.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to analyze the variations in online clothing purchasing patterns based on demographic attributes and purchasing behavior. The survey subjects comprised individuals in their 10s to 50s who had prior experience with online shopping. The survey was conducted in Gyungnam from May to June 2022. A total of 397 questionnaires were analyzed using the χ2-test statistical method. The analysis of clothing purchase type based on demographic characteristics revealed differences in terms of gender, marital status, age, monthly income, and occupation. Notably, when analyzed by demographic characteristics and clothing purchase types, monthly online purchase frequency displayed significant differences in marital status, age, and occupation. Similarly, monthly purchase amounts through online platforms exhibited significant variations based on marital status, age, monthly income, and occupation. The online fashion platforms, when examined in relation to demographic characteristics and purchase types, showed significant differences across all variables. Clothing purchases by consumers seeking individuality and differentiation exhibited significant differences in age, occupation, and purchase types. Furthermore, the reasons for choosing online platforms for clothing purchases varied significantly based on age and occupation. These findings indicate diverse purchasing behaviors on online platforms influenced by demographic characteristics. These findings can be valuable for effectively segmenting the online fashion market.
        2023.10 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study initiated research aligned with the body positivity movement, aiming to explore size diversity for groups facing relative size discrimination due to their deviation from average body types. Using KS adult women's apparel dimensions as a reference, jackets were developed for women in their 20s to 30s who belong to the small petite-size (S[P]) category, which is characterized by a height under 155cm (petite) and a bust-circumference from 72cm to less than 82cm (small). Using 3D virtual-fitting, we conducted experiment-pattern production and refinement and subsequent real-fitting evaluations by participants to objectively validate aesthetics and comfort. The study’s findings are as follows: First, utilizing a 3D virtual-fitting program by identifying ‘creases’ and ‘garment pressure points’ in the jacket appearance, experiment patterns were refined and real jackets were produced. This approach addressed challenges in recruiting participants with specific body types and allowed for efficient research in terms of cost and time. Second, through real-fitting evaluations, basic-fit and slim-fit jackets labeled as <79-88-150> were developed for the S(P) size. we presented ‘size spec’ and ‘ease allowance’ for jackets by waist fit. Both fits received positive evaluations with approximately 53.5cm sleeve length, and 11.7cm shoulder length. The ease allowances for the basic-fit jacket were approximately 9.2cm at the bust circumference, 12.8cm at the waist circumference, and 6cm at the hip circumference. Similarly, the slim-fit jacket exhibited ease allowances of about 4.8cm at the bust circumference, 4cm at the waist circumference, and 4cm at the hip circumference, receiving positive evaluations for aesthetics and comfort.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examines the effect of cosmetic certification marks on consumer behavior. The underlying objectives of this study are threefold. First, it explores whether the certification mark inserted into the cosmetic package—such as marks denoting quality assurances, ethical practices (specifically, pertaining to animal testing), and recycling packaging—affects consumer responses. Second, it investigates whether a higher number of certification marks leads to heightened positive consumer responses. Third, it analyzes the potential moderating effect of consumers’ certification mark knowledge on the relationship between certification marks and consumer responses. In the pretest, certification marks with higher recognition were selected as stimuli, and a survey involving a total of 550 male and female consumers was conducted. The collected data were analyzed through ANOVA and post-hoc tests. The findings of this study confirm a significant difference in consumer responses to products based on the certification marks inserted in the cosmetic packaging. Compared to clusters without a certification mark, groups with two or more certifications (recycling certification + ethics certification, recycling certification + quality certification, recycling certification + ethics certification + quality certification) exhibit significant consumer responses. Second, more certification marks did not result in an increase in positive consumer responses. Third, a moderating effect of consumers’ cosmetic certification knowledge on the certification mark-consumer response relationship was not found. The findings of this study have implications for developing product promotion strategies that leverage cosmetic certification marks as a marketing tool.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aimed to predict the shelf life of black soybean Sunsik to develop a functional labeling system for the product. The Arrhenius equation was used to calculate the shelf life by examining alterations in the dietary fiber and calcium levels of black soybean Sunsik stored at 25, 35, and 50°C for 0, 6, and 12 months. Dietary fiber and calcium analyses were performed according to the experimental methods specified in the Food Code of the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. Both black soybean Sunsik (BS) and black soybean Sunsik containing nondigestible maltodextrin and calcium lactate (BSN) exhibited an upward trend in dietary fiber content after 12 months of storage, compared to their initial levels. During storage, the phytate in Sunsik degraded, releasing cations that facilitated the formation of new cross-links between pectic acid and middle lamella, which ultimately increased dietary fiber content. Conversely, the calcium contents of both BS and BSN decreased with prolonged storage. Based on these findings, the expected shelf life of BS and BSN was calculated as 15.65 and 28.34 months, respectively.
        2023.08 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A rapid analytical method was developed and optimized to determine gluten content in bread. Existing gluten quantification methods were inappropriate for bread with high gluten content because they were optimized to analyze shallow gluten content. To overcome this problem, the first method of quantifying the gluten content in bread was developed by modifying the gluten analysis method in cereal grains. Heat-stable gliadin was selectively quantified for gluten quantification using high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC), and gliadin peaks were separated using an Agilent SB-C8 column. The specificity, linearity, accuracy, precision, limit of detection (LOD), and limit of quantification (LOQ) were measured for validation. The calibration curve of gliadin had high linearity (R2 = 0.9996), and LOD and LOQ were 0.03 and 0.10 g/100 g, respectively. The relative standard deviation (RSD) values of intra- and inter-day precision were less than 2.49% and 1.54%, respectively. Recovery ranged from 90.73% to 93.87%, with RSD values less than 2.06%. These results indicate that the HPLC method for quantifying gluten in bakery products is efficient, reliable, and reproducible.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        중국은 국내적으로 1986년 제3기 전국인민대회 제18차 회의에서 “국경위생검역법” 을 통과시켜 기존의 국경위생검역에 관한 여러 가지 규정과 조례들을 체계화하여 위 생검역에 대한 종합적인 체계를 갖추었다. 또한 국제적인 위생검역체계에 도달하기 위하여 1992년 세계동물보건기구(OIE)에 중국이 가입하고 동물에 대한 국제적인 위 생검역과 관련하여 자국의 동물 및 동물제품에 대한 위생검역 체계를 국제적인 수준 에 도달하는 시스템도 함께 구축하였다. 하지만 위생검역의 실질적인 운영과정에서 멜라민 사건처럼 검사기준을 악용하는 사례가 발생하여 해당 문제를 해결하기 위하 여 유제품에 대한 위생검역의 강화로 한국에서 중국으로 유제품을 수출하는 기업들 에게 해당 위생검역이 비관세장벽으로 작용하는 문제까지 확산하였다. 한편, 국제적 인 경마대회를 운영하기 위하여 중국의 말 관련 위생검역이 국제적 수준으로까지 도 달하기 위한 어려움이 초기에 있었지만, 지속적인 위생검역의 역량향상과 국제적인 인증까지 획득하여 현재는 상설 국제경마대회를 진행할 수 있을 뿐만 아니라 말 관련 산업을 특화하여 국제적인 경쟁력을 키워 세계적인 말 관련 시장에 진입하고자 하는 단계까지 접어들었다고 할 수 있다.
        2023.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study investigated the awareness and consumption behavior of 118 vegetarians and omnivores toward plant-based dairy alternatives. The preference and choice attribute questionnaires were compared. Significant differences were obtained between the two groups when considering the purchase experience, preference, and selection attributes of plant-based dairy alternatives. Vegetarians had more experience purchasing plant-based dairy alternative products. In both groups, environmental and animal protection were the major factors that influenced the highest response rate for purchasing plantbased dairy alternatives. The preference score of vegetarians for plant-based dairy alternative products was high, indicating that vegetarianism had a significant effect on their preference for plant-based dairy alternative products. Analysis of selection attributes revealed that price, product weight, appearance, and manufacturer were considered important by vegetarians, whereas nutritional components and labeling, manufacturing environment, composition of ingredients, and taste and texture were considered more important by the omnivores. Results of this study can be used as basic data for the future development of the fast-growing industry producing plant-based dairy alternative products.
        2023.05 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        빠르게 변화하는 해외 시장 환경 및 소비자 니즈의 변화에 발맞춰, 기업의 혁신 전략의 중요성이 강조되고 있음에도 불구하고, 경쟁전략과 신제품개발속의 관계에 관한 연구가 많이 이루어지지 않 은 실정이다. 특히, 대기업에 비해 유무형 자원의 부족에 한계를 가지고 있는 중소기업에게 있어, 해외 시장 환경의 변화에 대처하는 경쟁전략의 선택은 중요한 의사결정 요소이며, 이러한 경쟁전략 은 신제품개발속도에 영향을 미치는 주요한 전략적 요인으로 작용한다. 이에 본 연구는, 차별화전 략과 비용우위전략이 신제품개발속도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고, 시장역동성이 이러한 관계에 어 떠한 조절효과를 미치는지 살펴보고자 한다. 이를 위해 한국 중소수출업체를 대상으로 설문을 진행 하였으며, 차별화전략과 비용우위전략이 신제품개발속도에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였 다. 나아가, 시장역동성이 높을수록, 차별화전략이 신제품개발속도에 미치는 긍정적인 영향은 커지 지만, 비용우위전략이 신제품개발속도에 미치는 긍정적인 영향은 약해지는 것을 확인하였다. 본 연 구는, 경쟁전략이 신제품개발속도에 미치는 영향을 제안하고 검증하였으며, 시장이 빠르게 변화할 경우, 경쟁전략의 긍정적인 효과가 달라질 수 있음을 확인하였다는 점에서 학문적 및 실무적 시사 점이 있을 것으로 기대된다.
        2023.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Controlling fashion waste throughout the entire product lifecycle is critical in a circular economy. This study explored the possibility of establishing a public recycling system for fashion waste. Since consumer interests and participation are essential, theoretical research, social-text analysis, and quantitative research were conducted to identify consumers’ perceptions of the public recycling of fashion waste and circular fashion. Data were collected via an online survey among women in their 20–30’s living in Korea, and 304 samples were used for data analysis. The results were as follows. First, consumers’ perceptions of recycling fashion waste were composed of recycling difficulty, the need for public recycling, and the need for EPR. Circular fashion perception comprised favor, environment protection, attractiveness, economics, quality and hygiene risks, and lack of diversity. Second, the reuse-recycle attitude and need for EPR affected the favor of all types of circular fashion products. Third, environmental concerns impacted attractiveness, and the favor significantly affected the purchase intention of all types of circular fashion products. In particular, quality and hygiene risk negatively affected the purchase intention of used-fashion products, while attractiveness positively impacted the purchase intention of upcycled-fashion products. The results implied that discussing the public recycling system of fashion waste and EPR policy is imperative. The results also showed the need to classify different types of circular fashion products, such as used, upcycled, and regenerated fashion items, to examine consumers’ perceptions. In addition, the recycling of the fashion waste scale developed in this study could be used for further research.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study examined the feasibility of exporting dairy products from Korea to Vietnam by identifying characteristics of its dairy product market based on results from the analysis of its dairy product market, and surveys on consumers, wholesalers, and retailers. The results from surveys provide characteristics of Vietnam’s dairy product market, the propensity to consume Korean dairy products, and the feasibility of the Korean dairy product exports market. As rapid economic growth and changes in preference result in an expansion of import market in Vietnam, Vietnam’s dairy product market is highly attractive to Korean dairy products. Vietnamese consumers have high confidence in Korean dairy products and are willing to pay a high price for them. Besides, over 200 thousand Koreans are living in Vietnam. This is favorable to Korean dairy products exports. But the success of the Korean dairy products in Vietnam’s dairy product market also depends upon systematic disease controls, the establishment of its brand image, effective quality and sanitation/safety management, and government support. Notably, the economic effects of Korean dairy products exports to Vietnam are 68.7 billion won for a production inducement effect and 297 persons for an employment inducement effect.
        2023.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        To determine the acceptability of Grain Utilization Value Added (GUVA) Japonica rice variety developed by the International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) and South Korea’s Rural Development Authority (RDA), home use tests were conducted in n=69 businesses that were using Japonica rice. In general, they were satisfied with the Japonica brands, because they provided them with the particulars needed in their Japanese and Korean dishes. According to them, the value and quality of the Japonica rice justify the price. However, the GUVA Japonica Rice variety’s positive ratings were significantly lower compared to the brands they were used to. This applied to both their overall and attributespecific evaluations. Among the attributes, size, shape, aroma, and stickiness received significantly lower ratings compared to the other Japonica varieties. For them, it was too small, too round, less aromatic, and less sticky which may lead to challenges in preparation consequently affecting the commercial acceptability of the dishes they offer. Even with this experience and perception, they were still willing to consider the GUVA Japonica Rice when it was available in the market. Using the Van Westendorp pricing model, GUVA Japonica yielded a price of PHP 51.00 (1.01 USD) which was competitive. These findings provide recommendations for measures that should be put in place so that value chain players can preserve and maintain quality until the rice reach the business market.
        2023.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Thin-film shape technology is recognized for its core technology to enhance the technology of LCD, PDP, semiconductor manufacturing processes, hard disks and optical disks, and is widely used to form coated thin films of products. In addition, resistance (electron beam filament) technology for heating is used to manufacture filament for ion implants used in semiconductor manufacturing processes. By establishing an electronic beam filament production system and developing seven specifications of electronic beam filament, it is contributing to improving trade dynamics and increasing exports to Japan through localized media of theoretical imports to domestic companies. In this study, CAE analysis was performed after setting electron beam filament specification and development objectives, facilities and fabrication for electron beam filament production, electron beam filament JIG & fixture design and fabrication followed by electron beam filament prototype. Then, the automation and complete inspection equipment of the previously developed electronic beam filament manufacturing facilities was developed and researched to mass-produce them, to analyze and modify prototypes, design and manufacture automation facilities, and finally, to design and manufacture the complete inspection equipment. In this paper, analysis and modification of prototypes of electron beam filaments for mass production were dealted with.
        2022.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        In this research, the a novel finishing machine was used for hight-precision surface of spherical ball products that have been widely used for on/off valve for hydrogen energy flowing system and in medical field such as artificial hip joint component. The spherical balls products are the workpiece that made by Co-Cr-Mo alloys with 32-mm in diameter and Sa≈ 0.30μm in surface roughness. Their surface roughness was successfully improved via the magnetic abrasive tools that controlled the magnetic field of permanent magnets. The critical input conditions were selected as rotational speed: 800rpm, gap: 3mm, tool grain size: 1-μm finishing time: 0, 3, 6, 9, 12, and 15min. The results of this research showed that under the given finishing conditions, the high surface quality in the terms of surface precision of spherical ball products are successfully achieved, in which the surface roughness is reduced from 0.30-μm to 0.04-μm within the short finishing time at 12min. Therefore, it can be concluded that a novel finishing machine is feasible to be used for improving the surface roughness of spherical ball products, resulted in high surface precision of materials.
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