
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 108

        2015.02 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        북미 교회에서 현대의 교회론에 관한 담론 중에 ‘선교적 교회’가 일종의 구호가 되어버렸는데, 한국 교회에도 점진적으로 영향력이 확대되고 있다. 하지만 선교적 교회의 신학담론은 많이 제시되고 있지 만, 그 실천 양상에 대해서는 논의가 더욱 확대되어야 할 것으로 보인다. 따라서 본 논문은 선교적 교회론의 신학적 기초와 미국교회에서 선교적 교회가 실천적으로 어떻게 적용되고 있는지에 대한 양태를 연구하였다. 본 연구를 통해 드러난 것은 미국에서 선교적 교회론은 과거의 선교적/ 교회론적 담론을 계승할 뿐 아니라 심화시켰다는 점이다. 또한 그 실천은 여전히 진행형이지만 다양하게 적용되는 양태를 보이고 있다. 실천양태를 통해 이원론적 접근방식의 극복과 균형진 문화적 적절성, 인식학적 겸손의 강조, 예수의 삶과 예수의 가르침에 대한 균형 잡힌 숙고, 성육신적 실천과 기하급수적 성장 사이의 균형이 필요함을 제시 했다. 선교적인 함의로는 한국교회에 대한 분석에 앞서 한국 사회에 대한 선교사회학적 분석이 필요하며 네트워크화한 집단논의를 통하여 선교적 교회 지표에 대한 합의가 필요함을 제시했다. 이런 지표들이 설정된다면 선교적 교회론의 방향성을 제시하는 역할을 할 것이다. 이 과정에서 이론과 실천이 한 방향이 아니라 양방향으로 작용하여야 한다. 이는 이론을 실천하는 과정과 결과를 모니터링하여 보완된 신학 적 이론이 새로운 실천되도록 하는 순환구조를 의미한다. 그런 순환구 조와 다양한 적용의 가능성을 열어두는 것은 실천가들이 전통적인 교회론적 가치들을 선교적 교회 신학의 관점에서 재해석하고 창조적으 로 새로운 적용을 하도록 만들 것이다. 선교적 교회론은 여전히 종말론 적인 목표를 지향하고 있는 순례과정이기 때문이다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        한국 역사 속에서 종교들은 대체로 평화롭게 공존하였으나 기독교 유입 이후 기독교와 다른 종교들 간 관계는 점차 갈등관계나 다원주의로의 양극화 또는 무관심이라는 양상을 띠어 왔다. 종교다원주의는 교회의 근간인 성경의 진리됨을 일종의 은유와 신화 또는 성경 저자들의 고백이라 주장하고 그리스도가 예수를 포함한 여러 이름이라는 주장으로 복음을 모호하게 한다. 반면 다른 종교들에 대한 부정적인 태도는 사회적 대립과 갈등으로 확산되기도 하여 왔다. 본고는 종교간 대립과 갈등의 부분에 관심을 두고 이에 주목한다. 현재 인류가 직면한 문제들 중 하나는 인종과 종교 집단, 국적에 따라 나뉘어 곳곳에서 갈등을 넘어 폭력 분쟁이 발생하고 있는 것이다. 세계 속에서 종교대립이 살인과 테러, 전쟁으로까지 표출되고 있는 것에 비하여 정도에 있어 차이를 보이긴 하지만, 한국에도 종교적 갈등과 반목으로 인한 사회적 갈등이 존재하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 것에 비하여 정도에 있어 차이를 보이긴 하지만, 한국에도 종교적 갈등과 반목으로 인한 사회적 갈등이 존재하고 있는 것이 사실이다. 한국의 교회는 배타적 또는 대립적 태도로 인하여 발생하는 오늘날의 사회적 문제들을 직시하고, 이를 해결하기 위한 노력을 기울일 것이 요구된다. 이에 따라 본고는 종교간 관계의 문제와 요인들을 분석하고 선교적 교회의 본질에 입각하여 종교관계를 위한 교회의 역할을 고찰한다. 더불어 종교신학적 입장에서 정체성의 신학을 제시하며 이를 중심으로 종교관계의 나아갈 바를 보인다. 이를 위하여 십자가의 배타성 뿐 아니라, 전 인류를 구원하고자 하는 하나님의 사랑을 내포하고 있는 십자가의 포용성을 강조하며, 교회가 세상으로 보냄을 받은 사도적 사명을 받은 존재임에 주목한다. 보냄을 받은 공동체인 교회는 사회로 나아가 문화와 종교와 소통하고 관계하며 예수 그리스도의 몸으로서 그리스도의 정신을 좆아 대립과 폭력이 아닌 치유와 평화의 사도로서의 역할을 해야 함을 강조한다. 이는 교회의 통전적 제자화와 증인됨을 말하며, 또한 교회 내에만 국한되는 것이 아닌 세상과의 소통과 치유가 있는, 세상이 있는 제자화와 증인됨이다. 본고는 교회가 종교다원주의를 지양하고, 정체성의 신학을 통하여 종교관계에 있어 자신의 헌신을 분명히 함으로써 진정하고 의미 있는 대화와 관계를 이룰 것을 촉구한다. 세상에 있으나 세상에 속하여 있는 것이 아닌 정체성은 십자가가 드러낸 자신을 내어줌이며 이는 우리 자신을 다른 사람들에게 내어 주고 그들을 받아들이는, 타자를 위한 그리고 타자와 함께 하는 정체성이다. 더불어 교회가 자기부인, 약함과 겸손, 사랑에 근거한 성육신적 열림, 사회참여 및 협력을 통하여 세상에서의 하나님의 사역에 동참할 것을 강조한다. 교회는 세상과 많은 접촉점, 만남의 자리, 공통점을 지니지만 영적인 타협은 없어야 하며, 종교적 이상과 대치되는 부분들에 관하여 그 다름을 지적할 수 있어야 함을 주지한다.
        2014.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        이 글은 예수회 본국의 예술신학과 예술교육이 중국이라는 선교지의 예술선교 방식에 어떤 영향 주었는지를 17세기경 중국에서 만들어진 엠블럼 북의 제작과 이에 대한 중국인들의 반응을 살펴봄을 통해 고찰해 보았다. 이를 위해 2장에서는 예수회의 예술신학과 예술교육에 대해 살펴보았다. 기존에 예수회의 ‘예술신학’(Art Theology)이라는 이름으로 정의되지 않았던 예수회의 예술에 관한 신학적 관점을 ‘예술신학’이라는 이름으로 정의하고 두 가지 정도로 정리하였다. 하나는 토마스 아퀴나스(Thomas Aquinas)의 신학에 담겨진 아름다움과 예술에 관한 함의이다. 아퀴나스는 현실세계가 선한 하나님이 창조한 세계이며 하나님의 진리와 선, 아름다움을 반영하고 있다고 보았다. 따라서 아퀴나스는 예술이 자연을 모방하는 것은 신적 창조의 아름다움을 파악하고 자연 안에서 지속적으로 나타나는 하나님의 창조를 모방하는 행위로서 가치 있게 여겼다. 피조물을 재현한 예술작품은 세상을 창조한 하나님을 계시하는 하나의 도구로 쓰일 수 있다고 보았으나 이것은 오로지 하나님의 은총에 의해서만 가능한 것이라고 본다. 다른 하나는 예수회의 ‘영적 이미지’(spiritual images)라는 이론으로서, 사람들의 마음에 복음을 피조물의 이미지를 통해 은유적으로 이해시키고 각인시켜서 하나님께 더 가까이 나아가도록 도움을 줄 수 있다는 이론이었다. 이러한 예술신학적인 관점에 따라 예수회에서는 이미지를 활용하여 신앙을 교육하고, 예수회 대학에서 원근법을 가르쳐서 복음을 전하고 회원들과 신자들의 신앙을 향상시키고자 하였다. 또한 엠블럼 북과 같은 삽화와 이에 대한 해설을 곁들인 책들이 유럽 본국에 널리 전파되고 유행하였다. 3장에서는 예수회의 예술신학과 예술교육의 내용들이 중국이라는 선교지에서도 적용되어 반영되는 과정을 17세기에 유럽에서 파송된 선교사들이 중국에 가서 제작했던 중국말로 번역된 도해와 중국적인 모티브와 양식이 가미된 엠블럼 북들을 통해 살펴본다. 그 중에서도 기울리오 알레니(Giulio Aleni)가 중국에서 제작한 『천주강생출상경해』(Tianzhu Jiangsheng Chuxiang Jingjie)는 유럽에서 제롬 나달(Gerome Nadal)이 만든 『그림으로 된 복음 이야기』(Evangelicae Historie Imagines)에 관한 그림에서 몇 점을 뽑아서 예수의 생애를 중국인들에게 소개한 책이다. 알레니는 유럽의 언어로 되어 있는 그림의 해설 부분을 중국어로 번역하였고, 그림도 완전하지는 않지만 중국적인 표현을 서양양식과 혼합하여 표현하였다. 이러한 이미지는 유교라는 현실주의적 세계관을 가진 중국인들에게 예수의 생애의 초자연적인 부분들을 보여줌으로써 당대 유교 사대부들로부터 글을 모르는 일반적인 중국인들에게 커다란 관심을 불러일으켰다. 이러한 예수회의 예술신학과 예술교육이 중국 예술선교의 방식과 상호작용한 사례에 대한 고찰은 예술선교나 사역이 활발히 진행되고 있는 한국의 개신교와 한국의 중국선교 상황에 몇 가지 시사점을 제공해 준다. 먼저 개신교의 예술신학과 예술교육의 연구 기반을 좀 더 확고히 하는 가운데 예술 선교사역이 이루어져야 한다는 것이다. 이를 위해 이러한 예술 신학적이고 예술교육의 이론적인 측면이 신학교 커리큘럼에 좀 더 반영되어야 한다는 점이다. 이처럼 예술신학과 예술선교가 서로 영향을 줌으로써 복음이 들어가는 다양한 문화 속에서 한층 더 방향성 있고 풍성한 방식으로 소통할 수 있게 될 것이다.
        2014.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        대럴 구더는 자신의 신학 방향을 선교와 신학이라는 두 개의 개별적인 학문의 분야에서 선교적 신학(Missional Theology)으로의 전환으로 두고 있다. 또한 구더는 기독교세계(Christendom)에서 형성된 서구의 전통적인 교회론이 선교적으로 변화되어야 한다고 주장한다. 오랜 기간 동안 기독교세계의 신학은 거의 선교를 주요 주제로 다루지 않았다. 그리고 북미의 축소주의는 예수 그리스도의 복음을 개인적인 것으로 축소하였고, 더 나아가서 복음의 본질인 증거의 삶을 선택사항으로 만들었다. 구더는 선교적 신학의 관심은 복음전도를 향한 전적인 헌신으로, 그것은 그리스도의 부르심으로 사람을 낚는 어부가 되고 하나님의 선교에 동참하고 이 땅에 그분의 개입하시는 통치(inbreaking reign)에 참여하는 것이다. 구더에게 선교적 해석학은 본질적으로 예수 그리스도 교회의 선교적 소명이라는 면에서 말씀을 해석하는 것으로 사도적 증언을 지속하는 공동체의 선교적 소명을 기록한 문서로 신약성경을 해석한다. 그리고 구더는 니케아 공의회에 네 가지 교회 표징들을 북미에 있는 주요 교단들의 감소와 오늘날 에큐메니칼 운동이 갖는 어려움을 극복하는 선교적 연계성의 대안으로 제안하였다. 구더는 북미 기독교의 도전이 선교가 있는 교회에서 선교적 교회로 전환하는 것이라고 주장하였다. 그 의미는 해외선교를 열심히 하자는 것도, 국내선교에 매진하자는 것도 아니고 교회의 본질인 하나님의 선교를 회복하는 것이다. 그로 인해 북미의 교회들은 그리스도 안의 성령에 의해 축소주의를 극복하고 사도적 사명을 감당해야 한다.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The aim of this thesis is to outline the history of the mission of the Korean Church in Thailand and its characteristics, tasks and mission theological issues so that the thesis searches for the way of the mission of the Korean Church to contributing to the unity and empowerment of the Church of Thailand. To achieve this aim, the thesis deals with the social characteristics and value systems of Thai society and the history of the mission of Roman Catholics and of Protestants. Through suggesting the contour of the history of the mission of the Korean Church in Thailand, some characteristics of the mission of Korean Church are church plant, church-centered passion, project-centered and materialistic mission, and independent seminaries. Tasks of the mission of Korean Church in Thailand are acceptance of Thai Christians' critiques on Korean missionaries, Korean missionaries' understanding of Thai culture in depth, meagerness and lack of mission strategies, halt in mission, missionary kids' education, partnership in mission, acceptance of difference of Thai church culture, understanding of the missionary tasks from the socio-cultural and religious situation of Thai church, and theological issues. The main results of the research are as follows: first of all, there are two kinds of church in Thailand: one belongs to the Church of Christ in Thailand, the other to the Evangelical Fellowship of Thailand. Some Korean missionaries, however, established independent denominations and ran seminaries so that those denominations and seminaries obstructed the unity of Church in Thailand. These activities of Korean Church cannot be regarded as mission. Secondly, Korean missionaries to Thailand should not transplant the culture of the Korean Church to Thailand. Rather with Thai Church leaders, their missionary tasks are looking for the ways of how to communicate and share the Gospel with Buddhist Thais and identifying the appropriate ecclesiology in Buddhist society. Thirdly, the future of the mission of Korean Church to Thailand depends on whether Korean missionaries could expand the model of the partnership in mission done by the missionaries belonged to the Presbyterian Church of Korea to the relation between the Church of Thailand and Korean missionaries. Lastly, such an expansion of the model of the partnership in mission will be possible only when the ecumenical churches and the evangelical churches can reach a common conclusion through coming to an agreement on the theological issues such as human-centered theology, religious pluralism and mission methods and mission theology in the Buddhist country.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        World evangelization needs to be conducted by both older churches (sending churches) and younger churches (receiving churches) because the distinction between the former and the latter has disappeared. God uses great resources from the younger churches for world evangelization.The church, defined as all Christian churches without regard to denominational distinction, needs to understand the urgency of the evangelistic task. More than two-thirds of mankind have yet to be evangelized and there is a great receptivity to the gospel in many parts of the world. The church should be ashamed that so many souls have been neglected and unreached for Christ.The church needs to understand the significance of evangelism as it relates to different world cultures. Missionaries need to be sensitive to different cultures through which the gospel can be effectively communicated to different people groups. The gospel message needs to be presented in such a way that it can be meaningful to the people.The church needs to develop indigenous leadership to enable native leaders in every country to evangelize their people, plant the indigenous churches according to their needs, and extend God's kingdom. Christian leaders are not born but made through appropriate training and education. The church needs to follow Jesus Christ in terms of making disciples of all nations.The church needs to understand the spiritual conflict involved when the church is active in world evangelization. Churches are engaged in constant spiritual warfare with the principalities and powers of evil seeking to overthrow the Lord's church and frustrate its mission of world evangelization. The church needs to equip itself with the word of God and prayer.The church needs to understand the importance of religious freedom and the seriousness of religious persecution throughout the world. The church needs to pray for world leaders and call upon them to guarantee freedom of thought, conscience, and freedom to practice and propagate religion according to God's will. The church needs to understand the power of the Holy Spirit and to believe the Holy Spirit will help the church to effectively carry out world evangelization. World evangelization calls for conviction of sin, faith in Christ, a new birth, and Christian growth. The church needs to be filled with the Holy Spirit to become the true missionary church.The church needs to believe in the imminent return of the Lord Jesus Christ to consummate His salvation and His judgement. The church needs to remember that God will perfect His kingdom which anticipates the new heaven and new earth where righteousness will dwell and God will rule forever.The Lausanne Movement for World Evangelization is based on the Great Commission and the Great Commandment. The Lausanne theology of missions is based upon the Lausanne Covenant, the Manila Manifesto, and the Capetown Commitment which were officially adopted as the promise, the declaration, and the devotion of the church to carry out the world evangelization until the return of Jesus Christ.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        There had been many influential protestant missionaries in the last 130 years in the history of the Korean Protestant missionaries but there had not been one who was more influential then John Ross from Scotland. John Ross was not only a missionary in China, but he made the Korean translation of the New Testament. A publication which already existed in Korea years before the American Protestant missionaries came to Korea. It is very rare for any country to have such a missional history of this manner. Nevertheless, the fact remains that there is very minimal data about John Ross in the Korean Church history. In this paper, the Fulfillment Theology from the position of the Missiological Theology is dealt with as we try to better understand John Ross. As he witnessed the emphasize of the Confucianism’s ancestral worship in China, he began to better understood the Fulfillment Theology from the position of the Missiological Theology.In this paper, the life and ministry of John Ross along with his missiological attitude towards other religion and the relationship of Confucianism and Christianity are dealt with. In particular, this paper deals with the efforts of John Ross as he searched for the contact point of Christianity in Confucianism and his desire to lead the contact point to Jesus Christ in his work. His method was to increase the efficiency of the witness of the Gospel.John Ross, in his 39 years of missionary work in China baptized over 4000. And through his faithful efforts his work is still evident in China today as DongGuan Church and DongBook Seminary in Shenyang, China are actively operating. Thus, there is a great significance in studying the Fulfillment Theology from the position of Ross's Missiological Theology. If we obtain a better understanding of Ross's Missiological Theology, it will not only be beneficial to Christianity but essential in witnessing to other religions. The literature review method was used for this paper, as major writings of Ross and primary data founded was used. In addition, to gain a better understanding of John Ross and his work, Ross's home and his grave site in Scotland was visited 10 times and his main mission field, Shenyang, China 15 times.
        2013.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Willem Adolf Visser ’t Hooft was born on 1900 in Netherland and moved into Geneva in 1924 in order to work with YMCA as a general secretary. From 1928, he also was involved in World Student Christian Federation and became an editor of The Student World. Then he worked in World Council of Churches from 1938 to 1966 as a general secretary. He published The Ecumenical Review and was the editor of it from 1948. He hosted many ecumenical meetings, including Evanston (1954) and New Delhi (1961) WCC General Assembly and actively participated in lecturing and writing in the world. Although he was born in the West and had been educated in the West, he humbly accepted the sinful nature of Western churches. He acknowledged they had been affected by syncretism, pluralism, and Neo-paganism. Hooft understood the church in two different dimensions. One is that church is a spiritual community which gets salvation by Christ, becomes a new creature (I Cor. 5: 17), and lives in the Kingdom of God in the eschatological hope. The other is that church is a sinful human organization. Especially, Western churches have compromised the Gospel of Christ with many contemporary philosophy, theory, ideology, and other religions. In such a situation, church should be renewed. Hooft argued that the authentic church’s renewal is not an event or program that can be acquired, but it is an ongoing process in relationship with God. In other words, the renewal of churches does not rely on human’s endeavor or achievement, but the sovereignty of God. He is the subject of churches’ renewal and each church is in His hands. In terms of this perspective, He leads churches’ renewal and churches should pay attention to His will and ways towards other churches. In this sense, according to Hooft, the first step of renewal, is repentance before God. Then churches should listen carefully to the Word of God. The renewals cannot be done in a certain amount of time; rather it is a lifelong process in the living God. Hooft insisted on that the renewal of churches should be visible, tangible, and concrete in this world. In that sense, Hooft emphasized the unity of churches. People have been separated, but Christ never. If Christians believe that Christ creates churches, they are one body. They cannot be divided in Christ, although they have different backgrounds. If Hooft’s claim is true, the unity of churches should be manifested in this world. Again, unity of churches is not an event or political project; rather it is an ongoing process in relationship with God. He is an initiator of churches’ unity and He is the One who finalizes in His time. It does mean that the unity of churches should grow up “from” Christ “to” Christ. In conclusion, Hooft focused on the missional nature of church in terms of fulfilling the renewal and unity of churches. He said that the problems of church unity are supremely relevant to the evangelistic and missionary tasks in the world. In addition, Hooft claimed that the renewal of the Church implies, therefore also that the Church rediscovers its apostolic, missionary character. For Hooft, the Church is the missionary Church, because it is the instrument of God’s world-embracing plan of salvation.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The purpose of this article is to investigate the understanding on the workers of mission in ecumenical theology. Since mission is an action for the Kingdom of God, it is important to understand who is in charge of this work for an effective ministry. In the past, the church thought that the major agents of mission are ‘the church’ or ‘the chosen people.’ However, after the second world war, the ecumenical theology started to see the worker of mission more in a wider view including various organizations in the world. In this paper, first I tried to find out from what motivation the new view came out. They were the following perceptions: 1) the church realized that the church, the major agent of mission, committed serious sins especially during the two world wars, 2) due to the impact of Missio Dei, the church came to see that the workers of mission are not just the church but also many other institutions in the world, 3) the church came to change its view on the world from a target of mission to a coworker of mission. With this kind of background, the ecumenical theology tends to see the workers of mission as the triune God himself, the various institutions in the world used by God, lay people, and the poors. This kind of understanding contains various strengths and weaknesses. It might be helpful for the church to break its arrogance and self-centered attitude. Also it can help the church to cooperate with the world in carrying out the mission, and to keep going forward toward the ideal direction of mission. However, this view contains some weaknesses as well. As it emphasizes God as the major worker of mission too much, it can reduce the church's responsibility and enthusiasm for mission. As it pursues cooperation with the world, it can bring a result of weakening the identity of the church also. As it includes the world, which is not concerned and interested about God, as a major worker of mission, the church can fall into a trap of idealism and as a result of this it can cause enfeeblement of mission. If these kinds of weaknesses are compensated properly, the ecumenical view on the workers of mission would be helpful for building up the church for world mission.
        2013.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The theology of religions, which examines theologically the meaning of other religions and their relationships, is important, but controversial issue in theological world. In the religiously pluralistic society, Christians who are participating in the interaction with other religions should be attentive to the theology of religions and have rules and principles. In the era of the Enlightenment and modernism, the radical continuity between the natural and supernatural and between God and humans was also connected to continuity among religions, and relativity and the seeds of pluralism were highly fostered beyond Augustinian exclusivism. However, Karl Barth rejected mancentered theology in modern context and liberalism, which made religion a matter of this world by magnifying humans at the expense of God. For Barth, there is no natural theology as a point of contact between God and humanity, and rather there is total discontinuity between them standing in opposition to each other. This article especially focuses on Barth’s theology of religions which is described as complex and self-contradictory and gives some missiological implications. On the one hand, in Barth’s rejecting natural theology or general revelation and regarding religion, which is contradicted to revelation, as unbelief, his theology does not seem to be helpful for the dialogical basis with other religions. However, on the other hand, by the view in his later writings, Barth’s theology provides for a more positive and implicit view of the religions. In the doctrine of reconciliation of Barth, God’s self-revelation could not be confined to the realm of the Christianity, and other lights and words which come from outside the Christian church are in some sense represent a view on God’s revelation. Furthermore, relational aspects in Barth’s theology based on imago Dei builds a common ground for inter-religious interaction. On the whole, Barth is not only in commitment to the Christian faith, but also in profound openness toward other religions beyond outright denial. However, in making theology relevant to contexts, Barth cautions against losing the faithfulness to the Word of God or the distinctiveness of the Christian message. Barth’s theology of religions is a guidepost in this respect today.
        2012.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        John Knox has been known as a Reformer of Scotland and studies on him have been mainly carried out in relation to John Calvin. Although there is no literal mention of ‘mission’ in his works, we can find that missiological concepts are abundant in his articles and letters. Firstly, the Scots Confession, which was drawn up under his influence in 1560, has an obvious missionary purpose. The preface and last sentence of the Scots Confession is to bear witness to the Gospel into all the nations. Secondly, Knox’s ecclesiology resembles that of John Calvin, with its particular emphasis on ‘ecclesiastical discipline’ for witnessing the Gospel. For him, the Church, which God raises up and fosters for His own purpose, is universal and ecumenical; the state, on the other hand, only exists as a means to protect and propagate the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Therefore, he advocates a theocracy in order to establish a ‘universal Christian fellowship’ within Scotland. He also advocates social reform and stresses the need for universal compulsory education including girls’ education. Finally, he strived to return the Bible back to the ordinary people from the ecclesiastical authorities, urged people to read the Bible everyday and do group study at least twice a week. This was to kindle a fire of the Gospel in Scotland. In this aspect, he should be called a ‘Scottish Reformer’ rather than a Reformer of Scotland. He was truly an ‘inland missionary of Scotland’.
        2012.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Hendrik Kraemer (18881965) was one of the outstanding Christian thinkers and activists in the 20th century. He studied linguistics and relgions in University of Leiden, Netherlands, and Islam and Arabic in University of Al Azhar, Egypt. After acquiring those academic training, he went to Indonesia to help translating Alkitab, the Indonesian Bible. In 1937 Kraemer came back to Netherlands and became a professor of comparative religion in University of Leiden. After spending 10 years in there, he was appointed as the first director of the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey near Geneva. In his latter years (19561957) he was invited from Union Theological Seminary in New York as a guest lecture. The most significant contribution of Kraemer is to define the meaning of revelation of God in relation to other religions. He insisted that God is only and perfectly revealed himself in Jesus Christ according to the Bible. Any other religion or philosophy cannot influence to the revelation of God at all. This is the basic concept of Biblical Realism. Christianity is clearly distinguished from other religions, but simultaneously Kraemer warned a superiority of Christianity over them. Kraemer claimed that the nature of church is both mission and diakonia. In and through missionary activity church reveals her reason for existence. Church should be “WorldCentered” rather than “Being ChurchCentered.” If she mainly emphasizes her own organization instead of ‘World,’ it is a betrayal of calling. In that sense, the role of lay people is crucial. According to Kraemer, the definition of lay people is different. They are not a group of people who contrast to ordained pastors, but a chosen people of God. As a lay person, Kraemer paid attention to roles of them in relation to mission in Islamic context. They should participate in the mission of God in everyday and everyplace.
        2011.11 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The intention of this thesis is to explain the concept of missional church planting and explore its theological foundations. The concept is designed to draw out effective practices for church planting based on the proposition that the church is intrinsically missional. In my opinion, the biggest problem of the Korean church’s church planting ministries is the lack of theological reflection. The Korean church has focused only on techniques and methods of church planting, most of them being reckless. However, such reckless methods have stopped working since the 1990s when the Korean church began to stagnate and lose its social influence. In addition, there is a need for new paradigms that are better suited to the spread of postmodern culture in the Korean society. Church planting is a core ministry in evangelizing to the world according to God’s will. However, it could be an obstacle to God’s mission if it falls into ecclesiastical expansionism without the right missiological perspective. In order to construct the concept of missional church planting, I suggest five key thoughts: (1) creative ministries beyond mere church planting, (2) recognizing the missional essence of the church, (3) orienting towards the fulfillment of the Great Commission, (4) adjusting to the cultural environment, (5) growing dynamically and reproducing daughter churches. I also suggest the concepts of both the organic church and the missional church for constructing the ecclesiology of missional church planting. On one hand, an organic church based on the biblical concept of ‘the body of Christ’ secures healthy growth from its organic life and inner dynamics; as a natural result, it emphasizes planting new churches. The church as an organism has a duty of reproducing other churches; such a duty is divided into hiving off and supporting. On the other hand, a missional church is founded on the fact that mother churches as well as newly planted churches have an apostolic mandate toward the world. Furthermore, the concept of missional churches plays a role of a rudder, explaining what a church should be, what it should do, and how it should organize itself for the purpose of performing its apostolate.
        2010.07 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
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