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        검색결과 47

        2015.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        A predatory genus Cryptalaus Ôhira, 1967 (Coleoptera: Elateridae) in Korea is taxonomically reviewed in this study. Up to date, two species of the genus Cryptalaus, C. berus Candèze, 1865 and C. larvatus pini Lewis, 1894, have been reported from Korea. From the present study, C. yamato Nakane, 1957 which has been regarded as an endemic to Japan, is reported from the Korean peninsula for the first time. A key to the Korean species of the genus Cryptalaus, diagnosis, illustrations of diagnostic characteristics are provided.
        2013.04 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Two families of checkered beetles (Cleridae and Thanerocleridae) contain approximately 3,600 described species. Clerus is one of genera belonging to the Omadius genus-group (Cleridae: Clerinae: Clerus series), and distributed in Palaearctic, Indo-Australian and Afrotropic regions containing 17 species. Among the known species, 11 species have been recorded from Palaearctic region (seven from East Asian countries). Through a taxonomic study on the Korean Clerus species, a total of three species, C. dealbatus (Kraatz, 1879), C. pilosellus (Gorham, 1878) and Clerus sp. nov. are recognized. From the present study, it was confirmed that C. dealbatus was misidentified as Thanasimus lewisi (Jacobson, 1911) in the country, due to the similarity of the body coloration. The presence of the latter species in Korean insect fauna is very doubtful. Diagnostic characters of three Korean Clerus species are presented.
        2012.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Pyralinae are one of the largest subfamilies belonging to Pyralidae, which comprises about 900 species of 217 genera in the world, and 150 species belonging to 32 genera are recorded in China (Li houhun, 2009). This subfamily are characterized by the following characteristics: head rounded, chaetosemata present, proboscis developed. Labial palpus porrect or upturned. Maxillary palpus small. Forewing colorful, from narrow to wide, antemedial line and postmedial line present and distinct. Hindwing color simple. Male genitalia with broad uncus, gnathos developed, slim, tip of gnathos sharp or hooked; tegument sclerotized, valve simple with various shape; juxta elliptical or rounded, aedeagus slender, cornutus present or absent. Female genitalia with small papillae anales, corpus bursae oval, signum present or absent. Liaoning Province is located in the southern part of NE China, the area of Liaoning is 146,900 km² and it is bounded on the south by the Yellow sea, on the southeast by North Korea, on the north by Jilin Province, and on the west by Inner Mongolia and Hebei Province. The mean annual temperature is 7-11℃, the mean annual precipitation is 600-1100 mm in northeast part, but 400 mm in west part. Liaoning Province is an important area for forest and agriculture, accordingly, to survey the diversity of Pyralinae is of great significance for systematic study in Liaoning Province. In this study, our materials examined come from the collection of Northeast forestry University from 2006-2010, and the collection of Incheon University from 2010-2012. Finally, we identified 11 species belonging to 8 genera, of them, 1 species are the first time reported in China, and 6 speices are the first time reported in Liaoning Province.
        2011.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Micromus variegatus (Neuroptera: Hemerobiidae) is reported here as new to South Korea. In addition, three other hemerobiid species recorded only the collection data, Hemerobius harmandinus, Sympherobius tessellatus and S. domesticus are also reported with a brief description, images of the adult and wings, and its Korean common name. With four previously reported species in Korea, there are eight species of the family Hemerobiidae from Korea.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Goniozus Förster which is belonging to the subfamily Bethylinae (Hymenoptera: Bethylidae), are one of the large genera, and consist of approximately 170 species worldwide. Most members of Goniozus are ectoparasitoids of immature stages of microlepidopteran families, mainly Gelechiidae, Pyralidae and Tortricidae. As a results of this study, a total of five species of the genus Goniozus are recognized in Korea, which includes two new species, two newly recorded species and a previously recorded species. Diagnosis and illustrations for each species are presented.
        2010.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Arctiidae is a large and diverse family of moths with around 11,000 species (Watson & Goodger, 1986) in three subfamilies found all over the world, including 6,000 neotropical species (Scoble. MJ, 1995). The family is characterized in the following characters (Kitching & Rawlins, 1999): hindwing with Sc+R and S fused for about 1/3 length of discal cell, occasionally completely fused, or only fused for 1/4 length of cell; almost always with either fore coxa, patagium, or abdomen orange or red and contrasting with color of dorsal thorax; metathorax with tymbal organs appearing as a striated band on katepisternum. Taxonomic study of the Arctiidae in Cambodia has been done by a few foreign entomologists. In the present study, we were collected three times from Cambodia in three protected forests are Seima, Central Cardamom, and North Cardamom (Pursat). Each times, we were collected from 3 to 5 sites in each forests. As the results of this study, about 70 species of 32 genera belonging to Arctiidae were recorded from Cambodia. The materials examined based on the collection of University of Incheon, which has collected from 2009-2010 in Cambodia by Cambodian and Korean researcher.
        2010.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        Leaf roller moths Olethreutinae is the second largest subfamily in Tortricidae, comprising worldwide more than 4,300 species (Horak, 2006). Of which, 465 species of 88 genera in South Asia (Diaknoff, 1973). In Vietnam, when studying on fauna of the agricultural pests, National Institute of Plant Protection (NIPP) recorded only 4 Tortricidae species (1977-1978), and 3 Tortricidae species (1997- 1998). From 1996 to 2001. Kuznetzov reported two new genera Fibuloides gen. nov., Pammenpsis gen. nov., and 19 species of Olethreutinae. He also has created a list of 208 Tortricidae species in the North Vietnam. Recently, Razowski recorded 33 species, 11 genera (2008), he (2009) also reported 107 species, 61 genera, of which 61 species of 41 genera belong to Olethreutinae in the North Vietnam. Of which, 25 species are described as new to science, 13 species are new to Vietnam. In the present study, we are briefly reviewed of subfamily Olethreutinae in North Vietnam. We recognized 105 species of 51 genera. Of them, 50 species are reported for the first time from North Vietnam such as: Andrioplecta pulverula Meyrick, 1912; Cryptophlebia repletana Walker, 1863; Dactylioglypha tonica (Meyrick, 1909); Lobesia aelopa Meyrick, 1997; Lobesia ambigua Diaknoff, 1954, etc. The materials identification base on the collection of University of Incheon, which has collected in North Vietnam from 2004-2009.
        2009.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A newly recorded species of Philostephanus Distant, 1909 from Korea, P. ulmi (Kerzhner, 1979), is reported with brief taxonomic notes on the Korean Philostephanus species. Morphological keys of the Korean Philostephanus species are provided with the photos of adults and female genitalia for each species.
        2009.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The family Tortricidae, with just over 9000 described species (Brown 2005), is the second largest lineage in the microlepidoptera, and by far the most important economically. In Vietnam, de Joanis is the first entomologist has created the original data of moths. From 1928-1929, he reported 45 families belong to Lepidoptera and focoused on Noctuidae and Pyralidae. After the Vietnam war in the North (1954), many times were collected in the North by National Institute of Plant Protection (NIPP). But all of them focused on fauna of the agricultural pests. According to the publication of NIPP (1967-1968), 533 species of 37 families. Recently, Korean entomologists have researched on the Lepidoptera in Vietnam by Park et al. (2007) reported 816 species of Lepidoptera classified by 4 families; Noctuidae (564 species), Pyraloidae (201 species), Sphingidae (28 species), and Lecithoceridae (23 species). Vietnamese entomologists' reports have represented a diversity of Lepidoptera in National parks of Vietnam, but all of them focused on macrolepidoptera. In 2001, one new genus and 6 new species belong into Tortricidae in the Southern part has reported by Kuznetzov. In 2008 Razowski announced 10 Tortricidae species in Vietnam. The main aims of this study are to survey of any references of family Tortricidae in North Vietnam, and it also is the first data about Tortricidae in Vietnam. The materials identification based on the collection of University of Incheon, which has collected from 2004-2007. In the taxonomic review of the Tortricidae in Northern part of Vietnam, 40 species (16 species of the subfamily Tortricinae and 24 species of the subfamily Olethreutinae) are recognized. All of them are reported for the first time from Vietnam. Taxonomic review for all species is provided with photos of the adults for the species.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        The genus Philostephanus Distant 1909 belongs to the family Miridae, including 23 species from the eastern Palearctic and the Oriental regions. They are characterized with a relatively large body, brown or fuscous coloration, rather symmetrical parameres of male genitalia, and unique structures of female genitalia. Especially, the respective structures of female genitalia exhibit distinct interspecific variation, which is uncommon in other genera of Miridae, so they are used as key characters in identification and phylogenetic study. Most of members are known to inhabit deciduous trees, and their feeding habits are considered predominantly predaceous although some species are known to use some deciduous trees as their breeding hosts (Yasunaga & Schwartz, 2007). Presently, two species are reported in the Korean fauna (Kwon et al., 2001). During our study, we found one newly recorded Philostephanus species from Korea, P. ulmi (Kerzhner 1979), which is distinguished from other Korean congeners by speckled hemelytra with pale portions. In this study, we provide taxonomic information on P. ulmi and review briefly the Korean Philostephanus species with morphological keys and photos of specimens.
        2009.05 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        In Vietnam, the moths were reported by some foreign entomologist such as de Joannis (1900), Ronkay (1989), Speidel & Kononenko (1998), Park et al. (2006), and Lien et al. (2008). In 1928 -1929 de Joannis created the original data of moths. His final reports on Lepidoptera were 45 families, 611 species of Noctuidae, and 461 species of Pyralidae. After the Vietnam War in North (1954), many times were collected in North Vietnam by National Institute of Plant Protection (NIPP). But all of them focused on fauna of the agricultural pests. According to the publication of NIPP (1967-1968), 533 species of 37 families of which there were 91 species of Noctuidae in the North Vietnam and some other moths known as the insect pests have been reported. In 1977 there were 77 species of Pyralidae known as the insect pests in the North Vietnam. The purpose of this study is to assess diversity of Lepidoptera order and to clarify the fauna in the Northern part of Vietnam, base on the Korea Vietnam collaborative insect-research project (2004-2006). The collecting have been conducted in four National Parks (Tam Dao, Cuc Phuong, Ba Be, and Bach Ma) Given results of the survey in the North of Vietnam from 2002 to 2006, 816 species of Lepidoptera classified by 4 families; Noctuidae (564 species), Pyraloidae (201 species), Sphingidae (28 species), and Lecithoceridae (23 species). Many of the identified species of macro-moths including Noctuidae, Pyraloidae and Lecithoceridae are known as the very newest one in Vietnam.
        2003.03 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A total of 22 species belonging to nine genera of the tribes Phenacoccini, Rhizoecini, and Sphaerococcini (Sternorrhyncha: Pseudococcidae) are noted in Korea, with descriptions and illustrations for full grown female. Among them, three species, Heliococcus puerariae sp. nov., Heliococcus zoysiae sp. nov., and Phenacoccus rubicola sp. nov., are new to science, and four species, Coccura comari (Kilnow, 1880), Heliococcus kuriensis Danzig, 1971, Puto erigeroneus (Kanda, 1959), and Puto orientalis Danzig, 1978, are reported for the first time from the Korean Peninsula, and a species is newly known from South Korea. Eleven species, which previously recorded in Korea, have not been found from South Korea during this study.
        2002.06 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Three Ethmia species have been found in new materials from Korea: Ethmia comitella Caradja, 1927 (= Ethmia xanthopleura Meyrick, 1931, syn. n.; Ethmia comitella steppella Dubatolov, Ustjuzhanin & Zintschenko, 1997, syn. n.), Ethmia septempunctata (Christoph, 1882), and Ethmia cirrhocnemia (Lederer, 1870) found at the Korea-China border. Taxonomic comments and new distribution data of these three species are given, with illustrations of male and female genitalia.
        2000.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국産 거저리科 모래거저리屬에 속하는 2屬 (모래거저리屬과 작은모래거저리屬)에 대하여 현재가지 기록되어온 보고서들을 종합하고 과거 생물상보고서들의 기록 표본을 확인한 결과 2속 15종이 기록되어 왔으며 이들에 대하여 분류학적 재검토를 실시하였다. 그 가운데 Gonocephalum sabulosum은 Opatrum subaratum의 변이를 오동정 해 온 것으로 판단하여 제외시켰고 G. japanum, G. bilineatum, G. outreyi, G. malayanum의 국내 표본은 확인하지 못하고 국외 표본을 비교 관찰하여 본 논문에서는 총 2속 14종을 보고하는 바이다. 각 종의 연구사 및 국내외 분포지역을 서술하였고 Gonocepahalum속의 검색표는 문헌 및 실제 표본을 검토하여 작성하였으며 표본을 확인한 종들의 성충사진과 해부가 가능한 웅성 외부생식기 사진을 청부하였다.
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