
결과 내 재검색





        검색결과 97

        2000.02 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        농축 우라늄 UF6로 건식법 중의 하나인 DCP법으로 핵연료 UO2+x 분말을 제조하였다. Rotary kiln 내로 수증기를 주입할 때 일어나는 온도 변화에 따른 UO2+x 분말 특성을 우라늄 분석기, 수분 측정기, SEM 등으로 측정하였다. 그 결과 불소의 함유량은 8ppm을 나타냈고, 수분 함량의 경우 최적화되었음을 알 수 있었다.
        1999.12 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Mechanical properties of oxide based materials could be improved by nanocomposite processing. To investigate optimum route for fabrication of nanocomposite enabling mass production, high energy ball milling and Pulse Electric Current Sintering (PECS) were adopted. By high energy ball milling, the -based composite powder with dispersed Cu grains below 20 nm in diameter was successfully synthesized. The PECS method as a new process for powder densification has merits of improved sinterability and short sintering time at lower temperature than conventional sintering process. The relative densities of the -5vol%Cu composites sintered at and with holding temperature of were 95.4% and 95.7% respectively. Microstructures revealed that the composite consisted of the homogeneous and very fine grains of and Cu with diameters less than 40 nm and 20 nm respectively The composite exhibited enhanced toughness compared with monolithic . The influence of the Cu content upon fracture toughness was discussed in terms of microstructural characteristics.
        1998.07 KCI 등재 SCOPUS 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        단사정 HBO2 분막을 무기접착제로 이용하여 선택적 레이저 소결 기술을 적용시켜 알루미나-글래스 복합재료를 제조하였다. 만들어진 green SLS 시험편을 여러 온도에서 열처리하여 글래스-세라믹 복합재료를 얻었다. 글래스의 양이 많을수록 복합재료는 높은 밀도와 높은 굽힘강도를 보여주었다. 열처리 온도 900˚C에서 복합재료는 최대 밀도와 최대 강도를 나타낸다. 이것은 글래스의 낮은 점도로 인한 좋은 유동성 때문에 글래스의 재분배가 이루어졌기에 가능하다고 생각되어진다. 그리고 기공이 많은 열처리한 SLS 시험편에 콜로이드 실리카를 주입시켜 치밀화시켰다.
        1998.03 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Plasma sprayed ceramic coatings are widely used in various industrial fields to improve their properties or to reduce the production cost. The ceramic powders for plasma spray coating have been mainly manufactured by spray drying or fused+crushed process. In this study, chromium oxide which has better mechanical properties than those of the other ceramic was selected and agglomerated chromium oxide powders for plasma spray coating were produced by spray drying process with a various processing condition. The large hollow powders and the harsh surfaced powders are formed at high slurry feed rate more than 163 g/min. and low binder concentration less than 2wt%, respectively. These powders cause the considerable decrease of flowability and apparent density. The powders produced by spray drying process have the spherical shape with the mean size of 45 , but these are shown lower apparent density and flowability than the powders produced by fused+crushed powders. The plasma spray coated layers by spray dried powders are shown a different microstructure with that by fused+crushed powders in porosity shape, but their properties such as density, hardness and bond strength are similar.
        1996.09 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        A series of test were undertaken in order to estabilish the effect of different milling variables on dimension and quality of aluminium flake powder. Milling conditions such as initial powder size, milling container rotation speed, milling time, and ball size were varied to produce aluminium flake powder. Flake powder could then be obtained with size range from 15 m to 40 m with a maximum specific surface area of 5 /g by controlling milling conditions. Diameter of milled powders with different milling container rotation speed and ball size were compared with that obtained from theoretical model. The best flake powder was obtained in milling condition of initial powder with average size of 19 m, mill container rotation speed of 80 rpm, balls of 9.5 mm diameter, and milling time of 40 hours.
        1996.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Using rice husks pulverized by rotating knife cutter, the raw rice husk powder was solution treated by nitric and hydrochloric acids in order to separate phytolith from organic constituents. Because of the strong resistance of organic components of rice husk to acids, the raw powder had to be boiled in concentrated acids up to 300 min. By boiling in nitric acid for 60~120 min, all organic components were resolved while amorphous silica Powder of about 20 nm in size and of higher than 99.8% in purity was left behind. Inferior to the nitric acid, hydrochloric acid was not able to resolve organic component completely leaving unresolved matter of about 40% by weight even after 300 min of boiling. From the acid treatments and impurity analyses, it is considered that most of metallic elements in rice husks are combined to organic components that are easily soluble to acids.
        1995.06 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        As the first step of study on fabrication of ceramic powders from phytoliths in rice, especially in rice husks, pulverization method of rice husks and the properties of milled rice husks were investigated. Impact methods, such as ball milling, were not meaningful for pulverizing elastic and thin fabric structure of rice husks. The most effective one was cutting method. In the present work, a rotating knife cutting method was applied to pulverizing rice husks. A 40-mesh screen was inserted under the rotating knives. The most portion of the milled powder was found in -50/+100 mesh section. Morphology of the milled rice husks revealed that the husks larger than 70 mesh were flake-like shape, at -70/+100 mesh section relatively equi-axed shape, at -170/+325 mesh section rod-like shape, and below 325 mesh section dust-like shape. Tap density of raw rice husks was about 0.1 , while those of milled rice husks were over . This meant that, for a given volume of reactor, raw material charge can be increased more that 4 times when using milled rice husks than unmilled one. True densities of unmilled and milled rice husks were higher than , and increased with decreasing milled sizes.
        1994.04 KCI 등재 구독 인증기관 무료, 개인회원 유료
        Optical microstructures and mechanical properties of Na gas atomized Al-20Si-5Fe alloying powder and its hot extrudates were studied on 3 different types of powder size distribution. This powder showed the size distribution of 10~210㎛. Also the microstructures of α-Al, primary and eutectic Si and needle shaped intermetallic compounds were observed by optical microscope. These needle shaped intermetallic compounds were identified as δ-AI₄FeSi₂ by XRD and EDX analysis. The ultimate tensile strength(UTS) of these alloy extrudates was increased from 324 to 390 MPa with decreasing powder size range from 120~210㎛ to 10~64㎛. A value of Micro-vic-kers hardness was simillar to the result of UTS. These extrudates showed better wear resistance than those of Al-20Si-2X(X : Ni, Cr, Zr), although they are insensitive to the size distribution. These results indicate that the presentation of δ-AI₄FeSi₂ intermetallic compounds contributed to the wear resistance improvement.
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