
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 189

        2007.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The characteristics of the rainfall events on the Korean peninsula have been investigated by means of regional and global observational data collected from 1954 to 2004 with an emphasis on extreme cases 80 mm day-1. According to our analysis, long-term annual rainfall anomalies show an increasing trend. This trend is pronounced in the month of August, when both the amount of monthly rainfall and the frequency of extreme events increase significantly. Composite maps on August during the 8 wet years reveal warm SST anomalies over the eastern Philippine Sea which are associated with enhanced convection and vertical motion and intensified positive SLP over central Eurasia during August. The rainfall pattern suggests that the most significant increase in moisture supply over the southern parts of China and Korea in August is associated with positive SLP changes over Eurasia and negative SLP changes over the subtropical western Pacific off the east coast of south China. The frequent generation of typhoons over the warm eastern Philippine Sea and their tracks appear to influence the extreme rainfall events in Korea during the month of August. The typhoons in August mainly passed the western coast of Korea, resulting in the frequent occurrence of extreme rainfall events in this region. Furthermore, anomalous cyclonic circulations over the eastern Philippine Sea also promoted the generation of tropical cyclones. The position of pressure systems - positive SLP over Eurasia and negative SLP over the subtropical Pacific - in turn provided a pathway for typhoons. The moisture is then effectively transported further north toward Korea and east toward the southern parts of China during the extreme rainfall period.
        2005.10 구독 인증기관·개인회원 무료
        2005.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        This study aims to analyze functions and characteristics of 'Cha-il(遮日)' which was used at ritual events(宮中儀禮行事) in the Joseon dynasty, Joseon dynasty had many ritual events related with O-Rae(五禮). Cha-il was almost used at important ritual events, especially at the congratulatory events. The congratulatory events(宮中宴享) are the representative events were held with many temporary install facilities(假設施設) in a palace. Cha-il was a kind of Korean traditional membrane structures. Cha-il was set up for cutting off interior space from sunlight and rain. In general, Cha-il was Consisted of Cha-il-jang(遮日帳:woven fabric), Cha-il-jook(遮日竹:bamboo column), some ropes, and fixing wares. In the congratulatory events, three types of Cha-il. were set up. Baek-mok-Dae-Cha-il(白木大遮日)was made of cotton cloth. Yu-Dun-Cha-Il(油芚遮日) was made of oiled paper or oiled cotton cloth. Man-Joen-Cha-Il(滿箭遮日) consisted of wooden structure. Baek-mok-Dae-Cha-il(白木大遮日)was set up on the most important area of stage for protecting from sunlight. Yu-Dun-Cha-Il was set up on less important area of stage for protecting from sunlight and rain. Man-Joen-Cha-Il was set up below Baek-mok-Dae-Cha-il for supporting and draining raindrops off. The results of this study were as follows; Functions of Cha-il were to protect ritually space from sunlight and rain, and to extend ritually space, and to reconstruct ritually space. Cha-il was the peculiar temporary install facility which differed from other countries.
        2005.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        2004.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        복숭아순나방 성페로몬(Z8-12AC : E8-12AC : Z8-12OH = 95 : 5 : 1) 처리량에 따른 수컷 성충 유인수 및 페로몬 총량 1.0mg-미끼의 유인력 지속기간을 포장조건에서 평가하였다. 또한 수원지역 복숭아과원에서 연간 복숭아순나방 페로몬 유살량 및 계절초기 알 발생밀도 등 기초 생태자료를 이용하여 주요 발생시기별 적산온도를 산출하였다. 복숭아순나방은 실험을 실시한 페로몬 처리량 0.1-4.0mg 범위에서 처리량이 증가할수록 유인수가 감소하였다. 0.1 mg-미끼에 가장 많은 수컷성충이 유인되었고, 0.5-4.0mg 범위에서는 통계적으로 유인수의 차이가 없었다. 1.0mg-미끼를 이용하여 20일 간격으로 미끼를 교체한 트랩과 교체하지 않은 트랩 간 수컷 유인수를 조사한 결과 약 50일까지 서로 차이가 없었으나, 그 후에는 미끼를 교체하지 않은 트랩에 더 많은 수컷 성충이 유인되는 경향을 보였다. 복숭아순나방 초발생일까지 적산온도는 1월 1일부터 이상 평균 대기온도를 누적했을 때 약 39DD 이었다. 또한 초발일 기준 각 발생최성기까지 누적된 적산온도는 1세대 98 DD, 2세대 620DD, 3세대 1233DD, 4세대 1916DD 이었다. 1세대 성충 발생최성기에서 알 밀도 최성기까지는 약 130DD 차이가 있었고, 2세대 성충 발생최성기와 알 발생최성기는 비슷한 시기에 나타났다. 기타 복숭아과원에서 복숭아순나방 방제 전략에 대하여 고찰하였다.
        2002.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        PM (Particulate Matter) samples contained fungal spores were collected in the ambient air of Seosan, west Korea, in springtime of 2000 and 2001. PM concentrations were 199.8μg m-3 in the 1st Asian Dust Storm period (March, 23 ~ 24) and 249.4μ
        2000.10 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As an efficient method to detect blending of general gravitational microlensing events, it is proposed to measure the shift of source star image centroid caused by microlensing. The conventional method to detect blending by this method is measuring the difference between the positions of the source star image point spread function measured on the images taken before and during the event (the PSF centroid shift, δθc,PSF). In this paper, we investigate the difference between the centroid positions measured on the reference and the subtracted images obtained by using the difference image analysis method (DIA centroid shift, δθc.DIA), and evaluate its relative usefulness in detecting blending over the conventional method based on δθc,PSF measurements. From this investigation, we find that the DIA centroid shift of an event is always larger than the PSF centroid shift. We also find that while δθc,PSF becomes smaller as the event amplification decreases, δθc.DIA remains constant regardless of the amplification. In addition, while δθc,DIA linearly increases with the increasing value of the blended light fraction, δθc,PSF peaks at a certain value of the blended light fraction and then eventually decreases as the fraction further increases. Therefore, measurements of δθc,DIA instead of δθc,PSF will be an even more efficient method to detect the blending effect of especially of highly blended events, for which the uncertainties in the determined time scales are high, as well as of low amplification events, for which the current method is highly inefficient.
        2000.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        The lens mass determined from the photometrically obtained Einstein time scale suffers from large uncertainty due to the lens parameter degeneracy. The uncertainty can be substantially reduced if the mass is determined from the lens proper motion obtained from astrometric measurements of the source image centroid shifts, δθc δθc , by using high precision interferometers from space-based platform such as the Space Interferometry Mission (SIM), and ground-based interferometers soon available on several 8-10m class telescopes. However, for the complete resolution of the lens parameter degeneracy it is required to determine the lens parallax by measuring the parallax-induced deviations in the centroid shifts trajectory, Δδθc Δδθc aloe. In this paper, we investigate the detectabilities of δθc δθc and Δδθc Δδθc by determining the distributions of the maximum centroid shifts, f(δθc,max) f(δθc,max) , and the average maximum deviations, (<Δδc,max>) (<Δδc,max>) , for different types of Galactic microlensing events caused by various masses. From this investigation, we find that as long as source stars are bright enough for astrometric observations it is expected that f(δθc) f(δθc) for most events caused by lenses with masses greater than 0.1 M⨀ M⨀ regardless of the event types can be easily detected from observations by using not only the SIM (with a detection threshold but also the δθth\~3μas) δθth\~3μas) but also the ground-based interferometers (withδθth\~3μas) (withδθth\~3μas) . However, from ground-based observations, it will be difficult to detect Δδθc Δδθc for most Galactic bulge self-lensing events, and the detection will be restricted only for small fractions of disk-bulge and halo-LMC events for which the deviations are relatively large. From observations by using the SIM, on the other hand, detecting Δδθc Δδθc will be possible for majority of disk and halo events and for a substantial fraction of bulge self-lensing events. For the complete resolution of the lens parameter degeneracy, therefore, SIM observations will be essential.
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